245 resultados para Prospecting


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Bottom sediments of the Markov Deep contain rather large (>0.1 mm) grains of native minerals and intermetallides of noble and nonferrous metals that can be concentrated in placers. Intermetallides of Pt and Fe are likely to be derivates of the gold-hematite-barite assemblage that forms at late (low-depth) stages of hydrothermal massive sulfide formation. Mineral association of native forms of lead, tin, and copper with Zn-bearing copper may be related to hydrothermal transformation of ultrabasic and basic rocks accompanied by massive sulfide copper mineralization. The association of these minerals of native elements in bottom sediments can also serve as a prospecting guide for sulfide mineralization both at the Sierra Leone site, in particular, and on the seafloor, in general.


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Selected sections, containing Devonian/Carboniferous boundary beds, are described from the northern and northeastern margin of the Rhenish massif, especially from the Seiler region near Iserlohn and the Warstein area. These sections are from prospecting trenches, quarries and road cuts. The dominantly carbonate sequences were investigated in regard to the development of conodonts. The Devonian/Carboniferous boundary could be placed precisely in both areas by means of the phylogenetic transition from Siphonodella praesulcata to S. sulcata. Compared investigations lead to the following conclusions: - The basal part of the Hangenberg limestone is heterochronous. - The Devonian/Carboniferous boundary lies distinctly below the Hangenberg limestone, i. e. at the same stratigraphical level as the Stockum limestone. - The Imitoceras limestone lens of Stockum and the Stockum limestone represent a special facies within the Hangenberg schists. 80th belong either to the praesulcata- and sulcata-zone or are restricted only to the sulcata-zone. - Protognathodus kuehni appears together with Siphonodella sulcata. Where S. sulcata is lacking, P. kuehni may be considered as a valid index conodont indicating the beginning of the Carboniferous. - The upper part of the Wocklum beds, following above the Wocklum limestone, usually consists up to the lower Carbonilerous boundary in a more or less consistent facies, that of the Hangenberg schists. Only in the section 01 the northeastern wall of the eastern Provincial Quarry at Drewer and in the road profile Rüthen - Nuttlar, the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary is to be placed in a continuous carbonate sequence. - The eastern Provincial Quarry at Drewer is therefore proposed as a new candidate section for the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary stratotype. - In many places the carbonates at the Devonian / Carboniferous boundary and the Hangenberg limestone are characterized by an impoverished conodont fauna. - Using platform conodonts, biofacies models are developed, permitting to conclude on the position of the respective setting 01 sedimentation area, either close to a rise or a basin.


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The monograph gives the first systematic description of ore-bearing guyots from the West Pacific. It is mostly based on data obtained in numerous expeditions of Russian vessels during 1984-1992. Ore deposits located on upper parts of all slopes and tops of the guyots include phosphorites associated with cobalt- and platinum-rich ferromanganese crusts. Location, origin and prospecting of mineral deposits are discussed on the base of new data on metallogenic factors (geodynamics, tectonics, magmatism, sedimentation and morphostructures).


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El objetivo del presente proyecto es definir las actuaciones encaminadas a restaurar el sistema actual de defensa del río Ebro en el tramo Pradilla de Ebro- Boquiñeni (Zaragoza), con el propósito de reducir el riesgo por inundaciones en los núcleos de población del mismo nombre, para lo que se ha realizado una campaña de reconocimiento del Terreno mediante técnicas geofísicas. La campaña de prospección ha consistido en la realización de perfiles de tomografía eléctrica para determinar la distribución de los niveles geoeléctricos en la zona obteniéndose la profundidad y variabilidad del nivel freático y la distribución aparente de los niveles biológicos. En base a las anomalías detectadas en las secciones de resistividad se han llevado a cabo ensayos in situ con placa de carga dinámica con el fin de determinar las características portantes de las barreras. La correlación de ambos estudios permite localizar las zonas de debilidad estructural para así poder establecer las recomendaciones oportunas de cara a restaurar los diques de protección, de forma que puedan cumplir con su función de contención frente a los caudales de crecida. ABSTRACT The aim of this project is so define the interventions required to restore the current defense system of Ebro River in the stretch between Pradilla de Ebro and Boquiñeni (Zaragoza), in order to reduce flood risk in the population centers of the same name, for what a soil survey has been done using geophysical techniques. The geophysical prospecting campaign has consisted on the realization of electrical tomography profiles to determine the distribution of due geoelectric levels in the area, the depth and variability of the water table and the distribution of apparent lithology level. Based on anomalies detected in resistivity sections, dynamic loading plate test were carried out in situ in order to determine the load bearing characteristics of the safety barriers. The correlation o f both studies makes possible to locate die areas o f structural weakness, with the objective of establishing appropriate recommendations to restore the embankments so that they can meet their retaining functions against flood flows.


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Las filtraciones de agua, con la consecuente erosión interna en presas de materiales sueltos, es una de las causas principales de fallos y accidentes. Las consecuencias del fallo de estas estructuras, pueden ser, pérdidas tanto económicas como de vidas humanas. Por lo cual en este proyecto se describe la aplicación de un método de prospección geofísica no invasiva, medidas de potencial espontáneo, para detectar posibles filtraciones de agua en el cuerpo de la presa. El flujo de agua a través de un material poroso y permeable crea un campo de potencial eléctrico de una magnitud de decenas o centenas de milivoltios, el cual puede ser medido y así detectar infiltraciones de agua en presas de materiales sueltos. Se ha aplicado esta técnica en la Presa Santa Marta, y mediante una interpretación cualitativa de los datos medidos, tomados en la cara aguas arriba de la presa (medidas subacuáticas), se logró identificar un flujo de agua vertical y otro subhorizontal, que estaban ingresando en el cuerpo de la presa, los cuales estaban causando erosión interna y la formación de una tubificación. ABSTRACT Water leakages and internal erosion in embankment dams is one of the main causes of failures and accidents. The consequences of the failure of these structures may cause losses both, economical and of human lives. Therefore, this project describes the application of a noninvasive geophysical prospecting method, self potential measurements, to detect water leakages in the body of the dam. Water flow through a porous and pervious medium creates an electric potential field with a magnitude of tens or hundreds of milivolts, which can be measured and thus detect water leakage in embankment dams. This technique has been applied to the Santa Marta dam, and through a qualitative self potential data interpretation, of the measurements obtained in an upstream direction (underwater measurements), a vertical and sub horizontal water flows entering in the body dam were identified, which were causing internal erosion and developing a piping


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The 2010 Haiti earthquake, occurred on January 12th at 16:53:09 local time (21:53:09 UTC) with epicentral distance of 15 km from the capital Port au Prince, MW 7.0 and 13 km hypocenter deep, was the strongest event in the area since happened in 1770. The maximum macroseismic intensity was estimated as X (MMI scale). The aim of this research is to obtain a preliminary zonation of Port-au-Prince in terms of predominant resonance periods of ground. A total of 36 short-period ambient noise records have been carried out on a grid of about 500x500m. H/V spectral ratio method (HVSR) has been applied to determine the predominant period at each point. The lowest values (<0.2s) predominate in the southern part of the city, composed by Miocene conglomerates, while highest values (> 0.45s) correspond to the center and western parts, composed of Pleistocene-Holocene alluvial deposits and anthropogenic land reclaimed from the sea. We have determined the ground VS30 structure inside National Palace garden, using simultaneous ambient noise measurements. An array made up of 6 sensors were used, with 5 of them uniformly distributed along a circumference and a sixth one placed in its centre. The records were analyzed by using the spatial autocorrelation method (SPAC). The VS 30 value obtained was 331m/sec, in good agreement with the average values obtained for this area by other authors, using prospecting techniques.


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El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar los métodos de prospección geofísica que, además de servir para la caracterización hidrológica superficial en una finca de investigación vitivinícola, alcance la mayor resolutividad para la localización de contaminantes agrícolas. Con este fin se ha realizado, en primer lugar una revisión teórica de los métodos de prospección geofísica que, a priori, pueden considerarse más adecuados por cuanto reflejan en mayor medida las variaciones físicas derivadas de los efluentes químicos agrícolas de baja salinidad. Para alcanzar el objetivo del proyecto se ha realizado una serie de perfiles eléctricos de Tomografía Eléctrica y Polarización Inducida, además de un Sondeo de Resonancia Magnética Nuclear Se han obtenido mediante las técnicas tomográficas una caracterización del subsuelo para la determinación de la litología en profundidad con variaciones laterales bruscas, así como la porosidad de estas formaciones. La sección de cargabilidad (PI) ha permitido la detección de iones disueltos en el agua subterránea. Combinando estos resultados, con los obtenidos por Resonancia Magnética en la localización de las masas de agua y la permeabilidad de las rocas circundantes, somos capaces de determinar los agentes contaminantes así como su movilidad y distribución. La conclusión es que el método que resulta más efectivo para detección de contaminantes sería la combinación de todos ellos, puesto que son complementarios entre sí. ABSTRACT The main goal of this project is to evaluate the methods of geophysical prospection, also serving for surface hydrologic characterization in a research farm wine, reaching the most resoluteness for locating agricultural pollutants. To this end was made, first a theoretical review of geophysical prospecting methods that may be considered more suitable, a priori, as they reflect more closely the physical changes resulting from agricultural chemical measure low salinity. Reaching the objective of the project has made a series of Electrical Tomography profiles (ET) and Induced Polarization profiles (IP) also has conducted a drilling of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (RMN). It was obtained by tomography characterization techniques for determining subsurface litho logy in depth and abrupt lateral variations, as well as the porosity of these formations. The chargeability Section (IP) has enabled detection of ions dissolved in groundwater. Combining these results with those that was obtained by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance with the location of groundwater body and the surrounding rocks permeability, we are able to determine the pollutants and the mobility and distribution of contaminants. The bottom line is the method more effective for detection of contaminants would be the combination of all of them because they are complementary in the environmental study.


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In accordance with Russian, Kazakh and European building regulations, the deformation modulus of soil should be determined in the laboratory and also apply in situ soil tests on the stages of engineering geology prospecting. In this paper we present data on the determination and adjustment of the deformation characteristics at different stages of construction


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En el Campus Sur de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid se ha llevado a cabo un proyecto para obtener una caracterización del subsuelo mediante ensayos ReMi, en colaboración con el departamento de Geofísica del Instituto Geográfico Nacional. La técnica ReMi (Refraction Microtremor) permite, mediante ensayos geofísicos realizados localmente sobre el terreno,obtener los parámetros físicos del mismo, que resultan de especial interés en el ámbito de la ingeniería civil. Esta técnica se caracteriza por englobarse dentro de la sísmica pasiva, muy empleada en prospección geofísica y basada en la obtención del modelo subyacente de distribución de velocidades de propagación de la onda S en función de la profundidad, con la ventaja de aprovechar el ruido sísmico ambiental como fuente de energía. Fue desarrollada en el Laboratorio Sismológico de Nevada (EEUU) por Louie (2001), con el objetivo de presentar una técnica innovadora en la obtención de las velocidades de propagación de manera experimental. Presenta ciertas ventajas, como la observación directa de la dispersión de ondas superficiales,que da un buen resultado de la velocidad de onda S, siendo un método no invasivo, de bajo coste y buena resolución, aplicable en entornos urbanos o sensibles en los que tanto otras técnicas sismológicas como otras variedades de prospección presentan dificultades. La velocidad de propagación de la onda S en los 30 primeros metros VS30, es ampliamente reconocida como un parámetro equivalente válido para caracterizar geotécnicamente el subsuelo y se halla matemáticamente relacionada con la velocidad de propagación de las ondas superficiales a observar mediante la técnica ReMi. Su observación permite el análisis espectral de los registros adquiridos, obteniéndose un modelo representado por la curva de dispersión de cada emplazamiento, de modo que mediante una inversión se obtiene el modelo de velocidad de propagación en función de la profundidad. A través de estos modelos, pueden obtenerse otros parámetros de interés sismológico. Estos resultados se representan sobre mapas isométricos para obtener una relación espacial de los mismos, particularmente conocido como zonación sísmica. De este análisis se extrae que la VS30 promedio del Campus no es baja en exceso, correspondiéndose a posteriori con los resultados de amplificación sísmica, período fundamental de resonancia del lugar y profundidad del sustrato rocoso. En última instancia se comprueba que los valores de amplificación sísmica máxima y el período al cual se produce posiblemente coincidan con los períodos fundamentales de resonancia de algunos edificios del Campus. ABSTRACT In South Campus at Polytechnic University of Madrid, a project has been carried out to obtain a proper subsoil description by applying ReMi tests, in collaboration with the Department of Geophysics of the National Geographic Institute. Through geophysical tests conducted locally, the ReMi (Refraction Microtremor) technique allows to establish the physical parameters of soil, which are of special interest in the field of civil engineering. This technique is part of passive seismic methods, often used in geophysical prospecting. It focuses in obtaining the underlying model of propagation velocity distribution of the shear wave according to depth and has the advantage of being able to use seismic ambient noise as a source of energy. It was developed in the Nevada Seismological Laboratory (USA) by Louie (2001) as an innovative technique for obtaining propagation velocities experimentally. It has several other advantages, including the direct observation of the dispersion of surface waves, which allows to reliably measure S wave velocity. This is a non-invasive, low cost and good resolution method, which can be applied in urban or sensitive environments where other prospection methods present difficulties. The propagation velocity of shear waves in the first 30 meters Vs30 is widely recognized as a valid equivalent parameter to geotechnically characterize the subsurface. It is mathematically related to surface wave's velocity of propagation, which are to observe using REMI technique. Spectral analysis of acquired data sets up a model represented by the dispersion curve at each site, so that, using an inversion process, propagation velocity model in relation to depth is obtained. Through this models, other seismologically interesting parameters can be obtained. These results are represented on isometric maps in order to obtain a spatial relationship between them, a process which is known as seismic zonation. This analysis infers that Vs30 at South Campus is not alarmingly low , corresponding with subsequent results of seismic amplification, fundamental period of resonance of soil and depth of bedrock. Ultimately, it's found that calculated values of soil's fundamental periods at which maximum seismic amplification occurs, may possibly match fundamental periods of some Campus buildings.


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La vid silvestre se considera como el ancestro autóctono de las vides cultivadas y una enorme reserva genética en peligro de extinción. La prospección llevada a cabo entre 2003 y 2004 permitió catalogar 51 localizaciones de vides silvestres españolas, la mayoría de ellas ubicadas en riberas de ríos. Estos ejemplares se incluyeron en el Banco de Germoplasma de la Finca "El Encín" (BGVCAM - Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, España). En primer lugar, se caracterizó la cantidad y la distribución de su diversidad genética utilizando 25 loci empleando microsatélites nucleares (SSR). Hemos analizado también la posible coexistencia en el hábitat natural de vides silvestres con vides cultivadas naturalizadas y portainjertos. De este modo, los análisis fenotípicos y genéticos identificaron el 19% de las muestras recogidas como derivadas de genotipos cultivados, siendo, o bien vides cultivadas naturalizadas o genotipos híbridos derivados de cruces espontáneos entre vides silvestres y cultivadas. La diversidad genética de las poblaciones de vides silvestres fue similar a la observada en el grupo de las cultivadas. El análisis molecular mostró que el germoplasma de cultivadas y silvestres es genéticamente divergente con bajo nivel de introgresión. Se ha identificado cuatro grupos genéticos, con dos de ellos fundamentalmente representados por los genotipos de vides cultivadas y dos por las accesiones silvestres. El análisis de los vínculos genéticos entre las vides silvestres y cultivadas podría sugerir una contribución genética de las accesiones silvestres españolas a las actuales variedades occidentales. En segundo lugar, se realizó un profundo estudio morfológico "ex situ " y se contrastaron con los resultados de la caracterización realizada en 182 variedades comerciales españolas de la misma colección. Todos los individuos silvestres mostraron diferencias morfológicas con Vitis vinifera L subsp. vinifera, pero no se encontraron diferencias significativas dentro Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris, ni por localización geográfica ni por sexo. Los resultados de este estudio describen las principales características morfológicas de las vides silvestres españolas y sus rasgos diferenciales con su pariente cultivada. Por último, se analizó la composición antociánica presente en 21 accesiones de vides silvestres de la Península Ibérica conservadas en el BGVCAM de la Finca "El Encín" y seleccionadas basándose en diferencias ampelográficas y caracterización molecular. La concentración de antocianinas es similar la encontrad en vides cultivadas con destino a la vinificación. Las accesiones estudiadas mostraron una variabilidad considerable en su perfil antociánico y fue posible distinguir varios grupos. Sin embargo, la presencia de material silvestre con perfiles antociánicos poco comunes o inexistentes en variedades españolas, sugiere que la variabilidad genética relacionada con antocianinas en poblaciones españolas de vides silvestres podría ser más alta que la de variedades cultivadas comúnmente consideradas de origen español. ABSTRACT The wild grapevine is considered an autochthonous relative of cultivated vines and a huge gene pool endangered in Europe. Prospecting carried out between 2003 and 2004 enabled to inventory 51 Spanish sites with wild grapevines, most of them located near rivers. These individuals were grafted in the collection of "El Encín" (BGVCAM - Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain). Firstly, werw characterized the amount and distribution of their genetic diversity using 25 nuclear SSR loci. We have also analysed the possible coexistence in the natural habitat of wild grapevines with naturalized grapevine cultivars and rootstocks. In this way, phenotypic and genetic analyses identified 19% of the collected samples as derived from cultivated genotypes, being either naturalized cultivars or hybrid genotypes derived from spontaneous crosses between wild and cultivated grapevines. The genetic diversity of wild grapevine populations was similar than that observed in the cultivated group. The molecular analysis showed that cultivated germplasm and wild germplasm are genetically divergent with low level of introgression. We identified four genetic groups, with two of them fundamentally represented among cultivated genotypes and two among wild accessions. The analyses of genetic relationships between wild and cultivated grapevines could suggest a genetic contribution of wild accessions from Spain to current Western cultivars. Secondly, a morphological study was done "ex situ" and were compared with data from 182 Spanish commercial cultivars grown in the same collection. All wild individuals showed morphological differences with Vitis vinifera L. ssp. vinifera but no significant differences were found within Vitis vinifera L subsp. sylvestris neither by geographic origin nor by sex. A pattern with the main characteristics of Spanish wild grapevines is suggested. Ultimately, were investigated the anthocyanin composition of 21 mostly Spanish wild grapevine accessions preserved at BGVCAM "El Encín" and selected in consideration of observed ampelographic differences and molecular characterization. Total anthocyanin concentration was similar to that found in winegrape cultivars. The accessions studied showed considerable variability in their anthocyanin fingerprints and it was possible to distinguish several groups, similar to previous reports on the anthocyanin fingerprint of winegrapes. The anthocyanin composition of wild grapevine accessions was similar to that of cultivated grapes. Nevertheless, the presence of wild accessions with anthocyanin fingerprints uncommon or nonexistent in Spanish cultivated varieties suggests that the genetic variability related to anthocyanins in Spanish wild grapevine populations may be higher than that of cultivated varieties commonly considered of Spanish origin.