995 resultados para QUANTUM SCATTERING
Despite the quantum nature of the process, collective scattering by dense cold samples of two-level atoms can be interpreted classically describing the sample as a macroscopic object with a complex refractive index. We demonstrate that resonances in Mie theory can be easily observable in the cooperative scattering by tuning the frequency of the incident laser field or the atomic number. The solution of the scattering problem is obtained for spherical atomic clouds who have the parabolic density characteristic of BECs, and the cooperative radiation pressure force calculated exhibits resonances in the cloud displacement for dense clouds. At odds with uniform clouds which show a complex structure including narrow peaks, these densities show resonances, yet only under the form of quite regular and contrasted oscillations. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2012
The structure of additional electromagnetic fields to the Aharonov-Bohm field, for which the Schrodinger, Klein-Gordon, and Dirac equations can be solved exactly are described and the corresponding exact solutions are found. It is demonstrated that aside from the known cases (a constant and uniform magnetic field that is parallel to the Aharonov-Bohm solenoid, a static spherically symmetrical electric field, and the field of a magnetic monopole), there are broad classes of additional fields. Among these new additional fields we have physically interesting electric fields acting during a finite time or localized in a restricted region of space. There are additional time-dependent uniform and isotropic electric fields that allow exact solutions of the Schrodinger equation. In the relativistic case there are additional electric fields propagating along the Aharonov-Bohm solenoid with arbitrary electric pulse shape. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4714352]
An extensive investigation of strontium titanate, SrTiO3 (STO), nanospheres synthesized via a microwave-assisted hydrothermal (MAH) method has been conducted to gain a better insight into thermodynamic, kinetic, and reaction phenomena involved in STO nucleation and crystal growth processes. To this end, quantum chemical modeling based on the density functional theory and periodic super cell models were done. Several experimental techniques were employed to get a deep characterization of structural and optical features of STO nanospheres. A possible formation mechanism was proposed, based on dehydration of titanium and strontium clusters followed by mesoscale transformation and a self-assembly process along an oriented attachment mechanism resulting in spherical like shape. Raman and XANES analysis renders a noncentrosymmetric environment for the octahedral titanium, while infrared and first order Raman modes reveal OH groups which are unsystematically incorporated into uncoordinated superficial sites. These results seem to indicate that the key component is the presence of distorted TiO6 clusters to engender a luminescence property. Analysis of band structure, density Of states, and charge map shows that there is a close relationship among local broken symmetry, polarization, and energy split of the 3d orbitals of titanium. The interplay among these electronic and structural features provides necessary conditions to evaluate its luminescent properties under two energy excitation.
In this thesis, three different types of quantum rings arestudied. These are quantum rings with diamagnetic,paramagnetic or spontaneous persistent currents. It turns out that the main observable to characterizequantum rings is the Drude weight. Playing a key role inthis thesis, it will be used to distinguish betweendiamagnetic (positive Drude weight) and paramagnetic(negative Drude weight) ring currents. In most models, theDrude weight is positive. Especially in the thermodynamiclimit, it is positive semi-definite. In certain modelshowever, intuitivelysurprising, a negative Drude weight is found. This rareeffect occurs, e.g., in one-dimensional models with adegenerate ground state in conjunction with the possibilityof Umklapp scattering. One aim of this thesis is to examineone-dimensional quantum rings for the occurrence of anegative Drude weight. It is found, that the sign of theDrude weight can also be negative, if the band structurelacks particle-hole symmetry. The second aim of this thesis is the modeling of quantumrings intrinsically showing a spontaneous persistentcurrent. The construction of the model starts from theextended Hubbard model on a ring threaded by anAharonov-Bohm flux. A feedback term through which thecurrent in the ring can generate magnetic flux is added.Another extension of the Hamiltonian describes the energystored in the internally generated field. This model isevaluated using exact diagonalization and an iterativescheme to find the minima of the free energy. The quantumrings must satisfy two conditions to exhibit a spontaneousorbital magnetic moment: a negative Drude weight and aninductivity above the critical level. The magneticproperties of cyclic conjugated hydrocarbons likebenzene due to electron delocalization [magnetic anisotropy,magnetic susceptibility exaltation, nucleus-independent chemical shift (NICS)]---that have become important criteriafor aromaticity---can be examined using this model. Corrections to the presented calculations are discussed. Themost substantial simplification made in this thesis is theneglect of the Zeeman interaction of the electron spins withthe magnetic field. If a single flux tube threads a quantumring, the Zeeman interaction is zero, but in mostexperiments, this situation is difficult to realize. In themore realistic situation of a homogeneous field, the Zeemaninteraction has to be included, if the electrons have atotal spin component in the direction of the magnetic field,or if the magnetic field is strong.
A sample scanning confocal optical microscope (SCOM) was designed and constructed in order to perform local measurements of fluorescence, light scattering and Raman scattering. This instrument allows to measure time resolved fluorescence, Raman scattering and light scattering from the same diffraction limited spot. Fluorescence from single molecules and light scattering from metallic nanoparticles can be studied. First, the electric field distribution in the focus of the SCOM was modelled. This enables the design of illumination modes for different purposes, such as the determination of the three-dimensional orientation of single chromophores. Second, a method for the calculation of the de-excitation rates of a chromophore was presented. This permits to compare different detection schemes and experimental geometries in order to optimize the collection of fluorescence photons. Both methods were combined to calculate the SCOM fluorescence signal of a chromophore in a general layered system. The fluorescence excitation and emission of single molecules through a thin gold film was investigated experimentally and modelled. It was demonstrated that, due to the mediation of surface plasmons, single molecule fluorescence near a thin gold film can be excited and detected with an epi-illumination scheme through the film. Single molecule fluorescence as close as 15nm to the gold film was studied in this manner. The fluorescence dynamics (fluorescence blinking and excited state lifetime) of single molecules was studied in the presence and in the absence of a nearby gold film in order to investigate the influence of the metal on the electronic transition rates. The trace-histogram and the autocorrelation methods for the analysis of single molecule fluorescence blinking were presented and compared via the analysis of Monte-Carlo simulated data. The nearby gold influences the total decay rate in agreement to theory. The gold presence produced no influence on the ISC rate from the excited state to the triplet but increased by a factor of 2 the transition rate from the triplet to the singlet ground state. The photoluminescence blinking of Zn0.42Cd0.58Se QDs on glass and ITO substrates was investigated experimentally as a function of the excitation power (P) and modelled via Monte-Carlo simulations. At low P, it was observed that the probability of a certain on- or off-time follows a negative power-law with exponent near to 1.6. As P increased, the on-time fraction reduced on both substrates whereas the off-times did not change. A weak residual memory effect between consecutive on-times and consecutive off-times was observed but not between an on-time and the adjacent off-time. All of this suggests the presence of two independent mechanisms governing the lifetimes of the on- and off-states. The simulated data showed Poisson-distributed off- and on-intensities, demonstrating that the observed non-Poissonian on-intensity distribution of the QDs is not a product of the underlying power-law probability and that the blinking of QDs occurs between a non-emitting off-state and a distribution of emitting on-states with different intensities. All the experimentally observed photo-induced effects could be accounted for by introducing a characteristic lifetime tPI of the on-state in the simulations. The QDs on glass presented a tPI proportional to P-1 suggesting the presence of a one-photon process. Light scattering images and spectra of colloidal and C-shaped gold nano-particles were acquired. The minimum size of a metallic scatterer detectable with the SCOM lies around 20 nm.
The Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz analysis is carried out for the extended-CP^N class of integrable 2-dimensional Non-Linear Sigma Models related to the low energy limit of the AdS_4xCP^3 type IIA superstring theory. The principal aim of this program is to obtain further non-perturbative consistency check to the S-matrix proposed to describe the scattering processes between the fundamental excitations of the theory by analyzing the structure of the Renormalization Group flow. As a noteworthy byproduct we eventually obtain a novel class of TBA models which fits in the known classification but with several important differences. The TBA framework allows the evaluation of some exact quantities related to the conformal UV limit of the model: effective central charge, conformal dimension of the perturbing operator and field content of the underlying CFT. The knowledge of this physical quantities has led to the possibility of conjecturing a perturbed CFT realization of the integrable models in terms of coset Kac-Moody CFT. The set of numerical tools and programs developed ad hoc to solve the problem at hand is also discussed in some detail with references to the code.
A study of hadron production by photons opens unique ways to address a number of fundamental problems in strong interaction physics as well as fundamental questions in Quantum Field Theory. In particular, an understanding of two-photon processes is of crucial importance for constraining the hadronic uncertainties in precision measurements and in searches for new physics. The process of
BCJ-relations have a series of important consequences in Quantum FieldrnTheory and in Gravity. In QFT, one can use BCJ-relations to reduce thernnumber of independent colour-ordered partial amplitudes and to relate nonplanarrnand planar diagrams in loop calculations. In addition, one can usernBCJ-numerators to construct gravity scattering amplitudes through a squaringrn procedure. For these reasons, it is important to nd a prescription tornobtain BCJ-numerators without requiring a diagram by diagram approach.rnIn this thesis, after introducing some basic concepts needed for the discussion,rnI will examine the existing diagrammatic prescriptions to obtainrnBCJ-numerators. Subsequently, I will present an algorithm to construct anrneective Yang-Mills Lagrangian which automatically produces kinematic numeratorsrnsatisfying BCJ-relations. A discussion on the kinematic algebrarnfound through scattering equations will then be presented as a way to xrnnon-uniqueness problems in the algorithm.
Die Quantenchromodynamik ist die zugrundeliegende Theorie der starken Wechselwirkung und kann in zwei Bereiche aufgeteilt werden. Harte Streuprozesse, wie zum Beispiel die Zwei-Jet-Produktion bei hohen invarianten Massen, können störungstheoretisch behandelt und berechnet werden. Bei Streuprozessen mit niedrigen Impulsüberträgen hingegen ist die Störungstheorie nicht mehr anwendbar und phänemenologische Modelle werden für Vorhersagen benutzt. Das ATLAS Experiment am Large Hadron Collider am CERN ermöglicht es, QCD Prozesse bei hohen sowie niedrigen Impulsüberträgen zu untersuchen. In dieser Arbeit werden zwei Analysen vorgestellt, die jeweils ihren Schwerpunkt auf einen der beiden Regime der QCD legen:rnDie Messung von Ereignisformvariablen bei inelastischen Proton--Proton Ereignissen bei einer Schwerpunktsenergie von $sqrt{s} = unit{7}{TeV}$ misst den transversalen Energiefluss in hadronischen Ereignissen. rnDie Messung des zweifachdifferentiellen Zwei-Jet-Wirkungsquerschnittes als Funktion der invarianten Masse sowie der Rapiditätsdifferenz der beiden Jets mit den höchsten Transversalimpulsen kann genutzt werden um Theorievorhersagen zu überprüfen. Proton--Proton Kollisionen bei $sqrt{s} = unit{8}{TeV}$, welche während der Datennahme im Jahr 2012 aufgezeichnet wurden, entsprechend einer integrierten Luminosität von $unit{20.3}{fb^{-1}}$, wurden analysiert.rn
The craze for faster and smaller electronic devices has never gone down and this has always kept researchers on their toes. Following Moore’s law, which states that the number of transistors in a single chip will double in every 18 months, today “30 million transistors can fit into the head of a 1.5 mm diameter pin”. But this miniaturization cannot continue indefinitely due to the ‘quantum leakage’ limit in the thickness of the insulating layer between the gate electrode and the current carrying channel. To bypass this limitation, scientists came up with the idea of using vastly available organic molecules as components in an electronic device. One of the primary challenges in this field was the ability to perform conductance measurements across single molecular junctions. Once that was achieved the focus shifted to a deeper understanding of the underlying physics behind the electron transport across these molecular scale devices. Our initial theoretical approach is based on the conventional Non-Equilibrium Green Function(NEGF) formulation, but the self-energy of the leads is modified to include a weighting factor that ensures negligible current in the absence of a molecular pathway as observed in a Mechanically Controlled Break Junction (MCBJ) experiment. The formulation is then made parameter free by a more careful estimation of the self-energy of the leads. The calculated conductance turns out to be atleast an order more than the experimental values which is probably due to a strong chemical bond at the metal-molecule junction unlike in the experiments. The focus is then shifted to a comparative study of charge transport in molecular wires of different lengths within the same formalism. The molecular wires, composed of a series of organic molecules, are sanwiched between two gold electrodes to make a two terminal device. The length of the wire is increased by sequentially increasing the number of molecules in the wire from 1 to 3. In the low bias regime all the molecular devices are found to exhibit Ohmic behavior. However, the magnitude of conductance decreases exponentially with increase in length of the wire. In the next study, the relative contribution of the ‘in-phase’ and the ‘out-of-phase’ components of the total electronic current under the influence of an external bias is estimated for the wires of three different lengths. In the low bias regime, the ‘out-of-phase’ contribution to the total current is minimal and the ‘in-phase’ elastic tunneling of the electrons is responsible for the net electronic current. This is true irrespective of the length of the molecular spacer. In this regime, the current-voltage characteristics follow Ohm’s law and the conductance of the wires is found to decrease exponentially with increase in length which is in agreement with experimental results. However, after a certain ‘off-set’ voltage, the current increases non-linearly with bias and the ‘out-of-phase’ tunneling of electrons reduces the net current substantially. Subsequently, the interaction of conduction electrons with the vibrational modes as a function of external bias in the three different oligomers is studied since they are one of the main sources of phase-breaking scattering. The number of vibrational modes that couple strongly with the frontier molecular orbitals are found to increase with length of the spacer and the external field. This is consistent with the existence of lowest ‘off-set’ voltage for the longest wire under study.
This dissertation presents a detailed study in exploring quantum correlations of lights in macroscopic environments. We have explored quantum correlations of single photons, weak coherent states, and polarization-correlated/polarization-entangled photons in macroscopic environments. These included macroscopic mirrors, macroscopic photon number, spatially separated observers, noisy photons source and propagation medium with loss or disturbances. We proposed a measurement scheme for observing quantum correlations and entanglement in the spatial properties of two macroscopic mirrors using single photons spatial compass state. We explored the phase space distribution features of spatial compass states, such as chessboard pattern by using the Wigner function. The displacement and tilt correlations of the two mirrors were manifested through the propensities of the compass states. This technique can be used to extract Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen correlations (EPR) of the two mirrors. We then formulated the discrete-like property of the propensity Pb(m,n), which can be used to explore environmental perturbed quantum jumps of the EPR correlations in phase space. With single photons spatial compass state, the variances in position and momentum are much smaller than standard quantum limit when using a Gaussian TEM00 beam. We observed intrinsic quantum correlations of weak coherent states between two parties through balanced homodyne detection. Our scheme can be used as a supplement to decoy-state BB84 protocol and differential phase-shift QKD protocol. We prepared four types of bipartite correlations ±cos2(θ12) that shared between two parties. We also demonstrated bits correlations between two parties separated by 10 km optical fiber. The bits information will be protected by the large quantum phase fluctuation of weak coherent states, adding another physical layer of security to these protocols for quantum key distribution. Using 10 m of highly nonlinear fiber (HNLF) at 77 K, we observed coincidence to accidental-coincidence ratio of 130±5 for correlated photon-pair and Two-Photon Interference visibility >98% entangled photon-pair. We also verified the non-local behavior of polarization-entangled photon pair by violating Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt Bell’s inequality by more than 12 standard deviations. With the HNLF at 300 K (77 K), photon-pair production rate about factor 3(2) higher than a 300 m dispersion-shifted fiber is observed. Then, we studied quantum correlation and interference of photon-pairs; with one photon of the photon-air experiencing multiple scattering in a random medium. We observed that depolarization noise photon in multiple scattering degrading the purity of photon-pair, and the existence of Raman noise photon in a photon-pair source will contribute to the depolarization affect. We found that quantum correlation of polarization-entangled photon-pair is better preserved than polarization-correlated photon-pair as one photon of the photon-pair scattered through a random medium. Our findings showed that high purity polarization-entangled photon-pair is better candidate for long distance quantum key distribution.
A quantum critical point (QCP) is a singularity in the phase diagram arising because of quantum mechanical fluctuations. The exotic properties of some of the most enigmatic physical systems, including unconventional metals and superconductors, quantum magnets and ultracold atomic condensates, have been related to the importance of critical quantum and thermal fluctuations near such a point. However, direct and continuous control of these fluctuations has been difficult to realize, and complete thermodynamic and spectroscopic information is required to disentangle the effects of quantum and classical physics around a QCP. Here we achieve this control in a high-pressure, high-resolution neutron scattering experiment on the quantum dimer material TlCuCl3. By measuring the magnetic excitation spectrum across the entire quantum critical phase diagram, we illustrate the similarities between quantum and thermal melting of magnetic order. We prove the critical nature of the unconventional longitudinal (Higgs) mode of the ordered phase by damping it thermally. We demonstrate the development of two types of criticality, quantum and classical, and use their static and dynamic scaling properties to conclude that quantum and thermal fluctuations can behave largely independently near a QCP.
We consider the Schrödinger equation for a relativistic point particle in an external one-dimensional δ-function potential. Using dimensional regularization, we investigate both bound and scattering states, and we obtain results that are consistent with the abstract mathematical theory of self-adjoint extensions of the pseudodifferential operator H=p2+m2−−−−−−−√. Interestingly, this relatively simple system is asymptotically free. In the massless limit, it undergoes dimensional transmutation and it possesses an infrared conformal fixed point. Thus it can be used to illustrate nontrivial concepts of quantum field theory in the simpler framework of relativistic quantum mechanics.
We investigate the transition from unitary to dissipative dynamics in the relativistic O(N) vector model with the λ(φ2)2 interaction using the nonperturbative functional renormalization group in the real-time formalism. In thermal equilibrium, the theory is characterized by two scales, the interaction range for coherent scattering of particles and the mean free path determined by the rate of incoherent collisions with excitations in the thermal medium. Their competition determines the renormalization group flow and the effective dynamics of the model. Here we quantify the dynamic properties of the model in terms of the scale-dependent dynamic critical exponent z in the limit of large temperatures and in 2≤d≤4 spatial dimensions. We contrast our results to the behavior expected at vanishing temperature and address the question of the appropriate dynamic universality class for the given microscopic theory.
We discuss light–heavy hole beats observed in transient optical experiments in GaAs quantum wells in terms of a free-boson coherent state model. This approach is compared with descriptions based on few-level representations. Results lead to an interpretation of the beats as due to classical electromagnetic interference. The boson picture correctly describes photon excitation of extended states and accounts for experiments involving coherent control of the exciton density and Rayleigh scattering beating.