914 resultados para Protein P-1


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CREB-binding proteins (CBP) and p300 are essential transcriptional coactivators for a large number of regulated DNA-binding transcription factors, including CREB, nuclear receptors, and STATs. CBP and p300 function in part by mediating the assembly of multiprotein complexes that contain additional cofactors such as p300/CBP interacting protein (p/CIP), a member of the p160/SRC family of coactivators, and the p300/CBP associated factor p/CAF. In addition to serving as molecular scaffolds, CBP and p300 each possess intrinsic acetyltransferase activities that are required for their function as coactivators. Here we report that the adenovirus E1A protein inhibits the acetyltransferase activity of CBP on binding to the C/H3 domain, whereas binding of CREB, or a CREB/E1A fusion protein to the KIX domain, fails to inhibit CBP acetyltransferase activity. Surprisingly, p/CIP can either inhibit or stimulate CBP acetyltransferase activity depending on the specific substrate evaluated and the functional domains present in the p/CIP protein. While the CBP interaction domain of p/CIP inhibits acetylation of histones H3, H4, or high mobility group by CBP, it enhances acetylation of other substrates, such as Pit-1. These observations suggest that the acetyltransferase activities of CBP/p300 and p/CAF can be differentially modulated by factors binding to distinct regions of CBP/p300. Because these interactions are likely to result in differential effects on the coactivator functions of CBP/p300 for different classes of transcription factors, regulation of CBP/p300 acetyltransferase activity may represent a mechanism for integration of diverse signaling pathways.


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The 436-amino acid protein enolase 1 from yeast was degraded in vitro by purified wild-type and mutant yeast 20S proteasome particles. Analysis of the cleavage products at different times revealed a processive degradation mechanism and a length distribution of fragments ranging from 3 to 25 amino acids with an average length of 7 to 8 amino acids. Surprisingly, the average fragment length was very similar between wild-type and mutant 20S proteasomes with reduced numbers of active sites. This implies that the fragment length is not influenced by the distance between the active sites, as previously postulated. A detailed analysis of the cleavages also allowed the identification of certain amino acid characteristics in positions flanking the cleavage site that guide the selection of the P1 residues by the three active β subunits. Because yeast and mammalian proteasomes are highly homologous, similar cleavage motifs might be used by mammalian proteasomes. Therefore, our data provide a basis for predicting proteasomal degradation products from which peptides are sampled by major histocompatibility complex class I molecules for presentation to cytotoxic T cells.


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Cytokine-inducible protein SSI-1 [signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT)-induced STAT inhibitor 1, also referred to as SOCS-1 (suppressor of cytokine signaling 1) or JAB (Janus kinase-binding protein)] negatively regulates cytokine receptor signaling by inhibition of JAK kinases. The SSI family of proteins includes eight members that are structurally characterized by an SH2 domain and a C-terminal conserved region that we have called the SC-motif. In this study, we investigated the roles of these domains in the function of SSI-1. Results of reporter assays demonstrated that the pre-SH2 domain (24 aa in front of the SH2 domain) and the SH2 domain of SSI-1 were required for the suppression by SSI-1 of interleukin 6 signaling. Coexpression studies of COS7 cells revealed that these domains also were required for inhibition of three JAKs (JAK1, JAK2, and TYK2). Furthermore, deletion of the SH2 domain, but not the pre-SH2 domain, resulted in loss of association of SSI-1 with TYK2. Thus, SSI-1 associates with JAK family kinase via its SH2 domain, and the pre-SH2 domain is required for the function of SSI-1. Deletion of the SC-motif markedly reduced expression of SSI-1 protein in M1 cells, and this reduction was reversed by treatment with proteasome inhibitors, suggesting that this motif is required to protect the SSI-1 molecule from proteolytic degradation. Based on these findings, we concluded that three distinct domains of SSI-1 (the pre-SH2 domain, the SH2 domain, and the SC-motif) cooperate in the suppression of interleukin 6 signaling.


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Association of the Golgi-specific adaptor protein complex 1 (AP-1) with the membrane is a prerequisite for clathrin coat assembly on the trans-Golgi network (TGN). The AP-1 adaptor is efficiently recruited from cytosol onto the TGN by myristoylated ADP-ribosylation factor 1 (ARF1) in the presence of the poorly hydrolyzable GTP analog guanosine 5′-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTPγS). Substituting GTP for GTPγS, however, results in only poor AP-1 binding. Here we show that both AP-1 and clathrin can be recruited efficiently onto the TGN in the presence of GTP when cytosol is supplemented with ARF1. Optimal recruitment occurs at 4 μM ARF1 and with 1 mM GTP. The AP-1 recruited by ARF1·GTP is released from the Golgi membrane by treatment with 1 M Tris-HCl (pH 7) or upon reincubation at 37°C, whereas AP-1 recruited with GTPγS or by a constitutively active point mutant, ARF1(Q71L), remains membrane bound after either treatment. An incubation performed with added ARF1, GTP, and AlFn, used to block ARF GTPase-activating protein activity, results in membrane-associated AP-1, which is largely insensitive to Tris extraction. Thus, ARF1·GTP hydrolysis results in lower-affinity binding of AP-1 to the TGN. Using two-stage assays in which ARF1·GTP first primes the Golgi membrane at 37°C, followed by AP-1 binding on ice, we find that the high-affinity nucleating sites generated in the priming stage are rapidly lost. In addition, the AP-1 bound to primed Golgi membranes during a second-stage incubation on ice is fully sensitive to Tris extraction, indicating that the priming stage has passed the ARF1·GTP hydrolysis point. Thus, hydrolysis of ARF1·GTP at the priming sites can occur even before AP-1 binding. Our finding that purified clathrin-coated vesicles contain little ARF1 supports the concept that ARF1 functions in the coat assembly process rather than during the vesicle-uncoating step. We conclude that ARF1 is a limiting factor in the GTP-stimulated recruitment of AP-1 in vitro and that it appears to function in a stoichiometric manner to generate high-affinity AP-1 binding sites that have a relatively short half-life.


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We investigated the role of the cdk inhibitor protein p21Cip-1/WAF1/MDA6 (p21) in the ability of MAPK pathway inhibition to enhance radiation-induced apoptosis in A431 squamous carcinoma cells. In carcinoma cells, ionizing radiation (2 Gy) caused both primary (0–10 min) and secondary (90–240 min) activations of the MAPK pathway. Radiation induced p21 protein expression in A431 cells within 6 h via secondary activation of the MAPK pathway. Within 6 h, radiation weakly enhanced the proportion of cells in G1 that were p21 and MAPK dependent, whereas the elevation of cells present in G2/M at this time was independent of either p21 expression or MAPK inhibition. Inhibition of the MAPK pathway increased the proportion of irradiated cells in G2/M phase 24–48 h after irradiation and enhanced radiation-induced apoptosis. This correlated with elevated Cdc2 tyrosine 15 phosphorylation, decreased Cdc2 activity, and decreased Cdc25C protein levels. Caffeine treatment or removal of MEK1/2 inhibitors from cells 6 h after irradiation reduced the proportion of cells present in G2/M phase at 24 h and abolished the ability of MAPK inhibition to potentiate radiation-induced apoptosis. These data argue that MAPK signaling plays an important role in the progression/release of cells through G2/M phase after radiation exposure and that an impairment of this progression/release enhances radiation-induced apoptosis. Surprisingly, the ability of irradiation/MAPK inhibition to increase the proportion of cells in G2/M at 24 h was found to be dependent on basal p21 expression. Transient inhibition of basal p21 expression increased the control level of apoptosis as well as the abilities of both radiation and MEK1/2 inhibitors to cause apoptosis. In addition, loss of basal p21 expression significantly reduced the capacity of MAPK inhibition to potentiate radiation-induced apoptosis. Collectively, our data argue that MAPK signaling and p21 can regulate cell cycle checkpoint control in carcinoma cells at the G1/S transition shortly after exposure to radiation. In contrast, inhibition of MAPK increases the proportion of irradiated cells in G2/M, and basal expression of p21 is required to maintain this effect. Our data suggest that basal and radiation-stimulated p21 may play different roles in regulating cell cycle progression that affect cell survival after radiation exposure.


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G-substrate, an endogenous substrate for cGMP-dependent protein kinase, exists almost exclusively in cerebellar Purkinje cells, where it is possibly involved in the induction of long-term depression. A G-substrate cDNA was identified by screening expressed sequence tag databases from a human brain library. The deduced amino acid sequence of human G-substrate contained two putative phosphorylation sites (Thr-68 and Thr-119) with amino acid sequences [KPRRKDT(p)PALH] that were identical to those reported for rabbit G-substrate. G-substrate mRNA was expressed almost exclusively in the cerebellum as a single transcript. The human G-substrate gene was mapped to human chromosome 7p15 by radiation hybrid panel analysis. In vitro translation products of the cDNA showed an apparent molecular mass of 24 kDa on SDS/PAGE which was close to that of purified rabbit G-substrate (23 kDa). Bacterially expressed human G-substrate is a heat-stable and acid-soluble protein that cross-reacts with antibodies raised against rabbit G-substrate. Recombinant human G-substrate was phosphorylated efficiently by cGMP-dependent protein kinase exclusively at Thr residues, and it was recognized by antibodies specific for rabbit phospho-G-substrate. The amino acid sequences surrounding the sites of phosphorylation in G-substrate are related to those around Thr-34 and Thr-35 of the dopamine- and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein DARPP-32 and inhibitor-1, respectively, two potent inhibitors of protein phosphatase 1. However, purified G-substrate phosphorylated by cGMP-dependent protein kinase inhibited protein phosphatase 2A more effectively than protein phosphatase 1, suggesting a distinct role as a protein phosphatase inhibitor.


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The Rev protein of HIV-1, which facilitates the nuclear export of HIV-1 pre-mRNAs, has been a target for antiviral therapy. Here we describe a new strategy for inhibiting Rev function and HIV-1 replication. In contrast to previous approaches, we use a wild-type rather than a mutant Rev protein and covalently link this Rev sequence to the NS1 protein of influenza A virus, a protein that inhibits the nuclear export of mRNAs. The NS1 protein contains an RNA-binding domain mutation (RM), so that the only functional RNA-binding domain in the chimeric protein (NS1RM-Rev) is in the Rev protein sequence. In the presence of the NS1RM-Rev chimeric protein, HIV-1 pre-mRNAs were retained in, rather than exported from, the nucleus. In addition, this chimeric protein effectively inhibited Rev function in trans in transfection experiments and effectively inhibited the production of HIV-1 in tissue culture cells transfected with an infectious molecular clone of HIV-1 DNA. The inhibitory activities of the NS1RM-Rev chimera were at least equivalent to those of the Rev M10 mutant protein, which has been considered to be the prototype trans inhibitor of Rev function and is currently in phase I clinical trials for the treatment of AIDS patients. We discuss (i) the potential for increasing the inhibitory activity of NS1-Rev chimeras against HIV-1 and (ii) the need for additional studies to evaluate these chimeras for the treatment of AIDS.


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In a previous study we showed that the murine homeodomain protein Msx-1 is a potent transcriptional repressor and that this activity is independent of its DNA binding function. The implication of these findings is that repression by Msx-1 is mediated through its association with certain protein factors rather than through its interaction with DNA recognition sites, which prompted investigation of the relevant protein factors. Here we show that Msx-1 interacts directly with the TATA binding protein (TBP) but not with several other general transcription factors. This interaction is mediated by the Msx-1 homeodomain, specifically through residues in the N-terminal arm. These same N-terminal arm residues are required for repression by Msx-1, suggesting a functional relationship between TBP association and transcriptional repression. This is further supported by the observation that addition of excess TBP blocks the repressor action of Msx-1 in in vitro transcription assays. Finally, DNA binding activity is separable from both TBP interaction and repression, which further shows that these other activities of the Msx-1 homeodomain are distinct. Therefore, these findings define a role for the Msx-1 homeodomain, particularly the N-terminal arm residues in protein-protein interaction and transcriptional repression, and implicate a more complex role overall for homeodomains in transcriptional regulation.


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Clustering of the T cell integrin, LFA-1, at specialized regions of intercellular contact initiates integrin-mediated adhesion and downstream signaling, events that are necessary for a successful immunological response. But how clustering is achieved and sustained is not known. Here we establish that an LFA-1-associated molecule, PTA-1, is localized to membrane rafts and binds the carboxyl-terminal domain of isoforms of the actin-binding protein 4.1G. Protein 4.1 is known to associate with the membrane-associated guanylate kinase homologue, human discs large. We show that the carboxyl-terminal peptide of PTA-1 also can bind human discs large and that the presence or absence of this peptide greatly influences binding between PTA-1 and different isoforms of 4.1G. T cell stimulation with phorbol ester or PTA-1 cross-linking induces PTA-1 and 4.1G to associate tightly with the cytoskeleton, and the PTA-1 from such activated cells now can bind to the amino-terminal region of 4.1G. We propose that these dynamic associations provide the structural basis for a regulated molecular adhesive complex that serves to cluster and transport LFA-1 and associated molecules.


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Matrix accumulation in the renal tubulointerstitium is predictive of a progressive decline in renal function. Transforming growth factor-beta(1) (TGF-beta(1)) and, more recently, connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) are recognized to play key roles in mediating the fibrogenic response, independently of the primary renal insult. Further definition of the independent and interrelated effects of CTGF and TGF-beta(1) is critical for the development of effective antifibrotic strategies. CTGF (20 ng/ml) induced fibronectin and collagen IV secretion in primary cultures of human proximal tubule cells (PTC) and cortical fibroblasts (CF) compared with control values (P < 0.005 in all cases). This effect was inhibited by neutralizing antibodies to either TGF-beta or to the TGF-beta type II receptor (TbetaRII). TGF-beta(1) induced a greater increase in fibronectin and collagen IV secretion in both PTC (P < 0.01) and CF (P < 0.01) compared with that observed with CTGF alone. The combination of TGF-beta(1) and CTGF was additive in their effects on both PTC and CF fibronectin and collagen IV secretion. TGF-beta(1) (2 ng/ml) stimulated CTGF mRNA expression within 30 min, which was sustained for up to 24 h, with a consequent increase in CTGF protein (P < 0.05), whereas CTGF had no effect on TGF-beta(1) mRNA or protein expression. TGF-beta(1) (2 ng/ml) induced phosphorylated (p)Smad-2 within 15 min, which was sustained for up to 24 h. CTGF had a delayed effect on increasing pSmad-2 expression, which was evident at 24 h. In conclusion, this study has demonstrated the key dependence of the fibrogenic actions of CTGF on TGF-beta. It has further uniquely demonstrated that CTGF requires TGF-beta, signaling through the TbetaRII in both PTCs and CFs, to exert its fibrogenic response in this in vitro model.


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Nesfatin-1 is a recently identified anorexigenic peptide derived from its precursor protein, nonesterified fatty acid/nucleobindin 2 (NUCB2). Although the hypothalamus is pivotal for the maintenance of energy homeostasis, adipose tissue plays an important role in the integration of metabolic activity and energy balance by communicating with peripheral organs and the brain via adipokines. Currently no data exist on nesfatin-1 expression, regulation, and secretion in adipose tissue. We therefore investigated NUCB2/nesfatin-1 gene and protein expression in human and murine adipose tissue depots. Additionally, the effects of insulin, dexamethasone, and inflammatory cytokines and the impact of food deprivation and obesity on nesfatin-1 expression were studied by quantitative RT-PCR and Western blotting. We present data showing NUCB2 mRNA (P < 0.001), nesfatin-1 intracellular protein (P < 0.001), and secretion (P < 0.01) were significantly higher in sc adipose tissue compared with other depots. Also, nesfatin-1 protein expression was significantly increased in high-fat-fed mice (P < 0.01) and reduced under food deprivation (P < 0.01) compared with controls. Stimulation of sc adipose tissue explants with inflammatory cytokines (TNFa and IL-6), insulin, and dexamethasone resulted in a marked increase in intracellular nesfatin-1 levels. Furthermore, we present evidence that the secretion of nesfatin-1 into the culture media was dramatically increased during the differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes into adipocytes (P < 0.001) and after treatments with TNF-a, IL-6, insulin, and dexamethasone (P < 0.01). In addition, circulating nesfatin-1 levels were higher in high-fat-fed mice (P < 0.05) and showed positive correlation with body mass index in human. We report that nesfatin-1 is a novel depot specific adipokine preferentially produced by sc tissue, with obesity- and food deprivation-regulated expression.


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Electrostatic interactions are of fundamental importance in determining the structure and stability of macromolecules. For example, charge-charge interactions modulate the folding and binding of proteins and influence protein solubility. Electrostatic interactions are highly variable and can be both favorable and unfavorable. The ability to quantify these interactions is challenging but vital to understanding the detailed balance and major roles that they have in different proteins and biological processes. Measuring pKa values of ionizable groups provides a sensitive method for experimentally probing the electrostatic properties of a protein.

pKa values report the free energy of site-specific proton binding and provide a direct means of studying protein folding and pH-dependent stability. Using a combination of NMR, circular dichroism, and fluorescence spectroscopy along with singular value decomposition, we investigated the contributions of electrostatic interactions to the thermodynamic stability and folding of the protein subunit of Bacillus subtilis ribonuclease P, P protein. Taken together, the results suggest that unfavorable electrostatics alone do not account for the fact that P protein is intrinsically unfolded in the absence of ligand because the pKa differences observed between the folded and unfolded state are small. Presumably, multiple factors encoded in the P protein sequence account for its IUP property, which may play an important role in its function.


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Optimization of Carnobacterium divergens V41 growth and bacteriocin activity in a culture medium deprived of animal protein, needs for food bioprotection, was performed by using a statistical approach. In a screening experiment, twelve factors (pH, temperature, carbohydrates, NaCl, yeast extract, soy peptone, sodium acetate, ammonium citrate, magnesium sulphate, manganese sulphate, ascorbic acid and thiamine) were tested for their influence on the maximal growth and bacteriocin activity using a two-level incomplete factorial design with 192 experiments performed in microtiter plate wells. Based on results, a basic medium was developed and three variables (pH, temperature and carbohydrates concentration) were selected for a scale-up study in bioreactor. A 23 complete factorial design was performed, allowing the estimation of linear effects of factors and all the first order interactions. The best conditions for the cell production were obtained with a temperature of 15°C and a carbohydrates concentration of 20 g/l whatever the pH (in the range 6.5-8), and the best conditions for bacteriocin activity were obtained at 15°C and pH 6.5 whatever the carbohydrates concentration (in the range 2-20 g/l). The predicted final count of C. divergens V41 and the bacteriocin activity under the optimized conditions (15°C, pH 6.5, 20 g/l carbohydrates) were 2.4 x 1010 CFU/ml and 819200 AU/ml respectively. C. divergens V41 cells cultivated in the optimized conditions were able to grow in cold-smoked salmon and totally inhibited the growth of Listeria monocytogenes (< 50 CFU g-1) during five weeks of vacuum storage at 4° and 8°C.


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Water and protein dynamics on a nanometer scale were measured by quasi-elastic neutron scattering in the piezophile archaeon Thermococcus barophilus and the closely related pressure-sensitive Thermococcus kodakarensis, at 0.1 and 40 MPa. We show that cells of the pressure sensitive organism exhibit higher intrinsic stability. Both the hydration water dynamics and the fast protein and lipid dynamics are reduced under pressure. In contrast, the proteome of T. barophilus is more pressure sensitive than that of T. kodakarensis. The diffusion coefficient of hydration water is reduced, while the fast protein and lipid dynamics are slightly enhanced with increasing pressure. These findings show that the coupling between hydration water and cellular constituents might not be simply a master-slave relationship. We propose that the high flexibility of the T. barophilus proteome associated with reduced hydration water may be the keys to the molecular adaptation of the cells to high hydrostatic pressure.


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Due to lack of information on the use of non-protein energy sources in diets for pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus), a 2 x 2 x 3 factorial experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance and digestibility of 12 diets containing approximately two crude protein (CP; 220 and 250 g kg(-1)), two lipid (40 and 80 g kg(-1)) and three carbohydrate levels (410, 460 and 500 g kg(-1)). The pacu juveniles-fed diets containing 220 g kg(-1) CP did not respond (P > 0.05) to increased dietary lipid and carbohydrate levels, but the fish-fed diets containing 250 g kg(-1) CP showed a better feed conversion ratio. There were interactions in weight gain (WG), specific growth rate (SGR), crude protein intake (CPI) and feed conversion rate (FCR) dependent on dietary carbohydrate and lipid levels, showing positive effects of increasing carbohydrate levels only for fish-fed diets containing 80 g kg(-1) lipid level. However, when the diets contained 40 g kg(-1) lipid, the best energy productive value (EPV) results were obtained at 460 g kg(-1) carbohydrate. A higher usage of lipids (80 g kg(-1)) reduced CPI and was detrimental to protein [apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC)(CP)] and energy (ADC(GE)), but did not affect growth. The ADC(GE) improved proportionally as dietary carbohydrate levels increased (P < 0.05), increasing the concentration of digestible energy. In addition, the WG, CPI, ADC(GE) results showed best use of the energy from carbohydrates when dietary protein level was 250 g kg(-1) CP. The utilization of 250 g kg(-1) CP in feeds for juvenile pacu for optimal growth is suggested. Therefore, the optimum dietary lipid and carbohydrate levels depend on their combinations. It can be stated that pacu uses carbohydrates as effectively as lipids in the maximization of protein usage, as long as it is not lower than 250 g kg(-1) CP or approximately 230 g kg(-1) digestible protein.