956 resultados para Sabino, Fernando, 1923-2004. O tabuleiro de damas
Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin kanadalaisen kirjailijan L. M. Montgomeryn (1874 1942) elämää vuosina 1921 1927. Kyseisinä vuosina Montgomery eli presbyteeripapin vaimona maaseutuseurakunnissa, ensin Leaskdalessa ja sitten Norvalissa Kanadan Ontariossa. Tutkimus keskittyi tarkastelemaan kirjailijan elämää hallinnutta ristiriitaa, joka muodostui uskonnollisten ihanteiden ja yksilöllisen kokemuksen välisistä eroavaisuuksista. Primäärilähteinä olivat Montgomeryn toimitetut ja julkaistut päiväkirjat The Selected Journals of L. M. Montgomery 1 5 (1985 2004), joista käytettiin etenkin tutkimusvuosiin keskittyvää kolmatta osaa, Montgomeryn neljä romaania Emily of New Moon (1923), Emily Climbs (1925), Blue Castle (1926) ja Emily's Quest (1927) sekä Montgomeryn toimitettu ja julkaistu kirjeenvaihto After Green Gables: L. M. Montgomery's Letters to Ephraim Weber , 1916 1941 (2006) ja My Dear Mr. M.: Letters to G. B. MacMillan (1980). Lisäksi lähteinä oli Leaskdalen seurakuntalaisten kokoama muistelmateos Montgomerysta. Kirjallisuutta käytettiin kirkkohistorian, kirjallisuudentutkimuksen ja naistutkimuksen alalta. Suositusta kirjailijasta on tehty useampia elämäkertoja ja niitä hyödynnettiin tutkimuksessa. Tutkimus jakautui kahteen päälukuun, jotka toimivat toistensa vastaparina. Ensimmäinen tutkimusluku keskittyi tarkastelemaan uskonnollisia ja viktoriaanisia ihanteita, joiden mukaisesti Montgomery oli saanut kasvatuksen. Hän pyrki täyttämään näitä ihanteita myös pappilan emäntänä. Toinen tutkimusluku tarkasteli kirjailijan elämää, uskonnollisia ajatuksia ja avioliittoa julkisivun takana, jolloin kävi selvästi ilmi kirjailijan kahtiajakautunut elämä. Montgomery sai presbyteerisen ja viktoriaanisen kasvatuksen ja oppi jo lapsena huomioimaan sen, mitä muut ihmiset ajattelevat hänestä. Hän eli pienissä maaseutuyhteisöissä, joissa juoruilu oli yksi kontrollin väline. Papin vaimolla oli velvollisuuksia seurakunnassa ja pappilan hoidossa, ja Montgomery hoiti ne tarmokkaasti ja velvollisuudentuntoisesti. Hänellä oli apulainen pappilassa, jossa arki sujui viikkoaikataulun mukaisesti. Papin vaimon roolin lisäksi Montgomery jatkoi omaa kirjoittamistyötään ja hänen runsaat tulonsa mahdollistivat nelihenkisen perheen monet hankinnat. Hänen avioliittonsa oli vaikea, sillä aviomies kärsi uskonnollisesta melankoliasta ja asia piti salata seurakuntalaisilta. Montgomery käsittelee uskonnollisia teemoja romaaneissaan ja päiväkirjassaan. Hänen uskonnolliset ajatuksensa erosivat presbyteerikirkon opista useassa kohdin. Hän ei uskonut moneenkaan opinkappaleeseen, kohtasi Jumalan ennemmin luonnossa ollessaan yksin kuin kirkossa seurakunnan keskellä sekä ajatteli kristinuskon olevan jäännös menneestä ja tieteen ottaneen sen paikan Jumalan toiminnan kanavana. Kirjailijan ajattelussa on yhtymäkohtia transsendentalismiin, teosofiaan ja darwinismiin. Hän oli innokas psykologisen kirjallisuuden lukija ja sovelsi oppejaan käytäntöön. Hän uskoi unien välittävän viestejä. Kirkkokunta oli hänelle kuitenkin merkittävä identiteetin rakentaja. Papin vaimon roolin ja yksityisesti kriittisen ajattelijan roolin yhteensovittaminen aiheutti Montogmerylle ongelmia ja väsymystä. Hän kätki uskonnolliset ajatuksensa ja yksinäisyyden aiheuttaman kivun päiväkirjaansa, jonka hän toivoi julkaistavan viimeistään kuolemansa jälkeen. Kaikenlainen kirjoittaminen oli hänelle pakoa todellisuudesta ja auttoi häntä jaksamaan. Otsikon sitatti kuvaa Montgomeryn suhdetta kristinuskoon: hän käytti kristillisiä ilmauksia, mutta muokkasi niiden sisältöä omaa uskoaan vastaavaksi. Taivas ja helvetti kuvasivat usein hänen henkistä olotilaansa sanojen uskonnollisen merkityksen sijasta.
Tsunami waves of the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake on 26 December 2004 claimed approximately 230 000 lives and started the biggest identification operation in Interpol's history. The aim of this study was to resolve methods of the identification and results received. The viewpoint is mainly that of forensic odontology, but also includes other means of identification and results of the medico-legal examination performed in Finland. Of the 5395 victims in Thailand, approximately 2 400 were foreigners from 36 nations including 177 Finnish nationals. Additionally, a Finnish woman perished in Sri Lanka and a severely injured man after the evacuation in a hospital. The final numbers of missing persons and dead bodies registered in the Information Management Centre in Phuket,Thailand, were 3 574 ante-mortem (AM) and 3 681 post-mortem (PM) files. The number of identifications by December 2006 was 3 271 or 89% of the victims registered. Of Finnish victims, 172 have been identified in Thailand and 163 repatriated to Finland. One adult and four children are still missing. For AM data, a list of Finnish missing persons including 178 names was published on 30 December 2004. By February 2005 all useful dental AM data were available. Five persons on the list living in Finland lacked records. Based on the AM database, for the children under age 18 years (n=60) dental identification could be established for 12 (20%). The estimated number for adults (n=112) was 96 (86%). The final identification rate, based on PM examinations in Finland, was 14 (25%) for children (n= 56) and 98 (90%) for adults (n= 109). The number of Finnish victims identified by dental methods, 112 (68%), was high compared to all examined in Thailand (43%). DNA was applied for 26 Finnish children and for 6 adults, fingerprints for 24 and 7, respectively. In 12 cases two methods were applied. Every victim (n=165) underwent in Finland a medico-legal investigation including an autopsy with sampling specimens for DNA, the toxicological and histological investigation. Digital radiographs and computed tomography were taken of the whole body to verify autopsy findings and bring out changes caused by trauma, autolysis, and sampling for DNA in Thailand. Data for identification purposes were also noted. Submersion was the cause of death for 101 of 109 adults (92.7%), and trauma for 8 (7.3%). Injuries were 33 times contributing factors for submersion and 3 times for trauma-based death. Submersion was the cause of death for 51 (92.7%) children and trauma for 4 (7.3%). Injuries were in 3 cases contributing factors in submersion and once in trauma-based death. The success of the dental identification of Finnish victims is mainly based on careful registration of dental records, and on an education program from 1999 in forensic odontology.
In recent years urban hydrology and individual urban streams have been in focus and subjects to research also in Helsinki. However, until now there has been lack of research covering simultaneously the whole area of the city of Helsinki. The aim of this study was to find out the general state of water quality in small urban streams in the city of Helsinki. 21 streams were studied: Mätäjoki, Korppaanoja, Mätäpuro, Näsinoja-Tuomarinkylänoja, Tuomarinkartanonpuro, Kumpulanpuro, Tapaninkylänpuro, Tapaninvainionpuro, Puistolanpuro, Longinoja, Säynäslahdenpuro, Viikinoja, Porolahdenpuro, Mustapuro, Marjaniemenpuro, Mellunkylänpuro, Vuosaarenpuro, Rastilanpuro, Ramsinkannaksenpuro, Skatanpuro and Yliskylänpuro. Water samples were collected from 48 sampling points, each stream having at least one point. Four water samples were collected from each point, sampling periods being 9.-11.2., 26.-28.4., 29.6.-1.7. and 25.-27.10.2004. Field measurements associated with water sampling included water temperature, oxygen concentration, pH and electrical conductivity. Water samples were analysed in the Laboratory of Physical Geography in the University of Helsinki and in the Environmental Laboratory of the City of Helsinki Environment Centre for following properties: suspended solids, dissolved substances, alkalinity, principal anions and cations (Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, F-, Cl-, NO3-, PO43- and SO42-), colour, turbidity, biological and chemical oxygen demand (BOD7 and CODMn-values), nutrient concentrations and bacterial indicators of hygienic quality. The main water quality issues found in this study were low oxygen levels in many streams and poor hygienic quality at least occasionally. E.g. in summer oxygen levels were under 60 % in every stream. Amount of total dissolved substances and nutrients were high in some of the streams studied. Compared to other Finnish streams the values of alkalinity and pH were higher. Although these problems were common, the variation between different streams and sampling points was significant. This was probably due to local conditions. Best overall water quality was found in Mätäpuro and Tuomarinkartanonpuro streams. Seasonal variation was evident in almost all water quality properties. For example the total amount of dissolved substances was largest in winter and decreased during the year. Colour and turbidity were smallest in winter and increased towards the end of the year. The same was true for suspended solids, which had smallest concentration in winter and greatest in autumn. It must be kept in mind that the spring samples were collected after the spring flood otherwise the largest suspended solid concentrations would have been expected in spring. Finnish general water quality classification was used to assess the quality of urban stream waters. Its suitability for small urban streams is not, however, completely trouble-free. This classification does not take into account the quick changes in such small streams but evaluates only the yearly mean values. This can oversimplify the picture of the water quality situation in the streams. Also in order to better reflect the urban environment the analysed water quality properties should also include total dissolved substances and e.g. concentrations of chloride and sodium.
The 1300-km rupture of the 2004 interplate earthquake terminated at around 15 degrees N, in the northernmost segment of the Andaman-Nicobar subduction zone. This part of the plate boundary is noted for its generally lower level seismicity, compared with the southern segments. Based on the Global Centroid Moment Tensor (CMT) and National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) data, most of the earthquakes of M-w >= 4.5 prior to 2004 were associated with the Andaman Spreading Ridge (ASR), and a few events were located within the forearc basin. The 2004 event was followed by an upward migration of hypocenters along the subducting plate, and the Andaman segment experienced a surge of aftershock activity. The continuing extensional faulting events, including the most recent earthquake (10 August 2009; M-w 7.5) in the northern end of the 2004 rupture, suggest the reduction of compressional strain associated with the interplate event. The style of faulting of the intraplate events before and after a great plate boundary earthquake reflects the relative influences of the plate-driving forces. Here we discuss the pattern of earthquakes in the Andaman segment before and after the 2004 event to appraise the spatial and temporal relation between large interplate thrust events and intraplate deformation. This study suggests that faulting mechanisms in the outer-ridge and outer-rise regions could be indicative of the maturity of interplate seismic cycles.
The Indian Ocean earthquake of 26 December 2004 led to significant ground deformation in the Andaman and Nicobar region, accounting for ~800 km of the rupture. Part of this article deals with coseismic changes along these islands, observable from coastal morphology, biological indicators, and Global Positioning System (GPS) data. Our studies indicate that the islands south of 10° N latitude coseismically subsided by 1–1.5 m, both on their eastern and western margins, whereas those to the north showed a mixed response. The western margin of the Middle Andaman emerged by >1 m, and the eastern margin submerged by the same amount. In the North Andaman, both western and eastern margins emerged by >1 m. We also assess the pattern of long-term deformation (uplift/subsidence) and attempt to reconstruct earthquake/tsunami history, with the available data. Geological evidence for past submergence includes dead mangrove vegetation dating to 740 ± 100 yr B.P., near Port Blair and peat layers at 2–4 m and 10–15 m depths observed in core samples from nearby locations. Preliminary paleoseismological/tsunami evidence from the Andaman and Nicobar region and from the east coast of India, suggest at least one predecessor for the 2004 earthquake 900–1000 years ago. The history of earthquakes, although incomplete at this stage, seems to imply that the 2004-type earthquakes are infrequent and follow variable intervals
Examination of type material and new collections from Goa, southern Maharashtra and northern Karnataka, leads to the conclusion that Gegeneophis nadkarnii Bhatta & Prashanth, 2004 is a subjective junior synonym of Gegeneophis danieli Giri, Wilkinson & Gower, 2003. The purported differences between these species are very minor and attributable to normal individual variation, except for some features of the dentition that are peculiar to the exceptionally abnormal paratype of G. nadkarnii. This taxonomic revision extends the known geographic range of G. danieli and suggests it could be transferred from Data Deficient to Least Concern status in the IUCN Red List.
Geologic evidence along the northern part of the 2004 Aceh-Andaman rupture suggests that this region generated as many as five tsunamis in the prior 2000years. We identify this evidence by drawing analogy with geologic records of land-level change and the tsunami in 2004 from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands (A&N). These analogs include subsided mangrove swamps, uplifted coral terraces, liquefaction, and organic soils coated by sand and coral rubble. The pre-2004 evidence varies in potency, and materials dated provide limiting ages on inferred tsunamis. The earliest tsunamis occurred between the second and sixth centuries A.D., evidenced by coral debris of the southern Car Nicobar Island. A subsequent tsunami, probably in the range A.D. 770-1040, is inferred from deposits both in A&N and on the Indian subcontinent. It is the strongest candidate for a 2004-caliber earthquake in the past 2000years. A&N also contain tsunami deposits from A.D. 1250 to 1450 that probably match those previously reported from Sumatra and Thailand, and which likely date to the 1390s or 1450s if correlated with well-dated coral uplift offshore Sumatra. Thus, age data from A&N suggest that within the uncertainties in estimating relative sizes of paleo-earthquakes and tsunamis, the 1000year interval can be divided in half by the earthquake or earthquakes of A.D. 1250-1450 of magnitude >8.0 and consequent tsunamis. Unlike the transoceanic tsunamis generated by full or partial rupture of the subduction interface, the A&N geology further provides evidence for the smaller-sized historical tsunamis of 1762 and 1881, which may have been damaging locally.
The 2004 earthquake left several traces of coseismic land deformation and tsunami deposits, both on the islands along the plate boundary and distant shores of the Indian Ocean rim countries. Researchers are now exploring these sites to develop a chronology of past events. Where the coastal regions are also inundated by storm surges, there is an additional challenge to discriminate between the deposits formed by these two processes. Paleo-tsunami research relies largely on finding deposits where preservation potential is high and storm surge origin can be excluded. During the past decade of our work along the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the east coast of India, we have observed that the 2004 tsunami deposits are best preserved in lagoons, inland streams and also on elevated terraces. Chronological evidence for older events obtained from such sites is better correlated with those from Thailand, Sri Lanka and Indonesia, reiterating their usefulness in tsunami geology studies. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Con el objetivo de conocer los insectos que colonizan troncos cortados de pino y sus enemigos naturales asociados, se realizó el presente estudio en tres sitios: la Unión, Las Tapias y San José del municipio de San Fernando en Nueva Segovia durante el periodo comprendido entre Diciembre 06 a Mayo 07. Varios tipos de insectos descortezadores, barrenadores y descomponedores de la madera a ser: Ips sp, Xyleborus sp, Lochmaeocles sp y termites fueron encontrados. Comparativamente Ips sp fue mas abundante en el sitio Las Tapias con un total de 179 emergencias, que representó el 44,58 % de los Ips sp que emergieron de los tres sitios de estudio. Asociados a Ips sp tres tipos de enemigos naturales fueron encontrados: el depredador Medetera sp (Diptera: Dolich opodidae), el parasitoide Heterospilus sp (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) y un parasitoide de identificado (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). En los tres sitios de estudio el depredador Medetera sp fue el más abundante con 170 individuos que representaron el 88,54 % del total de todos los parasitoides emergidos en los tres sitios. El periodo y patrón de emergencia de Ips sp y los tres enemigos naturales observados fue similar para los tres sitios de estudio. La referencia de los dos parasitoides observados constituye la primera referencia de estos insectos afectando insectos descortezadores en Nicaragua, así también lo constituye la primer referencia del cerambicido Lochmaeocles sp como colonizador de trozas de pino en nuestro país.
Microcantilever-based biosensors have been found increasing applications in physical, chemical, and biological fields in recent years. When biosensors are used in those fields, surface stress and mass variations due to bio-molecular binding can cause the microcantilever deform or the shift of frequency. These simple biosensors allow biologists to study surface biochemistry on a micro or nano scale and offer new opportunities in developing microscopic biomedical analysis with unique characteristics. To compare and illustrate the influence of the surface stress on the frequency and avoid unnecessary and complicated numerical solution of the resonance frequency, some dimensionless numbers are derived in this paper by making governing equations dimensionless. Meanwhile, in order to analyze the influence of the general surface stress on the frequency, a new model is put forward, and the frequency of the microcantilever is calculated by using the subspace iteration method and the Rayleigh method. The sensitivity of microcantilever is also discussed. (19 refs.)
Resumen: En la segunda mitad del siglo XIV, Fernando Álvarez de Albornoz escribió un texto autobiográfi co en latín en la hoja de guarda de un códice del Decreto de Graciano. Parte de este texto es un relato de la guerra civil castellana (1366-1371), probablemente basado en la información que le llegó a Italia a través de cartas enviadas a él o a alguno de sus familiares. Así, puede ser estudiado como fuente primaria o como escrito historiográfi co. En este estudio el texto es transcrito, traducido y analizado. A partir de este análisis, se proponen una datación del texto, modelos para sus estructuras temática y narrativa, y algunas hipótesis sobre su naturaleza e intencionalidad.
El estudio se realizó en el Centro Experimental "Jardín Botánico", UNICAFE y en el Centro Experimental "Campos Azules", INT A, ubicados en Masatepe, Masaya en el período comprendido de mayo 2003 a abril 2004. Se estudió el efecto de las interacciones entre pleno sol y cuatro combinaciones de árboles maderables ( Simarouba glauca y Tabebuia rosea ) y leguminosas ( Inga spp . y Enter olobium ciclocarpum ) y cuatro niveles y tipos de insumos químicos (AC y MC) u orgánicos (MO y BO) sobre el comportamiento de las principales plagas del cultivo de café en un experimento de sistemas establecido por el CATIE en el Jardín Botánico y Campos Az ules en Masatepe. El ensayo cuenta de tres réplicas y 14 tratamientos, el tamaño de la parcela experimental es de 11 surcos de 10 plantas cada uno. En cada parcela se evaluaron 15 plantas distribuidas en cinco conglomerados de tres plantas cada uno. Los mu estreos se realizaron mensualmente mediante el método de recuento integral y las variables evaluadas fueron incidencia de roya, mancha de hierro, antracnosis, severidad de antracnosis en bandola, incidencia de minador, broca y chasparria. Los resultados ob tenidos demostraron que la enfermedad que tuvo mayor incidencia durante todos los muestreos fue mancha de hierro teniendo su mayor incidencia (15% - 25%) en los meses de agosto y septiembre, los tratamientos MO - SGTR, MC - IVSG y MO – IVSG fueron menos afe ctados por la enfermedad, mientras que los tratamientos AC - PSOL, MC - ECTR y MC - PSOL fueron los que presentaron mayor incidencia. Otra enfermedad que se presentó durante todos los muestreos fue antracnosis y los tratamientos se comportaron de forma sim ilar que en mancha de hierro, sin embargo es importante mencionar que esta enfermedad no alcanzó los niveles críticos establecidos (5%). En época seca se presentó la roya y el minador; para roya los tratamientos AC - PSOL, MC - PSOL y MC - ECTR fueron los que tuvieron menor incidencia, mientras que los tratamientos con mayor incidencia fueron MC - IVSG y MO - IVSG; para el minador no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos.
El presente trabajo fue realizado en el departamento de Carazo municipio de San Marcos en El Centro Experimental La Compañía, ubicado en el km 45 de la carretera San Marcos-Masatepe, durante la época lluviosa de postrera del año 2001. Los suelos de esta zona son de origen volcánico (Andisol), pertenecen a la serie Masatepe, con textura franco limosa, presentando alto contenido de materia orgánica, nitrógeno y potasio, pero deficiente en fósforo. Este suelo puede ser considerado adecuado para la mayoría de los cultivos. En La Compañía las precipitaciones varían entre 1200 y 1500 mm/año. El propósito del experimento fue evaluar la respuesta del cultivo frijol común (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) a tres fuentes de fertilizantes (gallinaza, estiércol vacuno y mineral) sobre el crecimiento y rendimiento del cultivo. Se empleó un arreglo unifactorial en diseño de bloques completos al azar (BCA), definiendo siete tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones. Cada unidad experimental estuvo conformada por un área de 20 m2. La variedad en estudio fue la DOR – 364. Los tratamientos consistieron en dosis media y alta de cada material fertilizante. La dosis media se calculó basado en los requerimientos del cultivo por hectárea. La dosis media y alta usadas del fertilizante orgánico gallinaza fueron 3181 kg ha-1 y 6362 kg ha-1 respectivamente, para el estiércol vacuno (5286 kg ha-1 como dosis alta y 2643 kg ha-1 como dosis media). La fórmula empleada como fertilizante mineral fue la 18-46-00 con aplicaciones media de 130 kg ha-1, según recomendaciones del Instituto Nicaragüense de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA), y 260 kg ha-1. Las dosis alta se seleccionaron a discreción considerando el doble de las media. Las variables evaluadas se dividieron en dos categorías: variables de crecimiento como altura de planta (cm), número de hojas, área foliar (cm2) y altura de inserción de la primera vaina (cm), y las variables del rendimiento constituidas por número de vainas por planta, número de granos por vaina, número de ramas por planta, peso de cien granos (g) y rendimiento de grano (kg ha-1). Los datos provenientes del experimento se procesaron usando análisis de varianza ANDEVA, considerando además la prueba de rangos múltiple de Tukey (P≤0.05) mediante el programa estadístico (MINITAB, 1998). El análisis de presupuesto parcial (CIMMYT, 1988) fue aplicado para estimar la viabilidad económica financiera de los tratamientos. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron una respuesta significativa diferente a la aplicación de las fuentes de fertilizante, resultando estadísticamente iguales la fertilización mineral y gallinaza en dosis alta, superando a todos los tratamientos con rendimientos promedios de 2823.27 kg ha1 y 2712.82 kg ha-1 respectivamente, seguido por los tratamientos estiércol vacuno alto con rendimiento de 2528.47 kg ha-1 y gallinaza media con 2505.58 kg ha-1 en una segunda categoría estadística. En cuanto al comportamiento vegetativo, los resultados indican que estadísticamente existe significancia al evaluar el promedio de hojas a los 15, 29 y 36 días después de la siembra y promedio de área foliar a los 15, 36 y 43 días después de la siembra. La variable altura de planta os tentó los mayores promedios con los tratamientos gallinaza alta y fertilizante mineral dosis alta en una misma categoría estadística únicamente a los 36 días después de la siembra. El análisis económico muestra que el tratamiento con fertilización orgánico gallinaza con dosis media obtuvo los mayor es beneficios económicos con U$ 4.76 por cada dólar invertido, sin embargo, agronómicamente los mayores rendimientos se producen con la fertilización mineral dosis alta.