867 resultados para Prevention Accident
Drug prevention has traditionally focused on influencing individual attitudes and behaviours. In particular, efforts have been directed towards adolescents in the school setting. However, evaluations of school-based drug education have identified limited success. There is increasing recognition that drug abuse is one of a number of risk behaviours, including truancy, delinquency and mental health problems, which share common antecedents that begin in the early years of childhood. Furthermore, these behaviours are shaped by macroenvironmental influences including the economic, social, cultural, and physical environment. Drug prevention needs to adopt a broader perspective: with greater collaboration in related programmes such as crime prevention and suicide prevention; with greater attention to the macroenvironmental influences on problem behaviours; and with greater attention to healthy development in the first years of childhood. (C) 2002 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.
Venous thromboembolism is a frequent, life-threatening, postoperative complication of hip-fracture and total-knee-replacement surgery. Fondaparinux is a synthetic polysaccharide that selectively binds to antithrombin, the primary endogenous regulator of blood coagulation. Low molecular weight heparins, such as enoxaparin, are less specific inhibitors of coagulation. In patients undergoing hip-fracture surgery, fondaparinux is more effective than once-daily enoxaparin as prophylaxis for venous thromboembolism. Fondaparinux (25 mg/day s.c.) was also more effective than enoxaparin (30 mg s.c. b.i.d.) as prophylaxis for venous thromboembolism in elective knee surgery. These differences may be explained by the fact that there is less prophylaxis cover with enoxaparin, as it has a much shorter duration of action than fondaparinux. Thus, with the present dosing regimens, fondaparinux is probably preferable to enoxaparin for the prevention of venous thromboembolism.
The construction sector has one of the worst occupational safety and health records in Europe. The costs of this scenario are very high, namely costs for workers and their families, costs to organizations, resulting from the absence of workers due to illness, insurance premiums, costs resulting from reduced productivity, cost of replacement and training of workers, etc., and costs to society, which in turn increases the costs of health systems. This paper presents and discusses the development of a methodology for economic evaluation in the context of risk management, which will allow senior management to support decision making. The possible application of this methodology to the construction sector is discussed.
This paper discusses the financial and economic analysis of prevention of needlestick accidents related to Occupational Health and Safety projects and presents the application to a case study involving a Hospital.
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of missed opportunities for congenital syphilis and HIV prevention in pregnant women who had access to prenatal care and to assess factors associated to non-testing of these infections. METHODS: Cross-sectional study comprising a randomly selected sample of 2,145 puerperal women who were admitted in maternity hospitals for delivery or curettage and had attended at least one prenatal care visit, in Brazil between 1999 and 2000. No syphilis and/or anti-HIV testing during pregnancy was a marker for missed prevention opportunity. Women who were not tested for either or both were compared to those who had at least one syphilis and one anti-HIV testing performed during pregnancy (reference category). The prevalence of missed prevention opportunity was estimated for each category with 95% confidence intervals. Factors independently associated with missed prevention opportunity were assessed through multinomial logistic regression. RESULTS: The prevalence of missed prevention opportunity for syphilis or anti-HIV was 41.2% and 56.0%, respectively. The multivariate analysis showed that race/skin color (non-white), schooling (<8 years), marital status (single), income (<3 monthly minimum wages), having sex during pregnancy, history of syphilis prior to the current pregnancy, number of prenatal care visits (<6), and last prenatal visit before the third trimester of gestation were associated with an increased risk of missed prevention opportunity. A negative association with missed prevention opportunity was found between marital status (single), prenatal care site (hospital) and first prenatal visit in the third trimester of gestation. CONCLUSIONS: High rates of non-tested women indicate failures in preventive and control actions for HIV infection and congenital syphilis. Pregnant women have been discontinuing prenatal care at an early stage and are failing to undergo prenatal screening for HIV and syphilis.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the feasibility of HIV rapid testing for pregnant women at maternity hospital admission and of subsequent interventions to reduce perinatal HIV transmission. METHODS: Study based on a convenience sample of women unaware of their HIV serostatus when they were admitted to delivery in public maternity hospitals in Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre, Brazil, between March 2000 and April 2002. Women were counseled and tested using the Determine HIV1/2 Rapid Test. HIV infection was confirmed using the Brazilian algorithm for HIV infection diagnosis. In utero transmission of HIV was determined using HIV-DNA-PCR. There were performed descriptive analyses of sociodemographic data, number of previous pregnancies and abortions, number of prenatal care visits, timing of HIV testing, HIV rapid test result, neonatal and mother-to-child transmission interventions, by city studied. RESULTS: HIV prevalence in women was 6.5% (N=1,439) in Porto Alegre and 1.3% (N=3.778) in Rio de Janeiro. In Porto Alegre most of women were tested during labor (88.7%), while in Rio de Janeiro most were tested in the postpartum (67.5%). One hundred and forty-four infants were born to 143 HIV-infected women. All newborns but one in each city received at least prophylaxis with oral zidovudine. It was possible to completely avoid newborn exposure to breast milk in 96.8% and 51.1% of the cases in Porto Alegre and Rio de Janeiro, respectively. Injectable intravenous zidovudine was administered during labor to 68.8% and 27.7% newborns in Porto Alegre and Rio de Janeiro, respectively. Among those from whom blood samples were collected within 48 hours of birth, in utero transmission of HIV was confirmed in 4 cases in Rio de Janeiro (4/47) and 6 cases in Porto Alegre (6/79). CONCLUSIONS: The strategy proved feasible in maternity hospitals in Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre. Efforts must be taken to maximize HIV testing during labor. There is a need of strong social support to provide this population access to health care services after hospital discharge.
Mestrado em Segurança e Higiene no Trabalho
Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especialização: Políticas de Administração e Gestão de Serviços de Saúde
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE : To analyze if the demographic and socioeconomic variables, as well as percutaneous coronary intervention are associated with the use of medicines for secondary prevention of acute coronary syndrome. METHODS : In this cohort study, we included 138 patients with acute coronary syndrome, aged 30 years or more and of both sexes. The data were collected at the time of hospital discharge, and after six and twelve months. The outcome of the study was the simultaneous use of medicines recommended for secondary prevention of acute coronary syndrome: platelet antiaggregant, beta-blockers, statins and angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor or angiotensin receptor blocker. The independent variables were: sex, age, education in years of attending, monthly income in tertiles and percutaneous coronary intervention. We described the prevalence of use of each group of medicines with their 95% confidence intervals, as well as the simultaneous use of the four medicines, in all analyzed periods. In the crude analysis, we verified the outcome with the independent variables for each period through the Chi-square test. The adjusted analysis was carried out using Poisson Regression. RESULTS : More than a third of patients (36.2%; 95%CI 28.2;44.3) had the four medicines prescribed at the same time, at the moment of discharge. We did not observe any differences in the prevalence of use in comparison with the two follow-up periods. The most prescribed class of medicines during discharge was platelet antiaggregant (91.3%). In the crude analysis, the demographic and socioeconomic variables were not associated to the outcome in any of the three periods. CONCLUSIONS : The prevalence of simultaneous use of medicines at discharge and in the follow-ups pointed to the under-utilization of this therapy in clinical practice. Intervention strategies are needed to improve the quality of care given to patients that extend beyond the hospital discharge, a critical point of transition in care.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química - Ramo Tecnologias de Protecção Ambiental
A principal causa de morte e incapacidade em Portugal deve-se a Acidentes Vasculares Cerebrais (AVC). Assim, este trabalho de investigação pretende identificar e quantificar quais os fatores que contribuem para a ocorrência de um AVC (por tipo e com sequelas), duração do internamento e potenciais soluções de encaminhamento terapêutico para o doente após a ocorrência de AVC. Identificando e quantificando tais fatores é possível traçar um perfil de doente em risco, atuando sobre ele através de medidas preventivas de forma a minimizar o impacto deste problema em termos pessoais, sociais e financeiros. Para atingir este objetivo foi analisada uma amostra de indivíduos internados em 2012 na Unidade de AVC do Centro Hospitalar do Tâmega e Sousa. Dos casos analisados 87,8% são causados por AVCI (isquémicos) e 12,2% por casos de AVCH (hemorrágicos). Do total dos casos, 58,9% apresentam sequelas. A hipertensão, a diabetes de Mellitus e o Colesterol apresentam-se como antecedentes clínicos com elevado fator de risco. O tabagismo regista grande importância na propulsão dos anteriores fatores analisados assim como o alcoolismo. Conclui-se que a prevenção do AVC e outras doenças cardiovasculares é importante desde a idade escolar, dando-se especial importância ao período que antecede os 36 anos de idade, altura em que se começa a verificar uma subida agravada de ocorrências. O investimento na prevenção e vigilância médica do cidadão é um fator crucial neste período podendo reduzir em grande escala os custos associados a médio-longo prazo para todas as partes intervenientes.
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