251 resultados para Repertoires
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
The proposed work is located in education field in exhibition spaces of art and seeks to analyze a process of formation as a mediator focusing on the public's relationship with art, taking into account the fact that often the general public does not dominate the codes of this area, being incumbent upon mediator introduce them. One of the main points to be analyzed is the impact that can be generated by the contact of the visitor with the mediator in the exhibition space, considering a spectrum of possibilities, where at one end focuses the belonging and in the other the symbolic violence. In this direction this research aims to build a relationship of emancipation and autonomy of both, the educator and the visitor. It is known that the concept of public is a generalization, therefore, the analysis of the mediation process, are having as support the experiences lived by the mediator, especially, in the relationship with the lay public. The locations of the experiences lived, were the SESC Pompéia and the Pavilion of the Bienal of São Paulo, different places, but both with the potential to generate reception and / or distances, shot through space (architecture), bodies, codes, accesses, works of art, repertoires, expographic and especially through the mobilization of educator front of all these issues. The cutting of the research covers the experience of the educator (as an intern and professional) in six exhibitions, in these two spaces, between the years 2010 to 2015.
Propomos, neste trabalho, que o conceito de intencionalidade é uma ferramenta relevante para a interpretação de repertórios simbólicos humanos. Analisamos como os conceitos de intencionalidade e de linguagem verbal são articulados na Teoria da Aquisição da Linguagem Baseada no Uso de Tomasello, na Teoria dos Atos Ilocucionários de Searle e na Teoria dos Sistemas Intencionais de Dennett, buscando identificar seu papel na determinação da cognição humana. Essas teorias propõem uma interdependência entre esses conceitos, os quais difeririam entre si quanto ao modo como se dá essa articulação. Elas também destacam a importância dos repertórios simbólicos, especialmente a linguagem verbal, para a cognição humana. Como a intencionalidade é um aspecto da cognição humana, uma conexão entre linguagem verbal e intencionalidade para o funcionamento cognitivo humano é uma questão a ser investigada na psicologia científica.
The proposed work is located in education field in exhibition spaces of art and seeks to analyze a process of formation as a mediator focusing on the public's relationship with art, taking into account the fact that often the general public does not dominate the codes of this area, being incumbent upon mediator introduce them. One of the main points to be analyzed is the impact that can be generated by the contact of the visitor with the mediator in the exhibition space, considering a spectrum of possibilities, where at one end focuses the belonging and in the other the symbolic violence. In this direction this research aims to build a relationship of emancipation and autonomy of both, the educator and the visitor. It is known that the concept of public is a generalization, therefore, the analysis of the mediation process, are having as support the experiences lived by the mediator, especially, in the relationship with the lay public. The locations of the experiences lived, were the SESC Pompéia and the Pavilion of the Bienal of São Paulo, different places, but both with the potential to generate reception and / or distances, shot through space (architecture), bodies, codes, accesses, works of art, repertoires, expographic and especially through the mobilization of educator front of all these issues. The cutting of the research covers the experience of the educator (as an intern and professional) in six exhibitions, in these two spaces, between the years 2010 to 2015.
Dentistry is nowadays open to new ideas about the constructions of meanings for oral health. This openness tallies with the social production of health and shows the need to contextualize the social, historical and sundry knowledge in the development of oral health for different communities. The scope of this research is to build meanings for oral health with a group of elderly people. With this in mind, we propose an approximation between the discourses of the elderly on oral health and the Social Constructionist discourse. Thus, we interviewed 14 elderly people registered with a Family Health Unit in Ribeirao Preto in the State of Sao Paulo in the first semester of 2010. This enabled us to identify two Interpretative Repertoires with the use of Discourse Analysis, which showed the relationship between: 1 Lack of dental information and assistance in childhood; and 2 - Primary Healthcare constructing meaning for oral health. We concluded that Social Constructionism assists epistemologically for the construction of meaning for oral health and that Primary Healthcare is essential for valuing healthcare for the construction of meaning for oral health on the part of the elderly by fostering conditions for self care and healthy attitudes.
Dentistry currently reveals itself to be open to new ideas about the construction of meanings for oral health. This openness leads to the social production of health revealing the contextualization of the social and historical aspects of the sundry knowledge in the development of oral health for different communities. With this research, we seek to build meanings for oral health with a group of elderly people. With this objective in mind, we propose an approximation between discourses on oral health mentioned by the elderly and the Social Constructionist discourse. We interviewed 14 elderly people enrolled in a Family Health Unit in Ribeirao Preto, State of Sao Paulo, in the first semester of 2010, and identified two interpretative repertoires through Discourse Analysis, which showed the relationship between 1 Lack of information and dental assistance in childhood, and 2 - Primary Health Care building the meaning of oral health. We concluded that Social Constructionism works epistemologically for the construction of meanings for oral health and that primary health is essential for appreciation and health care that enables the construction of meanings in oral health by the elderly that create conditions for self-care and healthy attitudes.
Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas disease, is a complex of genetically diverse isolates highly phylogenetically related to T. cruzi-like species, Trypanosoma cruzi marinkellei and Trypanosoma dionisii, all sharing morphology of blood and culture forms and development within cells. However, they differ in hosts, vectors and pathogenicity: T. cruzi is a human pathogen infective to virtually all mammals whilst the other two species are non-pathogenic and bat restricted. Previous studies suggest that variations in expression levels and genetic diversity of cruzipain, the major isoform of cathepsin L-like (CATL) enzymes of T. cruzi, correlate with levels of cellular invasion, differentiation, virulence and pathogenicity of distinct strains. In this study, we compared 80 sequences of genes encoding cruzipain from 25 T. cruzi isolates representative of all discrete typing units (DTUs TcI-TcVI) and the new genotype Tcbat and 10 sequences of homologous genes from other species. The catalytic domain repertoires diverged according to DTUs and trypanosome species. Relatively homogeneous sequences are found within and among isolates of the same DTU except TcV and TcVI, which displayed sequences unique or identical to those of TcII and TcIII, supporting their origin from the hybridization between these two DTUs. In network genealogies, sequences from T. cruzi clustered tightly together and closer to T. c. marinkellei than to T. dionisii and largely differed from homologues of T. rangeli and T. b. brucei. Here, analysis of isolates representative of the overall biological and genetic diversity of T. cruzi and closest T. cruzi-like species evidenced DTU- and species-specific polymorphisms corroborating phylogenetic relationships inferred with other genes. Comparison of both phylogenetically close and distant trypanosomes is valuable to understand host-parasite interactions, virulence and pathogenicity. Our findings corroborate cruzipain as valuable target for drugs, vaccine, diagnostic and genotyping approaches.
Abstract Background Citrus canker is a disease that has severe economic impact on the citrus industry worldwide. There are three types of canker, called A, B, and C. The three types have different phenotypes and affect different citrus species. The causative agent for type A is Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri, whose genome sequence was made available in 2002. Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. aurantifolii strain B causes canker B and Xanthomonas fuscans subsp. aurantifolii strain C causes canker C. Results We have sequenced the genomes of strains B and C to draft status. We have compared their genomic content to X. citri subsp. citri and to other Xanthomonas genomes, with special emphasis on type III secreted effector repertoires. In addition to pthA, already known to be present in all three citrus canker strains, two additional effector genes, xopE3 and xopAI, are also present in all three strains and are both located on the same putative genomic island. These two effector genes, along with one other effector-like gene in the same region, are thus good candidates for being pathogenicity factors on citrus. Numerous gene content differences also exist between the three cankers strains, which can be correlated with their different virulence and host range. Particular attention was placed on the analysis of genes involved in biofilm formation and quorum sensing, type IV secretion, flagellum synthesis and motility, lipopolysacharide synthesis, and on the gene xacPNP, which codes for a natriuretic protein. Conclusion We have uncovered numerous commonalities and differences in gene content between the genomes of the pathogenic agents causing citrus canker A, B, and C and other Xanthomonas genomes. Molecular genetics can now be employed to determine the role of these genes in plant-microbe interactions. The gained knowledge will be instrumental for improving citrus canker control.
Abstract Background The ability to manipulate the genetic networks underlying the physiological and behavioural repertoires of the adult honeybee worker (Apis mellifera) is likely to deepen our understanding of issues such as learning and memory generation, ageing, and the regulatory anatomy of social systems in proximate as well as evolutionary terms. Here we assess two methods for probing gene function by RNA interference (RNAi) in adult honeybees. Results The vitellogenin gene was chosen as target because its expression is unlikely to have a phenotypic effect until the adult stage in bees. This allowed us to introduce dsRNA in preblastoderm eggs without affecting gene function during development. Of workers reared from eggs injected with dsRNA derived from a 504 bp stretch of the vitellogenin coding sequence, 15% had strongly reduced levels of vitellogenin mRNA. When dsRNA was introduced by intra-abdominal injection in newly emerged bees, almost all individuals (96 %) showed the mutant phenotype. An RNA-fragment with an apparent size similar to the template dsRNA was still present in this group after 15 days. Conclusion Injection of dsRNA in eggs at the preblastoderm stage seems to allow disruption of gene function in all developmental stages. To dissect gene function in the adult stage, the intra-abdominal injection technique seems superior to egg injection as it gives a much higher penetrance, it is much simpler, and it makes it possible to address genes that are also expressed in the embryonic, larval or pupal stages.
[ES] El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo el análisis de las listas de vocabulario bilingües español-francés creadas en torno al tema de la indumentaria e incluidas en los diferentes repertorios léxicos organizados por temas que han sido ampliamente empleados como herramienta básica para la enseñanza del vocabulario esencial de una lengua extranjera. La investigación combina, por tanto, tres líneas principales: lexicográfica, dada la naturaleza del corpus, léxico-semántica, puesto que se traza la evolución de las voces registradas en esos listados y didáctica, pues contribuye a un mejor conocimiento de la historia de la enseñanza del vocabulario.
The dissertation aims to provide an overview of some aspects of everyday life in Roman Britain in general and in the area of Hadrian’s Wall in particular. In a preliminary description, the writer addresses the complex topic related to the genesis of borders as the fulfillment of the expansionist parable of Rome, and as the space manifestation of the sunset of the idea of an imperium sine fine. Then the thesis passes to examine, in subsequent chapters, first the religious theme in its peculiar indigenous component and in the cultural practices triggered by the process of Romanization, secondly the question whether is possible to study everyday life in the northernmost province of the Empire through a discussion of the civilian settlements in proximity to military sites. This issue is drawn especially thanks to the analysis of the so-called Vindolanda tablets, which constitute a valuable evidence of a lively environment both under human and social respect. Before giving an indication of the specific bibliography, the work offers a number of appendices which elaborate part of the information which has been supplied in the previous sections. Mention of the epigraphic repertoires and literary and antiquarian sources is finally made.
Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden 74736 bp genomischer DNA-Sequenzder Hämoglobingen-Gruppe D aus der Chironomiden Art Chironomus tentansentschlüsselt und analysiert. Durch Datenbankrecherchen undSequenz-Vergleiche wurden 29 vollständige Hämoglobin-Geneidentifiziert und klassifiziert. Es zeigt sich, daß alle derzeitbekannten Hämoglobin-Gene der Chironomiden auch in Chironomus tentansvorhanden sind. Zusätzlich konnten in Chironomus tentans sechs neueHämoglobin-Varianten identifiziert werden, die bislang weder aufProtein- noch auf Gen-Ebene in anderen Spezies nachgewiesenwurden. Die Hämoglobin-Gene liegen in dichter Abfolge innerhalbdes Clusters, wobei durchschnittlich etwa alle 2 kb ein Gen zufinden ist. Die Abfolge der Hämoglobin-Gene innerhalb derGengruppe wird nur an einer Stelle durch ein interspergiertes Genaus der Familie der Glukosetransporter unterbrochen. Desweiterenkonnten zwei retrotransponierbare Elemente der SINE-Klasse (CP1)innerhalb des Hämoglobingen-Clusters identifiziert werden. AlleGene besitzen die für ihre Expression erforderlichenSignalsequenzen, so daß es sich höchstwahrscheinlich um aktiveGene handelt. Die abgeleiteten Aminosäure-Sequenzen weisen alleCharakteristika sauerstofftransportierender Moleküle auf. Da es sich bei den Hämoglobinen um eine sehr alte Genfamiliehandelt, kann die vergleichende Analyse derHämoglobin-Genstruktur bei Vertebraten, Invertebraten, Pflanzenund Protozoen zur Rekonstruktion der Intron-Evolution genutztwerden. Die Konservierung von Intronpositionen in homologen Genenverschiedener Taxa gilt dabei als Maß für das relativestammesgeschichtliche Alter der Introns. Eine Vielzahl derHämoglobin-Gene von Invertebraten weisen ein Intron im zentralenGenbereich auf. Auch bei einigen Chironomiden-Arten konntendiese 'zentralen Introns' nachgewiesen werden. DieHämoglobin-Gene von Chironomus tentans galten hingegen bislang als intronlos.Die vorliegende Untersuchung zeigt, daß auch zweiHämoglobin-Gene dieser Spezies je ein kurzes Intron aufweisen.Der Vergleich der Intronverteilung in den Hämoglobin-Genen derChironomiden führt zu dem Ergebnis, daß alle vorhandenen Intronsam sparsamsten (im Sinne des 'maximum parsimony'-Prinzips) durchunabhängige Insertionen in ein intronlosesVorläufer-Hämoglobin-Gen erklärt werden können. Alle bislangin Chironomiden beschriebenen Introns sind mit großerWahrscheinlichkeit nicht ortholog (Hankeln et al., 1997; dieseArbeit). Das Vorläufer-Hämoglobin-Gen in Chironomiden besaßdaher vermutlich kein 'zentrales Intron'. Die in Chironomidengefundenen Verhältnisse stellen somit die von Go (1981)formulierte Hypothese der Ursprünglichkeit des 'zentralenIntrons' in Hämoglobin-Genen in Frage. Die in Invertebraten undPflanzen beschriebenen 'zentralen Introns' sind vermutlich nichthomolog und dementsprechend auch nicht auf ein Intron imanzestralen Globin zurückzuführen. Vielmehr implizieren die inhohem Maße variablen Positionen der 'zentralen Introns' beiPflanzen und Invertebraten ihre unabhängige Insertion in diejeweiligen Globin-Gene nach der Aufspaltung der Taxa. Grundsätzlich können zwei Klassen von Hämoglobin-Genen inChironomiden unterschieden werden. Die überwiegende Mehrzahl derHämoglobine wird von Genen kodiert, die nur in einer Kopie imGenom vorliegen. Sie werden dementsprechend als 'single copy'Varianten bezeichnet. Für andere Hämoglobin-Varianten konntehingegen eine Vielzahl leicht unterschiedlicher Gene beschriebenwerden. Diese bilden sogenannte Gen-Subfamilien. In Chironomus tentans konntegezeigt werden, daß neben den 7B-Genen auch die 7A-Gene eineeigene Subfamilie bilden. Die 'single copy' Varianten zeichnensich im Interspezies-Vergleich durch ihre konservierteNukleotid-Sequenz aus: Sie unterliegen während ihrer Evolutionoffenbar einer stabilisierenden Selektion, d.h. Veränderungenihrer Protein-Sequenzen werden nur in geringem Maße toleriert.Auch ihre räumliche Anordnung innerhalb der Gengruppe istzwischenartlich konserviert. Der Vergleich der 'single copy'Varianten innerhalb einer Art zeigt, daß diese sehr deutlicheSequenz-Unterschiede zueinander aufweisen. Sie bilden somit einkonserviertes Sortiment an Hämoglobin-Genen, das weitgehend vorder Radiation der Arten entstanden ist und eine über dieArtgrenzen hinweg unveränderte 'Hämoglobin-Grundausstattung'gewährleistet. Im Gegensatz hierzu zeichnen sich die Mitglieder vonHämoglobin-Gen-Sub-familien durch eine hohe Variabilität aus:Nukleotid-Sequenz, Anzahl und Organisation der Gene innerhalb derGenfamilie weisen im zwischenartlichen Vergleich zahlreicheUnterschiede auf. Es ist daher nur selten möglich allein aufGrundlage der Nukleotid-Sequenzen orthologe Genpaare zuidentifizieren. Die orthologen Gene der 7B-Subfamilie aus Chironomus tentansund chth konnten ausschließlich anhand korrespondierenderIntergen-Sequenzen einander zugeordnet werden. Somit sind dieGen-Subfamilien präferenziell an der Entstehung einesspeziesspezifischen Gen-Repertoires beteiligt. Variationen derNukleotid-Sequenz, Gen-Anzahl und Gen-Organisation innerhalb derSubfamilie werden im Gegensatz zu den 'single copy' Varianten ineinem hohen Maße toleriert. Aufgrund der hohen Sequenz-Übereinstimmungen zwischen denMitgliedern der Gen-Subfamilien unterliegen diese einer Vielzahlvon Rearrangements, die in Gen-Duplikationen, Deletionen undSequenz-Homogenisierungen resultieren. So führten beispielsweiseGenduplikationen durch ungleiches, homologes Crossing-over mitgroßer Wahrscheinlichkeit zur Entstehung und Expansion der7A-Subfamilie. Auch die Gene Cte12-1 und Cte 12-2 sind vermutlichdas Ergebnis eines rezenten Duplika-tions-Ereignisses. DerMechanismus der Retrotransposition, der zu einer Duplika-tioneines 3`-untranslatierten Bereichs innerhalb der 7A-Subfamilieführte, scheint für die Entstehung derHämoglobin-Multiplizität in Chironomiden hingegen wenigerbedeutsam zu sein. Innerhalb der 7A-Subfamilie ist eineAngleichung der Gene durch konzertierte Sequenz-Evolution zubeobachten. Der nukleotidweise Vergleich von Gen-Sequenzen zeigtam Beispiel der Gene 7A7 und 7A8, daß die konzertierte Evolutiondieser Gen-Varianten auf dem Mechanismus der Genkonversionberuht. Auch die Gen-Subfamilie 7B unterliegt offenbar in hohemMaße einer solchen Sequenz-Homogenisierung. Im Sinne einer molekularen Uhr sollten synonyme Basenaustauscheweitgehend neutral sein und sich proportional zur Zeit in denGenen anhäufen. Der Vergleich der Hämoglobin-Gen-Sequenzenzeigt, daß große Unterschiede in der Anzahl der synonymenBasenaustausche zwischen orthologen Genen nicht zwangsläufig dasErgebnis einer frühen Trennung dieser Gene sind. Die Übertragungvon Sequenzen zwischen paralogen Genen kann die Anzahl dersynonymen Basenaustausche orthologer Gene in kürzester Zeitverändern und den tatsächlichen Zeitpunkt der Trennung zweierorthologen Gene überdecken. Werden Genkonversionen nichterkannt, weil beispielsweise nicht alle Gene der Gruppevollständig erfaßt werden konnten, führt der Vergleichorthologer Gen-Sequenzen zwangsläufig zu falschen evolutionärenGendistanzen. Da die Mitglieder der Hämoglobin-Genfamiliebesonders häufig Rekombinations-Prozessen unterliegen, sind siedaher möglicherweise weniger nützliche Kanditaten für dieErmittlung evolutionärer Distanzen zwischen den verschiedenenChironomiden-Arten. Insgesamt zeigen die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit, daß anhanddetaillierter phylogenetischer Analysen sich die Evolution derHämoglobin-Multigenfamilie von Chironomiden umfassendbeschreiben läßt. Ob einzelne, besonders gut konservierteGen-Varianten (wie z. B. die Gene Cte 8 und Cte W) einespezifische physiologische Funktion erfüllen oder ob dieGen-Subfamilien, die ein speziesspezifisches Genrepertoirebilden, an der Einnischung der verschiedenen Arten beteiligtsind, sollte durch weiterführende Untersuchungen (z. B. derGenexpression sowie der physiologischen Eigenschaften einzelnerVarianten) ermittelt werden können.
Tumor-assoziierte Antigene (TAA) repräsentieren wichtige Zielstrukturen in zytotoxischen T-Zell (ZTL)-basierten Immuntherapien zur Behandlung maligner Erkrankungen. Die Tatsache, dass TAA nicht spezifisch nur in Tumoren sondern auch in nicht-transformierten Zellen vorhanden sind, kann infolge verschiedener Toleranz-Mechanismen zur Eliminierung von ZTL führen, deren T-Zell-Rezeptoren eine hohe Affinität für TAA besitzen. Entsprechend erfordert die Entwicklung effektiver Immuntherapeutika die genaue Analyse des verfügbaren T-Zell-Repertoires mit Spezifität für ein gegebenes TAA.Die Arbeit fokusierte das Tyrosinase (369-377) ZTL-Epitop, das im Komplex mit HLA-A*0201 (A2.1) auf der Zell-Oberfläche von malignen Melanomen und verschiedenen nicht-transformierten Zellen präsentiert wird. Es wurde gefunden, dass sowohl das humane als auch das murine Tyrosinase (369-377)-spezifische ZTL-Repertoire durch Selbst-Toleranz kompromittiert ist und dass diese Toleranz weder durch Verwendung einer bestimmten Peptid-Variante noch durch Interferenz mit CD4+CD25+ regulatorischen T-Zellen oder CTLA-4 umgangen werden kann. Diese Ergebnisse wurden anschließend auf ein anderes Krankheitsmodell, das Multiple Myelom (MM), adaptiert. Unter Umgehung von Selbst-Toleranz in A2.1-transgenen Mäusen wurde gezeigt, dass Transkriptionsfaktoren, die die terminale Differenzierung von B-Zellen in maligne und nicht-maligne Plasmazellen diktieren, als MM-assoziierte ZTL-Epitope dienen können.Diese Arbeit bietet einen bedeutenden und innovativen Beitrag zur Gestaltung von Tyrosinase-basierten Melanom- und MM-reaktiven Immuntherapien.
Le musiche “popolaresche” urbane, in genere trascurate nella letteratura etnomusicologica, sono state quasi completamente ignorate nel caso della Romania. Il presente studio si propone di colmare almeno in parte questa lacuna, indagando questo fenomeno musicale nella Bucarest degli anni Trenta e Quaranta del Novecento. Le musiche esaminate sono tuttavia inserite entro una cornice storica più ampia, che data a partire dalla fine del XVIII secolo, e messe in relazione con alcune produzioni di origine rurale che con queste hanno uno stretto rapporto. Il caso di Maria Lătărețu (1911-1972) si è rivelato particolarmente fecondo in questo senso, dal momento che la cantante apparteneva ad entrambi i versanti musicali, rurale e urbano, e nepadroneggiava con disinvoltura i rispettivi repertori. Dopo il suo trasferimento nella capitale, negli anni Trenta, è diventata una delle figure di maggior spicco di quel fenomeno noto come muzică populară (creazione musicale eminentemente urbana e borghese con radici però nel mondo delle musiche rurali). L’analisi del repertorio (o, per meglio dire, dei due repertori) della Lătărețu, anche nel confronto con repertori limitrofi, ha permesso di comprendere più da vicino alcuni dei meccanismi musicali alla base di questa creazione. Un genere musicale che non nasce dal nulla nel dopo-guerra, ma piuttosto continua una tradizione di musica urbana, caratterizzata in senso locale, ma influenzata dal modello della canzone europea occidentale, che data almeno dagli inizi del Novecento. Attraverso procedimenti in parte già collaudati da compositori colti che sin dal XIX secolo, in Romania come altrove, si erano cimentati con la creazione di melodie in stile popolare o nell’armonizzazione di musiche di provenienza contadina, le melodie rurali nel bagaglio della cantante venivano trasformate in qualcosa di inedito. Una trasformazione che, come viene dimostrato efficacemente nell’ultimo capitolo, non investe solo il livello superficiale, ma coinvolge in modo profondo la sintassi musicale.