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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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This study evaluated the color stability, surface roughness and flexural strength of a microwave-polymerized acrylic resin after immersion in sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), simulating 20 min of disinfection daily during 180 days. Forty disk-shaped (15 x 4 mm) and 40 rectangular (65 x 10 x 3 mm) specimens were prepared with a microwave-polymerized acrylic resin (Onda-Cryl). Specimens were immersed in either 0.5% NaOCl, 1% NaOCl, Clorox/Calgon and distilled water (control). Color measurements were determined by a portable colorimeter. Three parallel lines, separated by 1.0 mm, were registered on each specimen before and after immersion procedures to analyze the surface roughness. The flexural strength was measured using a 3-point bending test in a universal testing machine with a 50 kgf load cell and a crosshead speed of 1 mm/min. Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test (?=0.05). There was no statistically significant differences (p>0.05) among the solutions for color, surface roughness and flexural strength. It may be concluded that immersion in NaOCl solutions simulating short-term daily use during 180 days did not influence the color stability, surface roughness and flexural strength of a microwave-polymerized acrylic resin.


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Chemical substances used during biomechanical preparation of root canals can alter the composition of dentin surface and affect the interaction with restorative materials. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the microtensile bond strength (µTBS) of a self-etching adhesive system to dentin irrigated with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty human third molars were sectioned 3 mm below the occlusal surface, polished with 600- to 1200-grit silicon carbide papers, and randomly divided into 3 groups: G1 (control): no irrigating solution; G2: 1% NaOCl; and G3: 1% NaOCl followed by the application of 17% EDTA. The specimens received the self-etching adhesive system (XENO III - Dentsply), restored with microhybrid composite resin (Z250 - 3M ESPE), sectioned and trimmed to create 4 hourglass-shaped slabs of each tooth. The slabs were tested in microtensile strength in a universal testing machine (Emic DL 2000) at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min until fracture. The results were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Newman-Keuls test. RESULTS: Mean µTBS values and standard deviations in MPa were: G1 = 11.89 ± 4.22; G2 = 19.41 ± 5.32; G3 = 11.34 ± 4.73. 1% NaOCl increased the adhesive resistance significantly (p<0.001/F=22.5763). The application of 1% NaOCl/17% EDTA resulted in statistically similar µTBS to the control group. CONCLUSIONS: None of the irrigants affected negatively the µTBS of XENO III to dentin. The use of 1% NaOCl alone resulted in higher bond strength than the other treatments. The combination of 1% NaOCl and 17% EDTA produced similar bond strength to that of untreated dentin.


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The aim of this study was to assess qualitatively, by means of SEM images, the cleaning of the dentin walls of root canals after chemical-surgical preparation using Endo-PTC cream with 0.5% and 1% sodium hypochlorite and different final irrigating solutions. Seventy-two single-rooted human teeth were divided into eight groups and prepared using Endo-PTC cream with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) at different concentrations, and irrigated with NaOCl at different concentrations. Final irrigation was performed with either EDTA-T or EDTA-C. The best results were obtained with Group 1, followed by Groups 5, 2, 7, 8, 3, 6 and 4. We can conclude that the use of 0.5% NaOCl during instrumentation and final flush of the root canals was more efficient in cleaning than was 1% sodium hypochlorite. EDTA-T was more efficient in removing smear layer than EDTA-C, and the cervical third presented better cleaning of the root canal walls than did the middle third, which showed cleaner dentin walls than the apical third.


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Accelerated stability tests are indicated to assess, within a short time, the degree of chemical degradation that may affect an active substance, either alone or in a formula, under normal storage conditions. This method is based on increased stress conditions to accelerate the rate of chemical degradation. Based on the equation of the straight line obtained as a function of the reaction order (at 50 and 70 ºC) and using Arrhenius equation, the speed of the reaction was calculated for the temperature of 20 ºC (normal storage conditions). This model of accelerated stability test makes it possible to predict the chemical stability of any active substance at any given moment, as long as the method to quantify the chemical substance is available. As an example of the applicability of Arrhenius equation in accelerated stability tests, a 2.5% sodium hypochlorite solution was analyzed due to its chemical instability. Iodometric titration was used to quantify free residual chlorine in the solutions. Based on data obtained keeping this solution at 50 and 70 ºC, using Arrhenius equation and considering 2.0% of free residual chlorine as the minimum acceptable threshold, the shelf-life was equal to 166 days at 20 ºC. This model, however, makes it possible to calculate shelf-life at any other given temperature.


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The present study compared the accuracy of three electronic apex locators (EALs) - Elements Diagnostic®, Root ZX® and Apex DSP® - in the presence of different irrigating solutions (0.9% saline solution and 1% sodium hypochlorite). The electronic measurements were carried out by three examiners, using twenty extracted human permanent maxillary central incisors. A size 10 K file was introduced into the root canals until reaching the 0.0 mark, and was subsequently retracted to the 1.0 mark. The gold standard (GS) measurement was obtained by combining visual and radiographic methods, and was set 1 mm short of the apical foramen. Electronic length values closer to the GS (± 0.5 mm) were considered as accurate measures. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were used to verify inter-examiner agreement. The comparison among the EALs was performed using the McNemar and Kruskal-Wallis tests (p < 0.05). The ICCs were generally high, ranging from 0.8859 to 0.9657. Similar results were observed for the percentage of electronic measurements closer to the GS obtained with the Elements Diagnostic® and the Root ZX® EALs (p > 0.05), independent of the irrigating solutions used. The measurements taken with these two EALs were more accurate than those taken with Apex DSP®, regardless of the irrigating solution used (p < 0.05). It was concluded that Elements Diagnostic® and Root ZX® apex locators are able to locate the cementum-dentine junction more precisely than Apex DSP®. The presence of irrigating solutions does not interfere with the performance of the EALs.


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In order to evaluate the effect of environmental temperature on ruminal fermentation and on mineral levels of growing ruminants, it was used 12 male calves (initial average weight 82.9 ± 7.7 kg, 100 days of age), were employed in a randomized block design (by weight) experiment, with repeated weight measurement and two environmental temperatures: thermoneutral (24ºC) and heat-stressed (33ºC), during 38 days. The animals exposed to 33ºC presented lower dry matter ingestion, lower T3 (triiodothyronine) serum level, higher ammoniacal nitrogen (NH3-N) level in the rumen liquid, and higher rectal and body temperatures during all the experimental period when compared to the animals kept in thermoneutral environment (24ºC). The animals kept under heat stress environment (33ºC) presented higher calcium serum level, which was the highest on 31st day and the lowest on the 38th day of the experiment; phosphorus level was the lowest during all the experimental period; sodium level was lower on the 17th, 31st and 38th experimental days. Potassium and zinc levels were lower after 24 days; copper level was lower until the 24th day; magnesium level was higher until the 17th day, if compared to the ones from the animals kept in thermoneutral environment (24ºC). The heat-stressed animals presented higher levels of ammoniacal nitrogen in the ruminal liquid and a decrease in the phosphorus, sodium, potassium and zinc serum levels. These results show the necessity of changes on feed management to ruminants in temperatures over the thermal comfort limits so that performance loss is decreased.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the mitochondrial function of the remnant liver (RL) in the early phase of liver regeneration in rats after 70% partial hepatectomy (PH). METHODS: Sixty male Wistar rats (200-250g) submitted to 70% PH were divided into five groups according to the time of euthanasia and application or not of laser light: C = Control, time zero; 2 minutes, 4, 6 and 24 hours after PH. The dose of laser radiation was 22.5 J/cm², wavelength of 660 nm (visible/red), in the remnant liver. We studied the respiration activated by ADP (state 3), basal mitochondrial respiration (state 4), respiratory control ratio (RCR) and mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP). RESULTS: The mitochondrial function of RL changed at 4 and 6 hours after PH, with a significant increase in state 3 and a concomitant increase in state 4 and with maintenance of RCR. MMP differed significantly between the groups biostimulated with laser radiation and the control group 4 hours after HP, with a substantial reduction in the non-laser groups. CONCLUSION: The laser light at the dose used in this study did not induce additional damage to the RL and seems to have delayed the hepatocellular metabolic overload of the remnant liver.


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Atualmente, procuram-se sistemas de manejo que preservem ou melhorem as qualidades do solo, tanto mineralógicas como orgânicas, priorizando maior produtividade. Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar qualitativamente, por meio das técnicas de fluorescência de raios X, difração de raios X e infravermelho com transformada de Fourier, os efeitos provocados pela utilização dos manejos: plantio convencional, preparo mínimo e plantio direto, por 24 anos, na mineralogia de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico de Ponta Grossa, PR. Não foram observadas mudanças significativas na mineralogia do Latossolo estudado, por meio das técnicas utilizadas, quanto aos diferentes manejos durante os anos de sua aplicação. Pôde-se verificar, qualitativamente, a presença dos minerais gibbsita, caulinita, haloisita, montmorilonita, hematita, rutilo, anatásio, goethita e quartzo.


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β-Casein and sodium caseinate stabilized emulsions were produced and had their rheological properties investigated as a function of the nature of the oil phase, ionic strength and pH. Oil phases of distinct structural characteristics, namely decane and vegetable oil of high triglyceride content, were assayed. The former was much more effectively emulsified than the latter. Effects of pH and ionic strength were minor. Emulsion rheological properties were strikingly distinct in each case, with viscoelastic, solid-like structures being formed with decane (G' >> G"), differently from what is observed for samples containing triglycerides as the oil phase, in which viscoelasticity was not even apparent. The relevance of the spatial features of the oil phase structure in the development of the emulsion viscoelastic character is discussed. Factors responding for the system distinct behaviour possibly reside at the emulsion droplet interface, unapproachable by optical microscopy, rather than on aspects related to particle size or shape.


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FUNDAMENTO: A recuperação da freqüência cardíaca após o eletrocardiograma de esforço em esteira ergométrica é modulada pelo sistema nervoso autônomo. A análise da variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca (VFC) pode fornecer informações valiosas sobre o controle do sistema nervoso autônomo sobre o sistema cardiovascular. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi testar a hipótese de associação entre a recuperação da freqüência cardíaca após teste de esforço em esteira ergométrica e a variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca. MÉTODOS: Foram estudamos 485 indivíduos sem evidência de cardiopatia com média de idade de 42± 12,1 (faixa etária de 15 a 82) anos, 281 (57.9%) dos quais do sexo feminino, submetidos a um teste de esforço em esteira ergométrica e avaliação da VFC nos domínios do tempo (SDNN, SDANN, SDNNi, rMSSD e pNN50) e da freqüência (LF, HF, VLF e razão LF/HF) durante monitoramento eletrocardiográfico ambulatorial de 24 horas. RESULTADOS: A recuperação da freqüência cardíaca foi de 30 ± 12 batimentos no 1º minuto e 52± 13 batimentos no 2º minuto após o exercício. Os indivíduos mais jovens de recuperaram mais rápido do 2º ao 5º minuto após o exercício (r = 0,19-0,35, P < 0,05). As mulheres se recuperaram mais rápido que os homens (4 ± 1,1 batimentos a menos no 1º minuto, p < 0,001; 5,7 ± 1,2 batimentos a menos no 2º minuto, p < 0,01; e 4,1± 1,1 batimentos a menos no 3º minuto, p < 0.001). Não houve correlação significante entre a recuperação da freqüência cardíaca e a VFC no 1º e 2º minutos após o exercício. Os índices SDNN, SDANN, SDNNi, rMSSD e pNN50 só apresentaram uma correlação significante com a recuperação da freqüência cardíaca no 3º e 4º minutos. CONCLUSÃO: A hipótese de associação entre recuperação da freqüência cardíaca e VFC em 24 horas nos primeiros dois minutos após o exercício não foi comprovada neste estudo. A recuperação da freqüência cardíaca foi associada com idade e sexo.


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Um experimento foi conduzido para verificar o efeito de níveis de fósforo e do tamanho de partícula do fosfato bicálcico na dieta de poedeiras comerciais na fase de produção. Utilizou-se um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 2 × 3 com dois tamanhos de partícula do fosfato (fino e granulado) e três níveis de fósforo disponível (0,28; 0,38 e 0,48%), totalizando seis tratamentos, cada um com cinco repetições de oito aves. As dietas experimentais foram isoproteicas, isocalóricas e isocálcicas. O consumo de ração, a produção de ovos, a massa de ovos, a conversão alimentar, a porcentagem de casca, a gravidade específica e os teores de cinzas, cálcio, fósforo e magnésio nos ossos não foram afetados pelas dietas. Dietas contendo fosfato bicálcico (fino ou granulado) e 0,28% de fósforo disponível atendem às exigências de fósforo de galinhas poedeiras semipesadas de 24 a 58 semanas de idade.


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The use of aluminum silicates for decontaminating animal feed containing aflatoxins has yielded encouraging results in chicken and turkey poults. In contrast, very few studies have tested these substances in aquaculture. In this work, we investigated the efficacy of a trout diet containing 0.5% hydrated sodium aluminosilicate (HSAS) in protecting against contamination with aflatoxin B1. Trout were reared on these diets for one year and the experimental groups were examined monthly for hepatic presumptive preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions. Regardless of the presence of HSAS, all of the fish that received aflatoxin in their diet have shown hepatic lesions indicative of a carcinogenic process, presenting also the development of cancer in some fish. The concentration of HSAS used in this study was ineffective in preventing the onset of hepatic lesions induced by aflatoxin B1 in rainbow trout.


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The present study sought to assess the impact of an intervention to reduce weight and control risk factors of noncommunicable chronic diseases in overweight or obese adults who are users of primary and secondary healthcare units of the public health system of Pelotas, Brazil. We hypothesized that individuals who received an educational intervention regarding how to lose weight and prevent other noncommunicable chronic disease risk factors through nutrition would lose weight and acquire active habits during leisure time more frequently than individuals under regular care. Two hundred forty-one participants from the Nutrition Outpatient Clinic of the Medical Teaching Hospital of the Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil, aged 20 years or older and classified as overweight or obese were randomly allocated to either the intervention group (IG; n = 120) or control group (CG; n = 121). The IG received individualized nutritional care for 6 months, and the CG received individualized usual care of the health services. Intention-to-treat analyses showed that at 6 months, mean fasting glycemia and daily consumption of sweet foods and sodium were reduced, and the time spent on physical leisure activity was increased in IG. Analysis of adherence to the protocol of the study revealed that individuals from IG had lost more in body weight, waist circumference, and fasting glucose compared to the CG. Leisure time physical activity increased in IG. Individuals adhered equally to the dietetic recommendations, irrespective of the nutrition approach that was used