991 resultados para Reduces Infarct Size


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We have studied the effects of endogenous and exogenous estrogen on atherosclerotic lesions in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. Female mice ovariectomized (OVX) at weaning displayed increases (P < 0.01) in fatty streak lesions in the proximal aorta and aortic sinus compared with female mice with intact ovarian function. These differences between the OVX and sham controls were apparent in both chow- and "Western-type" diet-fed mice. Moreover, increases in lesion size following OVX occurred without changes in plasma cholesterol. Hormone replacement with subdermal 17-beta-estradiol pellets releasing either 6, 14, or 28 micrograms/day significantly decreased (P < 0.001) atherosclerotic lesion area in both male and OVX female mice. In contrast, neither 17-alpha-estradiol (28 micrograms/day) or tamoxifen (85 micrograms/day) affected lesion progression in OVX female mice. In the Western diet-fed group, exogenous estradiol markedly reduced plasma cholesterol and triglycerides, whereas, in animals fed the chow diet, exogenous estrogen and tamoxifen treatment only decreased plasma and very low density lipoprotein triglycerides. However, lesion area was only weakly correlated with plasma cholesterol and triglycerides, 0.35 and 0.44 tau values, respectively (P < 0.01). In summary, in the apolipoprotein E-deficient mouse 17-beta-estradiol protects against atherosclerotic lesion formation, and this can only be partially explained through effects on plasma lipoprotein levels.


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Sexual selection involves two main mechanisms: intrasexual competition for mates and intersexual mate choice. We experimentally separated intrasexual (male-male interference competition) and intersexual (female choice) components of sexual selection in a freshwater fish, the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus). We compared the roles of multiple morphological and behavioural traits in male success in both components of sexual competition, and their relation to male reproductive success, measured as paternity of offspring. Body size was important for both female choice and male-male competition, though females also preferred males that courted more vigorously. However, dominant males often monopolized females regardless of female preference. Subordinate males were not excluded from reproduction and sired some offspring, possibly through sneaked ejaculations. Male dominance and a greater intensity of carotenoid-based red colouration in their iris were the best predictors of male reproductive success. The extent of red iris colouration and parasite load did not have significant effects on female choice, male dominance or male reproductive success. No effect of parasite load on the expression of red eye colouration was detected, though this may have been due to low parasite prevalence in males overall. In conclusion, we showed that even though larger body size was favoured in both intersexual and intrasexual selection, male-male interference competition reduced opportunities for female choice. Females, despite being choosy, had limited control over the paternity of their offspring. Our study highlights the need for reliable measures of male reproductive success in studies of sexual selection.


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In this paper new architectural approaches that improve the energy efficiency of a cellular radio access network (RAN) are investigated. The aim of the paper is to characterize both the energy consumption ratio (ECR) and the energy consumption gain (ECG) of a cellular RAN when the cell size is reduced for a given user density and service area. The paper affirms that reducing the cell size reduces the cell ECR as desired while increasing the capacity density but the overall RAN energy consumption remains unchanged. In order to trade the increase in capacity density with RAN energy consumption, without degrading the cell capacity provision, a sleep mode is introduced. In sleep mode, cells without active users are powered-off, thereby saving energy. By combining a sleep mode with a small-cell deployment architecture, the paper shows that the ECG can be increased by the factor n = (R/R) while the cell ECR continues to decrease with decreasing cell size.


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Excess Thorium-230 (230Thxs) as a constant flux tracer is an essential tool for paleoceanographic studies, but its limitations for flux normalization are still a matter of debate. In regions of rapid sediment accumulation, it has been an open question if 230Thxs-normalized fluxes are biased by particle sorting effects during sediment redistribution. In order to study the sorting effect of sediment transport on 230Thxs, we analyzed the specific activity of 230Thxs in different particle size classes of carbonate-rich sediments from the South East Atlantic, and of opal-rich sediments from the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. At both sites, we compare the 230Thxs distribution in neighboring high vs. low accumulation settings. Two grain-size fractionation methods are explored. We find that the 230Thxs distribution is strongly grain size dependent, and 50-90% of the total 230Thxs inventory is concentrated in fine material smaller than 10 µm, which is preferentially deposited at the high accumulation sites. This leads to an overestimation of the focusing factor Psi, and consequently to an underestimation of the vertical flux rate at such sites. The distribution of authigenic uranium indicates that fine organic-rich material has also been re-deposited from lateral sources. If the particle sorting effect is considered in the flux calculations, it reduces the estimated extent of sediment focusing. In order to assess the maximum effect of particle sorting on Psi, we present an extreme scenario, in which we assume a lateral sediment supply of only fine material (< 10 µm). In this case, the focusing factor of the opal-rich core would be reduced from Psi = 5.9 to Psi = 3.2. In a more likely scenario, allowing silt-sized material to be transported, Psi is reduced from 5.9 to 5.0 if particle sorting is taken into consideration. The bias introduced by particle sorting is most important for strongly focused sediments. Comparing 230Thxs-normalized mass fluxes biased by sorting effects with uncorrected mass fluxes, we suggest that 230Thxs-normalization is still a valid tool to correct for lateral sediment redistribution. However, differences in focusing factors between core locations have to be evaluated carefully, taking the grain size distributions into consideration.


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Let S(M) be the ring of (continuous) semialgebraic functions on a semialgebraic set M and S*(M) its subring of bounded semialgebraic functions. In this work we compute the size of the fibers of the spectral maps Spec(j)1:Spec(S(N))→Spec(S(M)) and Spec(j)2:Spec(S*(N))→Spec(S*(M)) induced by the inclusion j:N M of a semialgebraic subset N of M. The ring S(M) can be understood as the localization of S*(M) at the multiplicative subset WM of those bounded semialgebraic functions on M with empty zero set. This provides a natural inclusion iM:Spec(S(M)) Spec(S*(M)) that reduces both problems above to an analysis of the fibers of the spectral map Spec(j)2:Spec(S*(N))→Spec(S*(M)). If we denote Z:=ClSpec(S*(M))(M N), it holds that the restriction map Spec(j)2|:Spec(S*(N)) Spec(j)2-1(Z)→Spec(S*(M)) Z is a homeomorphism. Our problem concentrates on the computation of the size of the fibers of Spec(j)2 at the points of Z. The size of the fibers of prime ideals "close" to the complement Y:=M N provides valuable information concerning how N is immersed inside M. If N is dense in M, the map Spec(j)2 is surjective and the generic fiber of a prime ideal p∈Z contains infinitely many elements. However, finite fibers may also appear and we provide a criterium to decide when the fiber Spec(j)2-1(p) is a finite set for p∈Z. If such is the case, our procedure allows us to compute the size s of Spec(j)2-1(p). If in addition N is locally compact and M is pure dimensional, s coincides with the number of minimal prime ideals contained in p. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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OBJECTIVES AND STUDY METHOD: There are two subjects in this thesis: “Lot production size for a parallel machine scheduling problem with auxiliary equipment” and “Bus holding for a simulated traffic network”. Although these two themes seem unrelated, the main idea is the optimization of complex systems. The “Lot production size for a parallel machine scheduling problem with auxiliary equipment” deals with a manufacturing setting where sets of pieces form finished products. The aim is to maximize the profit of the finished products. Each piece may be processed in more than one mold. Molds must be mounted on machines with their corresponding installation setup times. The key point of our methodology is to solve the single period lot-sizing decisions for the finished products together with the piece-mold and the mold-machine assignments, relaxing the constraint that a single mold may not be used in two machines at the same time. For the “Bus holding for a simulated traffic network” we deal with One of the most annoying problems in urban bus operations is bus bunching, which happens when two or more buses arrive at a stop nose to tail. Bus bunching reflects an unreliable service that affects transit operations by increasing passenger-waiting times. This work proposes a linear mathematical programming model that establishes bus holding times at certain stops along a transit corridor to avoid bus bunching. Our approach needs real-time input, so we simulate a transit corridor and apply our mathematical model to the data generated. Thus, the inherent variability of a transit system is considered by the simulation, while the optimization model takes into account the key variables and constraints of the bus operation. CONTRIBUTIONS AND CONCLUSIONS: For the “Lot production size for a parallel machine scheduling problem with auxiliary equipment” the relaxation we propose able to find solutions more efficiently, moreover our experimental results show that most of the solutions verify that molds are non-overlapping even if they are installed on several machines. We propose an exact integer linear programming, a Relax&Fix heuristic, and a multistart greedy algorithm to solve this problem. Experimental results on instances based on real-world data show the efficiency of our approaches. The mathematical model and the algorithm for the lot production size problem, showed in this research, can be used for production planners to help in the scheduling of the manufacturing. For the “Bus holding for a simulated traffic network” most of the literature considers quadratic models that minimize passenger-waiting times, but they are harder to solve and therefore difficult to operate by real-time systems. On the other hand, our methodology reduces passenger-waiting times efficiently given our linear programming model, with the characteristic of applying control intervals just every 5 minutes.


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Reductions in body size are increasingly being identified as a response to climate warming. Here we present evidence for a case of such body shrinkage, potentially due to malnutrition in early life. We show that an avian long-distance migrant (red knot, Calidris canutus canutus), which is experiencing globally unrivaled warming rates at its high-Arctic breeding grounds, produces smaller offspring with shorter bills during summers with early snowmelt. This has consequences half a world away at their tropical wintering grounds, where shorter-billed individuals have reduced survival rates. This is associated with these molluscivores eating fewer deeply buried bivalve prey and more shallowly buried seagrass rhizomes. We suggest that seasonal migrants can experience reduced fitness at one end of their range as a result of a changing climate at the other end.


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This paper presents a prototype tracking system for tracking people in enclosed indoor environments where there is a high rate of occlusions. The system uses a stereo camera for acquisition, and is capable of disambiguating occlusions using a combination of depth map analysis, a two step ellipse fitting people detection process, the use of motion models and Kalman filters and a novel fit metric, based on computationally simple object statistics. Testing shows that our fit metric outperforms commonly used position based metrics and histogram based metrics, resulting in more accurate tracking of people.


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Organisations invest enormous sums of money in acquiring Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, presumably expecting positive impacts to the organisation and its functions. Despite the optimistic motives some ERP projects have reported nil or detrimental impacts. This paper studies the proposition that the size of an organisation (e.g. small, large) may have contributed to the differences in receiving benefits reported in prior studies in this domain. The alleged differences in organisational performance are empirically measured using a prior validated model, using five constructs and fortytwo sub-constructs. Information is gathered from three hundred and ten respondents representing twenty-seven public sector organisations. Results suggests that (1) larger organisations have received more benefits compared to small organisations, (2) small organisations demonstrated higher reliance on their ERP systems, (3) employment cohorts demonstrate significant differences in perceived benefits in small and large organisations.