197 resultados para REMINERALIZATION
Patterns of regeneration and burial of phosphorus (P) in the Baltic Sea are strongly dependent on redox conditions. Redox varies spatially along water depth gradients and temporally in response to the seasonal cycle and multidecadal hydrographic variability. Alongside the well-documented link between iron oxyhydroxide dissolution and release of P from Baltic Sea sediments, we show that preferential remineralization of P with respect to carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) during degradation of organic matter plays a key role in determining the surplus of bioavailable P in the water column. Preferential remineralization of P takes place both in the water column and upper sediments and its rate is shown to be redox-dependent, increasing as reducing conditions become more severe at greater water-depth in the deep basins. Existing Redfield-based biogeochemical models of the Baltic may therefore underestimate the imbalance between N and P availability for primary production, and hence the vulnerability of the Baltic to sustained eutrophication via the fixation of atmospheric N. However, burial of organic P is also shown to increase during multidecadal intervals of expanded hypoxia, due to higher net burial rates of organic matter around the margins of the deep basins. Such intervals may be characterized by basin-scale acceleration of all fluxes within the P cycle, including productivity, regeneration and burial, sustained by the relative accessibility of the water column P pool beneath a shallow halocline.
Marine organic matter (OM) sinks from surface waters to the seafloor via the biological pump. Benthic communities, which use this sedimented OM as energy and carbon source, produce dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the process of remineralization, enriching the sediment porewater with fresh DOM compounds. We hypothesized that in the oligotrophic deep Arctic basin the molecular signal of freshly deposited primary produced OM is restricted to the surface sediment pore waters which should differ from bottom water and deeper sediment pore water in DOM composition. This study focused on: 1) the molecular composition of the DOM in sediment pore waters of the deep Eurasian Arctic basins, 2) whether the signal of marine vs. terrigenous DOM is represented by different compounds preserved in the sediment pore waters and 3) whether there is any relation between Arctic Ocean ice cover and DOM composition. Molecular data, obtained via 15 Tesla Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer, were correlated with environmental parameters by partial least square analysis. The fresher marine detrital OM signal from surface waters was limited to pore waters from < 5 cm sediment depth. The productive ice margin stations showed higher abundances of peptides, unsaturated aliphatics and saturated fatty acids formulae, indicative of fresh OM/pigments deposition, compared to northernmost stations which had stronger aromatic signals. This study contributes to the understanding of the coupling between the Arctic Ocean productivity and its depositional regime, and how it will be altered in response to sea ice retreat and increasing river runoff.
Remineralization of organic matter in reactive marine sediments releases nutrients and dissolved organic matter (DOM) into the ocean. Here we focused on the molecular-level characterization of DOM by high-resolution Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR-MS) in sediment pore waters and bottom waters from contrasting redox regimes in the northern Black Sea with particular emphasis on nitrogen-bearing compounds to derive an improved understanding of the molecular transformations involved in nitrogen release. The number of nitrogen-bearing molecules is generally higher in pore waters than in bottom waters. This suggests intensified degradation of nitrogen-bearing precursor molecules such as proteins in anoxic sediments: No significant difference was observed between sediments deposited under oxic vs anoxic conditions (average O/C ratios of 0.55) suggesting that the different organic matter quality induced by contrasting redox conditions does not impact protein diagenesis in the subseafloor. Compounds in the pore waters were on average larger, less oxygenated, and had a higher number of unsaturations. Applying a mathematical model, we could show that the assemblages of nitrogen-bearing molecular formulas are potential products of proteinaceous material that was transformed by the following reactions: (a) hydrolysis and deamination, both reducing the molecular size and nitrogen content of the products and intermediates; (b) oxidation and hydration of the intermediates; and (c) methylation and dehydration.
The stable isotope composition of one epifaunal and three infaunal benthic foraminiferal species of a sediment core from 1800 m water depth of the western Arabian Sea was determined to evaluate deepwater oxygenation, organic matter remineralization, and early diagenetic processes during the past 190,000 years. The d18O records reveal species-specific metabolic effects, susceptibility to changes in carbonate ion concentration, and supralysoclinal calcite dissolution. The foraminiferal d13C records reveal changes in the stable carbon isotope gradients of pore water dissolved inorganic carbon (d13CDIC) and in the microhabitat depth of infaunal species. Maximum d13CDIC offsets between bottom and pore waters ranged between mean values of 0.8 and 1.2% corresponding to estimates of deepwater oxygen concentration between approximately 1 and 2.7 ml/l. Intervals of improved deepwater oxygenation coincided with high benthic foraminiferal diversity and indicate the admixture of well-oxygenated deepwater masses during interglacials. During interglacial maxima the d13C difference between epifauna and shallow infauna indicates highest organic matter remineralization rates at times of maximum organic matter fluxes.
We present time series of export productivity proxy data including 230Thex-normalized deposition rates (rain rates) of 10Be, dissolution-corrected biogenic Ba, and biogenic opal as well as authigenic U concentrations which are complemented by rain rates of total (detrital) Fe and sea ice indicating diatom abundances from five sediment cores across the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean covering the past 150,000 years. The results suggest that 10Be rain rates and authigenic U concentration cannot serve as quantitative paleoproductivity proxies because they have also been influenced by detrital particle fluxes in the case of 10Be and bulk sedimentation rates (sediment focussing) and deep water oxygenation in the case of U. The combined results of the remaining productivity proxies of this study (rain rates of biogenic opal and biogenic Ba in those sections without authigenic U) and other previously published proxy data from the Southern Ocean (231Pa/230Th and nitrogen isotopes) suggest that a combination of sea ice cover, shallow remineralization depth, and stratification of the glacial water column south of the present position of the Antarctic Polar Front and possibly Fe fertilization north of it have been the main controlling factors of export paleoproductivity in the Southern Ocean over the last 150,000 years. An overall glacial increase of export paleoproductivity is not supported by the data, implying that bioproductivity variations in the Southern Ocean are unlikely to have contributed to the major glacial atmospheric CO2 drawdown observed in ice cores.
Vertical carbon fluxes between the surface and 2500 m depth were estimated from in situ profiles of particle size distributions and abundances me/asured off Cape Blanc (Mauritania) related to deep ocean sediment traps. Vertical mass fluxes off Cape Blanc were significantly higher than recent global estimates in the open ocean. The aggregates off Cape Blanc contained high amounts of ballast material due to the presence of coccoliths and fine-grained dust from the Sahara desert, leading to a dominance of small and fast-settling aggregates. The largest changes in vertical fluxes were observed in the surface waters (<250 m), and, thus, showing this site to be the most important zone for aggregate formation and degradation. The degradation length scale (L), i.e. the fractional degradation of aggregates per meter settled, was estimated from vertical fluxes derived from the particle size distribution through the water column. This was compared with fractional remineralization rate of aggregates per meter settled derived from direct ship-board measurements of sinking velocity and small-scale O2 fluxes to aggregates measured by micro-sensors. Microbial respiration by attached bacteria alone could not explain the degradation of organic matter in the upper ocean. Instead, flux feeding from zooplankton organisms was indicated as the dominant degradation process of aggregated carbon in the surface ocean. Below the surface ocean, microbes became more important for the degradation as zooplankton was rare at these depths.
Benthic foraminiferal d13C and Cd/Ca studies suggest that deep Atlantic circulation during the Last Glacial Maximum was very different from today, with high-nutrient (low d13C, high Cd) deep Southern Ocean Water (SOW) penetrating far into the North Atlantic. However, if some glacial d13C values are biased by productivity artifacts and/or air-sea exchange processes, then the existing d13C data may be consistent with the continual dominance of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW). Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi Cd/Ca results presented here indicate that the glacial North Atlantic was strongly enriched in dissolved Cd below ~2500 m depth. If NADW formation was still vigorous relative to SOW formation, these data could be explained by either increased preformed nutrient levels in the high-latitude North Atlantic or by increased organic matter remineralization within lower NADW. High glacial Zn/Ca values in the same samples, however, are best explained by a substantially increased mixing with Zn-rich SOW. The cause was most likely a partial replacement of NADW by less dense Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water. This reorganization also lowered deep North Atlantic [CO3]2- concentrations by perhaps 10 to 15 µmol/kg.
Through the processes of the biological pump, carbon is exported to the deep ocean in the form of dissolved and particulate organic matter. There are several ways by which downward export fluxes can be estimated. The great attraction of the 234Th technique is that its fundamental operation allows a downward flux rate to be determined from a single water column profile of thorium coupled to an estimate of POC/234Th ratio in sinking matter. We present a database of 723 estimates of organic carbon export from the surface ocean derived from the 234Th technique. Data were collected from tables in papers published between 1985 and 2013 only. We also present sampling dates, publication dates and sampling areas. Most of the open ocean Longhurst provinces are represented by several measurements. However, the Western Pacific, the Atlantic Arctic, South Pacific and the South Indian Ocean are not well represented. There is a variety of integration depths ranging from surface to 220m. Globally the fluxes ranged from -22 to 125 mmol of C/m**2/d. We believe that this database is important for providing new global estimate of the magnitude of the biological carbon pump.
(Table T1) Dissolved carbohydrate concentrations of interstitial waters from seven ODP Leg 201 sites
Total dissolved carbohydrates (DCHOs) were determined in interstitial waters collected at open-ocean and Peru margin sites cored during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 201. Concentrations of DCHOs ranged from 0 to ~1500 µM and showed no consistent trends between open-ocean and Peru margin sites either in the magnitude or direction of downhole interstitial water gradients. In contrast, relative DCHO concentrations (normalized to dissolved organic carbon concentrations) were higher in open-ocean vs. margin sediments. These trends are consistent with results from more shallow estuarine and nearshore continental margin sediments and may be related to changes in the overall controls on sediment organic matter remineralization with decreasing remineralization rates.
In a deep-sea sediment core recovered from a site lying well above the local lysocline, several organic geochemical proxies, and two different calcite dissolution indicators, are compared in order to evaluate the relationship between calcite dissolution and paleoproductivity over the past three glacial-interglacial cycles. The degree of foraminiferal break-up, and the CaCO3 particle size distribution, both point to significant periods of dissolution every 22 kyr during glacial stages and substages. These dissolution events are concomitant with periods of enhanced primary productivity, as indicated by the abundance of several biomarkers (alkenones, cholesterol, brassicasterol, keto-ol), used here to indicate changes in paleoproductivity. Dissolution fluctuations are highly coherent and in phase with the estimated paleoproductivity variations providing strong evidence that the observed dissolution is due to organic matter remineralization within the sediments rather, than to changes in CO32? concentration in the overlying water column.
Background: Dental erosion is highly prevalent today, and acidic drinks are thought to be an important cause. The aim of the present investigation was to determine the erosive potential of a range of common beverages on extracted human teeth. Methods: The beverages were tested for their individual pHs using a pH meter. The clinical effects of the most erosive beverages were determined by the degree of etching and Vickers microhardness of enamel. Results: The results showed that many common beverages have pHs sufficiently low to cause enamel erosion. Lime juice concentrate (pH 2.1) had the lowest pH, followed by Coca-cola and Pepsi (both with pH 2.3) and Lucozade (pH 2.5). The erosive potential of these beverages was demonstrated by the deep etching of the enamel after five minutes. The Vickers Hardness of enamel was reduced by about 50 per cent is the case of lime juice (p < 0.001) and 24 per cent in the case of Coca-cola (p < 0.004). Addition of saliva to 50 per cent (v/v) of Coca-cola completely reversed the erosive effects on the enamel. Conclusion: Although only a few of the beverages with the lowest pHs were tested, the present study showed that the most acidic drinks had the greatest erosive effects on enamel. While saliva was protective against erosion, relatively large volumes were required to neutralize the acidity.
Flocculent materials (floc), in aquatic systems usually consist of a non-consolidated layer of biogenic, detrital material relatively rich in organic matter which represents an important food-web component for invertebrates and fish. Thus, variations in its composition could impact food webs and change faunal structure. Transport, remineralization rates and deposition of floc may also be important factors in soil/sediment formation. In spite of its relevance and sensitivity to external factors, few chemical studies have been carried out on the biogeochemistry of floc material. In this study, we focused on the molecular characterization of the flocculent organic matter (OM), the assessment of its origin and its environmental fate at five stations along a freshwater to marine ecotone, namely the Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park (ENP), Florida. To tackle this issue, suspended, unconsolidated, detrital floc samples, soils/sediments and plants were analyzed for bulk properties, biomarkers and pigments. Both geochemical proxies and biomass-specific biomarkers were used to assess OM sources and transformations. Our results show that the detrital organic matter of the flocculent material is largely regulated by local vegetation inputs, ranging from periphyton, emergent and submerged plants and terrestrial plants such as mangroves, with molecular evidence of different degrees of diagenetic reworking, including fungal activity. Evidence is presented for both hydrodynamic transport of floc materials, and incorporation of floc OM into soils/sediments. However, some molecular parameters showed a decoupling between floc and underlying soil/sediment OM, suggesting that physical transport, incorporation and degradation/remineralization of OM in floc may be controlled by a combination of a variety of complex biogeochemical variables including hydrodynamic transport, hydroperiod characteristics, primary productivity, nutrient availability, and OM quality among others. Further investigations are needed to better understand the ecological role of floc in freshwater and coastal wetlands.
The effects of nutrient availability and litter quality on litter decomposition were measured in two oligotrophic phosphorus (P)-limited Florida Everglades esturies, United States. The two estuaries differ, in that one (Shark River estuary) is directly connected to the Gulf of Mexico and receives marine P, while the other (Taylor Slough estuary) does not receive marine P because Florida Bay separates it from the Gulf of Mexico. Decomposition of three macrophytes.Cladium jamaicense, Eleochaaris spp., andJuncus roemerianus, was studied using a litter bag technique over 18 mo. Litter was exposed to three treatments: soil surface+macroinvertebrates (=macro), soil surface without macroinvertebrates (=wet), and above the soil and water (=aerial). The third treatment replicated the decomposition of standing dead leaves. Decomposition rates showed that litter exposed to the wet and macro treatments decomposed significantly faster than the aerial treatment, where atmospheric deposition was the only source of nutrients. Macroinvertebrates had no influence on litter decompostion rates.C. jamaicense decomposed faster at sites, with higher P, andEleocharis spp. decomposed significantly faster at sites with higher nitrogen (N). Initial tissue C:N and C:P molar ratios revealed that the nutrient quality of litter of bothEleocharis spp. andJ. roemerianus was higher thanC. jamaicense, but onlyEleocharis spp. decomposed faster thanC. jamaicense. C. jamaicense litter tended to immobilize P, whileEleocharis spp. litter showed net remineralization of N and P. A comparison with other estuarine and wetland systems revealed the dependence of litter decomposition on nutrient availability and litter quality. The results from this experiment suggest that Everglades restoration may have an important effect on key ecosystem processes in the estuarine ecotone of this landscape.
In the Everglades, the majority of fish detrital inputs occur during the dry scason, when waterlevel drawdown reduces aquatic habitat. While these mortality events are highly seasonal, the remineralization and recycling of fish detrital nutrients may represent an important stimulus to the ecosystem in the following wet season. The goal of this study was to quantify the rate of detrital fish decomposition during three periods of the year to determine seasonal variations in decomposition patterns in this ecosystem. A multiple regression analysis showed that hydroperiod and water depth both played a role in determining fish decomposition rates within this ecosystem. Decomposition rates ranged from a low of 13% day−1 in December 2000 to a high of 50% day−1 in April 2001, the height of the dry season. Phosphorus analysis showed that Gambusia holbrooki, the dominant small fish species in the Everglades, contains 7.169±1.46 mg P g−1 wet fish weight. Based on the observed decomposition rates and the average biomass added, the estimafed daily flux of phosphorus from the experimental detrital loading ranged from a low of 27.04 mg P day−1 to a high of 108.14 mg P day−1 during the decomposition period. We estimated that these inputs could represent an input of 43 μg P m−2 day−1 to the total temporal Everglades phosphorus budget. Although much of this phosphorus is likely incorporated into the macroinvertebrate pool, detrital inputs peak during the dry season when nutrients are most likely to be incorporated into the soil and occur when decomposition of vegetative material is moisture-limited. These inputs may therefore play an important role in stimulating vegetative production during the early wet season.
Shallow seagrass ecosystems frequently experience physical disturbance from vessel groundings. Specific restoration methods that modify physical, chemical, and biological aspects of disturbances are used to accelerate recovery. This study evaluated loss and recovery of ecosystem structure in disturbed seagrass meadows through plant and soil properties used as proxies for primary and secondary production, habitat quality, benthic metabolism, remineralization, and nutrient storage and exchange. The efficacy of common seagrass restoration techniques in accelerating recovery was also assessed. Beyond removal of macrophyte biomass, disturbance to seagrass sediments resulted in loss of organic matter and stored nutrients, and altered microbial and infaunal communities. Evidence of the effectiveness of restoration actions was variable. Fill placement prevented additional erosion, but the resulting sediment matrix had different physical properties, low organic matter content and nutrient pools, reduced benthic metabolism, and less primary and secondary production relative to the undisturbed ecosystem. Fertilization was effective in increasing nitrogen and phosphorus availability in the sediments, but concurrent enhancement of seagrass production was not detected. Seagrass herbivores removed substantial seagrass biomass via direct grazing, suggesting that leaf loss to seagrass herbivores is a spatially variable but critically important determinant of seagrass transplanting success. Convergence of plant and sediment response variables with levels in undisturbed seagrass meadows was not detected via natural recovery of disturbed sites, or through filling and fertilizing restoration sites. However, several indicators of ecosystem development related to primary production and nutrient accumulation suggest that early stages of ecosystem development have begun at these sites. This research suggests that vessel grounding disturbances in seagrass ecosystems create more complex and persistent resource losses than previously understood by resource managers. While the mechanics of implementing common seagrass restoration actions have been successfully developed by the restoration community, expectations of consistent or rapid recovery trajectories following restoration remain elusive.