460 resultados para Rana palmipes


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A brief description is given of the culture methods used in the Sepang Today Aquaculture Centre, a private aquafarming training school in Malaysia, regarding American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) and the soft-shelled turtle (Trionyx sinensis). Seed production, grow-out, marketing and future potential are discussed, referring to the school s training brochures for both culture methods.


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Ranid frogs of the genus Amolops occur in Southeast Asia and are typically found near waterfalls. Their phylogenetic relationships have not been resolved. We include 2,213 aligned nucleotide sites of the 12S, 16S and tRNA(val) gene regions of the mitochondrial DNA genome from 43 individuals of Chinese and Vietnamese Amotops, Huia, Hylarana, Meristogenys, Odorrana and Rana. The outgroup species were from the genera Chaparana, Limnonectes, Nanorana, and Paa. The data were analyzed within the framework of a refutationist philosophy using maximum parsimony. Four clades of waterfall frogs were resolved. Meristogenys was not resolved as the sister group to either Huia nor Amolops. The hypothesis Of evolutionary relationships placed Amolops chapaensis and Huia nasica in the genus Odorrana.


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从沼泽绿牛蛙虹彩病毒(Rana gryliovirus,RGV)基因组中克隆了十四烷基化膜蛋白(myristylated membrane protein,MMP)基因的全部编码区,序列分析表明,RGVmmp基因全长972 bp,编码一个长为323 aa,分子量为35×103的蛋白.氨基酸同源性比对分析,与同为蛙病毒属的其他病毒的相应蛋白同源性都在64%以上.构建重组表达载体,进行了原核表达,获得一条约53×103的融合蛋白,并制备出抗血清.通过RT-PCR和Westernblot分析确定了RGV感染过程


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从蛙虹彩病毒(Rana gryliovirus,RGV)基因组中克隆了含凋亡相关结构域的新基因-cop(Caspaserecruit ment domain only protein,COP)基因的全部编码区,成功构建了重组表达载体,进行了原核表达,并在鲤鱼上皮瘤细胞(Epithelioma papulosumcyprini,EPC)中进行了亚细胞定位.序列分析表明,RGVcop基因全长288 bp,编码一个长为95 aa,分子量为10.4×103的推定蛋白.二级结构预测表明其含有5个α螺旋.同源性比对分


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蛙虹彩病毒 (Rana grylio virus,RGV)能引起鱼类、两栖类和爬行类水生动物严重的系统性疾病 ,RGV是从我国患病蛙中分离到的一种虹彩病毒。体外扩增的 RGV经人工方法感染幼龄美国青蛙 (Rana grylio) ,运用原位杂交技术 ,分别对感染 1~ 3d后的蛙心、肺、肾、肠、脾、肝等 6种组织进行 RGV分子定位和检测。结果显示 ,在幼蛙的肺和肠中有较强的阳性信号 ,在其他组织中也检测到 RGV的存在。本试验探讨了 RGV感染早期在宿主体内的增殖及在不同组织中的分布状况 ,建立了一种蛙


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本文记述棘腹蛙Rana boulengeri Gunther体内寄生的两种文献中未报道过的原生动物,一种是利川锥虫新种,Trypanosoma lichuanensis sp.nov,其主要特征是,鞭毛较粗,一般不伸出体外,故不形成游离的鞭毛;另一种是蛙两极虫新种,Myxidium boulengeri sp.nov,孢子卵形,两端钝圆,壳厚,壳面光滑,缝线直而宽。


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本文利用青蛙(Rana nigromaculata Hallowell)蝌蚪红细胞微核试验,作为检测城镇污水诱变活性的一种新的监测技术。在16d生活污水处理的实验中,青蛙蝌蚪红细胞微核细胞率2d后就呈现统计上的显著增加,并随处理时间的延长而增高,第12d达到最大值。在不同浓度混合污水处理实验中,蝌蚪红细胞微核细胞率呈现明显的剂量依赖性增加。上述实验证明城镇生活污水和混合污水都具有较强的诱变活性。作者从遗传毒理学的角度评价了湖北黄州综合生物塘系统对污水诱变活性的净化效能。城镇混合污水经综合生物塘各级塘处理,


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<正> 污水中诱变物质对水生生物和人类健康造成的日益严重的危害引起人们的普遍关注。本文利用我国最常见的无尾两栖类动物,黑斑娃(Rana nlgromacu1ata),俗称青蛙)蝌蚪有核红细胞微核试验作为检测城镇污水诱变活性的一种新的监测系统(FTMTSYSTEM)。在16天生活污水暴露实验中,青蛙蝌蚪红细胞微核细胞率在第二天就呈现出统计上的显著增加,并随暴露时间的延长而增高,第12天达到最大值。在不同浓度混合污水处理实验中,蝌蚪红细胞微核细胞率呈现明显的剂量依赖性增加。


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报道了黑斑蛙(Rana nigromaculata)受精卵短期暴露于黄药溶液后对胚胎发育所引起的影响.浓度高于0.1ppm的黄药溶液能显著引起蛙胚的畸形发育,使孵出的蝌蚪呈现单一的畸形症状——脊索蜿蜒弯曲,为黄药污染的水体之水质监测提供了一个生物学指标.


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Purpose: Although business models that deliver sustainability are increasingly popular in the literature, few tools that assist in sustainable business modelling have been identified. This paper investigates how businesses might create balanced social, environmental and economic value through integrating sustainability more fully into the core of their business. A value mapping tool is developed to help firms create value propositions better suited for sustainability. Design/methodology/approach: In addition to a literature review, six sustainable companies were interviewed to understand their approaches to business modelling, using a case study approach. Building on the literature and practice, a tool was developed which was pilot tested through use in a workshop. The resulting improved tool and process was subsequently refined through use in 13 workshops. Findings: A novel value mapping tool was developed to support sustainable business modelling, which introduces three forms of value (value captured, missed/destroyed or wasted, and opportunity) and four major stakeholder groups (environment, society, customer, and network actors). Practical implications: This tool intends to support business modelling for sustainability by assisting firms in better understanding their overall value proposition, both positive and negative, for all relevant stakeholders in the value network. Originality/value: The tool adopts a multiple stakeholder view of value, a network rather than firm centric perspective, and introduces a novel way of conceptualising value that specifically introduces value destroyed or wasted/ missed, in addition to the current value proposition and new opportunities for value creation. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis, a cartilaginous ganoid, is a 'living fossil' on a deeply isolated evolutionary branch. A cell line was established from Chinese sturgeon tail-fin tissue (CSTF) . These epithelial CSTF cells grew well in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium at 25 degrees C. Karyotypic analysis revealed a normal diploid karyotype with 2n = 264 and large numbers of punctate chromosomes. A strain of frog iridoviruses [Rana grylio virus (RGV)] was used to test the susceptibility of this cell line to infection. Infection was confirmed by cytopathic effect, immunofluorescence and electron-microscope observations, which detected the viral antigens or particles in the cytoplasm of RGV-infected cells. Molecular analysis further suggested that c. 550 bp DNA fragment could be cloned from the RGV-infected CSTF cells' DNA with major capsid protein gene polymerase chain reaction primers. Furthermore, after transfection with pEGFP vector DNA, the CSTF cell line produced significant fluorescent signals indicating its utility in exogenous studies.


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Eco-innovations, eco-efficiency and corporate social responsibility practices define much of the current industrial sustainability agenda. While important, they are insufficient in themselves to deliver the holistic changes necessary to achieve long-term social and environmental sustainability. How can we encourage corporate innovation that significantly changes the way companies operate to ensure greater sustainability? Sustainable business models (SBM) incorporate a triple bottom line approach and consider a wide range of stakeholder interests, including environment and society. They are important in driving and implementing corporate innovation for sustainability, can help embed sustainability into business purpose and processes, and serve as a key driver of competitive advantage. Many innovative approaches may contribute to delivering sustainability through business models, but have not been collated under a unifying theme of business model innovation. The literature and business practice review has identified a wide range of examples of mechanisms and solutions that can contribute to business model innovation for sustainability. The examples were collated and analysed to identify defining patterns and attributes that might facilitate categorisation. Sustainable business model archetypes are introduced to describe groupings of mechanisms and solutions that may contribute to building up the business model for sustainability. The aim of these archetypes is to develop a common language that can be used to accelerate the development of sustainable business models in research and practice. The archetypes are: Maximise material and energy efficiency; Create value from 'waste'; Substitute with renewables and natural processes; Deliver functionality rather than ownership; Adopt a stewardship role; Encourage sufficiency; Re-purpose the business for society/environment; and Develop scale-up solutions. © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two ciliated protozoa, Balantidium sinensis Nie 1935 and Balantidium andianusi n. sp., were isolated from the feces of a wild Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) captured from the mountainous area of Shiyan, Hubei Province, Central China in October 2006. It is the first report of Balantidium species inhabiting Cryptobranchoidea amphibians. The occurrence of B. sinensis in A. davidianus should be a new record because the type specimens were first discovered and named by Nie in 1935 from Rana nigromaculata and Rana plancyi. For the lack of enough descriptions of taxonomic features in the previous report, it was re-described in detail and compared with Nie's type specimens and B. giganteum to complete the morphological descriptions in the present work. B. andianusi n. sp. was considered to be a new species based on its unique morphological characteristics, especially the high length/width ratio of the vestibulum (8:1). Comparisons were also made among Balantidium species that were found from urodele amphibians.


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A marine fish cell line from the snout of red spotted grouper Epinephelus akaara, a protogynous hermaphrodite, was established, characterized, and subcultured with more than 60 passages. The grouper snout cell line (GSC) cells multiplied well in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum. The optimal growth temperature was 25 degrees C, and morphologically the cells were fibroblastic. Chromosome analysis revealed that the GSC cell line has a normal diploid karyotype with 2n = 8st + 40t. A virus titration study indicated that the cells were susceptible to turbot Scophthalmus Maximus rhabdovirus (SMRV) (10(8.5) TCID50 ml(-1)), while the viral titer of frog Rana grylio virus 9807 (RGV(9807)) reached 10(3.5) TCID50 ml-1. The infection was confirmed by cytopathic effect (CPE), immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy experiments, which detected the viral particles in the cytoplasm of virus-infected cells, respectively. Further, significant fluorescent signals were observed when the GSC cells were transfected with pEGFP vector DNA, indicating their potential utility for transgenic and genetic manipulation studies.