985 resultados para Redcastle-Graytown State Forest


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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As part of a larger study evaluating several silvicultural techniques for restoring tropical moist forests on abandoned agricultural lands in southeastern Brazil, direct seeding with five early-successional Atlantic forest species was tested at three degraded sites, characterized by different soil types and land-use histories, within the Environmental Protection Area at Botucatu, SP. The species used in this study were Chorisia speciosa, Croton floribundus, Enterolobium contorstisiliquum, Mimosa scabrella, and Schizolobium parahyba. Scarified seeds of each of these species were sown in prepared seed spots in replicated, 0.25 ha mixed-species plots at an initial espacement of 1 m x 1 m at each site. of the five species planted, only two, Enterolobium and Schizolobium, showed good seed germination, seedling survival, and early growth rates, averaging 4.1-4.6 cm stem diameter and 1.5-1.7 m height growth during the first 2 years after sowing. These two species constituted 88-100% of the total stand density, which ranged from 1050 to 1790 stems ha(-1) at 2 years. Despite the poor performance of the other species tested, we observed that the natural regeneration of native forest species originating from remnant forests in the general vicinity of our study sites was significantly greater within the direct-seeded plots than in unplanted control plots that were protected from fire and other disturbances. Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O gênero Gochnatia é comumente encontrado em diferentes fitofisionomias do Cerrado do Estado de São Paulo, crescendo desde ambientes mais abertos até áreas florestais mais fechadas. Aqui foram comparadas a anatomia foliar e alguns parâmetros ecofisiológicos de duas espécies do gênero Gochnatia, uma arbustiva (Gochnatia barrosii Cabrera) e a outra arbórea (Gochnatia polymorpha (Less.) Cabrera), ambas ocorrendo em área de cerradão na Estação Ecológica de Assis, SP. Encontraram-se diferenças estruturais qualitativas entre as espécies, com G. barrosii apresentando folhas anfiestomáticas, com epiderme unisseriada e G. polymorpha apresentando folhas hipoestomáticas, com epiderme múltipla ou hipoderme, na face adaxial. Além disso, as folhas de G. barrosii apresentaram menores valores para a espessura dos tecidos (com exceção da epiderme na face abaxial) e da folha em relação a G. polymorpha. Foram observadas diferenças na assimilação de CO2 tanto em base de área quanto de massa seca foliar, além de diferenças na área foliar específica, sendo esta maior em G. barrosii. Apesar das folhas de G. barrosii possuírem estrutura bem menos escleromorfa do que as folhas de G. polymorpha, não foram encontradas diferenças na eficiência do uso de água. Os resultados sugerem que espécies de formas distintas de crescimento de um mesmo gênero possuem características foliares diferenciadas para lidar com as variações ambientais a que são submetidas.


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Nowadays, fraud detection is important to avoid nontechnical energy losses. Various electric companies around the world have been faced with such losses, mainly from industrial and commercial consumers. This problem has traditionally been dealt with using artificial intelligence techniques, although their use can result in difficulties such as a high computational burden in the training phase and problems with parameter optimization. A recently-developed pattern recognition technique called optimum-path forest (OPF), however, has been shown to be superior to state-of-the-art artificial intelligence techniques. In this paper, we proposed to use OPF for nontechnical losses detection, as well as to apply its learning and pruning algorithms to this purpose. Comparisons against neural networks and other techniques demonstrated the robustness of the OPF with respect to commercial losses automatic identification.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A survey of medicinal plants used by rural and urban inhabitants of the three cities of the Tropical Atlantic Forest, Region of Vale do Ribeira, State of São Paulo, Brazil was performed by means of 200 interviews with medicinal plant users and extractors and, traditional healers. One hundred fourteen herbal remedies were recorded and the following information reported: Latin, vernacular and English names, plant part used, forms of preparation and application of the herbal remedies, medicinal or food uses, areas of plant collection, economic importance (when available) and other data. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hepatozoon canis is a tick-borne protozoan that infects dogs and has been reported throughout the world. Manifestation of H. canis infection varies from being sub-clinical in apparently healthy dogs to severe illness. The main vector of the infection is the dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus although other species may also transmit this agent. H. canis has been reported previously in Brazil, but mostly as an occasional finding during laboratory exams and always associated with other diseases. The prevalence of H. canis in dogs of rural areas of Brazil has been little studied. For this study, 250 dogs from seven counties of Rio de Janeiro state were examined. All the dogs were from rural areas, near forest. of the dogs examined, 26 dogs were from Seropedica, 82 from Itaguai, 41 from Paracambi, 26 from Mangaratiba, 32 from Barra do Pirai, 32 from Pirai and 11 from Miguel Pereira. Blood smears from the peripheral blood of the ear were taken and ticks found on the dogs were collected for identification in the laboratory. Using blood smear evaluation, H. canis was identified in 39.2% of the animals examined. Other hemoparasites identified were Babesia canis (5.2%) and Ehrlichia canis (4.8%). Four tick species were found parasitizing the dogs: Amblyomma cajennense (23.6%), R. sanguineus (12.4%), Amblyomma aureolatum (2.8%) and Amblyomma ovale (2.0%). There was a positive correlation between the presence of A. cajennense and H. canis infection. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sexual dimorphism, reproduction and diet are described for Stenocercus caducus from semideciduous forest, in Mato Grosso do Sul state, Central Brazil. Lizards are collected in pitfall traps from December 2000, to December 2001. Sexual dimorphism in S. caducus is apparent, mainly in coloration; although females reach a larger SVL than males. A wide variety of arthropods are fed by S. caducus, with ants and termites numerically, and orthopterans and beetles volumetrically the most common prey items. Ontogenetic differences in diet were noted for S. caducus, with juveniles feeding on lesser prey types and smaller sized prey than adults. The reproduction was seasonal, concentrated in the rainy season, with deposition of more than one clutch per season.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The hunting spider communities of the Dionycha clade were studied 1986 through 1988 in fragmented woodlands and secondary agricultural habitats of the Botucatu area in São Paulo state, Brazil. The original vegetation of mainly tropical Atlantic rain forest (Mata Atlantica) was cleared already 70 years ago. In a total sample of over 1000 adult spiders, 247 species belonging to 12 families Mere determined. A decreasing frequency and diversity of spiders rc as found if forest remnants were compared with sugar cane fields and cattle pasture. The specific composition of the spider fauna as surveyed in different habitats is discussed under ecological aspects and in relation to the history of land use.


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This paper examines the frequencies of mammal roadkill in two adjacent biogeographic ecoregions (Atlantic Forest and Cerrado) of Brazil. Mammals were recorded during a seven-year period and over 3,900 km of roads, in order to obtain data for frequencies of species in habitats (sites) and frequencies of species killed by cars on roads. Sites (n = 80) within ecoregions (Cerrado, n = 57; Atlantic Forest, n = 23) were searched for records of mammals. Species surveyed in the entire region totaled 33, belonging to nine orders and 16 families. In the Cerrado, 31 species were recorded in habitats; of these, 25 were found dead on roads. In the Atlantic Forest ecoregions, however, we found 21 species in habitats, 16 of which were also found dead on roads. There was no overall significant difference between ecoregions for frequencies of occurrence in habitats or for roadkills, but there were differences between individual species. Hence, anteaters were mostly recorded in the Cerrado ecoregion, whereas caviomorph rodents tended to be more frequent in the Atlantic Forest ecoregion (seen mainly by roadkills). The greater number of species (overall and threatened) and the greater abundance of species records in the Cerrado suggest that this ecoregion has a greater biodiversity and is better conserved than the Atlantic Forest ecoregion, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, south-western Brazil.