230 resultados para Privatisation


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Master planned estates in Australia emerge from two major directions: one aims to address the inadequacies of 1970s suburbanisation and the other comes from governments and developers seeking to realise alternatives. The very idea of master planning has a longer history, one that arguably dates back to 19th-century Utopian Socialism and Baron Haussmann's redesign of Paris, which involved a large-scale, comprehensive alternative vision realised by a sanctioned authority. Master planning thereby partakes of both utopianism and authoritarianism. These associations have infused the discussion and construction of Australian master planned estates rendering them both pariah and panacea. But research and my own experience suggests that they are far more panaceas than pariahs.


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This paper provides an account of access and equity in Australian higher education across the period of recent Federal Labor governments and specifically of the discourses and practices surrounding A Fair Chance For All: Higher Education That's Within Everyone's Reach, Labor's latest policy on equal access to Australian higher education. The paper positions such an account within Australia's changing national and global economic condition, and the influence of New Right ideologies that proffer efficient and effective public sector management practices and market freedoms that have witnessed a privatisation and peeling back of the welfare state. The paper argues that while Federal Labor has clearly established social justice on the agenda of Australian higher education, it is a justice mediated by particular economic and managerial practices which tend to limit equity to issues of access and place broader equity concerns for higher education just out of reach.


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In the UK, the Conservative Party has been drafting a proposal to withhold part of the consumers' broadcasting licence fee from the BBC and place it in a contestable fund for public-service programming. In Australia, the ABC continues to struggle to meet its funding requirements just when the Federal conservative coalition government is considering a bid to use public funding to engage a commercial consortium to run the country's Asia-Pacific television channel and so take it away from the ABC. These struggles for independence and for an appropriate level of funding are part of the landscape of public-service broadcasting in many developed countries. Those who believe in the public-service ethos are concerned about the potential diminishing value of these great broadcasting assets because of the privatisation and commercialisation. However, this is the story of another public-service broadcaster - Doordarshan in India - which has had to live with severe competition from the skies since 1991. As the former dominant broadcaster in the largest democracy in the world, Doordarshan has survived and revived itself many times in the past four and a half decades. However, it continues to struggle to fulfil its role as a mass medium for education and entertainment. This paper explores the role of public-service broadcasting using Doordarshan as a case study. It asks: Does commercialisation of this public broadcaster mean privatisation by stealth or does it provide healthy distance between the broadcaster and the government of the day?


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The capital market is visualised as a tool for economic development through mobilisation of scattered resources and their allocation to appropriate areas. The liquidity, solvency and efficiency of the economic system of a country can be better accomplished by capital market, when the banks and financial institutions of the country are reluctant to provide long-term and medium term resources for industrialisation and privatisation.

Banks have been traditionally major sources of all types of credits particularly industrial credits. Not only the banks these days are restricted to finance long-term credits due to short-term nature of the deposit- base of these banks, but also are struggling to overcome their liquidity problems. On the other hand, the development of financial institutions, the traditional suppliers of the long-term funds for private industry, is lying dormant due to the problems of profitability, liquidity and solvency of these institutions. Under this circumstances, the capital market beckons as the only major source of finance for industrialisation and privatisation. But the existing state of the capital market is hardly in a position to play as the mobiliser of resources for economic development.

Therefore, the country`s capital market needs structural change as well as proper regulation which are likely to improve the confidence of investors-both local and foreign and to boost the functions of capital market as well. The major regulators in Bangladesh capital market are Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Stock Exchanges, Registrar of Joint Stock Companies (RJSC) and ICB. In addition, the government has recently given permission to set up merchant banks to provide their support towards the growth, development and consolidation of capital market.


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Confronted with the processes of massification, commercialisation, internationalisation and reduced funding, universities also face an ageing academic workforce, with implications of a shrinking pool from which to recruit managerial and research leaders. A feminist analysis suggests that the policy problematic has been wrongly conceptualised as disengagement with leadership due to the characteristics of the academic workforce. Instead, it is argued that the corporatisation of the academy has produced academic disenchantment due to managerial dominance, commercialisation and privatisation and disengagement with the dominant values, practices and images of university leadership. Furthermore, the intensification of academic labour and the lack of diversity in leadership discourage many women from aspiring to or achieving leadership.


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This book makes a new and significant argument that Indian news media is no longer just an observer but an active participant in the events that direct the nation. It explores the changing role of Indian news media and their performance in the past 25 years by closely examining media coverage of some landmark events within the context of India’s globalising polity, which has led to privatisation, widespread engagement with new communication technologies, and the rise of individualism. The challenges of globalisation have caused significant changes in news processes and procedures, which this volume details by examining media’s coverage of events and issues such as paid news, anti-graft movement, sting journalism, Delhi gang-rape protest, politics-media nexus and neo-liberalism’s impact on the industry’s performance.
The book places Indian media’s evolution in the context of economic, political and sociological developments in the country. It takes a multi-disciplinary approach to evaluate reportage in a multitude of media platforms. The theoretical exploration of the changes in the Indian media landscape draws from academic disciplines of ‘media studies’, ‘journalism,’ ‘cultural studies’ and ‘sociology’. This book follows the authors’ earlier work, titled Indian Media in a Globalised World (SAGE/2010).


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This chapter focuses on the specific case of the Iraqi Federation of Oil Unions (IFOU), Iraq’s largest and most powerful independent workers’ union. Leaving aside IFOU’s resistance of foreign occupation and its fight against privatisation, this chapter focuses on the tensions between IFOU and the Maliki government and examines the extent to which IFOU has served as a bulwark against the state’s rising authoritarianism. The chapter begins with a brief history of Iraqi trade unions under the Baathist regime and concludes by arguing that examples of civil society movements such as IFOU are perhaps Iraq’sonly real hope for genuine democratisation.


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Educational campaigning has received little attention in the literature. This study investigates long-term and organised urban campaigns that are collectively lobbying the Victorian State Government in Australia, for a new public high school to be constructed in their suburb. A public high school is also known as a state school, government school, or an ordinary comprehensive school. It receives the majority of its funding from the State and Federal Australian Government, and is generally regarded as ‘free’ education, in comparison to a private school. Whilst the campaigners frame their requests as for a ‘public school’, their primary appeal is for a local school in their community. This study questions how collective campaigning for a locale-specific public school is influenced by geography, class and identity. In order to explore these campaigns, I draw on formative studies of middle-class school choice from an Australian and United Kingdom perspective (Campbell, Proctor, & Sherington, 2009; Reay, Crozier, & James, 2011). To think about the role of geography and space in these processes of choice, I look to apply Harvey’s (1973) theory of absolute, relational and relative space. I use Bourdieu (1999b) as a sociological lens that is attentive to “site effects” and it is through this lens that I think about class as a “collection of properties” (Bourdieu, 1984, p. 106), actualised via mechanisms of identity and representation (Hall, 1996; Rose, 1996a, 1996b). This study redresses three distinct gaps in the literature: first, I focus attention on a contemporary middle-class choice strategy—that is, collective campaigning for a public school. Research within this field is significantly under-developed, despite this choice strategy being on the rise. Second, previous research argues that certain middle-class choosers regard the local public school as “inferior” in some way (Reay, et al., 2011, p. 111), merely acting as a “safety net” (Campbell, et al., 2009, p. 5) and connected to the working-class chooser (Reay & Ball, 1997). The campaigners are characteristic of the middle-class school chooser, but they are purposefully and strategically seeking out the local public school. Therefore, this study looks to build on work by Reay, et al. (2011) in thinking about “against-the-grain school choice”, specifically within the Australian context. Third, this study uses visual and graphic methods in order to examine the influence of geography in the education market (Taylor, 2001). I see the visualisation of space and schooling that I offer in this dissertation as a key theoretical contribution of this study. I draw on a number of data sets, both qualitative and quantitative, to explore the research questions. I interviewed campaigners and attended campaign meetings as participant observer; I collected statistical data from fifteen different suburbs and schools, and conducted comparative analyses of each. These analyses are displayed by using visual graphs. This study uses maps created by a professional graphic designer and photographs by a professional photographer; I draw on publications by the campaigners themselves, such as surveys, reports and social media; but also, interviews with campaigners that are published in local or state newspapers. The multiple data sets enable an immersive and rich graphic ethnography. This study contributes by building on understandings of how particular sociological cohorts of choosers are engaging with, and choosing, the urban public school in Australia. It is relevant for policy making, in that it comes at a time of increasing privatisation and a move toward independent public schools. This study identifies cohorts of choosers that are employing individual and collective political strategies to obtain a specific school, and it identifies this cohort via explicit class-based characteristics and their school choice behaviours. I look to use fresh theoretical and methodological approaches that emphasise space and geography, theorising geo-identity and the pseudo-private school


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L'article présente les résultats finaux de l'enquête inter-institutionnelle qui a eu pour objet d'analyser la nature et les conséquences de partenariats conclus entre des secteurs privés et des gouvernements municipaux de la métropole de São Paulo pour le service de l'éducation à la maternelle et à l'enseignement élémentaire. La période a correspondu aux années 1996 à 2006, sachant que la perception d'une augmentation des responsabilités des municipalités pour l'offre éducationnelle, suite à la municipalisation de l'enseignement élémentaire, pourrait stimuler la sous-traitance de l'offre et la privatisation de l'éducation municipale. L'étude présente des tendances en relation avec trois modalités de partenariat: subvention publique pour l'offre de places en institutions privées de l'éducation élémentaire; acquisition de systèmes privés de l'enseignement et recours à des cabinets de conseil privés pour la gestion de l'éducation municipale. Les tendances perçues dans l'analyse indiquent que les actuelles relations entre les sphères publiques et privées dans le champ de l'éducation, suite à la décentralisation survenue dans le secteur, représentent un mouvement dans le sens de sa privatisation.


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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A pesquisa versa sobre avaliação e trabalho docente no ensino médio, tendo como objeto de investigação e análise as políticas de avaliação que vêm sendo instituídas a partir dos anos 1990, com recorte específico no denominado novo Enem e suas repercussões sobre o trabalho docente. O estudo possui como objetivo geral analisar e compreender as reformas instituídas na educação brasileira a partir da década de 1990, com foco na avaliação externa, especificamente na implementação do Enem, enquanto um processo de avaliação implementado no bojo de uma nova regulação educacional, e suas possíveis repercussões sobre o trabalho docente nesse nível de ensino, última etapa da educação básica, tendo como lócus a Região Metropolitana do Cariri – CE. Quanto à metodologia adotada, optou-se pela abordagem de pesquisa qualitativa, enfocando o complexo universo das políticas de avaliação externa e do trabalho docente no Ensino médio, lançando mão, para a coleta de dados, da pesquisa exploratória, revisão bibliográfica, análise documental e entrevistas não-diretivas. O tratamento dos dados foi realizado com base na análise de conteúdo, a partir de exaustiva análise das informações levantadas que, cotejadas com o referencial teórico, permitiu a emersão de algumas categorias de análise, como: avaliações externas, trabalho docente, regulação da educação e accountability. Como síntese dos resultados aferidos, destacamos que: - A Reforma do Aparelho do Estado Brasileiro, implementada a partir da década de 1990, instituiu o “Estado avaliador”, pautado, dentre outros, pela desresponsabilização do Estado para com as políticas sociais, pelo foco nos resultados, na excelência, na performatividade e na obtenção da eficiência e eficácia educacional, instituindo mecanismos de controle, no formato de avaliações, para a promoção da regulação da educação, de modo a assegurar os valores dominantes no contexto educacional escolar, controlando seus resultados; - são fortes as repercussões das políticas educacionais inscritas sob a lógica mercadológica sobre o ensino médio, dado que o mesmo vem sofrendo alterações significativas nas últimas décadas, em decorrência do “Estado avaliador” e da crescente centralidade das avaliações externas; - as avaliações externas de larga escala, com destaque para o Enem, privilegiam o accountability, por meio dos fenômenos da desresponsabilização do Estado, da crescente responsabilização da escola e dos profissionais da educação, da meritocracia e da privatização da educação, promovendo a intensificação do trabalho docente; - o atual modelo de avaliação de larga escala impõe ênfase aos produtos ou resultados em detrimento do processo, focando-se no trato individual de instituições ou estudantes, por meio de dados predominantemente quantitativos, resultando em classificação e rankeamento, estimulando a competição entre as instituições educacionais e entre os sujeitos; - esse processo tem repercutido sobre o trabalho docente, intensificando-o, à medida que os professores, à revelia de suas condições objetivas de trabalho, que são extremamente precárias na maioria das escolas públicas, tendem a ser responsabilizados, individualmente, pelo êxito ou fracasso de seus alunos; - por fim, constatamos que, não obstante novas atribuições e responsabilidades estarem sendo imputadas ao professor, inclusive com a imposição unilateral de metas a serem atingidas, não há, em contrapartida às exigências postas pelo Enem, uma efetiva política de Estado voltada para a valorização dos profissionais docentes no Ceará, seja pela via da carreira, da remuneração e/ou da formação continuada.


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O objetivo central deste estudo é analisar como o trabalho docente, desenvolvido por professores da Universidade Federal do Pará, materializa a contrarreforma da educação superior que tem como uma de suas centralidades a privatização/mercantilização da universidade pública. Considera que a investigação sobre o trabalho docente universitário, alterado em função do processo de contrarreforma da educação superior, pressupõe a compreensão da totalidade social, com seus condicionantes estruturais e conjunturais, ou seja, inserido no modo de produção capitalista. Dessa forma, analisa o trabalho docente, considerando sua natureza e especificidade, enquanto fração da classe-que-vive-do-trabalho, no contexto da crise estrutural do capital e do consequente processo de reestruturação produtiva, com a constituição do regime de acumulação flexível. Destaca o processo de contrarreforma da educação superior brasileira, orientada por organismos internacionais, principalmente o Banco Mundial, e efetivada a partir da atual LDB. Apresenta como hipótese de Tese que é, principalmente, por meio do trabalho docente que a contrarreforma da educação superior se efetiva, sendo que nesse processo, os professores identificam as mudanças em seu trabalho como consequência da privatização/mercantilização da universidade pública, porém, hegemonicamente não percebem que essas modificações estão articuladas na estrutura societal capitalista, legitimando, assim, a mesma. Dessa forma, com base em suportes teórico-metodológicos do materialismo histórico-dialético, analisa a concepção de universidade dos trabalhadores (a partir de indicadores, tais como: democracia, autonomia, prestação de serviços, relação universidade e mercado), para compreender os fundamentos político-ideológicos do trabalho desenvolvido por professores universitários. Foram utilizados dados estatísticos, documentos e entrevistas com docentes da Universidade Federal do Pará, analisados com base nos postulados bakhtinianos, da Análise do Discurso. Em suma, a pesquisa desenvolvida confirmou a hipótese de Tese anunciada, com o acréscimo da seguinte conclusão: o trabalho docente universitário insere-se no contexto da luta de classes e, assim sendo, essa resistência também implica na reafirmação de uma universidade pública e gratuita, diretamente vinculada aos interesses da classe-que-vive-do-trabalho.