961 resultados para Rural life


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This study is an attempt to present an integrated picture of the economic changes that have taken place in the rural economy of Kerala. Its limited purpose is to draw the attention of researchers and policymakers to an important but neglected dimension in rural analysis and planning.The thesis aims to identify changes in income, employment-and population. and analyses the structural change in land ownership and other assets of the rural population. The thesis also studies the changes in agriculture, especially with reference to land use and cropping pattern and examines the extend of rural indebtedness. These aspects are studied with reference to three Panchayats - Thazhava, Pananchery, Muttil – which are taken as case studies.


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ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Von der „Chaosgruppe“ zur lernenden Organisation. Fallstudien zur Induzierung und Verbreitung von Innovation in ländlichen Kleinorganisationen im Buruli (Zentral-Uganda). Die oft fehlende Nachhaltigkeit landwirtschaftlicher Projekte in Afrika allgemein und in Buruli (Zentral-Uganda) insbesondere gab den Anstoß zu der Forschung, die der vorliegenden Dissertation zugrunde liegt. Ein häufiger Grund für das Scheitern von Projekten ist, dass die lokale Bevölkerung die landwirtschaftliche Innovation als Risiko für die Ernährungssicherheit der Familie betrachtet. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist daher ein Beitrag zur Suche nach einem Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit, der dieser Tatsache Rechnung trägt. Als Forschungsmethode wurden die Gruppendiskussion und die Beobachtung mit den beiden Varianten „teilnehmender Beobachter“ und „beobachtender Teilnehmer“ gemäß Lamnek(1995b) angewendet. Es stellte sich heraus, dass die ablehnende Haltung der Zielbevölkerung landwirtschaftlicher Innovation gegenüber durch finanzielle Anreize, Seminare oder die Überzeugungskunst von Mitarbeitern der Entwicklungsorganisationen kaum behoben werden kann, sondern nur durch den Einbezug der Menschen in einen von ihnen selbst gesteuerten Risikomanagementprozess. Die Prozessberatung von Schein (2000) und die nichtdirektive Beratung von Rogers (2010) haben sich im Rahmen unserer Untersuchung für die Motivierung der Bevölkerung für eine risikobewusste Entwicklungsinitiative von großem Nutzen erwiesen ebenso wie für die Beschreibung dieses Prozesses in der vorliegenden Studie. Die untersuchten Gruppen wurden durch diesen innovativen Ansatz der Entwicklungsberatung in die Lage versetzt, das Risiko von Innovation zu analysieren, zu bewerten und zu minimieren, ihre Zukunft selbst in die Hand zu nehmen und in einem sozialen, ökonomischen und physischen Umfeld zu gestalten sowie auf Veränderungen im Laufe der Umsetzung angemessen zu reagieren. Der Erwerb dieser Fähigkeit setzte eine Umwandlung einfacher Bauerngruppen ohne erkennbare Strukturen in strukturierte und organisierte Gruppen voraus, die einer lernenden Organisation im ländlichen Raum entsprechen. Diese Transformation bedarf als erstes eines Zugangs zur Information und einer zielorientierten Kommunikation. Die Umwandlung der Arbeitsgruppe zu einer lernenden Bauernorganisation förderte die Nachhaltigkeit des Gemüseanbauprojekts und das Risikomanagement und wurde so zu einem konkreten, von der Umwelt wahrgenommenen Beispiel für die Zweckmäßigkeit des oben beschriebenen Forschungsansatzes. Die Herausbildung einer lernenden Organisation ist dabei nicht Mittel zum Zweck, sondern ist selbst das zu erreichende Ziel. Die Beobachtung, Begleitung und Analyse dieses Umwandlungsprozesses erfordert einen multidisziplinären Ansatz. In diesem Fall flossen agrarwissenschaftliche, soziologische, linguistische und anthropologische Perspektiven in die partnerschaftlich ausgerichtete Forschung ein. Von der Entwicklungspolitik erfordert dieser Ansatz einen neuen Weg, der auf der Partnerschaft mit den Betroffenen und auf einer Entemotionalisierung des Entwicklungsvorhabens basiert und eine gegenseitige Wertschätzung zwischen den Akteuren voraussetzt. In diesem Prozess entwickelt sich im Laufe der Zeit die „lernende“ Bauernorganisation auch zu einer „lehrenden“ Organisation und wird dadurch eine Quelle der Inspiration für die Gesamtgesellschaft. Die Nachhaltigkeit von ländlichen Entwicklungsprojekten wird damit maßgeblich verbessert.


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El objetivo de este estudio es conocer las representaciones de lo rural y lo urbano con el intento de comprender cómo miembros de una comunidad rural se posicionan frente a la estructura social y simbólica hegemónicamente urbana. Se obtuvo el conjunto de datos a través de entrevistas a 200 integrantes de una comunidad rural, contemplando los siguientes núcleos de información: motivaciones para éxodo/permanencia en el territorio, experiencia de prejuicios, estereotipos atribuidos al grupo rural, y valores endo/exo-grupales. Los resultados referentes a las motivaciones para el éxodo o permanencia en el campo revelaron el predominio del proyecto de vida vinculado a lo rural. Los clásicos estereotipos de roceiros, bobos y caipiras fueran identificados como la imagen social del hombre del campo, elementos que producen el escenario conflictivo estratégico a la elaboración de representaciones defensivas, siendo el endogrupo rural asociado a valores positivos, y la ciudad, a significados negativamente valorizados. Se discute el imaginario grupal como campo de fuerzas en el que se elaboran representaciones polémicas en respuesta a la hegemonía urbana.


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O presente trabalho de investigação incide na análise e interpretação de uma experiência educativa, desenvolvida em contexto de sala de aula, que teve como referência e critérios de abordagem a teoria construtivista da aprendizagem, mais concretamente a teoria da aprendizagem significativa de Ausubel e partiu da análise das conceções prévias de alunos de uma turma de 9º Ano, do 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, sobre o conceito de qualidade de vida, numa escola inserida num dado contexto psicossocial, o meio rural. Trata-se de uma experiência educativa desenvolvida no domínio da cognição histórica e geográfica, relativamente à construção científica do conceito de qualidade de vida, inserido nas disciplinas de História e de Geografia. De modo a concretizar a experiência educativa foram utilizados três instrumentos diferentes, em três momentos distintos da aprendizagem dos alunos, para que no final fosse possível verificar e identificar as principais dificuldades de aprendizagem do conceito de qualidade de vida. A análise e interpretação dos dados recolhidos e as conclusões retiradas remetem para a necessidade de compreensão das conceções prévias dos alunos, em História e em Geografia, no que diz respeito ao conceito de qualidade de vida para que os professores possam melhorar a sua a prática pedagógica e para que a aprendizagem tenha mais significado para os alunos.


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This paper revisits the debate over the importance of absolute vs. relative income as a correlate of subjective well-being using data from Bangladesh, one of the poorest countries in the world with high levels of corruption and poor governance. We do so by combining household data with population census and village survey records. Our results show that conditional on own household income, respondents report higher satisfaction levels when they experience an increase in their income over the past years. More importantly, individuals who report their income to be lower than their neighbours in the village also report less satisfaction with life. At the same time, our evidence suggests that relative wealth effect is stronger for the rich. Similarly, in villages with higher inequality, individuals report less satisfaction with life. However, when compared to the effect of absolute income, these effects (i.e. relative income and local inequality) are modest. Amongst other factors, we study the influence of institutional quality. Institutional quality, measured in terms of confidence in police, matters for well-being: it enters with a positive and significant coefficient in the well-being function.


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Unique residential history data with retrospective information on parental assets are used to study household wealth mobility in 141 villages in rural Bangladesh. Regression estimates of father–son correlations and analyses of intergenerational transition matrices show substantial persistence in wealth even when we correct for measurement errors in parental wealth. We do not find wealth mobility to be higher between periods of a person's life than between generations. We find that the process of household division plays an important role: sons who splinter off from the father's household experience greater (albeit downward) mobility in wealth. Despite significant occupational mobility across generations, its contribution to wealth mobility, net of human capital attainment of individuals, appears insignificant. Low wealth mobility in our data is primarily explained by intergenerational persistence in educational attainment.


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Bangladesh has experienced the largest mass poisoning of a population in history owing to contamination of groundwater with naturally occurring inorganic arsenic. Prolonged drinking of such water risks development of diseases and therefore has implications for children's cognitive and psychological development. This study examines the effect of arsenic contamination of tubewells, the primary source of drinking water at home, on the learning outcome of school-going children in rural Bangladesh using recent nationally representative data on secondary school children. We unambiguously find a negative and statistically significant correlation between mathematics scores and arsenic-contaminated drinking tubewells at home, net of the child's socio-economic status, parental background and school specific unobserved correlates of learning. Similar correlations are found for an alternative measure of student achievement and subjective well-being (i.e. self-reported measure of life satisfaction), of the student. We conclude by discussing the policy implication of our findings in the context of the current debate over the adverse effect of arsenic poisoning on children.


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Current legislation does not permit the administration of first line resuscitation medications by suitably qualified Division 1 registered nurses (RNs) in the absence of a medical officer. This omission by the Drugs,  Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 (Vic) and the Drugs, Poisons and The Controlled Substances Regulations 1995 (Vic) leaves many critical care nurses in a vulnerable legal position.

The primary aim of this study was to gauge the view of critical care nurses with respect to lobbying for change to the current legislation. In addition, the study aimed to explore and describe the educational preparation, practice perceptions and experiences of RNs working in critical care regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the administration of first line advanced life support (ALS) medications in the absence of a medical officer. It was anticipated that data collected would demonstrate some of the dilemmas associated with the initiation and administration of ALS medications for practising critical care nurses and could be used to inform controlling bodies in order for them to gain an appreciation of the issues facing critical care nurses during resuscitation.

A mailout survey was sent to all members of the Victorian Branch of the Australian College of Critical Care Nurses (ACCCN). The results showed that the majority of nurses underwent an annual ALS assessment and had current ALS accreditation. Nurses indicated that they felt educationally prepared and were confident to manage cardiopulmonary resuscitation without a medical officer; indeed, the majority had done so. The differences in practice issues for metropolitan, regional and rural nurses were highlighted. There is therefore clear evidence to suggest that legislative amendments are appropriate and necessary, given the time critical nature of cardiopulmonary arrest. There was overwhelming support for ACCCN Vic. Ltd to lobby the Victorian government for changes to the law.


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Where people are located can influence behavioral choices and health outcomes through the effects of place on health. Walking is the most commonly reported form of nonoccupational and nonhousehold physical activity for adults. It is a behavior of particular interest to those in the transportation, urban planning, and public health fields. Researchers have examined patterns of walking from both an individual perspective (psychological and social factors) and from a broader community focus (location and built environment factors). The majority of studies have examined walking in the context of urban environments. Variations within regions (urban, periurban, and rural, for example) in walking have not been previously described. We use data from a regionally based quality of life survey to examine subregional variations in walking for particular purposes. Both the social and contextual variations that may underlie these differences are considered. This is useful in helping identify particular factors that may be further investigated in disaggregated analyses using GIS methods to identify specific differences in objective attributes between subregions that may influence peoples' choices to walk, such as walking infrastructure and the availability of destinations.


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This paper reports results from an NREC funded study of the medium term outcomes for youth and their communities of VET programs delivered by rural schools. The key findings relate to the outcomes of school VET programs in terms of education and training, employment, and community outcomes such as rural youth retention, and to the features that contribute to successful outcomes. Rural school VET students are less likely to continue with post school education and training in general, but more likely to go onto further vocational education and training than school non-VET students. The study reports strong links between industry area of school VET course, and further education and training, or employment, in the same industry area. It also indicates that school VET students are more likely to live in a rural area at some time during their working life. The features of rural school VET programs that influence outcomes include the purpose of the school VET program and work placements. Student motivation and gender also influence outcomes for individual students. Rural school VET courses represent pathways to related education and training for students who intend to live in a rural area during their working life, and for those who do not.


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This paper reports findings from a survey of former students from six Australian rural school clusters. It compares the experiences and outcomes of students who had participated in a school vocational education and training (VET) program with those who had not. School VET courses intended to provide a pathway to local employment appear to be successful in retaining students who otherwise may have left school before completing Year 12, and in assisting their transition from school to work. For all school VET students, the work placement component of the program aids the transition to local jobs and apprenticeships, and increases youth retention in the community. As the findings indicate that school VET students are predisposed to live in a rural area at some time during their working life, the paper concludes that VET programs in rural areas have special potential to develop skills and pathways for the future workforce of rural Australia.


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Background:  Physical activity (PA) reduces risk factors related to metabolic syndrome. Rurality influences the way people incorporate physical activity into daily life. The aim of this study is to determine the association of PA level with metabolic syndrome in a rural Australian population. The influence of adiposity on these associations is also investigated.

Methods: Three cross-sectional population health surveys were conducted in south-east Australia during 2004–2006 using a random population sample (n = 1563, participation rate 49%) aged 25–74 years. PA was assessed via a self-administered questionnaire, and components of the metabolic syndrome via anthropometric measurements taken by specially trained nurses and laboratory tests.

Results: Approximately one-fifth of participants were inactive in leisure-time and over one-third had metabolic syndrome (men 39%, women 33%; p = 0.022). There was an inverse association between level of PA and metabolic syndrome (p < 0.001). Men who were inactive in leisure-time were more than twice as likely and women more than three times as likely to have metabolic syndrome compared with those having high PA. Body mass index (BMI) is a mediating factor in the association between level of PA and metabolic syndrome.

Conclusion: Some PA is better than none if adults, particularly women, are to reduce their risk of metabolic syndrome and associated vascular diseases. Specialised interventions that take rurality into consideration are recommended for adults who are inactive.


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This study examined the distribution of native mistletoes in agricultural landscapes. Mistletoes occur in all types of wooded habitat, and provide resources for many species. Landscape structure, particularly the overall extent of tree cover, is vital for conserving mistletoes. Their future status depends on effective management across different land tenures.


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This biographical history investigates the formative influences, motivations and professional lives of wife and husband Ellen Cahalane Jennings (nee Murray) and Joseph Kevin Jennings in the context of their career as employees of the Victorian Education Department.


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Objective: To explore the lived experiences and social context prior to becoming pregnant, of women who became mothers during adolescence in rural Victoria.
Design: Qualitative interpretive phenomenological study using semistructured interviews.
Setting: Rural community in North East Victoria, Australia.
Participants: Four rural women who gave birth to a child between the ages of 15 and 19.
Results: Five themes emerged from the data as being essential to the participants’ experiences prior to pregnancy. These included feeling isolated; life change: transition into adulthood; support and understanding in sexual relationships; feeling dissatisfied; and overcoming adversity. Participants’ provided practical recommendations to improve life for young people in rural areas through reflecting on their own experiences.
Conclusion: These findings highlight the complex nature of rural young women’s experiences leading up to pregnancy and suggest that early motherhood might be largely reflective of the social environment in which one lives prior to pregnancy. Providing somewhere safe to go, organised and appropriate social activities and increasing access to health services were identified as being pertinent to improving experiences for rural young people prior to pregnancy. Health professionals should consider the importance of supporting young women through non-judgemental, approachable and accessible services.