211 resultados para Roba de vestir
Este trabajo trata de la actualización de los estudios referidos a la Dama de Elche y aporta el análisis de las recientes investigaciones realizadas sobre ella, relativas a su condición de producción local o pieza importada; a si la obra responde a un busto o a un fragmento escultórico; a si pudo ser la petrificación de una “imagen de vestir”; a su identificación con una diosa o con una mujer; y a las nuevas precisiones cronológicas utilizadas para su fechación.
A qualitative, phenomenological, hermeneutical study with the aim of explaining the experience of having a body deformity diagnosed as idiopathic adolescent scoliosis. A semistructured interview conducted with scoliosis patients admitted to the unit of spinal cord at the Vall d’Hebron Hospital was used. The youth defined their scoliosis based on how they perceived their deformity. They spoke of pain and deformity as characteristic symptoms of suffering, and explained how this symptom affected their social relationships. Their deformity was associated with words such as “horrible”, “shame”, “complex” and “problem.” It is concluded that the symptommost referred is pain and the biggest concern of the youth was their body aesthetic and feelings associated with it. They attempt to solve this problem by adapting the way they dress and through surgery. Surgery can resolve the body deformity but not self-perception of their body image.
A presente investigação pretende identificar os fatores que compõem a vantagem competitiva da cadeia de pronto-a-vestir Zara, contribuindo para a sua diferenciação do mercado. Pretende-se ainda perceber se esses fatores diferem de acordo com as caraterísticas sociodemográficas dos consumidores (idade, grau académico e rendimento), bem como se a frequência de realização de compras na loja influencia significativamente os fatores de diferenciação pela vantagem competitiva. Para tal, desenvolveu-se um estudo de caso, assente numa metodologia quantitativa, que contou com a aplicação de um questionário como método de recolha dos dados. O tratamento estatístico recorreu a técnicas descritivas e inferenciais como a análise fatorial e testes de comparação de médias. Os resultados demonstram haver quatro fatores que compõem a vantagem competitiva da Zara (atendimento, marca e produto, ambiente da loja e valor percebido), verificando-se uma influência maioritariamente do grau de escolaridade e da frequência de compras na loja.
En la parte inferior de la última hoja, al final del texto, consta: "Participando á las Audiencias de Indias las reglas que en lo sucesivo se han de observar en las informaciones que hagan aquellos vasallos para vestir Hábito de las Ordenes Militares"
We find in Brazil the reality of religious pluralism. From the end of XIX century until now, the religious scenario became more diversified in a process of acceptance and legitimation of different religions. In the same period, the Third Sector was largely developed up until its current form: complex, broad and plural as well. In this context, we find non profitable organizations that provide services under a religious phylosophy. One in particular, placed in Uberlândia-MG, protestant, has the fearures of a big company and is the largest one among the ones that provide social services and receive public funds in the city: Missão Luz. Thinking about the organization, some questions came to mind: is there a noticeable influence of the religious orientation on practices? How do managers understand and make sense of their practices? Adopting Chanlat’s (1996) concept of management mode, the perspective proposed by the Practice Based Studies (GHERARDI, 2013) and the sensemaking studies (WEICK, 1995), I developed a research that intended to understand Missão Luz’ management practices. Three sources of data were used – documents, shadowing and interviews – to understand, in the most complete way, organization’s management practices, using managers’ perspective. Results pointed to a noticeable relation between faith and management. Ten practices were identified among managers: council decisions, appreciation for excellence, respect for authority figures, giving second chances to employees, desire to be a reference, results quantification, search for professionalization, organization, formalization and standardization. The first five practices were heavily influenced by religious principles, and the five last were influenced by instrumental rationality, usually found in the Second Sector. It was noticed that faith was also related to those last practices, justifying them for their contribution for achieving excellence e consequent action of glorifying God. Practices are maintained e passed by the cultivation of the Mission’s DNA, an organization’s way of doing things, and by the belief of the role of the leader maintaining this DNA. Associated to practices, sensemaking moments were analyzed, situations where there order was disrupted and managers had to make sense e act on this understanding. These situations were divided in three themes: “fly the flag of the company”, changes in schools’ management and God’s purpose and sovereignty. The paper is finished with some suggestions for future researches.
The objective of this study was to assess seasonal variation in nutritional status and feeding practices among lactating mothers and their children 6-23 months of age in two different agro-ecological zones of rural Ethiopia (lowland zone and midland zone). Food availability and access are strongly affected by seasonality in Ethiopia. However, there are few published data on the effects of seasonal food fluctuations on nutritional status and dietary diversity patterns of mothers and children in rural Ethiopia. A longitudinal study was conducted among 216 mothers in two agro-ecological zones of rural Ethiopia during pre and post-harvest seasons. Data were collected on many parameters including anthropometry, blood levels of haemoglobin and ferritin and zinc, urinary iodine levels, questionnaire data regarding demographic and household parameters and health issues, and infant and young child feeding practices, 24 h food recall to determine dietary diversity scores, and household use of iodized salt. Chi-square and multivariable regression models were used to identify independent predictors of nutritional status. A wide variety of results were generated including the following highlights. It was found that 95.4% of children were breastfed, of whom 59.7% were initially breastfed within one hour of birth, 22.2% received pre-lacteal feeds, and 50.9% of children received complementary feedings by 6 months of age. Iron deficiency was found in 44.4% of children and 19.8% of mothers. Low Zinc status was found in 72.2% of children and 67.3% of mothers. Of the study subjects, 52.5% of the children and 19.1% of the mothers were anaemic, and 29.6% of children and 10.5% of mothers had iron deficiency anaemia. Among the mothers with low serum iron status, 81.2% and 56.2% of their children had low serum zinc and iron, respectively. Similarly, among the low serum zinc status mothers, 75.2% and 45.3% of their children had low serum in zinc and iron, respectively. There was a strong correlation between the micronutrient status of the mothers and the children for ferritin, zinc and haemoglobin (P <0.001). There was also statistically significant difference between agro-ecological zones for micronutrient deficiencies among the mothers (p<0.001) but not for their children. The majority (97.6%) of mothers in the lowland zone were deficient in at least one micronutrient biomarker (zinc or ferritin or haemoglobin). Deficiencies in one, two, or all three biomarkers of micronutrient status were observed in 48.1%, 16.7% and 9.9% of mothers and 35.8%, 29.0%, and 23.5%, of children, respectively. Additionally, about 42.6% of mothers had low levels of urinary iodine and 35.2% of lactating mothers had goitre. Total goitre prevalence rates and urinary iodine levels of lactating mothers were not significantly different across agro-ecological zones. Adequately iodised salt was available in 36.6% of households. The prevalence of anaemia increased from post-harvest (21.8%) to pre-harvest seasons (40.9%) among lactating mothers. Increases were from 8.6% to 34.4% in midland and from 34.2% to 46.3% in lowland agro-ecological zones. Fifteen percent of mothers were anaemic during both seasons. Predictors of anaemia were high parity of mother and low dietary diversity. The proportion of stunted and underweight children increased from 39.8% and 27% in post-harvest season to 46.0% and 31.8% in pre-harvest season, respectively. However, wasting in children decreased from 11.6% to 8.5%. Major variations in stunting and underweight were noted in midland compared to lowland agroecological zones. Anthropometric measurements in mothers indicated high levels of undernutrition. The prevalence of undernutrition in mothers (BMI <18.5kg/m2) increased from 41.7 to 54.7% between post- and pre-harvest seasons. The seasonal effect was generally higher in the midland community for all forms of malnutrition. Parity, number of children under five years and regional variation were predictors of low BMI among lactating mothers. There were differences in minimum meal frequency, minimum acceptable diet and dietary diversity in children in pre-harvest and post-harvest seasons and these parameters were poor in both seasons. Dietary diversity among mothers was higher in lowland zone but was poor in both zones across the seasons. In conclusion, malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies are very prevalent among lactating mothers and their children 6-23 months old in the study areas. There are significant seasonal variations in malnutrition and dietary diversity, in addition to significant differences between lowland and midland agro-ecological zones. These findings suggest a need to design effective preventive public health nutrition programs to address both the mothers’ and children’s needs particularly in the preharvest season.
v. 18, n.1, jan./mar. 2016.
Disponer de información fiable y en el momento adecuado, es una ficha clave para la gestión de las compañías, piense que difícil seria para un médico operar sin haber efectuado un diagnóstico a su paciente, de igual manera sucede con los gerentes, deben tener un conocimiento amplio de las empresas y del sector en el que se desarrollan, para entender y desarrollar un conjunto de estrategias, y así cumplir con las meta de la administración financiera, tomar decisiones que incrementen el valor de las acciones, o que acreciente el valor la empresa. El diagnostico financiero debe ser una práctica de manera permanente, debe ser un procedimiento continuo. Ya que de esta misma manera son las situaciones en las que se deben tomar decisiones. La investigación fue efectuada bajo le metodología descriptiva cuantitativa. Ya se partió de un conocimiento general a la ejecución de cálculos y análisis. Para desarrollo se utilizaron bases científicas, analíticas, matemáticas, bajo teorías tradicionales y teorías de generación de valor. Para el análisis se empleó información cuantitativa y cualitativa. Se utilizaron los estados financieros publicados por superintendencia de sociedades de los años 2010 a 2014 de las compañías clasificadas bajo el código de actividad económica CIIU 1410 (Confección de Prendas de Vestir, Excepto prendas de piel), de igual manera se analizó el desempeño del sector en estos últimos cinco años. Una vez se efectuó el análisis y se concluyó el estudio se pudo conocer las oportunidades, capacidades y debilidades a nivel financiero del sector, que permitirá a las compañías que se desarrollan en este poseer una visión crítica para no tomar decisiones imprevistas y sorprendentes sino equilibradas y predecibles.
Trabajo de suficiencia profesional
[es] A lo largo de la historia, los villanos, ya sean reales o imaginarios, han tenido funciones útiles para la sociedad y a menudo han actuado como «válvulas de seguridad» para aliviar las presiones sociales. Esta es probablemente la razón por la que muchos «villanos» han sido definidos como «bandidos sociales», término utilizado originalmente por Eric Hobsbawm para referirse a un forajido quizás mejor ejemplificado por el personaje de Robin Hood en la tradición inglesa. Este bandido social, admirado por todos y en todas partes, que roba a los ricos y reparte el botín entre los pobres, actúa al margen de la ley y personifica asimismo la resistencia a la opresión social y una serie de virtudes más personales. En este artículo, vamos a analizar la forma en que el bandido inglés se ha convertido en un héroe mítico más que legendario. De hecho, el personaje de Robin Hood ha trascendido el tiempo y la cultura, y se ha convertido en el arquetipo del proscrito benevolente, un héroe popular nacido de las frustraciones de una clase inferior que considera que no hay leyes ni reglas en una sociedad injusta, sino la voluntad y el capricho de quien detenta el poder. [en] Throughout history, villains -whether real or imaginary- have served useful functions, especially those of “safety valves” for society. This is probably why many “villains” have been defined as “social bandits”, a term originally used by Eric Hobsbawm to refer to a type best exemplified in the Anglo-Saxon tradition by Robin Hood. This true and widely admired social bandit who steals from the rich and gives to the poor operates outside the law but at the same time personifies both group resistance to oppression and a number of more personal virtues. In this paper, we shall analyse the way in which the English bandit has become a mythical rather than a legendary hero. Indeed, the Robin Hood figure has transcended time and culture, and has become the archetype of the benevolent outlaw, a folk hero born of the frustrations of an underclass that sees the law as the will and whim of the privileged classes above them.
232 : ilustraciones, fotografías.
30 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías.
En El Salvador las Micro y Pequeñas empresas, brindan un gran aporte a la economía, generando empleos para la población, ya que incursionan en diversos rubros como: venta de comidas, servicios de limpieza, de lavandería, zapaterías, Sorbeterías, imprentas etc. Permitiendo así la oportunidad de superarse a las personas mediante un empleo e ingresos fijos. Es por ello, que deben impulsarse para lograr su desarrollo aprovechando al máximo sus limitados recursos para poder crear habilidades que les permitan satisfacer las prioridades de sus consumidores y así, volverse competitivas. A partir de esta necesidad se realizó el estudio con el objetivo de brindar apoyo para los empresarios que buscan introducirse en el mercado Salvadoreño, de manera que estas empresas conozcan de las Habilidades con las que cuenta, además conocer de las empresa que han logrado mantenerse en el mercado y aprender de la forma de operar de ellas para lograr la fidelización de los clientes permitiendo desarrollar sus actividades de manera más sistemática y exitosa para enfrentar las amenazas y debilidades del entorno. Para llevar a cabo la presente investigación en las micro y pequeñas empresas del sector servicio del Municipio de San Salvador se aplicó el método científico; ya que éste engloba una serie de etapas de investigación que permitió acercarse de manera objetiva a la realidad que se pretendió interpretar dando inicio con la observación, el planteamiento del problema, que guiaron el proceso de investigación y finalmente la interpretación de resultados y conclusiones. La investigación se dividió en dos partes: en la primera, el método de investigación fue de tipo descriptiva, se centró en conocer el funcionamiento y la forma de operar de Empresas reconocidas para poder tomarlas como modelo para dar propuestas a las Micros y Pequeñas empresas. Durante la segunda parte de la investigación se realizó de forma analítica; mediante una comparación de empresas del mismo giro para conocer su forma de operar por medio de Habilidades y Prioridades Operacionales que utilizan empresas exitosas en El Salvador. A partir de la información obtenida se concluyó lo siguiente: En empresas dedicadas a la venta de comida rápida, los clientes exigen un excelente servicio, accesibilidad, espacio físico necesario para cubrir su demanda, tiempo de entrega y precios razonables. Los clientes que visitan supermercados, buscan precios razonables, productos de buena calidad, excelente servicio y accesibilidad. En almacenes los clientes desean: capacidad física, tiempo de entrega, un excelente servicio y flexibilidad. Por lo tanto se recomienda: A los negocios de comida rápida ser selectivos con el personal, ya que con ello se estará asegurando el brindar un buen servicio de forma adecuada e inmediata, que permita cumplir con los estándares de calidad. Los negocios de venta de abarrotes: tener una buena negociación con sus proveedores para ofrecer productos con precios razonables y de calidad, accesibilidad. Los negocios que comercializan productos de vestir y de uso personal deben dotarse del personal idóneo para brindar un excelente servicio, contar con instalaciones amplias, flexibilidad y ser eficientes en la entrega de pedidos.
94 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías.
6 volúmenes : ilustraciones, fotografías.