219 resultados para RAP


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The process of environmental impact assessment (EIA), in the extent of previous environmental studies, has as one of its functions to provide subsidies to the actions of environmental managment of enterprises. However, the proper estructuring of programs that allows to support this managment does not often occurs. This research sought as one of its objectives to evaluate in which extent the process of EIA can be a subsidie for the EMS, providing basic elements of this system. In addition, more specifically, the research had as one of its objetives the development of subsidies for the implantation of an Environmental Managment System (EMS), based on the model of ISO 14001 (2004), for a sewage treatment plant yet to be constructed in the city of President Venceslau / SP. In order to achieve theses objetives, a discussion was held based on the evaluation of environmental studies available in the library of Cetesb / SMA. Still, for the elaboration of subsidies for the EMS of the treatment plant, the research was focused on the structuring of environmental management program, based on the information contained in its Preliminary Environmental Report (PER). The research had as one of its products, the development of subsidies for the planning and control of the environmental aspects and impacts and for the environmental program of the enterprise, based on the use of environmental indicators. It was concluded, based on the results that, in general, the previous environmental studies analyzed showed little emphasis on the phase of development of structured environmental programs that offer guidelines to achieve the desired results for the environmental performance of the company.


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Direct descendant of the music of the Black Atlantic, hip hop became the spokesman of excluded minorities, for example setting up of the reunification that is geographically separated through communication. The hip hop appropriated new forms of mass communication, allowing the reworking of the story through a counter-hegemonic discourse that seeks self-knowledge and appreciation of the roots of black people. The street culture is the narrative of disenfranchised youth, generating narrative of inclusion, which gave a space of enunciation periphery enabling them to intersubjective recognition. This project aims to discuss the role of hip hop as an agent conscientizing youth peripherals in order to bring to the debate the form of identity construction around the peripheral street culture since, as an intervention that acts as a symbolic system guiding cultural practices and attitudes of these young people. Methodologically, we analyzed specific bibliographical about hip hop and literature originating from the periphery itself. Selected discography of some rap groups. They are Racionais Mc's, 509-E and DJ Hum and Thaíde that constitute the vanguard of hip hop in Brazil. We use music from rapper Emicida this while some contemporary exponents of rap, with national and international. State of São Paulo in order to demonstrate that there is similarity between the questions proposed by the hip hop and the interior of the capital, the group selected Survey. We have used also press material, raising the issue in research on the internet, periodicals include the Rolling Stones and Caros Amigos


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the fracture resistance of simulated immature teeth after different intra-radicular treatments. Crowns and roots of bovine incisors were cut transversally and removed to simulate immature teeth. Root canal preparation and flaring were performed using a bur in crown-apex and apex-crown direction. The samples were distributed into 5 groups (n=10): Positive control (PoC) - no root canal flaring or filling; Negative control (NeC) - teeth were sectioned and their root canals were flared; Direct anatomical glass fiber post (RaP) - #2 Reforpost main glass fiber post relined with composite resin; Double tapered conical glass fiber posts (ExP) - #3 Exacto glass fiber post; and #2 Reforpost main glass fiber + Reforpin accessory glass fiber posts (RrP). In RaP, ExP and RrP, 4.0-mm apical plugs were done with MTA Angelus. The specimens were embedded in polystyrene resin inside cylinders and the periodontal ligament was simulated with a polyether-based impression material. The specimens were submitted to compressive fracture strength test (0.5 mm/min at 135° relative to the long axis of the tooth) in a servo-hydraulic mechanical testing machine MTS 810. Data were subjected to one-way ANOVA and Dunnett's C or Tukey's tests (α=0.05). The control groups (PoC and NeC) showed lower fracture strength than the experimental groups. NeC presented the lowest resistance and ExP presented the highest resistance among the experimental groups. The flaring procedures produced a detrimental effect on the fracture resistance of the bovine teeth. Glass fiber intra-radicular posts increased significantly the fracture resistance of simulated immature teeth.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study proposes an analysis of slang words which are present in the lyrics of the song Vida Loka I, composed by the group of rap Racionais MC's from São Paulo, from a Sociolinguistic stylistic perspective, in order to understand the transition of some words which are nowadays considered as informal language to became present in dictionaries


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This study proposes an analysis of slang words which are present in the lyrics of the song Vida Loka I, composed by the group of rap Racionais MC's from São Paulo, from a Sociolinguistic stylistic perspective, in order to understand the transition of some words which are nowadays considered as informal language to became present in dictionaries


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Das Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor-related Protein 1 (LRP1) scheint neben seiner ursprünglichen Rolle als Lipoproteinrezeptor auch eine fundamentale Rolle bei der Einleitung von Signaltransduktionskaskaden im sich entwickelnden Gehirn zu spielen. Einer seiner Hauptliganden ist die Serinprotease Tissue-type Plasminogen Aktivator (tPA), welche NMDA-Rezeptor-abhängig MAP Kinasenaktivierung induzieren kann. In dieser Studie sollte daher untersucht werden, ob LRP1 und der NMDA Rezeptor in der tPA-vermittelten Signaltransduktion miteinander kooperieren. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sowohl LRP1 als auch der NMDA Rezeptor an der tPA-induzierten Erk1/2 Phosphorylierung beteiligt sind, da dieser Effekt mit den spezifischen Inhibitoren RAP, MK-801 und DL-AP5 blockiert werden konnte. Eine weitere Bestätigung der LRP1-Spezifität zeigte sich durch shRNA knock-down Experimente. Calcium Imaging Experimente ergaben, dass die Applikation von tPA sowohl in primären, hippokampalen Neuronen als auch in der neuronalen Zelllinie HT22 zu einem robusten Einstrom von Calcium in die Zelle führte, welcher mit dem NMDA Rezeptor Inhibitor MK-801 und dem LRP1 Inhibitor RAP blockiert werden konnte. RNAi Experimente und Überexpressionsstudien bestätigten die Beteiligung von PSD-95 als intrazelluläres Adapterprotein, welches die beiden Rezeptoren miteinander verbindet. Als Bindungsstelle für PSD-95 konnte mit Hilfe von LRP1 knock-in Mausneuronen die distale NPxY(2) Domäne am LRP1 C-Terminus identifiziert werden. Diese Ergebnisse führten zu der Hypothese eines multimeren tPA-LRP1-NMDA Rezeptor Komplexes, der über die primäre Bindung von tPA an LRP1 aktiviert wird und anschließend das Signal an den NMDA Rezeptor weiterleitet. Somit weisen die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit auf einen neuen, tPA-vermittelten Mechanismus zur Öffnung von Glutamatrezeptoren hin, der eine funktionelle Kooperation von dem Lipoproteinrezeptor LRP1 mit dem NMDA Rezeptor voraussetzt.


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Das in den Jahren 2005/2006 in der Justizvollzugsanstalt Wiesbaden entwickelte, in zwei Wohngruppen eingeführte und erprobte Wohngruppenkonzept KonTrakt hat viele der Forderungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichtes aus dem Jahr 2006 an einen modernen Jugendstrafvollzug "vorweggenommen" und entspricht insbesondere auch den konkreten Vorgaben des Hessischen Jugendstrafvollzugsgesetzes. KonTrakt setzt insbesondere auf die aktive Mitgestaltung des Vollzugsalltages durch die Gefangenen, der im Sinne von Demokratisierung und Selbstverwaltung zu einem idealen sozialen Lernfeld für pro-soziales Verhalten, d. h. "soziale Verantwortung" werden kann.rnrnDa Erziehung immer ein Eingriff in die Grundrechte des Gefangenen und ggf. auch dessen Sorgeberechtigten ist, muß sich sowohl das Erziehungsziel als auch die konkrete Ausgestaltung des Vollzuges an kriminologischen Gesichtspunkten ausrichten, da eine "Gesamterziehung" unzulässig wäre, es also ausschließlich um künftiges Legalverhalten im Sinne sozialer Verantwortung gehen kann. KonTrakt richtet sich dementsprechend sowohl bzgl. der angestrebten Lernziele als auch der Methoden am derzeitigen Stand des kriminologischen Wissens aus und greift dabei vor allem auch auf den Ansatz und das Wissen der Angewandten Kriminologie zurück.rnrnGerade im Blick auf die Problematik einer Erziehung in Unfreiheit nutzt KonTrakt auf der gruppenpädagogischen Ebene die Konzepte der Positive Peer Culture und der Peer Education, auf der einzelpädagogischen Ebene die Konfrontative Pädagogik und den Ansatz RAP.rnrnKonTrakt nimmt auch Ideen und Methoden aus Modellprojekten auf, versteht sich aber ausdrücklich als Konzept für den Jugendstrafvollzug in der „Fläche“, ist also ohne „ausgelesene“ Gefangene und Bedienstete, ohne bestimmte bauliche Gegebenheiten umsetzbar und leicht an die jeweiligen Verhältnisse vor Ort anpaßbar.rn


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With the increasing importance of conserving natural resources and moving toward sustainable practices, the aging transportation infrastructure can benefit from these ideas by improving their existing recycling practices. When an asphalt pavement needs to be replaced, the existing pavement is removed and ground up. This ground material, known as reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), is then added into new asphalt roads. However, since RAP was exposed to years of ultraviolet degradation and environmental weathering, the material has aged and cannot be used as a direct substitute for aggregate and binder in new asphalt pavements. One material that holds potential for restoring the aged asphalt binder to a usable state is waste engine oil. This research aims to study the feasibility of using waste engine oil as a recycling agent to improve the recyclability of pavements containing RAP. Testing was conducted in three phases, asphalt binder testing, advanced asphalt binder testing, and laboratory mixture testing. Asphalt binder testing consisted of dynamic shear rheometer and rotational viscometer testing on both unaged and aged binders containing waste engine oil and reclaimed asphalt binder (RAB). Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) testing was carried out to on the asphalt binders blended with RAB and waste engine oil compare the structural indices indicative of aging. Lastly, sample asphalt samples containing waste engine oil and RAP were subjected to rutting testing and tensile strength ratio testing. These tests lend evidence to support the claim that waste engine oil can be used as a rejuvenating agent to chemically restore asphalt pavements containing RAP. Waste engine oil can reduce the stiffness and improve the low temperature properties of asphalt binders blended with RAB. Waste engine oil can also soften asphalt pavements without having a detrimental effect on the moisture susceptibility.


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Traditionally, asphalt mixtures were produced at high temperatures (between 150°C to 180°C) and therefore often referred to as Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA). Recently, a new technology named Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) was developed in Europe that allows HMA to be produced at a lower temperature. Over years of research efforts, a few WMA technologies were introduced including the foaming method using Aspha-min® and Advera® WMA; organic additives such as Sasobit® and Asphaltan B®; and chemical packages such as Evotherm® and Cecabase RT®. Benefits were found when lower temperatures were used to produce asphalt mixtures, especially when it comes to environmental and energy savings. Even though WMA has shown promising results in energy savings and emission reduction, however, only limited studies and laboratory tests have been conducted to date. The objectives of this project are to 1) develop a mix design framework for WMA by evaluating its mechanical properties; 2) evaluate performance of WMA containing high percentages of recycled asphalt material; and 3) evaluate the moisture sensitivity in WMA. The test results show that most of the WMA has higher fatigue life and TSR which indicated WMA has better fatigue cracking and moisture damage resistant; however, the rutting potential of most of the WMA tested were higher than the control HMA. A recommended WMA mix design framework was developed as well. The WMA design framework was presented in this study to provide contractors, and government agencies successfully design WMA. Mixtures containing high RAP and RAS were studied as well and the overall results show that WMA technology allows the mixture containing high RAP content and RAS to be produced at lower temperature (up to 35°C lower) without significantly affect the performance of asphalt mixture in terms of rutting, fatigue and moisture susceptibility. Lastly, the study also found that by introducing the hydrated lime in the WMA, all mixtures modified by the hydrated lime passed the minimum requirement of 0.80. This indicated that, the moisture susceptibility of the WMA can be improved by adding the hydrated lime.


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Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-induced apoptosis is important in immunologic cytotoxicity, autoimmunity, sepsis, normal embryonic development, and wound healing. TNF exerts cytotoxicity on many types of tumor cells but not on normal cells. The molecular events leading to cell death triggered by TNF are still poorly understood. We found that enforced expression of an activated H-ras oncogene converted the non-tumorigenic TNF-resistant C3H 10T1/2 fibroblasts into tumorigenic cells (10TEJ) that also became very sensitive to TNF-induced apoptosis. This finding suggested that the oncogenic form of H-Ras, in which the p21 is locked in the GTP-bound form, could play a role in TNF-induced apoptosis of these cells. To investigate whether Ras activation is an obligatory step in TNF-induced apoptosis, we introduced two different molecular antagonists of Ras, namely the Rap1A tumor suppressor gene or the dominant-negative rasN17 gene, into H-ras transformed 10TEJ cells. Expression of either Rap1A or RasN17 in 10TEJ cells resulted in abrogation of TNF-induced apoptosis. Similar results were obtained by expression of either Ras antagonist in L929 cells, a fibroblast cell line that is sensitive to TNF-induced apoptosis but does not have a ras mutation. The effects of Rap-1A and RasN17 appear to be specific to TNF, since cytotoxicity induced by doxorubicin and thapsigargin are unaffected. Additionally, constitutive apoptosis sensitivity in isolated nuclei, as measured by activation of Ca$\sp{2+}$-dependent endogenous endonuclease, is not affected by Rap-1A or RasN17. Moreover, TNF treatment of L929 cells increased Ras-bound GTP, indicating that Ras activation is triggered by TNF. Thus, Ras activation is required for TNF-induced apoptosis in mouse cells. ^


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Triple-negative breast cancers (TNBC) are characterized by the lack of or reduced expression of the estrogen and progesterone receptors, and normal expression of the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2. The lack of a well-characterized target for treatment leaves only systemic chemotherapy as the mainstay of treatment. Approximately 60-70% of patients are chemosensitive, while the remaining majority does not respond. Targeted therapies that take advantage of the unique molecular perturbations found in triple-negative breast cancer are needed. The genes that are frequently amplified or overexpressed represent potential therapeutic targets for triple-negative breast cancer. The purpose of this study was to identify and validate novel therapeutic targets for triple-negative breast cancers. 681 genes showed consistent and highly significant overexpression in TNBC compared to receptor-positive cancers in 2 data sets. For two genes, 3 of the 4 siRNAs showed preferential growth inhibition in TNBC cells. These two genes were the low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 8 (LRP8) and very low-density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR). Exposure to their cognate ligands, reelin and apolipoprotein E isoform 4 (ApoE4), stimulated the growth of TNBC cells in vitro. Suppression of the expression of either LRP8 or VLDLR or exposure to RAP (an inhibitor of ligand binding to LRP8 and VLDLR) abolished this ligand-induced proliferation. High-throughput protein and metabolic arrays revealed that ApoE4 stimulation rescued TNBC cells from serum-starvation induced up-regulation of genes involved in lipid biosynthesis, increased protein expression of oncogenes involved in the MAPK/ERK and DNA repair pathways, and reduced the serum-starvation induction of biochemicals involved in oxidative stress response and glycolytic metabolism. shLRP8 MDA-MB-231 xenografts had reduced tumor volume, in comparison to parental and shCON xenografts. These results indicate that LRP8-APOE signaling confers survival advantages to TNBC tumors under reduced nutrient conditions and during cellular environmental stress. We revealed that the LRP8-APOE receptor-ligand system is overexpressed in human TNBC. We also demonstrated that this receptor system mediates a strong growth promoting and survival function in TNBC cells in vitro and helps to sustain the growth of MDA-MD-231 xenografts. We propose that inhibitors of LRP8-APOE signaling may be clinically useful therapeutic agents for triple-negative breast cancer.


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El hip hop es un género musical que agrupa diferentes actividades artísticas como el grafiti, el rap, el baile y el disk jockey. A partir de los años 80, el hip hop se expandió en Argentina sumando a muchos jóvenes que comenzaron a desarrollarse dentro de los diferentes "elementos" como denominan los "hiphoperos" a las diversas prácticas. En la ciudad de La Plata, en el transcurso de 2002, comenzaron a observarse diferentes grupos que se reunían en espacios públicos para poder compartir, enseñar y desplegar los conocimientos que poseían sobre este género. Fue a partir de 2003 que empezamos a acercarnos a los jóvenes que practican hip hop en la ciudad con el objetivo de conocer cómo viven, qué piensan y por qué se vinculan a este tipo de grupos juveniles. En el desarrollo de la investigación "Comunicación e identidad en las prácticas culturales juveniles de Hip Hop", realizada para la tesis de grado de la Licenciatura en Comunicación Social, se fueron reconociendo los códigos, las competencias que surgen entre los diversos "elementos", la particularidad de la vestimenta, la importancia de los medios de comunicación para el desarrollo de las prácticas y el porqué de la apropiación de determinados espacios públicos. El fin del estudio es comprender qué procesos identitarios atraviesan a estos jóvenes, agrupados con el fin de conocer más sobre un género musical y sus prácticas


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El hip hop es un género musical que agrupa diferentes actividades artísticas como el grafiti, el rap, el baile y el disk jockey. A partir de los años 80, el hip hop se expandió en Argentina sumando a muchos jóvenes que comenzaron a desarrollarse dentro de los diferentes "elementos" como denominan los "hiphoperos" a las diversas prácticas. En la ciudad de La Plata, en el transcurso de 2002, comenzaron a observarse diferentes grupos que se reunían en espacios públicos para poder compartir, enseñar y desplegar los conocimientos que poseían sobre este género. Fue a partir de 2003 que empezamos a acercarnos a los jóvenes que practican hip hop en la ciudad con el objetivo de conocer cómo viven, qué piensan y por qué se vinculan a este tipo de grupos juveniles. En el desarrollo de la investigación "Comunicación e identidad en las prácticas culturales juveniles de Hip Hop", realizada para la tesis de grado de la Licenciatura en Comunicación Social, se fueron reconociendo los códigos, las competencias que surgen entre los diversos "elementos", la particularidad de la vestimenta, la importancia de los medios de comunicación para el desarrollo de las prácticas y el porqué de la apropiación de determinados espacios públicos. El fin del estudio es comprender qué procesos identitarios atraviesan a estos jóvenes, agrupados con el fin de conocer más sobre un género musical y sus prácticas