878 resultados para Pregnancy Trimesters


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To assess anxiety, depression and relationship satisfaction in both women and men during pregnancy, the State Anxiety Inventory (STAI), The Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D) and The Relationship Questionnaire (RQ) were administered during the second trimester to a sample of 59 pregnant women and their partners. Anxious pregnant women rated their relationships as less positive. Depressed pregnant women also rated their relationships as less positive. The women’s anxiety scores were predictive of their positive and negative relationship scores. The women and their partners’ negative relationship scores were also predictive of each others’ negative relationship scores. These results highlight the importance of targeting anxiety as well as depression, and pregnant women as well as their partners in prenatal intervention programs.


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Pouco se conhece acerca da actividade física e qualidade de vida da mulher na gravidez. Este estudo teve como objectivos 1) comparar os padrões de actividade física antes e durante a gravidez, 2) avaliar a percepção da qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde durante os primeiros seis meses de gestação, e 3) comparar a percepção da qualidade de vida nas mulheres activas e insuficientemente activas considerando as recomendações de saúde pública. Método: Estudo longitudinal com 59 grávidas seleccionadas em consultórios médicos privados. Às 10-15 semanas foi recolhida informação sociodemográfica e médica, bem como informação sobre a actividade física três meses antes da concepção. Medidas de auto-relato foram administradas entre as 10-15 semanas e as 19-24 semanas de gestação para avaliar o tempo de actividade física (QAFG) (no trabalho, lazer, deslocações) e a qualidade de vida (SF-36). Resultados: A prevalência de actividade física recomendada é menor durante do que antes da gravidez (16.7% e 17.5% nos 1.º e 2.º trimestres, respectivamente vs. 47.4% antes da gravidez). Com a gravidez, não se verificaram alterações no tempo médio em diferentes tipos de actividade física, mas a actividade física no lazer registou uma diminuição significativa no 1.º trimestre face ao período anterior à concepção. Em comparação com uma amostra normativa de mulheres portuguesas, as grávidas apresentam, nos dois primeiros trimestres de gestação, uma percepção de qualidade da vida mais positiva na generalidade das dimensões do SF-36. No 2.º trimestre, o nível de limitação é significativamente maior nas dimensões físicas, à excepção da Dor Corporal, e nos resultados sumários do Componentes Físico e Mental. As mulheres que no 1.º trimestre atingem os níveis recomendados de actividade física no lazer (≥150 minutos por semana) apresentam melhor estado de saúde geral e estados de humor mais positivos do que as menos activas. Conclusão: A actividade física no lazer, embora diminua após a concepção, tem um impacto positivo na percepção do estado saúde geral e estados de humor da grávida, o que sugere a sua importância para a saúde da mulher também durante este período da vida.


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With the implementation of Information and Communication Technologies in the health sector, it became possible the existence of an electronic record of information for patients, enabling the storage and the availability of their information in databases. However, without the implementation of a Business Intelligence (BI) system, this information has no value. Thus, the major motivation of this paper is to create a decision support system that allows the transformation of information into knowledge, giving usability to the stored data. The particular case addressed in this chapter is the Centro Materno Infantil do Norte, in particular the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy unit. With the creation of a BI system for this module, it is possible to design an interoperable, pervasive and real-time platform to support the decision-making process of health professionals, based on cases that occurred. Furthermore, this platform enables the automation of the process for obtaining key performance indicators that are presented annually by this health institution. In this chapter, the BI system implemented in the VIP unity in CMIN, some of the KPIs evaluated as well as the benefits of this implementation are presented.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate cardiac arrhythmias during and after pregnancy in women with Chagas' disease without apparent heart disease using dynamic electrocardiography. METHODS: Twenty pregnant women with Chagas' disease without apparent heart disease aged 19 to 42 years (26.96 ± 3.6) and a control group of 20 non-chagasic pregnant patients aged 16 to 34 years (22.5 ± 4.8). The patients were submitted to passive hemagglutination and indirect immunofluorescence for the detection of Trypanosoma cruzi evaluation, and electrocardiography, echocardiography and 24-h dynamic electrocardiography. RESULTS: Supraventricular premature depolarizations were observed in 18 (90%) patients and ventricular premature depolarization in 11 (55%) patients of both groups during pregnancy. After delivery, supraventricular premature depolarizations were present in 13 (60%) chagasic patients and in 16 (89.4%) control patients (P<=0.05). Ventricular premature depolarization were observed in 9 (45%) chagasic patients and 11 (57.8%) control patients. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of ventricular premature depolarization was similar for the chagasic and control groups during and after pregnancy. The incidence of supraventricular premature depolarizations was similar in the two groups during pregnancy, while after delivery a predominance was observed in the control group compared to the chagasic group.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess pregnancy outcome in women with peripartum cardiomyopathy and to compare it with idiopathic cardiomyopathy. METHODS: Twenty-six pregnant women, aged 28.4±6.1 years, with dilated cardiomyopathy were followed. Eighteen patients had peripartum cardiomyopathy [11 with persistent left ventricular systolic dysfunction (EF=45.2±2) and 7 with recovered ventricular function (EF=62.3±3.6)]. The 8 remaining patients had idiopathic cardiomyopathy (EF= 43.5±4.1). During the prenatal period, limited physical activity and a low-sodium diet were recommended, and hospitalization was recommended when complications occurred. RESULTS: Of the 26 patients, 11 (42.3%) had a normal delivery; 9(35.5%) had cardiac complications, 6 (22.2%) had obstetric complications. Two patients (7.7%) died. Two preterm pregnancies occurred, with 26 health newborns (2 sets of twins). Two miscarriages took place. The cardiac complication rate during pregnancy was lower (p<0.009) in the peripartum cardiomyopathy group without ventricular dysfunction and greater (p=0.01) in the idiopathic group when compared with the peripartum group with ventricular dysfunction. Changes in left ventricular ejection fraction were not observed (p<0.05) in the postpartum period, when compared with that during pregnancy in the 3 groups. CONCLUSION: Pregnancy in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy is associated with maternal morbidity. Left ventricular function is a prognostic factor and must be the most parameter when counseling patients with peripartum cardiomyopathy about a new pregnancy.


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INTRODUCTION: This study sought to increase understanding of women's thoughts and feelings about decision making and the experience of subsequent pregnancy following stillbirth (intrauterine death after 24 weeks' gestation). METHODS: Eleven women were interviewed, 8 of whom were pregnant at the time of the interview. Modified grounded theory was used to guide the research methodology and to analyze the data. RESULTS: A model was developed to illustrate women's experiences of decision making in relation to subsequent pregnancy and of subsequent pregnancy itself. DISCUSSION: The results of the current study have significant implications for women who have experienced stillbirth and the health professionals who work with them. Based on the model, women may find it helpful to discuss their beliefs in relation to healing and health professionals to provide support with this in mind. Women and their partners may also benefit from explanations and support about the potentially conflicting emotions they may experience during this time.


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Introduction: Statin use for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia in women of childbearing age is increasingly common. However, published data on pregnancy outcome after exposure to statins are scarce and conflicting. This contribution addresses the safety of exposure to statins during pregnancy.Method: In a multi-center (n = 11) observational, prospective study we compared the outcomes of 249 women exposed during the 1st trimester of pregnancy to simvastatin (n = 124), atorvastatin (n = 67), pravastatin (n = 32), rosuvastatin (n = 18), fluvastatin (n = 7) or cerivastatin (n = 1) with a control group exposed to agents known to be non-teratogenic (n = 249). The data were collected by members of the European Network of Teratology Information Services (ENTIS) during individual risk counseling between 1990 and 2009. Standardized procedures for data collection were used in each center.Results: The difference in the rate of major birth defects between the statin-exposed group and the control group was not statistically significant (4.0% vs. 2.7% OR 1.5; 95% CI 0.5-4.5, P = 0.44). The crude rate of spontaneous abortions (12.8% vs. 7.1%, OR 1.9, 95% CI 1.0-3.6, P = 0.04) was higher in the exposed group. However, after adjustment to maternal age and gestational age at initial contact, the difference became statistically insignificant. The rate of elective pregnancy-termination (8.8% vs. 4.4%, P = 0.05) was higher and the rate of deliveries resulting in live births was significantly lower in the statin exposed group (77.9% vs. 88.4%, P = 0.002). Prematurity was more frequent in exposed pregnancies (16.1% vs. 8.5%; OR 2.1, 95% CI 1.1-3.8, P = 0.02). Nonetheless, gestational age at birth (median 39 weeks, IQR 37-40 vs. 39 weeks, IQR 38-40, P = 0.27) and birth weight (median 3280 g, IQR 2835-3590 vs. 3250 g, IQR 2880-3600, P = 0.95) did not differ between exposed and non-exposed pregnancies.Conclusion: This study did not detect a clear teratogenic effect of statins. Its statistical power however is not sufficient to reverse the recommendation of treatment discontinuation during pregnancy. At most, the results are reassuring in case of inadvertent exposure.


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BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: To measure resting metabolic rate (RMR), activity energy expenditure (AEE), total energy expenditure (TEE) and physical activity pattern, that is, duration and intensity (in metabolic equivalents, METs) of activities performed in late pregnancy compared with postpartum in healthy, well-nourished women living in Switzerland. SUBJECTS/METHODS: Weight, height, RMR, AEE, TEE and physical activity patterns were measured longitudinally in 27 healthy women aged 23-40 years at 38.2+/-1.5 weeks of gestation and 40.0+/-7.2 weeks postpartum. RESULTS: The RMR during late pregnancy was 7480 kJ per day, that is, 1320+/-760 kJ per day (21.4%) higher than the postpartum RMR (P<0.001). Absolute changes in RMR were positively correlated with the corresponding changes in body weight (r=0.61, P<0.001). RMR per kg body weight was similar in late pregnancy vs postpartum (P=0.28). AEE per kg during pregnancy and postpartum was 40+/-13 and 50+/-20 kJ/kg, respectively (P=0.001). There were significant differences in daily time spent at METs<1.5 (1067 vs 998 min, P=0.045), at 2.5< or =METs <3.0 (58 vs 82 min, P=0.002) and METs> or =6 (1 vs 6 min, P=0.014) during pregnancy and postpartum, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Energy expenditure in healthy women living in Switzerland increases in pregnancy compared with the postpartum state. Additional energy expenditure is primarily attributed to an increase in RMR, which is partly compensated by a decrease in AEE. The decrease in physical activity-related energy costs is achieved by selecting less demanding activities and should be taken into account when defining extra energy requirements for late pregnancy in Switzerland.


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Following the thalidomide tragedy, pharmacological research in pregnant women focused primarily on drug safety for the unborn child and remains only limited regarding the efficacy and safety of treatment for the mother. Significant physiological changes during pregnancy may yet affect the pharmacokinetics of drugs and thus compromise its efficacy and/or safety. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) would maximize the potential effectiveness of treatments, while minimizing the potential risk of toxicity for the mother and the fetus. At present, because of the lack of concentration-response relationship studies in pregnant women, TDM can rely only on individual assessment (based on an effective concentration before pregnancy) and remains reserved only to unexpected situations such as signs of toxicity or unexplained inefficiency.


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Clin Microbiol Infect 2011; 17: 1312-1322 ABSTRACT: This review considers the role of intracellular bacteria in adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as miscarriage, stillbirths, and preterm labour. The cause of miscarriage, stillbirth and preterm labour often remains unexplained. Intracellular bacteria that grow either poorly or not at all on media used routinely to detect human pathogens could be the aetiological agents of these obstetric conditions. For example, Listeria monocytogenes and Coxiella burnetti are intracellular bacteria that have a predilection for the fetomaternal unit and may induce fatal disease in the mother and/or fetus. Both are important foodborne or zoonotic pathogens in pregnancy. Preventive measures, diagnostic tools and treatment will be reviewed. Moreover, we will also address the importance in adverse pregnancy outcomes of other intracellular bacteria, including Brucella abortus and various members of the order Chlamydiales. Indeed, there is growing evidence that Chlamydia trachomatis, Chlamydia abortus and Chlamydia pneumoniae infections may also result in adverse pregnancy outcomes in humans and/or animals. Moreover, newly discovered Chlamydia-like organisms have recently emerged as new pathogens of both animals and humans. For example, Waddlia chondrophila, a Chlamydia-related bacterium isolated from aborted bovine fetuses, has also been implicated in human miscarriages. Future research should help us to better understand the pathophysiology of adverse pregnancy outcomes caused by intracellular bacteria and to determine the precise mode of transmission of newly identified bacteria, such as Waddlia and Parachlamydia. These emerging pathogens may represent the tip of the iceberg of a large number of as yet unknown intracellular pathogenic agents.


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During pregnancy several adaptations develop in response to the enhanced maternal and fetal metabolic needs. This review summarizes the major cardiorespiratory modifications of pregnancy as well as their consequences in chronic respiratory diseases such as restrictive ventilatory defects (post-tuberculosis pneumonectomy, kyphoscoliosis, neuromuscular disorders), asthma, cystic fibrosis, and pulmonary hypertension. It is important to recognize early the cardiorespiratory situations for which pregnancy is contraindicated or associated with a high risk of respiratory complications. Clinical management by an expert and often pluridisciplinary team is recommended.


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To determine if gestational factors affect the severity of L. major infection, this study assessed the levels of IL-4 mRNA and IFN-gamma mRNA in popliteal lymph node cells of pregnant C57BL/6 mice mated at 5 hours, 16 hours and 15 days post L. major infection using PCR. Infected pregnant C57BL/6 mice developed larger cutaneous footpad lesions compared with non-pregnant infected C57BL/6 mice. The resolution of footpad lesions commenced after 8th week in C57BL/6 mice mated at 16 hrs post L. major infection but 12 weeks in C57BL/6 mice mated at 5 hrs and 15 days post L. major infection. C57BL/6 mice that were infected 20 days post partum resolved L. major infection effectively. But, the lesions in infected pregnant C57BL/6 mice and infected non-pregnant C57BL/6 mice were not as large as in susceptible BALB/c mice. The mean litter weights were similar in pregnant infected C57BL/6 mice mated at different stages of L. major infection but were slightly lower than weights of litters from pregnant uninfected C57BL/6 mice. In 5 days infected pregnant C57BL/6 mice, the levels of IFN-gamma were raised compared with the levels of IL-4 but those mated at 15 days post L. major infection had highest level of IFN-gamma mRNA. In 10 days pregnant infected C57BL/6 mice, levels of IL-4 were raised compared with IFN-gamma but mice mated at 16 hrs post L. major infection had highest level of IL-4. In 15 days pregnant infected mice, the levels of IL-4 were higher than IFN-gamma irrespective of the stage of L. major infection when the mice were mated. Mice infected with L. major 20 days post-partum produced more IFN-gamma than IL-4 from 16 hrs post L. major infection onwards. It may be concluded that increased IL-4 in pregnant infected C57BL/6 mice impairs the resistance of C57BL/6 mice to L. major infection especially in mice that were pregnant before effective immunity (5 hours post L. major infection) is mounted against L. major infection.


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This study compared adherence (persistence and execution) during pregnancy and postpartum in HIV-positive women having taken part in the adherence-enhancing program of the Community Pharmacy of the Department of Ambulatory Care and Community Medicine in Lausanne between 2004 and 2012. This interdisciplinary program combined electronic drug monitoring and semi-structured, repeated motivational interviews. This was a retrospective, observational study. Observation period spread over from first adherence visit after last menstruation until 6 months after childbirth. Medication-taking was recorded by electronic drug monitoring. Socio-demographic and delivery data were collected from Swiss HIV Cohort database. Adherence data, barriers and facilitators were collected from pharmacy database. Electronic data were reconciled with pill-count and interview notes in order to include reported pocket-doses. Execution was analyzed over 3-day periods by a mixed effect logistic model, separating time before and after childbirth. This model allowed us to estimate different time slopes for both periods and to show a sudden fall associated with childbirth. Twenty-five pregnant women were included. Median age was 29 (IQR: 26.5, 32.0), women were in majority black (n_17,68%) and took a cART combining protease and nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (n_24,96%). Eleven women (44%) were ART-naı¨ve at the beginning of pregnancy. Twenty women (80%) were included in the program because of pregnancy. Women were included at all stages of pregnancy. Six women (24%) stopped the program during pregnancy, 3 (12%) at delivery, 4 (16%) during postpartum and 12 (48%) stayed in program at the end of observation time. Median number of visits was 4 (3.0, 6.3) during pregnancy and 3 (0.8, 6.0) during postpartum. Execution was continuously high during pregnancy, low at beginning of postpartum and increased gradually during the 6 months of postpartum. Major barriers to adherence were medication adverse events and difficulties in daily routine. Facilitators were motivation for promoting child-health and social support. The dramatic drop and very slow increase in cART adherence during postpartum might result in viral rebound and drug resistance. Although much attention is devoted to pregnant women, interdisciplinary care should also be provided to women in the community during first trimester of postpartum to support them in sustaining cART adherence.