992 resultados para SIZE DEPENDENCE


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For some time there is a large interest in variable step-size methods for adaptive filtering. Recently, a few stochastic gradient algorithms have been proposed, which are based on cost functions that have exponential dependence on the chosen error. However, we have experienced that the cost function based on exponential of the squared error does not always satisfactorily converge. In this paper we modify this cost function in order to improve the convergence of exponentiated cost function and the novel ECVSS (exponentiated convex variable step-size) stochastic gradient algorithm is obtained. The proposed technique has attractive properties in both stationary and abrupt-change situations. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The spatial coherence of a nanosecond pulsed germanium collisionally excited x-ray laser is measured experimentally for three target configurations. The diagnostic is based on Young's slit interference fringes with a dispersing element to resolve the 23.2- and 23.6-nm spectral lines. Target configurations include a double-slab target, known as the injector, and geometries in which the injector image is image relayed to seed either an additional single-slab target or a second double-slab target. A special feature of this study is the observation of the change in the apparent source size with angle of refraction across the diverging laser beam. Source sizes derived with a Gaussian source model decrease from 44 mu m for the injector target by a variable factor of as much as 2, according to target configuration, for beams leaving the additional amplifiers after strong refraction in the plasma. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America [S0740-3224(98)00810-8].


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The time dependence of the spatial coherence of the combined spectral lines at 23.2 and 23.6 nm from the Ge XXIII collisionally pumped soft-x-ray laser with a double-slab target is examined within a single nanosecond pulse by use of Young's interference fringes and a streak camera. High source intensity is linked with low spatial coherence and vice verse. Calculations of the source intensity, size, and position have also been made; these calculations refer to a single-slab source. Comparison between the observed and calculated intensities, and of the source sizes both calculated and derived from the Young's fringes by interpretation with a Gaussian model of source emission, show good agreement in general trends. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America [S0740-3224(98)01905-5].


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The scaling of the flux and maximum energy of laser-driven sheath-accelerated protons has been investigated as a function of laser pulse energy in the range of 15-380 mJ at intensities of 10(16)-10(18) W/cm(2). The pulse duration and target thickness were fixed at 40 fs and 25 nm, respectively, while the laser focal spot size and drive energy were varied. Our results indicate that while the maximum proton energy is dependent on the laser energy and laser spot diameter, the proton flux is primarily related to the laser pulse energy under the conditions studied here. Our measurements show that increasing the laser energy by an order of magnitude results in a more than 500-fold increase in the observed proton flux. Whereas, an order of magnitude increase in the laser intensity generated by decreasing the laser focal spot size, at constant laser energy, gives rise to less than a tenfold increase in observed proton flux.


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For the delivery of intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT), highly modulated fields are used to achieve dose conformity across a target tumour volume. Recent in vitro evidence has demonstrated significant alterations in cell survival occurring out-of-field which cannot be accounted for on the basis of scattered dose. The radiobiological effect of area, dose and dose-rate on out-of-field cell survival responses following exposure to intensity-modulated radiation fields is presented in this study. Cell survival was determined by clonogenic assay in human prostate cancer (DU-145) and primary fibroblast (AG0-1522) cells following exposure to different modulated field configurations delivered using a X-Rad 225 kVp x-ray source. Uniform survival responses were compared to in- and out-of-field responses in which 25-99% of the cell population was shielded. Dose delivered to the out-of-field region was varied from 1.6-37.2% of that delivered to the in-field region using different levels of brass shielding. Dose rate effects were determined for 0.2-4 Gy min⁻¹ for uniform and modulated exposures with no effect seen in- or out-of-field. Survival responses showed little dependence on dose rate and area in- and out-of-field with a trend towards increased survival with decreased in-field area. Out-of-field survival responses were shown to scale in proportion to dose delivered to the in-field region and also local dose delivered out-of-field. Mathematical modelling of these findings has shown survival response to be highly dependent on dose delivered in- and out-of-field but not on area or dose rate. These data provide further insight into the radiobiological parameters impacting on cell survival following exposure to modulated irradiation fields highlighting the need for refinement of existing radiobiological models to incorporate non-targeted effects and modulated dose distributions.


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We present results from SEPPCoN, an on-going Survey of the Ensemble Physical Properties of Cometary Nuclei. In this report we discuss mid-infrared measurements of the thermal emission from 89 nuclei of Jupiter-family comets (JFCs). All data were obtained in 2006 and 2007 using imaging capabilities of the Spitzer Space Telescope. The comets were typically 4-5 AU from the Sun when observed and most showed only a point-source with little or no extended emission from dust. For those comets showing dust, we used image processing to photometrically extract the nuclei. For all 89 comets, we present new effective radii, and for 57 comets we present beaming parameters. Thus our survey provides the largest compilation of radiometrically-derived physical properties of nuclei to date. We have six main conclusions: (a) The average beaming parameter of the JFC population is 1.03 ± 0.11, consistent with unity; coupled with the large distance of the nuclei from the Sun, this indicates that most nuclei have Tempel 1-like thermal inertia. Only two of the 57 nuclei had outlying values (in a statistical sense) of infrared beaming. (b) The known JFC population is not complete even at 3 km radius, and even for comets that approach to ˜2 AU from the Sun and so ought to be more discoverable. Several recently-discovered comets in our survey have small perihelia and large (above ˜2 km) radii. (c) With our radii, we derive an independent estimate of the JFC nuclear cumulative size distribution (CSD), and we find that it has a power-law slope of around -1.9, with the exact value depending on the bounds in radius. (d) This power-law is close to that derived by others from visible-wavelength observations that assume a fixed geometric albedo, suggesting that there is no strong dependence of geometric albedo with radius. (e) The observed CSD shows a hint of structure with an excess of comets with radii 3-6 km. (f) Our CSD is consistent with the idea that the intrinsic size distribution of the JFC population is not a simple power-law and lacks many sub-kilometer objects.


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The light output from nominally smooth Al-Ox-Au tunnel junctions is observed to be substantially independent of the deposition rate of the Au film electrode. Films deposited quickly (2 nm s-1) and those deposited slowly (0.16 nm s-1) have similar spectral dependences and intensities. (This is in contrast to roughened films where those deposited quickly give out less light, especially towards the blue end of the spectrum.) The behaviour can be interpreted in terms of the ratio l(ph)/l(em) where l(ph) and l(em) are the mean free paths of surface plasmons between external photon emissions and internal electromagnetic absorptions respectively. Once l(ph)/l(em) exceeds 100, as it does on smooth films, grain size has little further effect on the spectral shape of the light output. In fast-deposited films there are two compensating effects on the output intensity: grain boundary scattering decreases it and greater surface roughness increases it.


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The surface roughness of nominally smooth and of randomly roughened thin silver films is characterized using scanning tunneling microscopy and the metal grain size is assessed using transmission electron microscopy. On each type of substrate used, glass or CaF2-roughened glass, the silver films are deposited either very slowly (approximately 0.15 nm s-1) or quite quickly (approximately 2.0 nm s-1). Only silver films deposited on CaF2-roughened glass yield measurable surface-enhanced Raman signals for benzoic acid; the enhancement is brought about by surface field amplification due to the excitation of delocalized surface-plasmon polaritons. However, the surface-enhanced Raman signals obtained from the slow-deposited silver films are significantly better (by about a factor of 3) than those obtained from the fast-deposited silver films on a given CaF2-roughened substrate. The explanation of this observation does not lie with different surface roughness; both types of film yield closely similar data on the scanning tunneling microscope. Rather, it is suggested that the relatively small grain size of the fast-deposited silver films leads to increased elastic scattering of surface-plasmon polaritons at the grain boundaries, with a consequent increase of internal damping. This results in a reduction of the scattered Raman signal.


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The intensity of surface enhanced Raman scattering from benzoic acid derivatives on mildly roughened, thermally evaporated Ag films shows a remarkably strong dependence on metal grain size. Large grained (slowly deposited) films give a superior response, by up to a factor of 10, to small grained (quickly deposited) films, with films of intermediate grain size yielding intermediate results. The optical field amplification underlying the enhancement mechanism is due to the excitation of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs). Since surface roughness characteristics, as determined by STM, remain relatively constant as a function of deposition rate, it is argued that the contrast in Raman scattering is due to differences in elastic grain boundary scattering of SPPs (leading to different degrees of internal SPP damping), rather than differences in the interaction of SPPs with surface inhomogeneities.


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Responses by marine species to ocean acidification (OA) have recently been shown to be modulated by external factors including temperature, food supply and salinity. However the role of a fundamental biological parameter relevant to all organisms, that of body size, in governing responses to multiple stressors has been almost entirely overlooked. Recent consensus suggests allometric scaling of metabolism with body size differs between species, the commonly cited 'universal' mass scaling exponent (b) of A3/4 representing an average of exponents that naturally vary. One model, the Metabolic-Level Boundaries hypothesis, provides a testable prediction: that b will decrease within species under increasing temperature. However, no previous studies have examined how metabolic scaling may be directly affected by OA. We acclimated a wide body-mass range of three common NE Atlantic echinoderms (the sea star Asterias rubens, the brittlestars Ophiothrix fragilis and Amphiura filiformis) to two levels of pCO(2) and three temperatures, and metabolic rates were determined using closed-chamber respirometry. The results show that contrary to some models these echinoderm species possess a notable degree of stability in metabolic scaling under different abiotic conditions; the mass scaling exponent (b) varied in value between species, but not within species under different conditions. Additionally, we found no effect of OA on metabolic rates in any species. These data suggest responses to abiotic stressors are not modulated by body size in these species, as reflected in the stability of the metabolic scaling relationship. Such equivalence in response across ontogenetic size ranges has important implications for the stability of ecological food webs.


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As estruturas quânticas de semicondutores, nomeadamente baseadas em GaAs, têm tido nos últimos vinte anos um claro desenvolvimento. Este desenvolvimento deve-se principalmente ao potencial tecnológico que estas estruturas apresentam. As aplicações espaciais, em ambientes agressivos do ponto de vista do nível de radiação a que os dispositivos estão sujeitos, motivaram todo o desenrolar de estudos na área dos defeitos induzidos pela radiação. As propriedades dos semicondutores e dos dispositivos de semicondutores são altamente influenciadas pela presença de defeitos estruturais, em particular os induzidos pela radiação. As propriedades dos defeitos, os processos de criação e transformação de defeitos devem ser fortemente alterados quando se efectua a transição entre o semicondutor volúmico e as heteroestruturas de baixa dimensão. Este trabalho teve como principal objectivo o estudo de defeitos induzidos pela radiação em estruturas quânticas baseadas em GaAs e InAs. Foram avaliadas as alterações introduzidas pelos defeitos em estruturas de poços quânticos e de pontos quânticos irradiadas com electrões e com protões. A utilização de várias técnicas de espectroscopia óptica, fotoluminescência, excitação de fotoluminescência e fotoluminescência resolvida no tempo, permitiu caracterizar as diferentes estruturas antes e após a irradiação. Foi inequivocamente constatada uma maior resistência à radiação dos pontos quânticos quando comparados com os poços quânticos e os materiais volúmicos. Esta resistência deve-se principalmente a uma maior localização da função de onda dos portadores com o aumento do confinamento dos mesmos. Outra razão provável é a expulsão dos defeitos dos pontos quânticos para a matriz. No entanto, a existência de defeitos na vizinhança dos pontos quânticos promove a fuga dos portadores dos níveis excitados, cujas funções de onda são menos localizadas, provocando um aumento da recombinação nãoradiativa e, consequentemente, uma diminuição da intensidade de luminescência dos dispositivos. O desenvolvimento de um modelo bastante simples para a estatística de portadores fora de equilíbrio permitiu reproduzir os resultados de luminescência em função da temperatura. Os resultados demonstraram que a extinção da luminescência com o aumento da temperatura é determinada por dois factores: a redistribuição dos portadores minoritários entre os pontos quânticos, o poço quântico e as barreiras de GaAs e a diminuição na taxa de recombinação radiativa relacionada com a dependência, na temperatura, do nível de Fermi dos portadores maioritários.


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BACKGROUND: To plan and implement services to persons who inject drugs (PWID), knowing their number is essential. For the island of Montréal, Canada, the only estimate, of 11,700 PWID, was obtained in 1996 through a capture-recapture method. Thirteen years later, this study was undertaken to produce a new estimate. METHODS: PWID were defined as individuals aged 14-65 years, having injected recently and living on the island of Montréal. The study period was 07/01/2009 to 06/30/2010. An estimate was produced using a six-source capture-recapture log-linear regression method. The data sources were two epidemiological studies and four drug dependence treatment centres. Model selection was conducted in two steps, the first focusing on interactions between sources and the second, on age group and gender as covariates and as modulators of interactions. RESULTS: A total of 1480 PWID were identified in the six capture sources. They corresponded to 1132 different individuals. Based on the best-fitting model, which included age group and sex as covariates and six two-source interactions (some modulated by age), the estimated population was 3910 PWID (95% confidence intervals (CI): 3180-4900) which represents a prevalence of 2.8 (95% CI: 2.3-3.5) PWID per 1000 persons aged 14-65 years. CONCLUSIONS: The 2009-2010 estimate represents a two-third reduction compared to the one for 1996. The multisource capture-recapture method is useful to produce estimates of the size of the PWID population. It is of particular interest when conducted at regular intervals thus allowing for close monitoring of the injection phenomenon.


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We show that a simple mixing idea allows one to establish a number of explicit formulas for ruin probabilities and related quantities in collective risk models with dependence among claim sizes and among claim inter-occurrence times. Examples include compound Poisson risk models with completely monotone marginal claim size distributions that are dependent according to Archimedean survival copulas as well as renewal risk models with dependent inter-occurrence times.


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We have investigated the third-order nonlinearity in ZnO nanocolloids with particle sizes in the range 6-18 nm by the z-scan technique. The third-order optical susceptibility χ(3) increases with increasing particle size (R) within the range of our investigations. In the weak confinement regime, an R2 dependence of χ(3) is obtained for ZnO nanocolloids. The optical limiting response is also studied against particle size.


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Spanning avalanches in the 3D Gaussian Random Field Ising Model (3D-GRFIM) with metastable dynamics at T=0 have been studied. Statistical analysis of the field values for which avalanches occur has enabled a Finite-Size Scaling (FSS) study of the avalanche density to be performed. Furthermore, a direct measurement of the geometrical properties of the avalanches has confirmed an earlier hypothesis that several types of spanning avalanches with two different fractal dimensions coexist at the critical point. We finally compare the phase diagram of the 3D-GRFIM with metastable dynamics with the same model in equilibrium at T=0.