992 resultados para Rainforest species
The moist evergreen Afromontane forest of SW Ethiopia has become extremely fragmented and most remnants are intensively managed for cultivation of coffee (Coffea arabica). We investigated the distributions of epiphytic orchids in shade trees and their understory in forests with contrasting management intensity to determine biodiversity losses associated with coffee cultivation and to determine the capacity of coffee shrubs to act as refugia for orchid species. We studied epiphytic orchids in managed forests and natural forests and recorded orchid diversity and abundance in different tree zones of 339 trees and in the understory. Coffee management was associated with a downward shift of orchid species as orchid species were occurring in significantly lower tree zones in managed forest. The number of shrubs in the understory of managed forest was not higher than in natural forests, yet orchid abundance was higher in the understory of managed forests. Local extinctions of epiphytic orchids and species losses in the outer tree zones (a contraction of habitat) in managed forests are most likely driven by losses of large, complex-structured climax trees, and changes in microclimate, respectively. Coffee shrubs and their shade trees in managed forests are shown here to be a suitable habitat for only a limited set of orchid species. As farmers continue to convert natural forest into managed forest for coffee cultivation, further losses of habitat quality and collateral declines in regional epiphytic orchid diversity can be expected. Therefore, the conservation of epiphytic orchid diversity, as well as other components of diversity of the coffee forests, must primarily rely on avoiding coffee management intensification in the remaining natural forest. Convincing farmers to keep forest-climax trees in their coffee forest and to tolerate orchids on their coffee shrubs may also contribute to a more favorable conservation status of orchids in Ethiopian coffee agroecosystems.
Understanding species distribution patterns and the corresponding environmental determinants is a crucial step in the development of effective strategies for the conservation and management of plant communities and ecosystems. Therefore, a central prerequisite is the biogeographical and macroecological analysis of factors and processes that determine contemporary, potential, as well as future geographic distribution of species. This thesis has been conducted in the framework of the BIOMAPS-BIOTA project at the Nees Institute of Biodiversity of Plants, which was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The study investigated patterns of plants species richness and phytogeographic regions under contemporary environmental conditions and forecasted future climate change in the area of West Africa covering five countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana and Togo. Firstly, geographic patterns of vascular plant species richness have been depicted at a relatively fine spatial resolution based on the potential distribution of 3,393 species. Species richness is closely related to the steep climatic gradient existing in the region with a high concentration of species in the most humid areas in the south and decreases towards the northern drier areas. The investigation of the effectiveness of the existing network of protected areas shows an overall good coverage of species in the study area. However, the proportion of covered species is considerably lower at national extent for some countries, thus calling for more protected areas in order to cover adequately a maximum number of plants species in these countries. Secondly, based on the potential distribution range of vascular plant species, seven phytogeographic regions have been delineated that broadly reflect the vegetation zones as defined by White (1983). However notable differences to the delineation of White (1983) occur at the margins of some regions. Corresponding to a general southward shifted of all regions. And expansion of the Sahel vegetation zone is observed in the north, while the rainforest zone is decreased in the very south.This is alarming since the rainforest shelters a high number of species and a high proportion of range-restricted or endemic species, despite their relatively small extent compared to the other regions. Finally, the evaluation of the potential impact of climate change on plant species richness in the study area, results in a severe loss of future suitable habitat for up to 50% of species per grid cell, particularly in the rainforest region. Moreover, the analysis of the possible shift of phytogeographic regions shows in general a strong deterioration of the West African rainforest. In contrast the drier areas are expanding continuously, although a slight gain in species number can be observed in some particular regions. The overall lesson to retain from the results of this study is that the West African rainforest should be fixed as a high priority area for the conservation of biodiversity of plants, since it is subject to severe contemporary and projected future threats.
Comparison of mitochondrial and morphological divergence in eight populations of a widespread leaf-litter skink is used to determine the relative importance of geographic isolation and natural selection in generating phenotypic diversity in the Wet Tropics Rainforest region of Australia. The populations occur in two geographically isolated regions, and within each region, in two different habitats (closed rainforest and tall open forest) that span a well characterized ecological gradient. Morphological differences among ancient geographic isolates (separated for several million years, judging by their mitochondrial DNA sequence divergence) were slight, but morphological and life history differences among habitats were large and occurred despite moderate to high levels of mitochondrial gene flow. A field experiment identified avian predation as one potential agent of natural selection. These results indicate that natural selection operating across ecological gradients can be more important than geographic isolation in similar habitats in generating phenotypic diversity. In addition, our results indicate that selection is sufficiently strong to overcome the homogenizing effects of gene flow, a necessary first step toward speciation in continuously distributed populations. Because ecological gradients may be a source of evolutionary novelty, and perhaps new species, their conservation warrants greater attention. This is particularly true in tropical regions, where most reserves do not include ecological gradients and transitional habitats.
Rainforests in eastern Australia have been extensively cleared over the past two centuries. In recent decades, there have been increasing efforts to reforest some of these cleared lands, using a variety of methods, to meet a range of economic and environmental objectives. However, the extent to which the various styles of reforestation restore structure, composition and ecological function to cleared land is not presently understood. In this study, we develop and apply a method for quantifying the structural attributes of reforestation sites in tropical and subtropical Australia. The types of reforestation studied were plantation monocultures, mixed-species cabinet timber plots, diverse restoration plantings and unmanaged regrowth. Two age classes of reforestation were examined: 'young' (5-22 years), incorporating sites from all categories, and 'old' (30-70 years), in which only monoculture plantations and regrowth were represented. A total of 104 sites were surveyed including reference sites in intact rainforest and pasture. Intact rainforest was characterised by a suite of complex structural features including abundant special life forms (vines, epiphytes, hemi-epiphytes and strangler figs), a dense stand of trees in a range of size classes, a closed canopy, a shrubby understorey and a well-developed ground layer of leaf litter and woody debris. These features were lost on conversion to pasture. While all types of reforestation returned some elements of structural complexity to cleared land, young plantation monocultures, cabinet timber plots and young regrowth had a relatively simple structure. These sites typically had a low density of woody stems, a relatively open canopy and grassy ground cover, and lacked large trees, coarse woody debris and most special life forms. Restoration plantings and old regrowth were more complex, with a high density of woody stems, a relatively closed canopy and shrubby understorey. Old monoculture plantations in the tropics had acquired many of the structural attributes of intact forest, however this was not the case in the subtropics, where plantations were subject to more intensive management. The marked differences in structural complexity between sites suggest that the different types of reforestation practiced in eastern Australia are likely to vary considerably in their value as habitat for rainforest biota. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Phylogeographic analyses of the fauna of the Australian wet tropics rainforest have provided strong evidence for long-term isolation of populations among allopatric refugia, yet typically there is no corresponding divergence in morphology. This system provides an opportunity to examine the consequences of geographic isolation, independent of morphological divergence, and thus to assess the broader significance of historical subdivisions revealed through mitochondrial DNA phylogeography. We have located and characterized a zone of secondary contact between two long isolated (mtDNA divergence > 15%) lineages of the skink Carlia rubrigularis using one mitochondrial and eight nuclear (two intron, six microsatellite) markers. This revealed a remarkably narrow (width < 3 km) hybrid zone with substantial linkage disequilibrium and strong deficits of heterozygotes at two of three nuclear loci with diagnostic alleles. Cline centers were coincident across loci. Using a novel form of likelihood analysis, we were unable to distinguish between sigmoidal and stepped cline shapes except at one nuclear locus for which the latter was inferred. Given estimated dispersal rates of 90-133 m x gen(-1/2) and assuming equilibrium, the observed cline widths suggest effective selection against heterozygotes of at least 22-49% and possibly as high as 70%. These observations reveal substantial postmating isolation, although the absence of consistent deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium at diagnostic loci suggests that there is little accompanying premating isolation. The tight geographic correspondence between transitions in mtDNA and those for nuclear genes and corresponding evidence for selection against hybrids indicates that these morphologically cryptic phylogroups could be considered as incipient species. Nonetheless, we caution against the use of mtDNA phylogeography as a sole criterion for defining species boundaries.
The phylogenetic relationships and historical biogeography of 10 currently described rainforest skinks in the genus Saproscincus were investigated using mitochondrial protein-coding ND4 and ribosomal RNA 16S genes. A robust phylogeny is inferred using both maximum likelihood and Bayesian analysis, with all inter-specific nodes strongly supported when datasets are combined. The phylogeny supports the recognition of two major lineages (northern and southern), each of which comprises two divergent clades. Both northern and southern lineages have comparably divergent representatives in mid-east Queensland (MEQ), providing further molecular evidence for the importance of two major biogeographic breaks, the St. Lawrence gap and Burdekin gap separating MEQ from southern and northern counterparts respectively. Vicariance associated with the fragmentation and contraction of temperate rainforest during the mid-late Miocene epoch underpins the deep divergence between morphologically conservative lineages in at least three instances. In contrast, one species, Saproseincus oriarus, shows very low sequence divergence but distinct morphological and ecological differentiation from its allopatric sister clade within Saproseincus mustelinus. These results suggest that while vicariance has played a prominent role in diversification and historical biogeography of Saproscincus, divergent selection may also be important. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Glaphyromorphus clandestinus, sp. nov., is described from granite-slab habitat on Mt Elliot, north-eastern Queensland. This species can be distinguished from its congeners by a combination of the following characters: large size (SVL 72 mm), adpressed limbs of adult separated by noticeably more than the length of the forelimb, 26 mid-body scale rows, and flanks patterned with dark flecks forming a series of longitudinal lines. The distribution, habitat preferences and habits of this species are poorly known. Currently G. clandestinus is known from a single locality where individuals have been found in an exposed area of exfoliating granite, set in a mosaic of rainforest and eucalyptus woodland. The discovery of this species brings to three the number of vertebrate species known to be endemic to Mt Elliot and highlights the evolutionary significance of this southerly outlier to the mountainous rainforest of the Wet Tropics.
A cyanogenic glycoside -6'-O-galloylsambunigrin - has been isolated from the foliage of the Australian tropical rainforest tree species Elaeocarpus sericopetalus F. Muell. (Elaeocarpaceae). This is the first formal characterisation of a cyanogenic constituent in the Elaeocarpaceae family, and only the second in the order Malvales. 6'-O-galloylsambunigrin was identified as the principal glycoside, accounting for 91% of total cyanogen in a leaf methanol extract. Preliminary analyses indicated that the remaining cyanogen content may comprise small quantities of sambunigrin, as well as di- and tri-gallates of sambunigrin. E. sericopetalus was found to have foliar concentrations of cyanogenic glycosides among the highest reported for tree leaves, up to 5.2 mg CN g(-1) dry wt. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Figs are rainforest keystone species. Non-strangler figs establish on the forest floor; strangler figs establish epiphytically, followed by a dramatic transition from epiphyte to free-standing tree that kills its hosts. Free-standing figs display vigorous growth and resource demand suggesting that epiphytic strangler figs require special adaptations to deal with resource limitations imposed by the epiphytic environment. We studied epiphytic and free-standing strangler figs, and non-strangler figs in tropical rainforest and in cultivation, as well as strangler figs in controlled conditions. We investigated whether the transition from epiphyte to free-standing tree is characterised by morphological and physiological plasticity. Epiphyte substrate had higher levels of plant-available ammonium and phosphate, and similar levels of nitrate compared with rainforest soil, suggesting that N and P are initially not limiting resources. A relationship was found between taxonomic groups and plant N physiology; strangler figs, all members of subgenus Urostigma, had mostly low foliar nitrate assimilation rates whereas non-strangler figs, in subgenera Pharmacocycea, Sycidium, Sycomorus or Synoecia, had moderate to high rates. Nitrate is an energetically expensive N source, and low nitrate use may be an adaptation of strangler figs for conserving energy during epiphytic growth. Interestingly, significant amounts of nitrate were stored in fleshy taproot tubers of epiphytic stranglers. Supporting the concept of plasticity, leaves of epiphytic Ficus benjamina L. had lower N and C content per unit leaf area, lower stomatal density and 80% greater specific leaf area than leaves of conspecific free-standing trees. Similarly, glasshouse-grown stranglers strongly increased biomass allocation to roots under water limitation. Epiphytic and free-standing F. benjamina had similar average foliar delta C-13, but epiphytes had more extreme values; this indicates that both groups of plants use the C-3 pathway of CO2 fixation but that water availability is highly variable for epiphytes. We hypothesise that epiphytic figs use fleshy stem tubers to avoid water stress, and that nitrate acts as an osmotic compound in tubers. We conclude that strangler figs are a unique experimental system for studying the transition from rainforest epiphyte to tree, and the genetic and environmental triggers involved.
Ectomycorrhizal (EM) associations facilitate plant nitrogen (N) acquisition, but the contribution of EM associations to tree N nutrition is difficult to ascertain in ecosystems. We studied the abilities of subtropical EM fungi and nutritionally contrasting Eucalyptus species, Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden and Eucalyptus racemosa Cav, to use N sources in axenic and soil cultures, and determined the effect of EM fungi on plant N use and plant N-15 natural abundance (delta N-15). As measured by seedling growth, both species showed little dependence on EM when growing in the N-rich minerotrophic soil from E. grandis rainforest habitat or in axenic culture with inorganic N sources. Both species were heavily dependent on EM associations when growing in the N-poor, organotrophic soil from the E. racemosa wallum habitat or in axenic culture with organic N sources. In axenic culture, EM associations enabled both species to use organic N when supplied with amide-, peptide- or protein-N. Grown axenically with glutamine- or protein-N, delta N-15 of almost all seedlings was lower than source N. The delta N-15 of all studied organisms was higher than the N source when grown on glutathione. This unexpected N-15 enrichment was perhaps due to preferential uptake of an N moiety more N-15-enriched than the bulk molecular average. Grown with ammonium-N, the delta N-15 of non-EM seedlings was mostly higher than that of source N. In contrast, the delta N-15 of EM seedlings was mostly lower than that of source N, except at the lowest ammonium concentration. Discrimination against N-15 was strongest when external ammonium concentration was high. We suggest that ammonium assimilation via EM fungi may be the cause of the often observed distinct foliar delta N-15 of EM and non-EM species, rather than use of different N sources by species with different root specialisations. In support of this notion, delta N-15 of soil and leaves in the rainforest were similar for E. grandis and co-occurring non-mycorrhizal Proteaceae. In contrast, in wallum forest, E. racemosa leaves and roots were strongly N-15-depleted relative to wallum soil and Proteaceae leaves. We conclude that foliar delta N-15 may be used in conjunction with other ecosystem information as a rapid indicator of plant dependency on EM associations for N acquisition.
Predatory mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) on tree trunks without significant epiphytic growth in a subtropical rainforest in Eastern Australia were assessed for habitat specificity (i.e. whether they are tree trunk specialists or occupying other habitats) and the influence of host tree and bark structure on their abundance, species richness and species composition. The trunks of nine tree species from eight plant families representing smooth, intermediate and rough bark textures were sampled using a knockdown insecticide spray. In total, 12 species or morphospecies of Mesostigmata (excluding Uropodina sensu stricto) were collected, most of which are undescribed. Comparison with collections from other habitats indicates that epicorticolous Mesostigmata are mainly represented by suspended soil dwellers (six species), secondarily by generalists (four species) and a bark specialist (one species). A typical ground-dwelling species was also found but was represented only by a single individual. In terms of abundance, 50.5% of individuals were suspended soil dwellers, 40.7% bark specialists, and 8.3% generalists. Host species and bark roughness had no significant effect on abundance or species richness. Furthermore, there was no clear effect on species composition. The distribution of the most frequently encountered species suggests that most mesostigmatid mites living on bark use many or most rainforest tree species, independent of bark roughness. These findings support the hypothesis that some epicorticolous Mesostigmata use tree trunks as 'highways' for dispersing between habitat patches, while others use it as a permanent habitat.
It has been suggested that timber plantations could play an important role in the conservation of biodiversity in cleared rainforest landscapes, not only because of their potential to cost-effectively reforest large areas of land, but also because they may provide habitat for rainforest plants and animals. However, this last claim is largely untested. In this study, we surveyed the occurrence of a range of animal taxa in monoculture and mixed species timber plantations and restoration plantings in tropical and subtropical Australia. We used the richness of ‘rainforest-dependent’ taxa (i.e., birds, lizards and mites associated with rainforest habitats) in reforested sites as our measure of their ‘biodiversity value’. We also examined whether the biodiversity value of reforested sites was correlated with habitat attributes, including plant species richness and vegetation structure and, further, whether biodiversity value was affected by the proximity of reforested sites to intact rainforest.
A large number of socio-economic research projects have been conducted in north Queensland which have drawn on observations from, or been otherwise inspired by, the Community Rainforest Reforestation Program (CRRP). The research may be considered under the headings of financial performance of farm-grown timber, externalities (or environmental values), impediments to tree planting on farms, analysis of the timber supply chain including timber marketing, and facilitation of forest industry development. This paper summarises a variety of insights generated by the research, on small-scale forestry based on native tree species and on policy measures which may be adopted to promote tree growing on farms in tropical north Queensland.