326 resultados para RSE


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Since 1999, the National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of the Biodiversity (CONABIO) in Mexico has been developing and managing the “Operational program for the detection of hot-spots using remote sensing techniques”. This program uses images from the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard the Terra and Aqua satellites and from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA-AVHRR), which are operationally received through the Direct Readout station (DR) at CONABIO. This allows the near-real time monitoring of fire events in Mexico and Central America. In addition to the detection of active fires, the location of hot spots are classified with respect to vegetation types, accessibility, and risk to Nature Protection Areas (NPA). Besides the fast detection of fires, further analysis is necessary due to the considerable effects of forest fires on biodiversity and human life. This fire impact assessment is crucial to support the needs of resource managers and policy makers for adequate fire recovery and restoration actions. CONABIO attempts to meet these requirements, providing post-fire assessment products as part of the management system in particular for satellite-based burnt area mapping. This paper provides an overview of the main components of the operational system and will present an outlook to future activities and system improvements, especially the development of a burnt area product. A special focus will also be placed on the fire occurrence within NPAs of Mexico


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The topography of many floodplains in the developed world has now been surveyed with high resolution sensors such as airborne LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), giving accurate Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) that facilitate accurate flood inundation modelling. This is not always the case for remote rivers in developing countries. However, the accuracy of DEMs produced for modelling studies on such rivers should be enhanced in the near future by the high resolution TanDEM-X WorldDEM. In a parallel development, increasing use is now being made of flood extents derived from high resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images for calibrating, validating and assimilating observations into flood inundation models in order to improve these. This paper discusses an additional use of SAR flood extents, namely to improve the accuracy of the TanDEM-X DEM in the floodplain covered by the flood extents, thereby permanently improving this DEM for future flood modelling and other studies. The method is based on the fact that for larger rivers the water elevation generally changes only slowly along a reach, so that the boundary of the flood extent (the waterline) can be regarded locally as a quasi-contour. As a result, heights of adjacent pixels along a small section of waterline can be regarded as samples with a common population mean. The height of the central pixel in the section can be replaced with the average of these heights, leading to a more accurate estimate. While this will result in a reduction in the height errors along a waterline, the waterline is a linear feature in a two-dimensional space. However, improvements to the DEM heights between adjacent pairs of waterlines can also be made, because DEM heights enclosed by the higher waterline of a pair must be at least no higher than the corrected heights along the higher waterline, whereas DEM heights not enclosed by the lower waterline must in general be no lower than the corrected heights along the lower waterline. In addition, DEM heights between the higher and lower waterlines can also be assigned smaller errors because of the reduced errors on the corrected waterline heights. The method was tested on a section of the TanDEM-X Intermediate DEM (IDEM) covering an 11km reach of the Warwickshire Avon, England. Flood extents from four COSMO-SKyMed images were available at various stages of a flood in November 2012, and a LiDAR DEM was available for validation. In the area covered by the flood extents, the original IDEM heights had a mean difference from the corresponding LiDAR heights of 0.5 m with a standard deviation of 2.0 m, while the corrected heights had a mean difference of 0.3 m with standard deviation 1.2 m. These figures show that significant reductions in IDEM height bias and error can be made using the method, with the corrected error being only 60% of the original. Even if only a single SAR image obtained near the peak of the flood was used, the corrected error was only 66% of the original. The method should also be capable of improving the final TanDEM-X DEM and other DEMs, and may also be of use with data from the SWOT (Surface Water and Ocean Topography) satellite.


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This special issue is focused on the assessment of algorithms for the observation of Earth’s climate from environ- mental satellites. Climate data records derived by remote sensing are increasingly a key source of insight into the workings of and changes in Earth’s climate system. Producers of data sets must devote considerable effort and expertise to maximise the true climate signals in their products and minimise effects of data processing choices and changing sensors. A key choice is the selection of algorithm(s) for classification and/or retrieval of the climate variable. Within the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative, science teams undertook systematic assessment of algorithms for a range of essential climate variables. The papers in the special issue report some of these exercises (for ocean colour, aerosol, ozone, greenhouse gases, clouds, soil moisture, sea surface temper- ature and glaciers). The contributions show that assessment exercises must be designed with care, considering issues such as the relative importance of different aspects of data quality (accuracy, precision, stability, sensitivity, coverage, etc.), the availability and degree of independence of validation data and the limitations of validation in characterising some important aspects of data (such as long-term stability or spatial coherence). As well as re- quiring a significant investment of expertise and effort, systematic comparisons are found to be highly valuable. They reveal the relative strengths and weaknesses of different algorithmic approaches under different observa- tional contexts, and help ensure that scientific conclusions drawn from climate data records are not influenced by observational artifacts, but are robust.


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We establish a methodology for calculating uncertainties in sea surface temperature estimates from coefficient based satellite retrievals. The uncertainty estimates are derived independently of in-situ data. This enables validation of both the retrieved SSTs and their uncertainty estimate using in-situ data records. The total uncertainty budget is comprised of a number of components, arising from uncorrelated (eg. noise), locally systematic (eg. atmospheric), large scale systematic and sampling effects (for gridded products). The importance of distinguishing these components arises in propagating uncertainty across spatio-temporal scales. We apply the method to SST data retrieved from the Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) and validate the results for two different SST retrieval algorithms, both at a per pixel level and for gridded data. We find good agreement between our estimated uncertainties and validation data. This approach to calculating uncertainties in SST retrievals has a wider application to data from other instruments and retrieval of other geophysical variables.


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Sea surface temperature (SST) data are often provided as gridded products, typically at resolutions of order 0.05 degrees from satellite observations to reduce data volume at the request of data users and facilitate comparison against other products or models. Sampling uncertainty is introduced in gridded products where the full surface area of the ocean within a grid cell cannot be fully observed because of cloud cover. In this paper we parameterise uncertainties in SST as a function of the percentage of clear-sky pixels available and the SST variability in that subsample. This parameterisation is developed from Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer (AATSR) data, but is applicable to all gridded L3U SST products at resolutions of 0.05-0.1 degrees, irrespective of instrument and retrieval algorithm, provided that instrument noise propagated into the SST is accounted for. We also calculate the sampling uncertainty of ~0.04 K in Global Area Coverage (GAC) Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) products, using related methods.


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Ett ökat miljömedvetande hos konsumenterna gör att de har blivit allt mera medvetna om sitt eget agerande och att de därför i allt högre utsträckning väljer att köpa produkter och tjänster som har producerats på ett miljömedvetet sätt. Detta påverkar företagens sätt att planera, producera och distribuera sina produkter och tjänster. Miljömedvetna företag kan skaffa sig fördelar jämfört med de konkurrenter som inte agerar miljömedvetenhet. För att kunna hänga med i konkurrensen på marknaden måste företagsledare utveckla genomtänkta strategier för hur deras produkter och tjänster ska kunna införlivas i en hållbar affärsutveckling. Detta skapar ett behov av att förse entreprenörer, företagsledare, innovatörer m.fl. med kunskap, metoder och verktyg så att de i tidiga utvecklingsskeenden kan se möjligheterna med att utforma sin affärsidé, produkt eller tjänst i ett hållbarhetsperspektiv.Hållbar affärsutveckling är ett pilotprojekt med målet att stödja inkubatorföretag så att de kan utveckla en s.k. hållbar affärsutveckling.


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 Large brown seaweeds (kelps) form forests in temperate and boreal marine systems that serve as foundations to the structure and dynamics of communities. Mapping the distributions of these species is important to understanding the ecology of coastal environments, managing marine ecosystems (e.g., spatial planning), predicting consequences of climate change and the potential for carbon production. We demonstrate how combining seafloor mapping technologies (LiDAR and multibeam bathymetry) and models of wave energy to map the distribution and relative abundance of seaweed forests of Ecklonia radiata can provide complete coverage over hundreds of square kilometers. Using generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs), we associated observations of E. radiata abundance from video transects with environmental variables. These relationships were then used to predict the distribution of E. radiata across our 756.1km2 study area off the coast of Victoria, Australia. A reserved dataset was used to test the accuracy of these predictions. We found that the abundance distribution of E. radiata is strongly associated with depth, presence of rocky reef, curvature of the reef topography, and wave exposure. In addition, the GLMM methodology allowed us to adequately account for spatial autocorrelation in our sampling methods. The predictive distribution map created from the best GLMM predicted the abundance of E. radiata with an accuracy of 72%. The combination of LiDAR and multibeam bathymetry allowed us to model and predict E. radiata abundance distribution across its entire depth range for this study area. Using methods like those presented in this study, we can map the distribution of macroalgae species, which will give insight into ecological communities, biodiversity distribution, carbon uptake, and potential sequestration.


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The scope of this theses is to understand the dynamics of the institutionalization of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within the Field of Banking Organizations in Brazil. Using the social analysis model put forward by Boltanski and Chiapello (1999) and reverting to the conceptual basis of the institutional approach and using Bourdieu¿s notion of interest (1996), we arrive at an analytical model that enabled us to assess CSR as part of a movement of displacement of capitalism. The theory we propose here is that with the institutionalization of CSR, actions are justified in terms of the common good, being legitimized by structural confirmations and arrangements and, at the same time, heeding the inherent interests of the Field. The means used for comprehension of the dynamics of the institutionalization of CSR were: (1) the analysis of the construction of the phenomenon of CSR, which enabled us to identify critical factors and events, leaders in Brazil and associated ratification of the institutionalization of this social practice; (2) the description of the Field of Banking Organizations and the identification of the elements of its CSR in History, which are essential steps for understanding the justifications for insertion of the Field in the movement towards CSR; (3) the identification of key players in the institutionalization of the social practice within the Field, as well as the categorization of practical actions considered socially responsible to be found in the organizations researched, analyzing them in terms of justifications and interests; (4) the analysis of the dissemination and sedimentation of structural arrangements linked to CSR in the organizations of the Field, such as specific areas created to deal with CSR, social reports and organizational websites. The field research assessed some 30 organizations and included documentary analysis and interviews. We noted that, from being a marginal and isolated action, over the course of the past decade CSR has become a structured action in banking organizations, while at the same time becoming transformed into a social value, capable of contributing to the legitimacy of the Field. In this respect, research showed that retail banks are those that are inserted in the movement towards CSR, which ratifies the thesis of the phenomenon as displacement of capitalism.


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In the last decades of the 21st century, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become one of the most widely debated issues in business management, concerning researchers, politicians, managers and society at large. With multilateral implications in economic and social life, CSR refers, essentially, to the discussion about the boundaries of business intervention in society and the ethical limits that should regulate that intervention. It questions the impact of business practices in social well-being, the role left for corporations and for the State in attending to community needs, and which are, at last, the responsibilities that tie enterprises to society. In this research, CSR is approached from the perspective of its ethical foundations, based on the moral reasoning of the business manager, as a key organizational leader with relevant decision power. Specifically, the research aims to understand how the personal human value system and the ethical orientation of managers influence their attitude towards CSR, considering this attitude as an indicator of managerial behavior that translates into corporate performance. Theoretically, CSR concept is discussed and presented as a set of social commitments, based on a strict interpretation of its meaning. As to human values, its philosophical roots are briefly analyzed and Schwartz modern motivational theory is addressed as main reference for studying the personal value system of managers in this research. Concerning ethics, based on classical theory from moral philosophy, references are seek in John Stuart Mill¿s utilitarianism, Immanuel Kant¿s deontological absolutism, John Rawls¿s theory of justice and the ethics of virtue inspired by Aristotle¿s moral thoughts. Based on an extended literature review, research hypothesis are proposed as part of a theoretical model of analysis named Individual Attitude Towards Social Responsibility Model. In order to test the theory¿s empirical validity, it was conducted a field study with 252 Brazilian managers, mainly from the metropolitan areas of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Results show that managerial attitude aligned with CSR principles is favored by conservative personal values, protectors of stability and centered on collective will, and by an ethical orientation based on egalitarianism as postulated by distributive justice principles. However, results also show that the influence of values and personal ethics on managerial attitude towards CSR only occur in managers younger than 30 years old. Findings and their meanings are discussed, as well as summarized in the Axiological and Ethical Determinants of Managers¿ Social Commitment Model. Finally, methodological limitations are evaluated and clues for further research are suggested.


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In the recent years Corporate Social Action (CSA) has become more and more relevant to corporate context. The aim is to benefit both poor communities and the donnor companies, as it meets the needs of their salient stakeholders. Nevertheless, there still exists considerable scepticism concerning CSA. In order to become a solid management practice, it is critcal to evidence the attained results. Up to now, the focus has been on process evaluation, that is, on the policies companies are adopting. Literature revision has shown a great need of studies related to results identification in this field. Therefore, using stakeholders` framework (according to Wood, 1991; Donaldson and Preston, 1995; Hopkins, 1997; Hamil, 1999), we have developped a methodology to evaluate CSA results, based on public and private effectiveness criteria. As we applied it to assess Xerox social action in Brazil we were able to identify the attainment degree of expected results related to the benefitted community (Mangueira) and also to some Xerox salient stakeholders (employees and clients).


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Este trabalho constitui-se num estudo de caso sobre o Programa de Voluntariado Empresarial - PVE - do Banco ABN AMRO Real, vivenciado no Instituto Escola Brasil - 1EB. Objetivou analisar como se dá o processo de formação de um programa dessa natureza, partindo do pressuposto de que o que motiva tal atividade é a busca de legitimidade social. Tal análise é feita levando-se em conta a maneira pela qual o PVE vivenciado no IEB se integra no conjunto das ações resultantes do processo de assunção de Responsabilidade Social Empresarial - RSE - pelo Banco. Também teve como objetivo investigar e analisar as causas da adoção do PVE pelo Banco. bem como o grau de institucionalização e legitimidade do IEB e do PVE do Banco. O referencial teórico é composto de duas partes, uma que aborda as contribuições de diversos autores para o estudo da RSE e do voluntariado empresarial, e outra que trata da abordagem institucionalista, procurando aplicá-la ao tema em questão. A pesquisa valeu-se de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, que permitiram análise em profundidade. As conclusões mostram que tal prática ainda é incipiente. encontrando-se em processo de institucionalização na organização estudada.


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O relatório social, instrumento importante para gestão social, prestação de contas dessa gestão, análise e estudos sobre a RSE, é publicado cada vez com mais freqüência[ABF1] na Internet, levando as questões sociais da empresa para o espaço público, potencializando, com isso, sua divulgação e seu uso. No entanto, a tecnologia da informação oferece recursos para que essas ações possam ir além da divulgação. Diante desta premissa, o estudo se propõe[ABF2] a analisar o aproveitamento desses recursos pela área de responsabilidade social da empresa. A partir de um levantamento realizado nos sites de 139 empresas, são observadas aquelas[ABF3] que divulgaram o relatório social e quais os seus interesses, projetos e ações sócio-ambientais, assim como os recursos tecnológicos que viabilizam a interação e a comunicação com stakeholders. Num segundo momento, busca-se a interação com as empresas via e-mail e realizam-se pesquisas de campo para examinar o uso da tecnologia pela área de responsabilidade social de duas empresas participantes do levantamento. Por um lado, há o desejo de diálogo e de maior proximidade com o público, sobretudo quando estão em pauta temas relacionados com o meio ambiente, a cidadania e ações comunitárias. Por outro, porém, alguns passos -ainda que curtos -são dados em direção à divulgação de informações relevantes para a sociedade (atingindo universos mais remotos).A comunicação, a interação e as práticas que permitem maior participação e integração com stakeholders carecem de maior empenho e aproveitamento dos recursos tecnológicos voltados para esses fins.


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O objeto de estudo da minha tese é a agência, mais especificamente a não ação em estratégias de responsabilidade social empresarial (RSE). A partir de uma concepção estruturacionista de agência, construo um quadro teórico que desafia a perspectiva estratégica e integradora (PORTER e KRAMER, 2006) que domina grade parte dos estudos recentes em RSE, centrado no conceito de stakeholder (FREEMAN, 1984). O arcabouço teórico formulado tem como princípio: (1) uma perspectiva pluralista crítica (SCHLOSBERG, 1983 e HOONEY, 19986) à formulação do problema de tese e à combinação de diferentes perspectivas teóricas em estratégia; (1) uma orientação praxeológica, advinda da teoria da estruturação (GIDDENS, 2003) que permite o reconhecimento e a definição do objeto de estudo; (2) uma certa insistência realista (Stones , 2003 e 2005), para o estudo dos diferentes níveis de análise, por meio do bracketing conceitual viabilizado pela co-deteminação (CHILD, 1997); (3) uma perspectiva política que percebe na não-ação (BACHRACH e BARATZ, 1962, 1963) um tipo de agência que desafia o fenômeno da RSE, principalmente, quando associado a uma empresa multinacional atuando em um país emergente. Em termos metodológicos, a tese desenvolvida foi viabilizada por uma orientação processualista que combinou, em termos reflexivos, a análise de discursos narrativos e o mapeamento de eventos de ação e não-ação, ao longo da trajetória de desenvolvimento da RSE, em um estudo de caso único, realizado junto à uma grande empresa multinacional atuando no Brasil. A partir da coleta e análise dos dados, a tese traz como contribuição teórica: (a) o reconhecimento das motivações associadas ao crescente voluntarismo de ação em RSE, por parte das grande empresas (por exemplo, a auto-regulamentação), ao expor a não-ação, suas implicações e a relação com os diferentes atores sociais; (b) os limites do integracionismo em RSE, considerando as implicações de uma agenda internacional em RSE para a relação matriz-subsidiária; (c) os reflexos das estratégias de RSE sobre questões de não-mercado, anteriormente desconsideradas, a cerca de dimensões relevantes na interface público-privada em RSE


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Dentro da teoria e prática da Responsabilidade Social Empresarial (RSE) ainda existe uma ampla discussão sobre o que é e quais os benefícios que a RSE pode trazer. Um dos pontos pouco explorado nesta discussão está a identificação da RSE como uma competência necessária para as empresas. Está dissertação visa dar um enfoque diferente a aspectos já amplamente discutidos da RSE, baseado na teoria das Competências Organizacionais, no intuito de trazer mais amplitude para a análise do tema e, ao mesmo tempo, proporcionar maior profundidade às discussões, além de uma melhor avaliação sobre o que é e como a Responsabilidade Social Empresarial pode ser realmente conceituada pelas empresas e pela própria sociedade. A metodologia é fundamentada em pesquisas secundárias e revisão bibliográfica dos três enfoques da questão principal, que são o da Responsabilidade Social Empresarial, o da Competência Organizacional e o dos Benefícios da Responsabilidade Social Empresarial. Como resultado, o presente estudo identificou diferentes evidências para a incorporação teórica da RSE como competência organizacional e, assim, como competência básica na prática para as empresas. Quando analisada como competência essencial, nos casos em que a RSE deveria ser um dos fatores chave para a competitividade das organizações, as evidências encontradas não parecem direcionar a RSE como tal. Existem exemplos específicos de que a RSE pode se tornar uma competência essencial, porém não foram realizados ainda estudos mais aprofundados que permitam confirmar essa visão.


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O estudo busca investigar a atuação das grandes empresas varejista brasileiras com relação à Responsabilidade Social Empresarial (RSE), procurando levantar o estágio em que estas se encontram, e se são aproveitadas as características do varejo de capilaridade geográfica, contato direto com a comunidade, forte vinculo com os clientes, interação entre funcionários e clientes e proximidade física de Organizações Não Governamentais e instituições públicas. Para tanto, foram utilizados conceitos relacionados à gestão, como comprometimento da cúpula, incorporação de valores de RSE na administração e no planejamento estratégico, autonomia e gestão de RSE nas lojas. A gestão foi avaliada pela ótica do contínuo de colaboração de Austin, e as práticas de RSE por meio da teoria dos stakeholders (públicos interessados), utilizando como base as dimensões dos Indicadores Ethos de Responsabilidade Social. A teoria de Kotler e Lee, para a classificação das iniciativas conforme os conceitos do marketing, também foi empregada. Conduziu-se uma pesquisa exploratória com cinco grandes empresas do setor varejista. Os resultados encontrados apontam que na maioria das empresas a incorporação dessas práticas é recente. Constata-se que as empresas diferem quanto ao estágio de RSE e que as características próprias do varejo não são aproveitadas em sua totalidade. Hipóteses são levantadas para que estas aproveitem a estrutura das lojas para atender às necessidades da comunidade local.