944 resultados para Redes ad hoc móveis
The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean convened an expert group meeting on Social Exclusion, Poverty, Inequality – Crime and Violence: Towards a Research Agenda for informed Public Policy for Caribbean SIDS on Friday 4 April 2008, at its conference room in Port of Spain. The meeting was attended by 14 experts drawn from, the University of the West Indies (UWI), St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago; and Mona Campus, Jamaica; the St. Georges University, Grenada; the Trinidad and Tobago Crime Commission and the Ministry of Social Development, Government of Trinidad and Tobago and representative of Civil Society from Guyana. Experts from the United Nations System included representatives from the United Nations Fund for Women (UNIFEM), Barbados; the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Port of Spain and UNDP Barbados/SRO and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS). The list of participants appears as an annex to this report. The purpose of the meeting was to provide a forum in which differing theories and methodologies useful to addressing the issues of social exclusion, poverty, inequality, crime and violence could be explored. It was expected that at the end of the meeting there would be consensus on areas of research which could be pursued over a two to four-year period by the ECLAC Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean and its partners, which would lead to informed public policy in support of the reduction of the growing violence in Caribbean society.
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE
As Redes da Próxima Geração consistem no desenvolvimento de arquiteturas que viabilizem a continuidade de serviços que proporcionem sempre a melhor conectividade (Always Best Connectivity - ABC) aos usuários móveis com suporte adequado à Qualidade de Experiência (QoE) para aplicações multimídia de alta definição, nesse novo contexto as arquiteturas têm perspectiva orientada a serviços e não a protocolos. Esta tese apresenta uma arquitetura para redes da próxima geração capaz de fornecer acesso heterogêneo sem fio e handover vertical transparente para as aplicações multimídia. A tese considera diferentes tecnologias sem fio e também adota o padrão IEEE 802.21 (Media Independent Handover – MIH) para auxiliar na integração e gerenciamento das redes heterogêneas sem fio. As tecnologias que a arquitetura possui são: IEEE 802.11 (popularmente denominada de WiFi), IEEE 802.16 (popularmente denominada de WiMAX) e LTE (popularmente denominada de redes 4G). O objetivo é que arquitetura tenha a capacidade de escolher entre as alternativas disponíveis a melhor conexão para o momento. A arquitetura proposta apresenta mecanismos de predição de Qualidade de Experiência (Quality of Experience - QoE) que será o parâmetro decisivo para a realização ou não do handover para uma nova rede. A predição para determinar se haverá ou não mudança de conectividade será feita com o uso da inteligência computacional de Redes Neurais Artificiais. Além disso a arquitetura também apresenta um mecanismo de descarte seletivo de pacotes especifico para aplicações multimídia. A proposta é avaliada via simulação utilizando-se o ns-2 (Network Simulator) e os resultados de desempenho são apresentados através das métricas de QoS, de QoE e também visualmente através da exibição de frames dos vídeos transmitidos na arquitetura.
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE
The security of the two party Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol is currently based on the discrete logarithm problem (DLP). However, it can also be built upon the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem (ECDLP). Most proposed secure group communication schemes employ the DLP-based Diffie-Hellman protocol. This paper proposes the ECDLP-based Diffie-Hellman protocols for secure group communication and evaluates their performance on wireless ad hoc networks. The proposed schemes are compared at the same security level with DLP-based group protocols under different channel conditions. Our experiments and analysis show that the Tree-based Group Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (TGECDH) protocol is the best in overall performance for secure group communication among the four schemes discussed in the paper. Low communication overhead, relatively low computation load and short packets are the main reasons for the good performance of the TGECDH protocol.
The increasing diffusion of wireless-enabled portable devices is pushing toward the design of novel service scenarios, promoting temporary and opportunistic interactions in infrastructure-less environments. Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) are the general model of these higly dynamic networks that can be specialized, depending on application cases, in more specific and refined models such as Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless Sensor Networks. Two interesting deployment cases are of increasing relevance: resource diffusion among users equipped with portable devices, such as laptops, smart phones or PDAs in crowded areas (termed dense MANET) and dissemination/indexing of monitoring information collected in Vehicular Sensor Networks. The extreme dynamicity of these scenarios calls for novel distributed protocols and services facilitating application development. To this aim we have designed middleware solutions supporting these challenging tasks. REDMAN manages, retrieves, and disseminates replicas of software resources in dense MANET; it implements novel lightweight protocols to maintain a desired replication degree despite participants mobility, and efficiently perform resource retrieval. REDMAN exploits the high-density assumption to achieve scalability and limited network overhead. Sensed data gathering and distributed indexing in Vehicular Networks raise similar issues: we propose a specific middleware support, called MobEyes, exploiting node mobility to opportunistically diffuse data summaries among neighbor vehicles. MobEyes creates a low-cost opportunistic distributed index to query the distributed storage and to determine the location of needed information. Extensive validation and testing of REDMAN and MobEyes prove the effectiveness of our original solutions in limiting communication overhead while maintaining the required accuracy of replication degree and indexing completeness, and demonstrates the feasibility of the middleware approach.
Unlike traditional wireless networks, characterized by the presence of last-mile, static and reliable infrastructures, Mobile ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) are dynamically formed by collections of mobile and static terminals that exchange data by enabling each other's communication. Supporting multi-hop communication in a MANET is a challenging research area because it requires cooperation between different protocol layers (MAC, routing, transport). In particular, MAC and routing protocols could be considered mutually cooperative protocol layers. When a route is established, the exposed and hidden terminal problems at MAC layer may decrease the end-to-end performance proportionally with the length of each route. Conversely, the contention at MAC layer may cause a routing protocol to respond by initiating new routes queries and routing table updates. Multi-hop communication may also benefit the presence of pseudo-centralized virtual infrastructures obtained by grouping nodes into clusters. Clustering structures may facilitate the spatial reuse of resources by increasing the system capacity: at the same time, the clustering hierarchy may be used to coordinate transmissions events inside the network and to support intra-cluster routing schemes. Again, MAC and clustering protocols could be considered mutually cooperative protocol layers: the clustering scheme could support MAC layer coordination among nodes, by shifting the distributed MAC paradigm towards a pseudo-centralized MAC paradigm. On the other hand, the system benefits of the clustering scheme could be emphasized by the pseudo-centralized MAC layer with the support for differentiated access priorities and controlled contention. In this thesis, we propose cross-layer solutions involving joint design of MAC, clustering and routing protocols in MANETs. As main contribution, we study and analyze the integration of MAC and clustering schemes to support multi-hop communication in large-scale ad hoc networks. A novel clustering protocol, named Availability Clustering (AC), is defined under general nodes' heterogeneity assumptions in terms of connectivity, available energy and relative mobility. On this basis, we design and analyze a distributed and adaptive MAC protocol, named Differentiated Distributed Coordination Function (DDCF), whose focus is to implement adaptive access differentiation based on the node roles, which have been assigned by the upper-layer's clustering scheme. We extensively simulate the proposed clustering scheme by showing its effectiveness in dominating the network dynamics, under some stressing mobility models and different mobility rates. Based on these results, we propose a possible application of the cross-layer MAC+Clustering scheme to support the fast propagation of alert messages in a vehicular environment. At the same time, we investigate the integration of MAC and routing protocols in large scale multi-hop ad-hoc networks. A novel multipath routing scheme is proposed, by extending the AOMDV protocol with a novel load-balancing approach to concurrently distribute the traffic among the multiple paths. We also study the composition effect of a IEEE 802.11-based enhanced MAC forwarding mechanism called Fast Forward (FF), used to reduce the effects of self-contention among frames at the MAC layer. The protocol framework is modelled and extensively simulated for a large set of metrics and scenarios. For both the schemes, the simulation results reveal the benefits of the cross-layer MAC+routing and MAC+clustering approaches over single-layer solutions.
Large scale wireless adhoc networks of computers, sensors, PDAs etc. (i.e. nodes) are revolutionizing connectivity and leading to a paradigm shift from centralized systems to highly distributed and dynamic environments. An example of adhoc networks are sensor networks, which are usually composed by small units able to sense and transmit to a sink elementary data which are successively processed by an external machine. Recent improvements in the memory and computational power of sensors, together with the reduction of energy consumptions, are rapidly changing the potential of such systems, moving the attention towards datacentric sensor networks. A plethora of routing and data management algorithms have been proposed for the network path discovery ranging from broadcasting/floodingbased approaches to those using global positioning systems (GPS). We studied WGrid, a novel decentralized infrastructure that organizes wireless devices in an adhoc manner, where each node has one or more virtual coordinates through which both message routing and data management occur without reliance on either flooding/broadcasting operations or GPS. The resulting adhoc network does not suffer from the deadend problem, which happens in geographicbased routing when a node is unable to locate a neighbor closer to the destination than itself. WGrid allow multidimensional data management capability since nodes' virtual coordinates can act as a distributed database without needing neither special implementation or reorganization. Any kind of data (both single and multidimensional) can be distributed, stored and managed. We will show how a location service can be easily implemented so that any search is reduced to a simple query, like for any other data type. WGrid has then been extended by adopting a replication methodology. We called the resulting algorithm WRGrid. Just like WGrid, WRGrid acts as a distributed database without needing neither special implementation nor reorganization and any kind of data can be distributed, stored and managed. We have evaluated the benefits of replication on data management, finding out, from experimental results, that it can halve the average number of hops in the network. The direct consequence of this fact are a significant improvement on energy consumption and a workload balancing among sensors (number of messages routed by each node). Finally, thanks to the replications, whose number can be arbitrarily chosen, the resulting sensor network can face sensors disconnections/connections, due to failures of sensors, without data loss. Another extension to {WGrid} is {W*Grid} which extends it by strongly improving network recovery performance from link and/or device failures that may happen due to crashes or battery exhaustion of devices or to temporary obstacles. W*Grid guarantees, by construction, at least two disjoint paths between each couple of nodes. This implies that the recovery in W*Grid occurs without broadcasting transmissions and guaranteeing robustness while drastically reducing the energy consumption. An extensive number of simulations shows the efficiency, robustness and traffic road of resulting networks under several scenarios of device density and of number of coordinates. Performance analysis have been compared to existent algorithms in order to validate the results.
Questa tesi si propone di presentare e classificare per caratteristiche simili i protocolli di routing che ad oggi sono utilizzati nelle Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks. Pertanto dapprima nel Capitolo 1 si introdurranno le radio cognitive con i concetti che sono alla base di questa tecnologia e le principali motivazioni che hanno portato alla loro nascita e poi al loro sviluppo. Nel Capitolo 2 si parlerà delle cognitive networks o meglio delle cognitive radio networks, e delle loro peculiarità. Nel terzo e nel quarto capitolo si affronteranno le CRAHNs e in particolare quali sono le sfide a cui devono far fronte i protocolli di routing che operano su di essa, partendo dall'esaminare quali sono le differenze che distinguono questa tipologia di rete da una classica rete wireless ad hoc con nodi in grado di muoversi nello spazio (una MANET). Infine nell'ultimo capitolo si cercherà di classificare i protocolli in base ad alcune loro caratteristiche, vedendo poi più nel dettaglio alcuni tra i protocolli più usati.
Per dare supporto al traffico multimediale in una rete totalmente distribuita come le reti ad-hoc, il protocollo MAC deve fornire garanzie di QoS. L'IEEE ha sviluppato un standard per supportare le QoS chiamato 802.11e, facente parte della famiglia 802.11. Per dare supporto al QoS viene proposto un nuovo protocollo chiamato PAB che consiste in un accesso al canale preceduto da una serie di invii di burst, inviati alla stessa frequenza dei dati, che inibiscono la trasmissione di stazioni avente minore priorità. Lo scopo di questo protocollo è fornire servizi QoS, evitare starvation e fornire un accesso equo tra le stazioni.
Il presente lavoro di tesi si inserisce nel contesto dei sistemi ITS e intende realizzare un insieme di protocolli in ambito VANET relativamente semplici ma efficaci, in grado di rilevare la presenza di veicoli in avvicinamento a un impianto semaforico e di raccogliere quelle informazioni di stato che consentano all’infrastruttura stradale di ottenere una stima il più possibile veritiera delle attuali condizioni del traffico in ingresso per ciascuna delle direzioni previste in tale punto. Si prevede di raccogliere i veicoli in gruppi durante il loro avvicinamento al centro di un incrocio. Ogni gruppo sarà costituito esclusivamente da quelle vetture che stanno percorrendo uno stesso tratto stradale e promuoverà l’intercomunicazione tra i suoi diversi membri al fine di raccogliere e integrare i dati sulla composizione del traffico locale. Il sistema realizzato cercherà di trasmettere alle singole unità semaforiche un flusso di dati sintetico ma costante contenente le statistiche sull’ambiente circostante, in modo da consentire loro di applicare politiche dinamiche e intelligenti di controllo della viabilità. L’architettura realizzata viene eseguita all’interno di un ambiente urbano simulato nel quale la mobilità dei nodi di rete corrisponde a rilevazioni reali effettuate su alcune porzioni della città di Bologna. Le performance e le caratteristiche del sistema complessivo vengono analizzate e commentate sulla base dei diversi test condotti.
Nell'elaborato si analizzano aspetti della teoria dei giochi e della multi-criteria decision-making. La riflessione serve a proporre le basi per un nuovo modello di protocollo di routing in ambito Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. Questo prototipo mira a generare una rete che riesca a gestirsi in maniera ottimale grazie ad un'acuta tecnica di clusterizzazione. Allo stesso tempo si propone come obiettivo il risparmio energetico e la partecipazione collaborativa di tutti i componenti.
Sviluppo ed implementazione di protocolli per il monitoraggio di traffico stradale sulla piattaforma di simulazione iTETRIS per la raccolta di informazioni da utilizzare in applicazioni di Intelligent Transport System.