976 resultados para REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES


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The nature and kinetics of plasmid DNA damage after DNA exposure to a kHz-driven atmospheric pressure nonthermal plasma jet has been investigated. Both single-strand break (SSB) and double-strand break (DSB) processes are reported here. While SSB had a higher rate constant, DSB is recognized to be more significant in living systems, often resulting in loss of viability. In a helium-operated plasma jet, adding oxygen to the feed gas resulted in higher rates of DNA DSB, which increased linearly with increasing oxygen content, up to an optimum level of 0.75% oxygen, after which the DSB rate decreased slightly, indicating an essential role for reactive oxygen species in the rapid degradation of DNA.


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The allometric scaling relationship observed between metabolic rate (MR) and species body mass can be partially explained by differences in cellular MR (Porter & Brand, 1995). Here, I studied cultured cell lines derived from ten mammalian species to determine whether cells propagated in an identical environment exhibited MR scaling. Oxidative and anaerobic metabolic parameters did not scale significantly with donor body mass in cultured cells, indicating the absence of an intrinsic MR setpoint. The rate of oxygen delivery has been proposed to limit cellular metabolic rates in larger organisms (West et al., 2002). As such cells were cultured under a variety of physiologically relevant oxygen tensions to investigate the effect of oxygen on cellular metabolic rates. Exposure to higher medium oxygen tensions resulted in increased metabolic rates in all cells. Higher MRs have the potential to produce more reactive oxygen species (ROS) which could cause genomic instability and thus reduced lifespan. Longer-lived species are more resistant to oxidative stress (Kapahi et al, 1999), which may be due to greater antioxidant and/or DNA repair capacities. This hypothesis was addressed by culturing primary dermal fibroblasts from eight mammalian species ranging in maximum lifespan from 5 to 120 years. Only the antioxidant manganese superoxide dismutases (MnSOD) positively scaled with species lifespan (p<0.01). Oxidative damage to DNA is primarily repaired by the base excision repair (BER) pathway. BER enzyme activities showed either no correlation or as in the case of polymerase p correlated, negatively with donor species (p<0.01 ). Typically, mammalian cells are cultured in a 20% O2 (atmospheric) environment, which is several-fold higher than cells experience in vivo. Therefore, the secondary aim of this study was to determine the effect of culturing mammalian cells at a more physiological oxygen tension (3%) on BER, and antioxidant, enzyme activities. Consistently, standard culture conditions induce higher antioxidant and DNA ba.se excision repair activities than are present under a more physiological oxygen concentration. Therefore, standard culture conditions are inappropriate for studies of oxidative stress-induced activities and species differences in fibroblast DNA BER repair capacities may represent differences in ability to respond to oxidative stress. An interesting outcome firom this study was that some inherent cellular properties are maintained in culture (i.e. stress responses) while others are not (i.e. MR).


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UNE EXPOSITION NÉONATALE À L’OXYGÈNE MÈNE À DES MODIFICATIONS DE LA FONCTION MITOCHONDRIALE CHEZ LE RAT ADULTE Introduction: L’exposition à l’oxygène (O2) des ratons nouveau-nés a des conséquences à l’âge adulte dont une hypertension artérielle (HTA), une dysfonction vasculaire, une néphropénie et des indices de stress oxydant. En considérant que les reins sont encore en développement actif lors des premiers jours après la naissance chez les rats, jouent un rôle clé dans le développement de l’hypertension et qu’une dysfonction mitochondriale est associé à une augmentation du stress oxydant, nous postulons que les conditions délétères néonatales peuvent avoir un impact significatif au niveau rénal sur la modulation de l’expression de protéines clés du fonctionnement mitochondrial et une production mitochondriale excessive d’espèces réactives de l’ O2. Méthodes: Des ratons Sprague-Dawley sont exposés à 80% d’O2 (H) ou 21% O2 (Ctrl) du 3e au 10e jr de vie. En considérant que plusieurs organes des rats sont encore en développement actif à la naissance, ces rongeurs sont un modèle reconnu pour étudier les complications d’une hyperoxie néonatale, comme celles liées à une naissance prématurée chez l’homme. À 4 et à 16 semaines, les reins sont prélevés et les mitochondries sont extraites suivant une méthode d’extraction standard, avec un tampon contenant du sucrose 0.32 M et différentes centrifugations. L’expression des protéines mitochondriales a été mesurée par Western blot, tandis que la production d’ H202 et les activités des enzymes clés du cycle de Krebs ont été évaluées par spectrophotométrie. Les résultats sont exprimés par la moyenne ± SD. Résultats: Les rats mâles H de 16 semaines (n=6) présentent une activité de citrate synthase (considéré standard interne de l’expression protéique et de l’abondance mitochondriales) augmentée (12.4 ± 8.4 vs 4.1 ± 0.5 μmole/mL/min), une diminution de l’activité d’aconitase (enzyme sensible au redox mitochondrial) (0.11 ± 0.05 vs 0.20 ± 0.04 μmoles/min/mg mitochondrie), ainsi qu’une augmentation dans la production de H202 (7.0 ± 1.3 vs 5.4 ± 0.8 ρmoles/mg protéines mitochondriales) comparativement au groupe Ctrl (n=6 mâles et 4 femelles). Le groupe H (vs Ctrl) présente également une diminution dans l’expression de peroxiredoxin-3 (Prx3) (H 0.61±0.06 vs. Ctrl 0.78±0.02 unité relative, -23%; p<0.05), une protéine impliquée dans l’élimination d’ H202, de l’expression du cytochrome C oxidase (Complexe IV) (H 1.02±0.04 vs. Ctrl 1.20±0.02 unité relative, -15%; p<0.05), une protéine de la chaine de respiration mitochondriale, tandis que l’expression de la protéine de découplage (uncoupling protein)-2 (UCP2), impliquée dans la dispersion du gradient proton, est significativement augmentée (H 1.05±0.02 vs. Ctrl 0.90±0.03 unité relative, +17%; p<0.05). Les femelles H (n=6) (vs Ctrl, n=6) de 16 semaines démontrent une augmentation significative de l’activité de l’aconitase (0.33±0.03 vs 0.17±0.02 μmoles/min/mg mitochondrie), de l’expression de l’ATP synthase sous unité β (H 0.73±0.02 vs. Ctrl 0.59±0.02 unité relative, +25%; p<0.05) et de l’expression de MnSOD (H 0.89±0.02 vs. Ctrl 0.74±0.03 unité relative, +20%; p<0.05) (superoxide dismutase mitochondriale, important antioxidant), tandis que l’expression de Prx3 est significativement réduite (H 1.1±0.07 vs. Ctrl 0.85±0.01 unité relative, -24%; p<0.05). À 4 semaines, les mâles H (vs Ctrl) présentent une augmentation significative de l’expression de Prx3 (H 0.72±0.03 vs. Ctrl 0.56±0.04 unité relative, +31%; p<0.05) et les femelles présentent une augmentation significative de l’expression d’UCP2 (H 1.22±0.05 vs. Ctrl 1.03±0.04 unité relative, +18%; p<0.05) et de l’expression de MnSOD (H 1.36±0.01 vs. 1.19±0.06 unité relative, +14%; p<0.05). Conclusions: Une exposition néonatale à l’O2 chez le rat adulte mène à des indices de dysfonction mitochondriale dans les reins adultes, associée à une augmentation dans la production d’espèces réactives de l’oxygène, suggérant que ces modifications mitochondriales pourraient jouer un rôle dans l’hypertension artérielle et d’un stress oxydant, et par conséquent, être un facteur possible dans la progression vers des maladies cardiovasculaires. Mots-clés: Mitochondries, Reins, Hypertension, Oxygène, Stress Oxydant, Programmation


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Objective: In recent years the use of anthraquinone laxatives, in particular senna, has been associated with damage to the intestinal epithelial layer and an increased risk of developing colorectal cancer. In the present study we evaluated the cytotoxicity of rhein, the active metabolite of senna, on human colon adenocarcinoma cells (Caco-2) and its effect on cell proliferation. Methods: Cytotoxicity studies were performed using MTT, NR and TEER assays whereas 3H-thymidine incorporation and western blot analysis were used to evaluate the effect of rhein on cell proliferation. Moreover, for genoprotection studies Comet assay and oxidative biomarkers measurement (malondialdehyde and reactive oxygen species) were used. Results: Rhein (0.1-10μg/ml) had no significant cytotoxic effect on proliferating and differentiated Caco-2 cells. Rhein (0.1 and 1 μg/ml) significantly reduced cell proliferation as well as MAP kinase activation; by contrast, at the high concentration (10μg/ml) rhein significantly increased cell proliferation and ERK phosphorylation. Moreover, rhein (0.1-10μg/ml) (i) did not adversely affect the integrity of tight junctions and hence epithelial barrier function, (ii) did not induce DNA damage rather it was able to reduce H2O2-induced DNA damage and (iii) significantly inhibited the increase in malondialdehyde and ROS levels induced by H2O2/Fe2+. Conclusions: Rhein, was devoid of cytotoxic and genotoxic effects in colon adenocarcinoma cells. Moreover, at concentrations present in the colon after a human therapeutic dosage of senna, rhein inhibited cell proliferation via a mechanism which seems to involve directly the MAP kinase pathway. Finally, rhein prevents the DNA damage probably via an anti-oxidant mechanism.


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The photoactivation of a photosensitizer is the initial step in photodynamic therapy (PDT) where photochemical reactions result in the production of reactive oxygen species and eventually cell death. In addition to oxidizing biomolecules, some of these photochemical reactions lead to photosensitizer degradation at a rate dependent on the oxygen concentration among other factors. We investigated photodegradation of Photogem A (R) (28 mu M), a hematoporphyrin derivative, at different oxygen concentrations (9.4 to 625.0 mu M) in aqueous solution. The degradation was monitored by fluorescence spectroscopy. The degradation rate (M/s) increases as the oxygen concentration increases when the molar ratio of oxygen to PhotogemA (R) is greater than 1. At lower oxygen concentrations (< 25 mu M) an inversion of this behavior was observed. The data do not fit a simple kinetic model of first-order dependence on oxygen concentration. This inversion of the degradation rate at low oxygen concentration has not previously been demonstrated and highlights the relationship between photosensitizer and oxygen concentrations in determining the photobleaching mechanism(s). The findings demonstrate that current models for photobleaching are insufficient to explain completely the effects at low oxygen concentration.


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Proteins have been considered important targets for reactive oxygen species. Indeed, tryptophan (W) has been shown to be a highly susceptible amino acid to many oxidizing agents, including singlet molecular oxygen [O-2 ((1)Delta(g))]. In this study, two cis- and trans-tryptophan hydroperoxide (WOOH) isomers were completely characterized by HPLC/mass spectrometry and NMR analyses as the major W-oxidation photoproducts. These photoproducts underwent thermal decay into the corresponding alcohols. Additionally, WOOHs were shown to decompose under heating or basification, leading to the formation of N-formylkynurenine (FMK). Using O-18-labeled hydroperoxides ((WOOH)-O-18-O-18), it was possible to confirm the formation of two oxygen-labeled FMK molecules derived from (WOOH)-O-18-O-18 decomposition. This result demonstrates that both oxygen atoms in FMK are derived from the hydroperoxide group. In addition, these reactions are chemiluminescent (CL), indicating a dioxetane cleavage pathway. This mechanism was confirmed since the CL spectrum of the WOOH decomposition matched the FMK fluorescence spectrum, unequivocally identifying FMK as the emitting species.


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Antioxidant potential is generally investigated by assaying the ability of a compound to protect biological systems from free radicals. However, non-radical reactive oxygen species can also be harmful. Singlet molecular oxygen ((1)O(2)) is generated by energy transfer to molecular oxygen. The resulting (1)O(2) is able to oxidize the nucleoside 2`-deoxyguanosine (dGuo), which leads to the formation of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2`-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodGuo) and spiroiminodihydantoin 2`-deoxyribonucleoside diastereomers (dSp) in an aqueous solution. The main objective of the present study was to verify whether the presence of flavonoids (flavone, apigenin, quercetin, morin and catechin) at different concentrations could protect dGuo from (1)O(2) damage. Of the tested flavonoids, flavone possessed antioxidant activity, as determined by a decrease in the formation of both products. Apigenin, morin, quercetin and catechin all increased the formation of 8-oxodGuo at a concentration of 100 mu M. The quantification of plasmid strand breaks after treatment with formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase showed that flavone protected and quercetin and catechin enhanced DNA oxidation. Our results show that compounds, such as flavonoids, may affect the product distribution of (1)O(2)-mediated oxidation of dGuo, and, in particular, high concentrations of flavonoids with hydroxyl groups in their structure lead to an increase in the formation of the mutagenic lesion 8-oxodGuo. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The activity of ten compounds isolated from Brazilian lichen over the release of hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide was evaluated in the culture of peritoneal macrophage cells from mice. Salazinic, secalonic A and fumarprotocetraric acids were the compounds that induced the greatest release of H2O2, whereas 12R-usnic and diffractaic acids induced the release of NO. These results indicate that lichen products have potential immunological modulating activities. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: Improved pregnancy, implantation, and birth rates have been reported after the use of reduced O2 concentration during embryo culture, mainly due to a reduction of the cumulative detrimental effects of reactive oxygen species. However, some studies have failed to report any positive effects. The objective of this meta-analysis was to evaluate the effect of a low-O2 environment on IVF/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) outcomes.Methods: All available published and ongoing randomised trials that compared the effects of low (similar to 5%; OC similar to 5) and atmospheric (similar to 20%; OC similar to 20) oxygen concentrations on IVF/ICSI outcomes were included. Search strategies included online surveys of databases from 1980 to 2011. The outcomes measured were fertilisation rate, implantation rate and ongoing pregnancy rates. The fixed effects model was used to calculate the odds ratio.Results: Seven studies were included in this analysis. The pooled fertilisation rate did not differ significantly (P = 0.54) between the group of oocytes cultured at low O2 tension and the group at atmospheric O2 tension. Concerning all cycles, the implantation (P = 0.06) and ongoing pregnancy (P = 0.051) rates were not significantly different between the group receiving transferred sets containing only OC similar to 5 embryos and the group receiving transferred sets with only OC similar to 20 embryos. In a meta-analysis performed for only those trials in which embryos were transferred on day 2/3, implantation (P = 0.63) and ongoing pregnancy (P = 0.19) rates were not significantly different between the groups. In contrast, when a meta-analysis was performed using only trials in which embryos were transferred on days 5 and 6 (at the blastocyst stage), the group with transferred sets of only OC similar to 5 embryos showed a statistically significantly higher implantation rate (P = 0.006) than the group receiving transferred sets with only OC similar to 20 embryos, although the ongoing pregnancy (P = 0.19) rates were not significantly different between the groups.Conclusions: Despite some promising results, it seems too early to conclude that low O2 culture has an effect on IVF outcome. Additional randomised controlled trials are necessary before evidence-based recommendations can be provided. It should be emphasised that the present meta-analysis does not provide any evidence that low oxygen concentration is unnecessary.


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Superoxide radical (O-2(-)) is a free radical that may be involved in various toxic processes. Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase catalyzes the dismutation of the superoxide free radical and protects cells from oxidative damage. A rat bioassay validated for the identification of the toxic effects of azomethine H revealed increased serum activities of amylase, alanine transaminase, and alkaline phosphatase. The lipoperoxide and bilirubin concentrations were also increased in animals that received azomethine H (1 g/kg) from ascorbic or hydrochloric acid solutions. Azomethine H increased Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase activity. This elevation of Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase activity was highest on the 7th day and was at levels comparable with those of control rats from day 60 onwards. Superoxide is an important intermediate in the action and toxicity of azomethine H.


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The effect of nickel from soluble NiCl2 on Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, as well as on rate of nitro blue tetrazolium reduction, was studied in vitro since lipid peroxidation has been implicated in cell damage by nickel insoluble compounds, whose toxicity and carcinogenicity are well established. The physical and chemical nature of nickel compounds is one of the key determinations of its toxicity. Soluble nickel freely enter cells, but is just as readily excreted reducing the opportunity for production of lipid damage. Nickel from NiCl2 strongly activated SOD activity. In vitro addition of nickel chloride to a crude lung preparation altered the KM for SOD without changing the Vmax. Nickel chloride produced increased enzyme affinity to the substrate, because decreased (O2-) concentration that yields half-maximal velocity. The combination of nickel and SOD may contribute to stabilization of the particular conformation of SOD responsible for maximal catalytically activity.


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These data suggest that an improved understanding of the relationship between high dietary carbohydrate and the rate of lipid peroxidation may give some insight into possible treatment modalities for pancreatic damages and may shed light on molecular mechanisms underlying certain pathological processes. High dietary carbohydrate lesions are age related and induced alterations on ceruloplasmin, phospholipids, total proteins, copper and zinc serum levels. Significantly increased serum and pancreatic amylase, and lipoperoxide determinations were observed in 20 month old rats. Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase was decreased in these animals. Daily injection of Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase conjugated with polyethylene glycol (SOD-PEG) prevented the serum and pancreatic changes, indicating that superoxide radical is an important intermediate to high dietary carbohydrate lesion.


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The malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum proliferates within human erythrocytes and is thereby exposed to a variety of reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical, superoxide anion, and highly reactive singlet oxygen (1O2). While most ROS are already well studied in the malaria parasite, singlet oxygen has been neglected to date. In this study we visualized the generation of 1O2 by live cell fluorescence microscopy using 3-(p-aminophenyl) fluorescein as an indicator dye. While 1O2 is found restrictively in the parasite, its amount varies during erythrocytic schizogony. Since the photosensitizer cercosporin generates defined amounts of 1O2 we have established a new cytometric method that allows the stage specific quantification of 1O2. Therefore, the parasites were first classified into three main stages according to their respective pixel-area of 200600 pixels for rings, 7001,200 pixels for trophozoites and 1,4002,500 pixels for schizonts. Interestingly the highest mean concentration of endogenous 1O2 of 0.34 nM is found in the trophozoites stage, followed by 0.20 nM (ring stage) and 0.10 nM (schizont stage) suggesting that 1O2 derives predominantly from the digestion of hemoglobin. (c) 2012 International Society for Advancement of Cytometry