856 resultados para Reality in literature


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By using the axisymmetric finite elements static limit analysis formulation, proposed recently by the authors, the stability numbers (gamma H/c(o)) for an unsupported vertical circular excavation in clays, whose cohesion increases with depth, have been determined under undrained condition; gamma = unit weight, H., height of the excavation and c(o) = cohesion along ground surface. The results are obtained for various values of H/b and m; where b = the radius of the excavation and m = a non-dimensional parameter which accounts for the rate of the increase of cohesion with depth. The values of the stability numbers increase continuously both with increases in H/b and m. The results obtained in this study compare well with those available in literature.(C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The change in extension-twist Coupling due to delamination in antisymmetric laminates is experimentally measured. Experimental results are compared with the results from analytical expression existing in literature and finite element analysis. The application of the Macro-Fiber Composite (MFC) developed at the NASA Langley Research Center for sensing the delamination in the laminates is investigated. While many applications have been reported in the literature using the MFC as an actuator, here its use as a twist sensor has been studied. The real-life application envisaged is structural health monitoring of laminated composite flexbeams taking advantage of the symmetry in the structure. Apart from the defect detection under symmetric conditions, other methods of health monitoring for the same structure are reported for further validation. Results show that MFC works well as a sensor.


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Data on pressure drop and heat transfer to aqueous solutions of glycerol flowing in different types of coiled pipes are presented for laminar flow in the range of NRe from 80 to 6000. An empirical correlation is set up which can account the present data as well as the data available in literature within ±10 per cent deviation. Conventional momentum and heat transfer analogy equation is used to analyse the present data.


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During active growth of Escherichia coli, majority of the transcriptional activity is carried out by the housekeeping sigma factor (Sigma 70), whose association with core RNAP is generally favoured because of its higher intracellular level and higher affinity to core RNAP. In order to facilitate transcription by alternative sigma factors during nutrient starvation, the bacterial cell uses multiple strategies by which the transcriptional ability of Sigma 70 is diminished in a reversible manner. The facilitators of shifting the balance in favour of alternative sigma factors happen to be as diverse as a small molecule (p)ppGpp (represents ppGpp or pppGpp), proteins (DksA, Rsd) and a species of RNA (6S RNA). Although 6S RNA and (p)ppGpp were known in literature for a long time, their role in transcriptional switching has been understood only in recent years. With themelucidation of function of DksA, a new dimension has been added to the phenomenon of stringent response. As the final outcome of actions of (p)ppGpp, DksA, 6S RNA and Rsd is similar, there is a need to analyse hese mechanisms in a collective manner. We review the recent trends in understanding the regulation of Sigma 70 by (p)ppGpp, DksA, Rsd and 6S RNA and present a case for evolving a unified model of RNAP redistribution during starvation by modulation of Sigma 70 activity in E. coli.


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The modern food system and sustainable development form a conceptual combination that suggests sustainability deficits in environmental impacts and nutritional status of western populations. This study explores actors orientations towards sustainability by probing into social dynamics for sustainability within primary production and public consumption. If actors within these two worlds were to express converging orientations for sustainability, the system dynamics of the market would enable more sustainable growth in terms of production dictated by consumption. The study is based on a constructivist research approach with qualitative text analyses. The findings were validated by internal and external food system actors and are suggested to represent current social dynamics within Finnish food system. The key findings included primary producers social skilfulness, which enabled networking with other actors in very different paths of life, learning in order to promote one s trade, and trusting reflectively in partners in order to expand business. These activities extended the supply chain in a spiral fashion by horizontal and vertical forward integration, until large retailers were met for negotiations on a more equal basis. This mode of chain level coordination, typically building around the core of social and partnership relations, was coined as a socially overlaid network, and seen as sustainable coordination mode for endogenous growth. The caterers exhibited more or less committed professional identity for sustainability within their reach. The facilitating approaches for professional identities dealt successfully with local and organic food in addition to domestic food, and also imported food. The co-operation with supply chains created innovative solutions and savings for the business parties to be shared. There were also more complicated identities as juggling, critical and delimited approaches for sustainability, with less productive efforts due to restrictions such as absence of organisational sustainability strategy, weak presence of local and organic suppliers, limited understanding about sustainability and no organisational resources for informed choices for sustainability. The convergence between producers and caterers existed to an extent allowing suggestion that increased clarity about sustainable consumption and production by actors could be constructed using advanced tools. The study looks for introduction of more profound environmental and socio-economic knowledge through participatory research with supply chain actors. Learning in the workplace about food system reality in terms of supply chain co-operation may prove to be a change engine that leads to advanced network operations and a more sustainable food system.


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Abstract The modern food system and sustainable development form a conceptual combination that suggests sustainability deficits in the ways we deal with food consumption and production - in terms of economic relations, environmental impacts and nutritional status of western population. This study explores actors’ orientations towards sustainability by taking into account actors’ embedded positions within structures of the food system, actors’ economic relations and views about sustainability as well as their possibilities for progressive activities. The study looks particularly at social dynamics for sustainability within primary production and public consumption. If actors within these two worlds were to express converging orientations for sustainability, the system dynamics of the market would enable more sustainable growth in terms of production dictated by consumption. The study is based on a constructivist research approach with qualitative text analyses. The data consisted of three text corpora, the ‘local food corpus’, the ‘catering corpus’ and the ‘mixed corpus’. The local food actors were interviewed about their economic exchange relations. The caterers’ interviews dealt with their professional identity for sustainability. Finally, the mixed corpus assembled a dialogue as a participatory research approach, which was applied in order to enable researcher and caterer learning about the use of organic milk in public catering. The data were analysed for theoretically conceptualised relations, expressing behavioural patterns in actors’ everyday work as interpreted by the researcher. The findings were corroborated by the internal and external communities of food system actors. The interpretations have some validity, although they only present abstractions of everyday life and its rich, even opaque, fabric of meanings and aims. The key findings included primary producers’ social skilfulness, which enabled networking with other actors in very different paths of life, learning in order to promote one’s trade, and trusting reflectively in partners in order to extend business. These activities expanded the supply chain in a spiral fashion by horizontal and vertical forward integration, until large retailers were met for negotiations on a more equal or ‘other regarding’ basis. This kind of chain level coordination, typically building around the core of social and partnership relations, was coined as a socially overlaid network. It supported market access of local farmers, rooted in their farms, who were able to draw on local capital and labour in promotion of competitive business; the growth was endogenous. These kinds of chains – one conventional and one organic – were different from the strategic chain, which was more profit based and while highly competitive, presented exogenous growth as it depended on imported capital and local employees. However, the strategic chain offered learning opportunities and support for the local economy. The caterers exhibited more or less committed professional identity for sustainability within their reach. The facilitating and balanced approaches for professional identities dealt successfully with local and organic food in addition to domestic food, and also imported food. The co-operation with supply chains created innovative solutions and savings for the business parties to be shared. The rule-abiding approach for sustainability only made choices among organic supply chains without extending into co-operation with actors. There were also more complicated and troubled identities as juggling, critical and delimited approaches for sustainability, with less productive efforts due to restrictions such as absence of organisational sustainability strategy, weak presence of local and organic suppliers, limited understanding about sustainability and no organisational resources to develop changes towards a sustainable food system. Learning in the workplace about food system reality in terms of supply chain co-operation may prove to be a change engine that leads to advanced network operations and a more sustainable food system. The convergence between primary producers and caterers existed to an extent allowing suggestion that increased clarity about sustainable consumption and production by actors could be approached using advanced tools. The study looks for introduction of more profound environmental and socio-economic knowledge through participatory research with supply chain actors in order to promote more sustainable food systems. Summary of original publications and the authors’ contribution I Mikkola, M. & Seppänen, L. 2006. Farmers’ new participation in food chains: making horizontal and vertical progress by networking. In: Langeveld, H. & Röling N. (Eds.). Changing European farming systems for a better future. New visions for rural areas. Wageningen, The Netherlands. Wageningen Academic Publishers: 267–271. II Mikkola, M. 2008. Coordinative structures and development of food supply chains. British Food Journal 110 (2): 189–205. III Mikkola, M. 2009. Shaping professional identity for sustainability. Evidence in Finnish public catering. Appetite 53 (1): 56–65. IV Mikkola, M. 2009. Catering for sustainability: building a dialogue on organic milk. Agronomy Research 7 (Special issue 2): 668–676. Minna Mikkola has been responsible for developing the generic research frame, particular research questions, the planning and collection of the data, their qualitative analysis and writing the articles I, II, III and IV. Dr Laura Seppänen has contributed to the development of the generic research frame and article I by introducing the author to the basic concepts of economic sociology and by supporting the writing of article II with her critical comments. Articles are printed with permission from the publishers.


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Työssäni tarkastelen venäläistä neo-euraasianistista liikettä ja tapoja joilla liikkeen aktivistit rakentavat Euraasiasta yhtenäistä kokonaisuutta ja imperiumia. Keskeisiä tutkimuskysymyksiäni ovat: Mikä imperiumi on ja mitkä ovat sen keskeisiä motivaatioita ja teemoja? Kuinka imperiumin idea rakentuu tai käsitetään ja tämän voi tulkita? Minkälaisia seurauksia voi tulkita heidän tavallaan Euraasia nähdä olevan? Materiaalina käytän haastatteluja, jotka on kerätty Moskovassa keväällä 2008, ja liikkeen kirjallisia tuotoksia (lehdet ja Internet -sivut). Neo-euraasianistisella liikkeellä tarkoitan tässä työssä Kansainvälistä Euraasianistista liikettä (Meždunarodnoe Evrazijskoe Dviženie) ja sen alahaaraa Euraasianistista Nuorisoliittoa (Evrazijskij Sojuz Molodëži). Liike perustettiin virallisesti 2003, mutta rakentaa vahvasti historiallista yhteyttä 1930 -luvun klassiseen eurasianismiin. Tämän lisäksi sen diskurssissa on paljon neuvostoliittolaisia, fasistisia, uuskonservatiivisia ja nationalistisia piirteitä. Liikkeen johtohahmo on filosofi-geopoliitikko Alexandr Dugin. Työn tausta-ajatuksena minua kiinnostaa etenkin nk. älymystön tai intelligenttien vaikutus nationalismiin tai sosiaalisia ryhmiä määrittelevien diskurssien kehitykseen ja muutokseen.Tarkastelen materiaalia diskurssianalyyttisesta näkökulmasta. Näen diskurssianalyysin sen tutkimisena, miten sosiaalista todellisuutta tuotetaan erilaisissa sosiaalisissa käytännöissä. Samalla näiden diskurssien tutkiminen, foucautlaisen perinteen myötä, tarkastelee kriittisesti niiden tuottamia (aktualisoituneita sekä potentiaalisia) valtasuhteita. Käytän työssäni myös Benedict Andersonin kuvitellun yhteisön (imagined communities) käsitettä, joka auttaa hahmottamaan tapaa, jolla tutkimuskohteeni rakentavat imperiumia yhteisönä. Aktivistien puheessa imperiumi (imperiâ) tulee esiin pääasiallisesti positiivisesti ja ”heidän omanaan,” kun taas termi imperialismi (imperializm) pääosin negatiivisena, liittyen etenkin keskeisenä vihollisena pidettyihin Yhdysvaltoihin. Esiin nousee monta toisiinsa liittyvää teemaa, jotka jaottelen viideksi pääteemaksi. Näistä tarkastelen lähemmin imperiumia ”kaikkien kansojen hyväntekijänä (poliittinen puoli)”, ulkoisen voiman lähteenä (historiallis-geopoliittinen puoli) sekä kollektiivisen subjektin luojana (imperialistis-nationalistinen puoli). Pyrin kontekstualisoimaan diskurssin ja tarkastelemaan tapoja, joilla se ammentaa motiiveja myös historiallis-kulttuurisista tavoista hahmottaa aluetta ja sen asukkaita. Käsittelen myös kansan, kansakunnan, etnoksen ja nationalismin käsitteitä ja sitä, miten ne nousevat neo-eurasianistisessa diskursissa esiin. Imperiaalisen nationalismin (imperskij nacionalizm) käsite auttaa ymmärtämään niitä tapoja, jolla liike tekee sekä pesäeroa nationalismiin että samalla hyödyntää monia nationalistisen diskurssin perusteemoja. Eräs liikkeen diskurssin keskeisistä eroista niin sanottuun nationalismin valtavirtaan on ”kansakunnan (naciâ)” käsitteen vahva negatiivinen konnotaatio. Sen vastakohtana esiin nostetaan vahvasti kansan (narod) käsite. Samalla kuitenkin etnisen venäläisen (russkij) käsitettä käytetään tavallista laajemmin ja kattavammin kuin tavallisesti, ja ennen kaikkea Venäjä nousee imperiumin keskeisimmäksi tekijäksi. Euraasialaiseen imperiumiin liitetyistä positiivistista mielikuvista käsittelen tarkemmin monikansallisuuden ja kansojen kodin ideaa, joka nousee mielestäni huomattavaksi retoriseksi taustaksi kaikessa materiaalissa. Tähän liittyy vahvasti myös saman teeman sivujuonne, eli imperiumin ”vapauttava” rooli. Tulkitsen, että liikkeen imperiumi -diskurssilla on instrumentaalinen luonne: se legitimoi aktivistien vaatimuksia varsinkin entisen Neuvostoliiton alueen suhteen. ”Euraasialaisen kansan” ajatus toimii mahdollisena Euraasiaa yhteisenä tekijänä ”Neuvostokansan” tilalla. Sen taustalla materiaalistani päätellen siintävät kuitenkin enemmänkin Venäjä ja venäläis -spesifit vaateet kuin koko Euraasia. Pohdin myös kansakunnan (nation) hyljeksimisen syitä ja käsitteen sopivuutta Venäjälle, kuten myös venäläisyyden käsitteiden kerrostuneisuutta. Kokonaisuudessaan imperiumi tuli esiin abstraktina, utopistisena ja ”totaalisena” kokonaisuutena.


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A method for total risk analysis of embankment dams under earthquake conditions is discussed and applied to the selected embankment dams, i.e., Chang, Tapar, Rudramata, and Kaswati located in the Kachchh region of Gujarat, India, to obtain the seismic hazard rating of the dam site and the risk rating of the structures. Based on the results of the total risk analysis of the dams, coupled non-linear dynamic numerical analyses of the dam sections are performed using acceleration time history record of the Bhuj (India) earthquake as well as five other major earthquakes recorded worldwide. The objective of doing so is to perform the numerical analysis of the dams for the range of amplitude, frequency content and time duration of input motions. The deformations calculated from the numerical analyses are also compared with other approaches available in literature, viz, Makdisi and Seed (1978) approach, Jansen's approach (1990), Swaisgood's method (1995), Bureau's method (1997). Singh et al. approach (2007), and Saygili and Rathje approach (2008) and the results are utilized to foresee the stability of dams in future earthquake scenario. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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For resonant column tests conducted in the flexure mode of excitation, a new methodology has been proposed to find the elastic modulus and associated axial strain of a cylindrical sample. The proposed method is an improvement over the existing one, and it does not require the assumption of either the mode shape or zero bending moment condition at the top of the sample. A stepwise procedure is given to perform the necessary calculations. From a number of resonant column experiments on aluminum bars and dry sand samples, it has been observed that the present method as compared with the one available in literature provides approximately (i) 5.9%-7.3% higher values of the elastic modulus and (ii) 6.5%-7.3% higher values of the associated axial strains.


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Existing models for dmax predict that, in the limit of μd → ∞, dmax increases with 3/4 power of μd. Further, at low values of interfacial tension, dmax becomes independent of σ even at moderate values of μd. However, experiments contradict both the predictions show that dmax dependence on μd is much weaker, and that, even at very low values of σ,dmax does not become independent of it. A model is proposed to explain these results. The model assumes that a drop circulates in a stirred vessel along with the bulk fluid and repeatedly passes through a deformation zone followed by a relaxation zone. In the deformation zone, the turbulent inertial stress tends to deform the drop, while the viscous stress generated in the drop and the interfacial stress resist deformation. The relaxation zone is characterized by absence of turbulent stress and hence the drop tends to relax back to undeformed state. It is shown that a circulating drop, starting with some initial deformation, either reaches a steady state or breaks in one or several cycles. dmax is defined as the maximum size of a drop which, starting with an undeformed initial state for the first cycle, passes through deformation zone infinite number of times without breaking. The model predictions reduce to that of Lagisetty. (1986) for moderate values of μd and σ. The model successfully predicts the reduced dependence of dmax on μd at high values of μd as well as the dependence of dmax on σ at low values of σ. The data available in literature on dmax could be predicted to a greater accuracy by the model in comparison with existing models and correlations.


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Existing models for dmax predict that, in the limit of μd → ∞, dmax increases with 3/4 power of μd. Further, at low values of interfacial tension, dmax becomes independent of σ even at moderate values of μd. However, experiments contradict both the predictions show that dmax dependence on μd is much weaker, and that, even at very low values of σ,dmax does not become independent of it. A model is proposed to explain these results. The model assumes that a drop circulates in a stirred vessel along with the bulk fluid and repeatedly passes through a deformation zone followed by a relaxation zone. In the deformation zone, the turbulent inertial stress tends to deform the drop, while the viscous stress generated in the drop and the interfacial stress resist deformation. The relaxation zone is characterized by absence of turbulent stress and hence the drop tends to relax back to undeformed state. It is shown that a circulating drop, starting with some initial deformation, either reaches a steady state or breaks in one or several cycles. dmax is defined as the maximum size of a drop which, starting with an undeformed initial state for the first cycle, passes through deformation zone infinite number of times without breaking. The model predictions reduce to that of Lagisetty. (1986) for moderate values of μd and σ. The model successfully predicts the reduced dependence of dmax on μd at high values of μd as well as the dependence of dmax on σ at low values of σ. The data available in literature on dmax could be predicted to a greater accuracy by the model in comparison with existing models and correlations.


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Gas-phase controlled absorption of ammonia in foams made of solutions of sulphuric acid has been studied experimentally. Effects of gas-phase concentration of ammonia and type of surfactant on the performance of the foam-bed reactor are investigated. Gas-phase controlled absorption from a spherical bubble is anaylzed using the asymptotic value of Sherwood number (Sh = 6.58), for both negligible as well as significant changes in the volume of the bubble. The experimental data are shown to be in good agreement with the single-stage model of the foam-bed reactor using these asymptotic sub-models, as well as the diffusion-in-sphere analysis available in literature. Influence of effective diffusivity on the time dependence of fractional gas absorption has been found to be unimportant for foam columns with large times of contact. The asymptotic sub-models have been compared and use of the rigid-sphere asymptotic sub-model is recommended for foam columns of practical relevence.


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Investigations on solid state rechargeable magnesium batteries are considered important similar to lithium batteries. In view of negligible hazards and less reactivity of the magnesium, in comparison with lithium, studies on rechargeable magnesium batteries are expected to have a wide scope in future. Solid polymer electrolytes, which conduct Mg2+ ions and reversibility of a Mg/Mg2+ couple are essential components of the studies. In the present investigations, the existence of reversibility of a Mg/Mg2+ couple in a gel polymer electrolyte (GPE) medium is established for the first time in literature. Results obtained by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry on Mg/GPE/Mg, SS/GPE/SS symmetrical cells show evidence for the reversibility. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Examines the possible magnitude of suction in compacted states of clayey soils. From the test results, it is concluded that suction is zero in monotonically loaded unsaturated states. This implies that suction in compacted states should be equal to the compaction stress itself. However, as data previously reported in literature have often shown - suction is strongly related to the water content and not much affected by the compaction stress.


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A fundamental task in bioinformatics involves a transfer of knowledge from one protein molecule onto another by way of recognizing similarities. Such similarities are obtained at different levels, that of sequence, whole fold, or important substructures. Comparison of binding sites is important to understand functional similarities among the proteins and also to understand drug cross-reactivities. Current methods in literature have their own merits and demerits, warranting exploration of newer concepts and algorithms, especially for large-scale comparisons and for obtaining accurate residue-wise mappings. Here, we report the development of a new algorithm, PocketAlign, for obtaining structural superpositions of binding sites. The software is available as a web-service at http://proline.physicslisc.emetin/pocketalign/. The algorithm encodes shape descriptors in the form of geometric perspectives, supplemented by chemical group classification. The shape descriptor considers several perspectives with each residue as the focus and captures relative distribution of residues around it in a given site. Residue-wise pairings are computed by comparing the set of perspectives of the first site with that of the second, followed by a greedy approach that incrementally combines residue pairings into a mapping. The mappings in different frames are then evaluated by different metrics encoding the extent of alignment of individual geometric perspectives. Different initial seed alignments are computed, each subsequently extended by detecting consequential atomic alignments in a three-dimensional grid, and the best 500 stored in a database. Alignments are then ranked, and the top scoring alignments reported, which are then streamed into Pymol for visualization and analyses. The method is validated for accuracy and sensitivity and benchmarked against existing methods. An advantage of PocketAlign, as compared to some of the existing tools available for binding site comparison in literature, is that it explores different schemes for identifying an alignment thus has a better potential to capture similarities in ligand recognition abilities. PocketAlign, by finding a detailed alignment of a pair of sites, provides insights as to why two sites are similar and which set of residues and atoms contribute to the similarity.