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Brazilian wines are appreciated by consumers for having fruity odor and taste which are typical from Vitis labrusca cultivars. The rusticity of these cultivars, the winemaking and the physicochemical properties are some of the key factors to obtain a quality beverage. In this context, the aim of this article was to analyze the quality of three white wines from wineries located in northwest region of São Paulo state by determining physicochemical properties and sensory profile. Data were analyzed by statistical tests and by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). It was possible to observe statistical differences (P<0,05) in most physicochemical properties. Furthermore, the PCA showed that the attributes body and color significantly explained the variance of the first and second component, respectively, higlighting the Vitis vinifera wine. Thus the connection between the physicochemical and sensory properties of white wines was important for characterization of these beverages produced in the northwest of São Paulo.


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Brazilian red wines are very appreciated by consumers from tropical regions, because they typically have aromatic and fruity taste. Thus, the aim of this article is to verify the quality of red wines from wineries located in Northwest region of São Paulo, based on the relationship between physicochemical properties and sensory attributes. Three red wines from this region was evaluated by sensory and analytical methods and it was possible to observe significant differences in the fixed acidity, alcoholic content, total phenolic content and total dry extract. Multidimensional Scaling showed relationship between total phenolic content and astringency, total dry extract and body and the relationship of volatile acidity in the assessment of odor samples. It was possible to see the physicochemical influence in sensory evaluation, indicating the importance of the chemical profile in the elucidation of possible sensory alterations in red wines.


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Pós-graduação em Genética - IBILCE


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The species identification is usually an obstacle for conservation studies and management. Sapindaceae species are particularly difficult to identify partially due to inconsistent fruit production which is an important feature in defining genera and species. Because of this difficulty of finding fertile material at particular times of the year, the main focus of this study was to identify species of Sapindaceae in northwestern São Paulo and to produce an identification key based on vegetative morphology such as the form and number of leaflets, the number of vascular cylinders in branches to the species of liana, the presence or absence of domatia, and type of indumentum, among others. In this study, researchers identified species of Sapindaceae present in 18 fragments of native vegetation in the region that includes the Turvo Grande, São José dos Dourados, parts of the Low Pardo, Low Tietê and Tietê-Batalha Hydric Resources Management Unit (UGHRIs). An identification key was developed based on herbarium materials and contained 23 species distributed in 11 genera.


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Brazilian southeastern region has soil and climate conditions suitable for the growing of rubber trees, and most part of national yield arises from São Paulo State. The aims proposed for this work were to determine the diversity, the richness and the seasonal occurrence of mites found in a rubber tree crop in a triennial survey with monthly samplings, as well as to estimate the populational density of the major phytophagous species. This study found 74,407 mites from 26 species belonging to 10 families. The phytophagous and predators represented 95.4% and 3.9% of the total abundance, respectively. Twelve species were rare, six accessories and eight constant. The families Phytoseiidae and Tydeidae had the greatest richness (five and four species, respectively). The most numerous species was Calacarus heveae Feres (50,573), with great abundance at the end of rainy season until the beginning of dry season. Among predators, the most abundant were Zetzellia quasagistemas Hernandes & Feres (1,345), Pronematus sp. (455), Zetzellia agistzellia Hernandes & Feres (409) and Euseius citrifolius Denmark & Muma (243). C. heveae had greatest densities on March and April 2003, and Lorryia formosa Cooreman and Tenuipalpus heveae Baker on March and May 2001, respectively. Many stigmaeids were observed in association with colonies of L. formosa preying their eggs and immatures.


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A Região Sudeste do Brasil apresenta aspectos edafo-climáticos favoráveis para o plantio e desenvolvimento da seringueira, sendo o estado de São Paulo o maior produtor nacional de látex. Este trabalho teve como objetivos determinar, através de coletas mensais durante três anos de estudo, a diversidade, a riqueza de espécies e a sua sazonalidade, bem como realizar estimativas de densidade populacional das principais espécies de ácaros presentes nas folhas. Todos os ácaros foram montados em lâminas de microscopia, totalizando 74.407 indivíduos, de 26 espécies pertencentes a 10 famílias. Os fitófagos representaram 95,4% do total de indivíduos coletados e os predadores 3,9%. Doze espécies foram consideradas acidentais, seis foram acessórias e oito constantes. Apresentaram maior número de espécies as famílias Phytoseiidae (cinco) e Tydeidae (quatro). A espécie mais abundante foi Calacarus heveae Feres (50.573), com maior abundância nos meses correspondentes ao término da estação chuvosa e início da estação seca na região. Dentre os predadores, a mais abundante foi Zetzellia quasagistemas Hernandes & Feres (1.345), seguida por Pronematus sp. (455), Zetzellia agistzellia Hernandes & Feres (409) e Euseius citrifolius Denmark & Muma (243). C. heveae apresentou maior densidade populacional em março e abril de 2003, e Lorryia formosa Cooreman e Tenuipalpus heveae Baker em março e maio de 2001, respectivamente. Muitos estigmeídeos foram observados associados a agrupamentos de L. formosa predando seus ovos e estágios imaturos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The sheep industry has become increasingly prominent in agribusiness, transforming the stage production of Brazil, and thus contributes more to the socio-economic development of the country. The work aimed to verify the occurrence of brucellosis and leptospirosis in sheep from northwestern São Paulo state. In addition to determining the prevalence of major Leptospira in the region and to trace the diagnosis of sheep breeding in this part of the country. All the 1222 sheep serum samples from 49 properties did not react serologically to evidentiary testing for brucellosis, compared to antigens of B. abortus and B. ovis used in the testing of 2-ME and IDGA, respectively. The Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) test revealed that 19.14% (232/1212) of samples were positive for one or more serovars, with titles ranging from 100 to 800. The most frequent serovar was hebdomadis in the region, with Sentot and Sherman (18.10%, 11.64% and 8.62%, respectively). By profiling the system of sheep farming in the region, we found that most herds are composed of more than one race being the main purpose is for the court. According to the scheme adopted immunoprophylactics there is a homogeneous set schedule. It adopts the use of anti-helminth, non-prescription veterinary antibiotic. There is also the presence of diarrhea and abortions and the lack of criteria for los ovinos on management, making it the need for emergency development of programs for disease control, schema immunoprophylactics adequate sanitation and hygienic measures in sheep breeding.


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The objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of reports of accidents involving biological material which affected health professionals, especially dental health ones, in a city in the north­western region of São Paulo State, Brazil. Data collection was con­ducted through the notification of accidents with biological material from 2007 to 2011. There were 377 notifications, in which 353 (93.6%) had female professionals involved. The most reported type of exposure was the percutaneous in 359 cases (95.2%) followed by blood in 334 cases (88.6%) which is the most mentioned biological material in the reports. Only 21 (5.6%) notifications were from den­tal staff and occurred mostly with the dentist, 14 times (66.7%) and 16 times (76.2%) during clinical procedures. The prevalence of bio­logical accidents among dental teams was little in this time, which suggests the possibility of underreporting, in addition to being sub­ject to the partial fulfillment of the same.


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The production of starch and cassava starch (Manihot esculenta) if has shown to an important business for the region the northwest of the Paraná, generating income and job for a significant agricultural producers. The production of the region is processed for industries at private capital and cooperatives of producers. The study involving agricultural producers and one of the most important cooperatives of the region (C-Vale) objectified to evaluate the relationships between cooperative and producers, and the mechanisms of coordination of the productive chain. The results had disclosed that the relationships are not harmonious, generating opportunism situations, high costs of transaction and diffidence in the operations between producers and cooperative. Also if it perceived a difficulty of coordination of the productive chain, due to lack of integration between the partners, what it affects the competitiveness and the efficiency of the sector.