944 resultados para Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. Board of Publication.


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Objectives. The purpose of this paper is to conduct a literature review of research relating to foodborne illness, food inspection policy, and restaurants in the United States. Aim 1: To convey the public health importance of studying restaurant food inspection policies and suggest that more research is needed in this field, Aim 2: To conduct a systematic literature review of recent literature pertaining to this subject such that future researchers can understand the: (1) Public perception and expectations of restaurant food inspection policies; (2) Arguments in favor of a grade card policy; and, conversely; (3) Reasons why inspection policies may not work. ^ Data/methods. This paper utilizes a systematic review format to review articles relating to food inspections and restaurants in the U.S. Eight articles were reviewed. ^ Results. The resulting data from the literature provides no conclusive answer as to how, when, and in what method inspection policies should be carried out. The authors do, however, put forward varying solutions as to how to fix the problem of foodborne illness outbreaks in restaurants. These solutions include the implementation of grade cards in restaurants and, conversely, a complete overhaul of the inspection policy system.^ Discussion. The literature on foodborne disease, food inspection policy, and restaurants in the U.S. is limited and varied. But, from the research that is available, we can see that two schools of thought exist. The first of these calls for the implementation of a grade card system, while the second proposes a reassessment and possible overhaul of the food inspection policy system. It is still unclear which of these methods would best slow the increase in foodborne disease transmission in the U.S.^ Conclusion. In order to arrive at solutions to the problem of foodborne disease transmission as it relates to restaurants in this country, we may need to look at literature from other countries and, subsequently, begin incremental changes in the way inspection policies are developed and enforced.^


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Studies have suggested that acculturation is related to diabetes prevalence and risk factors among immigrant groups in the United States (U.S.), however scant data are available to investigate this relationship among Asian Americans and Asian American subgroups. The objective of this cross-sectional study was to examine the association between length of stay in the U.S. and type 2 diabetes prevalence and its risk factors among Chinese Americans in Houston, Texas. Data were obtained from the 2004-2005 Asian-American Health Needs Assessment in Houston, Texas (N=409 Chinese Americans) for secondary analysis in this study. Diabetes prevalence and risk factors (overweight/obesity and access to medical care) were based on self-report. Descriptive statistics summarized demographic characteristics, diabetes prevalence, and reasons for not seeing a doctor. Logistic regression, using an incremental modeling approach, was used to measure the association between length of stay and diabetes prevalence and related risk factors, while adjusting for the potential confounding factors of age, gender, education level, and income level. Although the prevalence of type 2 diabetes was highest among those living in the U.S. for more than 20 years, there was no significant association between length of stay in the U.S. and diabetes prevalence among these Chinese Americans after adjustment for confounding factors. No association was found between length of stay in the U.S. and overweight/obese status among this population either, after adjusting for confounding factors, too. On the other hand, a longer length of stay was significantly associated with increased health insurance coverage in both unadjusted and adjusted models. The findings of this study suggest that length of stay in the U.S. alone may not be an indicator for diabetes risk among Chinese Americans. Future research should consider alternative models to measure acculturation (e.g., models that reflect acculturation as a multi-dimensional, not uni-dimensional process), which may more accurately depict its effect on diabetes prevalence and related risk factors.^


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Objectives: This study included two overarching objectives. Through a systematic review of the literature published between 1990 and 2012, the first objective aimed to assess whether insuring the uninsured would result in higher costs compared to insuring the currently insured. Studies that quantified the actual costs associated with insuring the uninsured in the U.S. were included. Based upon 2009 data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), the second objective aimed to assess and compare the self-reported health of populations with four different insurance statuses. The second part of this study involved a secondary data analysis of both currently insured and currently uninsured individuals who participated in the MEPS in 2009. The null hypothesis was that there were no differences across the four categories of health insurance status for self-reported health status and healthcare service use. The alternative hypothesis was that were differences across the four categories of health insurance status for self-reported health status and healthcare service use. Methods: For the systematic review, three databases were searched using search terms to identify studies that actually quantified the cost of insuring the uninsured. Thirteen studies were selected, discussed, and summarized in tables. For the secondary data analysis of MEPS data, this study compared four categories of health insurance status: (1) currently uninsured persons who will become eligible for Medicaid under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) healthcare reforms in 2014; (2) currently uninsured persons who will be required to buy private insurance through the PPACA health insurance exchanges in 2014; (3) persons currently insured under Medicaid or SCHIP; and (4) persons currently insured with private insurance. The four categories were compared on the basis of demographic information, health status information, and health conditions with relatively high prevalence. Chi-square tests were run to determine if there were differences between the four groups in regard to health insurance status and health status. With some exceptions, the two currently insured groups had worse self-reported health status compared to the two currently uninsured groups. Results: The thirteen studies that met the inclusion criteria for the systematic review included: (1) three cost studies from 1993, 1995, and 1997; (2) four cost studies from 2001, 2003, and 2004; (3) one study of disabilities and one study of immigrants; (4) two state specific studies of uninsured status; and (5) two current studies of healthcare reform. Of the thirteen studies reviewed, four directly addressed the study question about whether insuring the uninsured was more or less expensive than insuring the currently insured. All four of the studies provided support for the study finding that the cost of insuring the uninsured would generally not be higher than insuring those already insured. One study indicated that the cost of insuring the uninsured would be less expensive than insuring the population currently covered by Medicaid, but more expensive to insure than the populations of those covered by employer-sponsored insurance and non-group private insurance. While the nine other studies included in the systematic review discussed the costs associated with insuring the uninsured population, they did not directly compare the costs of insuring the uninsured population with the costs associated with insuring the currently insured population. For the MEPS secondary data analysis, the results of the chi-square tests indicated that there were differences in the distribution of disease status by health insurance status. As anticipated, with some exceptions, the uninsured reported lower rates of disease and healthcare service use. However, for the variable attention deficit disorder, the uninsured reported higher disease rates than the two insured groups. Additionally, for the variables high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and joint pain, the currently insured under Medicaid or SCHIP group reported a lower rate of disease than the two currently insured groups. This result may be due to the lower mean age of the currently insured under Medicaid or SCHIP group. Conclusion: Based on this study, with some exceptions, the costs for insuring the uninsured should not exceed healthcare-related costs for insuring the currently uninsured. The results of the systematic review indicated that the U.S. is already paying some of the costs associated with insuring the uninsured. PPACA will expand health insurance coverage to millions of Americans who are currently uninsured, as the individual mandate and insurance market reforms will require. Because many of the currently uninsured are relatively healthy young persons, the costs associated with expanding insurance coverage to the uninsured are anticipated to be relatively modest. However, for the purposes of construing these results, it is important to note that once individuals obtain insurance, it is anticipated that they will use more healthcare services, which will increase costs. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)^


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Los estudios sobre la formación de profesores en psicología nos fueron situando en el proceso de construcción del conocimiento profesional tanto en profesores como en psicólogos que ejercen la docencia, visualizando el papel que en él asumen los conocimientos construidos en los ámbitos académico y profesional y la relación entre ambos.


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Los estudios sobre la formación de profesores en psicología nos fueron situando en el proceso de construcción del conocimiento profesional tanto en profesores como en psicólogos que ejercen la docencia, visualizando el papel que en él asumen los conocimientos construidos en los ámbitos académico y profesional y la relación entre ambos.


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Los estudios sobre la formación de profesores en psicología nos fueron situando en el proceso de construcción del conocimiento profesional tanto en profesores como en psicólogos que ejercen la docencia, visualizando el papel que en él asumen los conocimientos construidos en los ámbitos académico y profesional y la relación entre ambos.


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This capstone examines the civil liberties of the modern terrorist and explicates the right to freedom of speech for terrorist organizations and their use of the internet. Terrorist organizations use the internet to promote ideas, recruit members, organize the flow of information, and coordinate actions. During the war on terror the US Patriot Act became law allowing for U.S. government censorship and surveillance of internet traffic and many believe these acts are a threat to civil liberties. Terrorist organizations have the right to express their views, however unpopular, and censoring or restricting web sites diminishes civil liberties for all, which democracies and liberal societies are founded upon.


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The Paleo- to Meso-Proterozoic Jabiluka unconformity related uranium mine is located within the Alligator River Uranium Field, found in the Northern Territories, Australia. The uranium ore is hosted in the late middle Paleoproterozoic Cahill Formation, which is unconformably overlain by a group of unmetamorphosed conglomerates known as the Kombolgie subgroup. The Kombolgie subgroup provided the source for oxidized basinal brines, carrying U as the mobile form U(VI), which interacted with reducing lithologies in the Cahill formation, thus reducing U(VI) to the solid U(IV), and leading to the precipitation of uraninite (UO2). In order to characterize fluid interaction with the ore body and compare that to areas without mineralization, several isotopic tracers were studied on a series of clay samples from drill core at Jabiluka as well as in barren areas throughout the ARUF. Among the potential tracers, three were selected: U (redox sensitive and recent fluid mobilization), Fe (redox sensitive), and Li (fractionated by hydrothermal fluids and adsorption reactions). δ238U values were found to be closely linked to the mineralogy, with samples with higher K/Al ratios (indicating high illite and low chlorite concentrations) having higher δ238U values. This demonstrates that 235U preferentially absorbs onto the surface of chlorite during hydrothermal circulation. In addition, δ234U values lie far from secular equilibrium (δ234U of 30‰), indicating there was addition or removal of 234U from the surface of the samples from recent (<2.5Ma) interactions of mobile fluids. δ57Fe values were found to be related to lithology and spatially to known uranium deposits. Decreasing δ57Fe values were found with increasing depth to the unconformity in a drill hole directly above the ore zone, but not in drill holes in the barren area. Similarly to δ238U, δ7Li is found to correlate with mineralogy, with higher δ7Li values associated with samples with more chlorite. In addition, higher δ7Li values are found at greater depth throughout the basin, indicating that the direction of the mineralizing fluid circulation was upwards from the Cahill formation to the Kombolgie subgroup.


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Long term care (LTC) is both costly and of increasing concern as baby boomers age and more people live longer with chronic conditions. Today, people receive formal and informal LTC supports in homes, nursing homes, and alternative settings around the world. Where people live and the way LTC is delivered has an important impact on whether person’s receiving care thrive as they age. This paper is about how different LTC environments in the U.S. and The Netherlands foster or impede social connectivity, suggesting that quality of life will be impeded and types of social death, or disconnection from social life, more often the result in environments that limit choice and self determination, limit access to privacy and social connection, and limit access to reciprocal exchanges, a key component of participating in relationships typical of the concept ofthe gift” introduced by anthropologist Marcel Mauss in 1954. Building on ethnographic data from a 15-month study of LTC in The Netherlands and a review of staffing practices in LTC environments in the U.S. and The Netherlands, I will explore concepts of reciprocity and social connectivity impacted by various LTC environments in two countries known to experiment with different models of care. This research builds on social constructivist notions of death and dying explored throughout this edited volume and adds to this effort examination of social death in anthropological perspective.


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This paper examines recent policies and politics of services, in particular child care services in European welfare states. It is argued that social (care) services are becoming an increasingly political issue in postindustrial societies and are at the very center of welfare-state restructuring. Some countries have recently developed new policy pro­ grams for child care-but there are important differences among these programs. To understand these differences as well as some common features, the paper argues that it is necessary to examine the institutional organization of child care and short-term political factors as well as the rationales articulated in political debates to support or im­ pede various policies. The paper concludes that a comprehensive system of child care provisions is still far off in most countries, despite a rhetoric of choice and postindustrial care and labor-market patterns.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"An investigation commissioned by the National Institute of Education...completed in 1974."


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Includes bibliographies.