995 resultados para Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg
Åbo 1809, Frenckell
Effect of indomethacin on the renal response to angiotensin II receptor blockade in healthy subjects
Nimeke muilla kielillä:
Описанiе путешетвиiя государя Императора Александра 1., изъ станцiи Ниссиле въ город Каяну во время послѣднаго вояжа Его величества въ Ведикое княжество Финляндское лѣтомъ 1819 года
Schilderung der Fahrt des Kejsers Alexander von der Station Nissilä nach der Stadt Kaiana auf der letzten Reise Seiner Majestät in dem Gross-Fürstenthume Finland während des Sommers 1819.
Relation du trajet de l’Empereur Alexandre de la station Nissilä à la ville de Kaïana duran le dernier voyage de sa majesté dans le Grand Duché de Finlande pendant l’été 1819.
Hans Viertler, a visionary, an example of institutional commitment, a great scientist, excellent and dedicated teacher, highly respected as a professional and admired for his leadership, wisdom, generosity, good humor, professional capacity, and balance. A life dedicated to the consolidation of Chemistry in Brazil, the teaching chemistry, the IQ-USP, the Brazilian Chemical Society (SBQ) and the CRQ-fourth region. Hans, a friend with a heart bigger than himself!
Bound in: Dissertatio historica de paroecia Alandiae Lemland, eique annexa Lumparland / Daniel Ferdinandus Mallén. Aboae : typis Frenckellianis, [1792]
Dedicated to: Pontus de la Gardie, Ephraim Otto Runeberg, Johan Billmark, Carl Joh. Bäckman, Lars Blom, Nathanael Häggström, Matths Nyman, Anders Biring, Anders Winstefn, Petter Teliin, Carl Malm.