1000 resultados para Retração por secagem
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o efeito das formas de secagem, durante a maturação, sobre o desenvolvimento e a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de mucuna-preta. No primeiro experimento, inflorescências foram etiquetadas no início de florescimento e as colheitas iniciaram-se duas semanas após; no segundo, as colheitas foram iniciadas 40 dias após 50% de florescimento das plantas; em ambos, as colheitas foram feitas a intervalos semanais até o estádio de vagens secas. As sementes de cada colheita do primeiro experimento foram secadas, em condições ambientais de laboratório, no interior de vagens fechadas ou abertas (sementes expostas) e determinados a massa de 100 sementes, o comprimento, a largura e a espessura das sementes, enquanto no segundo foram secadas no interior de vagens fechadas ou extraídas das vagens e submetidas ao teste de germinação. A secagem no interior das vagens promove o desenvolvimento de sementes imaturas, antecipa a formação de sementes duras e aumenta o número dessas nas imaturas comparativamente às sementes secadas em vagens abertas ou após a extração.
Objetivou-se no presente trabalho verificar a qualidade do café natural e despolpado durante a secagem em terreiro e secagem com ar aquecido a 40º e 60ºC. O trabalho foi realizado no Departamento de Engenharia e no Pólo de Tecnologia em Pós-Colheita do Café da Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA). A colheita do café, cultivar Topázio, foi seletiva. Parte do café foi despolpado e outra parte processado de forma natural. Uma parcela de cada tipo de café foi conduzida para a secagem em terreiro e outra parcela para secagem com temperaturas de 40ºC e 60ºC. Para avaliação da qualidade, foram feitos teste de condutividade elétrica e lixiviação de potássio; determinação de acidez titulável total; teste de acidez graxa; açúcares totais e redutores. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que: o tempo para secagem é afetado pelos diferentes tipos de secagem e processamentos; a condutividade elétrica, a lixiviação de potássio, a acidez titulável total e a acidez graxa aumentam com a elevação da temperatura de secagem, independente do tipo de processamento; os açúcares redutores e os açúcares totais diminuem com o aumento da tem peratura de secagem independente do tipo de processamento; a secagem com temperatura de 60ºC afetou negativamente a qualidade do café.
A manutenção da integridade das membranas celulares, entre outros eventos, é um forte indicativo de que a qualidade do café foi preservada na pós-colheita. Objetivou-se neste trabalho, analisar o efeito de diferentes métodos de secagem na manutenção da integridade da parede celular e da membrana plasmática de café natural e café despolpado, buscando determinar as condições e o momento em que ocorrem as rupturas microscópicas. Os cafés foram submetidos a um período de pré-secagem em terreiro. Após este, uma parcela de cada tipo de café foi desidratada no terreiro e, outra, à temperatura de 40ºC e 60ºC em secadores de camada fixa, monitorando-se a temperatura e o teor de água até 11% (bu). Nesse período, grãos foram aleatoriamente amostrados e fragmentos do endosperma preparados para a microscopia eletrônica de varredura, registrando-se diversas eletromicrografias, avaliando-se as alterações na membrana plasmática da célula do endosperma dos grãos de cafés em função do teor de água e tempo de secagem. O citoplasma das células a 11% (bu) de teor de água não foi comprometido na secagem em terreiro e a 40°C; na secagem a 60°C, observou-se comprometimento nas estruturas celulares nos cafés com teor de água de 20% (bu).
Fruits of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench.) cv. Amarelinho were harvested at three times: 35, 45 and 55 days after anthesis. Half part of the fruits of each harvest time was shelled and the seeds were dried in natural environment of laboratory or in dry chamber. The other half was dried unshelled in the same two conditions. Water contents of seeds were evaluated at harvest time and before the germination test, that was carried out when the seeds were in hygroscopic equilibrium with the two environments. The physiological quality of seeds was affected by the interaction effects of fruit age, drying method and drying condition. The highest values for percentage of germination were obtained from seeds taken from fruits 55 days old (up to 92%) and the hard seeds percentage was not affected by drying method and drying condition. The seeds from fruits of 35 and 45 days old had the germination percentage increased when dried inside the fruit in natural environment.
The Influence of Drying Temperatures on the Yield Composition of Citronella (Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt) essential oil. The studies were carried out to establish more precise parameters for citronella (C. winterianus Jowitt) post-harvest, and to optimize drying time and essential oil quantitative/qualitative yield. Five treatments were designed (30°C, 40°C, 50°C, 60°C and 70°C), with 14 repetitions of the drying process and 12 of the essential oil extraction. Drying at 60°C gave the best results for drying time (48 hours until weight stabilization), and also for extracted oil quantity (1.228 ± 0.127% over dry weight). Essential oil content showed high quantitative variations. The main compound found was neral, except in the 50°C treatment, where citronelal was the main compound.
This work describes a modified sol-gel method for the preparation of V 2O 5/TiO 2 catalysts. The samples have been characterized by N 2 adsorption at 77K, x-ray diffractometry (XRD) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR). The surface area increases with the vanadia loading from 24 m 2 g -1, for pure TiO 2, to 87 m 2 g -1 for 9wt.% of V 2O 5. The rutile form is predominant for pure TiO 2 but became enriched with anatase phase when vanadia loading is increased. No crystalline V 2O 5 phase was observed in the catalysts diffractograms. Two species of surface vanadium observed by FT-IR spectroscopy a monomeric vanadyl and polymeric vanadates, the vanadyl/vanadate ratio remains practically constant.
This study evaluated the Eucalyptus grandis drying defects acting on boards diametrical position and on log steaming. Half of the logs, with diameter from 20 to <25, 25 to <30 and 30 to <35cm, were steamed during 20 hours at 90°C of temperature. Subsequently, the logs (control and steamed) were sawn. The boards were dried in the dry-kiln pilot and the resulting defects from the drying process were measured. The results indicate that: (1) the boards coming from control logs presented different magnitude defects in function of the diametrical position. The split and spring to increase in direction to pith, the bow to increase in direction to bark and cupping were bigger in intermediary boards; (2) the boards coming from steamed logs presented a reduction from drying defects in function of logs diameter and its more homogeneous index in the pith-bark direction.
Eucalyptus camaldulensis has great importance in Brazil because of their phenotypic plasticity for different environmental conditions, as soils, altitudes and rainfall. This study is an investigation of a base population of E. camaldulensis from Australia through a progeny test implanted in Selvíria, MS. The trial was established in a randomized block design, with 25 families and 60 replications of single tree plots. Genetic parameters for anatomic traits and volume shrinkage were estimated, as well as their correlations with wood basic density. No significant differences among progenies were observed for the traits studied. The additive genetic variation coefficient at individual and among progeny levels ranged from low (0.26%) to high (16.98%). The narrow sense heritability at individual and family means levels also ranged from low (0.01) to high (0.87). This indicates that some traits are under strong genetic control and can be improved by selection. In the present situation, in order to attain the highest genetic gains, the sequential selection among and within progeny would be recommended.
The drying of grapefruit seeds, by-products from grapefruit processing, was studied at 40, 50, 60 and 70°C and at three air velocities, 0.6, 1.0 and 1.4 m s-1. Sorption isotherms of grapefruit seeds were obtained at each temperature by the static method using saturated salt solutions. The Henderson model adequately described the sorption isotherms, over the entire temperature range. Drying rates indicated that the drying of grapefruit seeds took place under the falling rate period. Effective moisture diffusivity in grapefruit seeds ranged from 4.36 × 10-10 to 6.82 × 10-10 m2 s-1. The temperature dependence of the effective diffusivity followed an Arrhenius relationship, and the activation energies were 12.23, 11.29 and 11.79 kJ mol-1 for dried grapefruit seeds under air velocities of 0.6, 1.0 and 1.4 m s-1, respectively. Three thin-layer models were used to predict the drying curves, Page, Lewis, and Henderson-Pabis model. The Page model presented the best fit for all drying air temperatures and velocities studied.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA