446 resultados para Rius
El present TFM té per objectiu aplicar tècniques d'intel·ligència artificial per analitzar la incidència de l'esforç d'alta intensitat en la generació d'IncRNA.
En el marc dels cabals ambientals o “ecològics”, el coneixement de la regulació del règim de cabals mínims o baixos per part de les infraestructures hidràuliques pren especial importància. En aquest treball, es contrasta la hipòtesi de que la regulació del règim fluvial per part dels embassaments de regadiu i per part dels embassaments destinats a la producció d’energia hidroelèctrica produeix una alteració diferent en el règim de cabals mínims. Per fer-ho, es realitza l’anàlisi comparatiu del grau d’assoliment històric dels cabals mínims ecològics, determinats en el nou Pla de Conca de l’Ebre 2010-15, en 30 trams fluvials representatius de l’efecte d’aquests tipus d’embassaments. Els resultats obtinguts indiquen que la tipologia d’ús dels embassaments és determinant en la regulació dels cabals mínims. Els embassaments de reg produeixen una major alteració del règim de cabals mínims i presenten una diferent distribució i una major variabilitat intraanual en aquesta alteració que els embassaments hidroelèctrics.
The file contains the ontology created and instantiated according to a case study as well as a little explanation of the framework in which it is included.
We present a new asymptotic formula for the maximum static voltage in a simplified model for on-chip power distribution networks of array bonded integrated circuits. In this model the voltage is the solution of a Poisson equation in an infinite planar domain whose boundary is an array of circular pads of radius ", and we deal with the singular limit Ɛ → 0 case. In comparison with approximations that appear in the electronic engineering literature, our formula is more complete since we have obtained terms up to order Ɛ15. A procedure will be presented to compute all the successive terms, which can be interpreted as using multipole solutions of equations involving spatial derivatives of functions. To deduce the formula we use the method of matched asymptotic expansions. Our results are completely analytical and we make an extensive use of special functions and of the Gauss constant G
La discusión de casos clínicos se utiliza como herramienta de aprendizaje en las clases de Microbiología clínica.
Comentaris referits a l'article següent: K. J. Vinoy, J. K. Abraham, and V. K. Varadan, “On the relationshipbetween fractal dimension and the performance of multi-resonant dipoleantennas using Koch curves,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2003, vol. 51, p. 2296–2303.
This work describes a simulation tool being developed at UPC to predict the microwave nonlinear behavior of planar superconducting structures with very few restrictions on the geometry of the planar layout. The software is intended to be applicable to most structures used in planar HTS circuits, including line, patch, and quasi-lumped microstrip resonators. The tool combines Method of Moments (MoM) algorithms for general electromagnetic simulation with Harmonic Balance algorithms to take into account the nonlinearities in the HTS material. The Method of Moments code is based on discretization of the Electric Field Integral Equation in Rao, Wilton and Glisson Basis Functions. The multilayer dyadic Green's function is used with Sommerfeld integral formulation. The Harmonic Balance algorithm has been adapted to this application where the nonlinearity is distributed and where compatibility with the MoM algorithm is required. Tests of the algorithm in TM010 disk resonators agree with closed-form equations for both the fundamental and third-order intermodulation currents. Simulations of hairpin resonators show good qualitative agreement with previously published results, but it is found that a finer meshing would be necessary to get correct quantitative results. Possible improvements are suggested.
Degree sequences of some types of graphs will be studied and characterizedin this paper.
The effects of the addition to sausage mix of tocopherols (200 mg/kg), a conventional starter culture with or without Staphylococcus carnosus, celery concentrate (CP) (0.23% and 0.46%), and two doses of nitrate (70 and 140 mg/kg expressed as NaNO(3)) on residual nitrate and nitrite amounts, instrumental CIE Lab color, tocol content, oxidative stability, and overall acceptability were studied in fermented dry-cured sausages after ripening and after storage. Nitrate doses were provided by nitrate-rich CP or a chemical grade source. The lower dose complies with the EU requirements governing the maximum for ingoing amounts in organic meat products. Tocopherol addition protected against oxidation, whereas the nitrate dose, nitrate source, or starter culture had little influence on secondary oxidation values. The residual nitrate and nitrite amounts found in the sausages with the lower nitrate dose were within EU-permitted limits for organic meat products and residual nitrate can be further reduced by the presence of the S. carnosus culture. Color measurements were not affected by the CP dose. Product consumer acceptability was not affected negatively by any of the factors studied. As the two nitrate sources behaved similarly for the parameters studied, CP is a useful alternative to chemical ingredients for organic dry-cured sausage production.
Se'ns presenta una oportunitat ulllca d'aplegar en aquestes pagllles I'extensa producció escrita del Sr. Mirambell i Belloc. Des deis seus inicis professionals fins a I'actualitat com a cronista de la ciutat de Girona, ha composat pagines consagrades a temes d'actualitat social i d'ambit cultural, així com d'ambit historic i educatiu. Des d'articles de premsa fins a estudis monografics dedicats a I'ensenyament, la impremta, la Biblioteca Pública de Girona, etc.; tots ells d'un elevat valor cultural i d'una qualitat innegable. Així doncs, disposat en vuit blocs: lIibres, col'laboracions en obres col'lectives, articles en publicacions periodiques, miscel·lanies i homenatges, conferencies, comunicacions i ponencies, fultets, prolegs, epílegs i estudis introductoris i obres menors, s'ha volgut copsar tota aquesta riquesa ,
Se'ns presenta una oportunitat ulllca d'aplegar en aquestes pagllles I'extensa producció escrita del Sr. Mirambell i Belloc. Des deis seus inicis professionals fins a I'actualitat com a cronista de la ciutat de Girona, ha composat pagines consagrades a temes d'actualitat social i d'ambit cultural, així com d'ambit historic i educatiu. Des d'articles de premsa fins a estudis monografics dedicats a I'ensenyament, la impremta, la Biblioteca Pública de Girona, etc.; tots ells d'un elevat valor cultural i d'una qualitat innegable. Així doncs, disposat en vuit blocs: lIibres, col'laboracions en obres col'lectives, articles en publicacions periodiques, miscel·lanies i homenatges, conferencies, comunicacions i ponencies, fultets, prolegs, epílegs i estudis introductoris i obres menors, s'ha volgut copsar tota aquesta riquesa ,
This article focuses on Barcelona"s art market to explore the underlying factors behind the clustering of art dealers in several of the city"s districts. Drawing upon quantitative and qualitative data, the article analyses how such clustering reveals a strategic action in the sense attributed to it by Crozier and Friedberg (1981). Gallery districts are not a reflection of structural factors (economic, urban development-related or social) but the result of a combination of strategic choices either individual or collective which explain the permanence of leading gallery districts or the emergence of new ones.