178 resultados para Preconcentration


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Este trabalho propõe o desenvolvimento de métodos de preparo de amostra empregando a microextração líquido-líquido dispersiva (DLLME) para a extração e pré- concentração de Fe e Cu em vinho, seguido da determinação espectrofotométrica na região do ultravioleta-visível (UV-Vis). Nas extrações por DLLME, a complexação de Fe e Cu foi feita com pirrolidina ditiocarbamato de amônio (APDC) e dietilditiocarbamato de sódio (DDTC), respectivamente. Para a DLLME, foi usada uma mistura apropriada de pequenos volumes de dois solventes, um extrator e outro dispersor, a qual foi rapidamente injetada na amostra aquosa, ocorrendo à formação de uma dispersão e a extração praticamente instantânea dos analitos. Na otimização da DLLME para extração de Fe foram avaliados alguns parâmetros como, tipo de solvente extrator (C2Cl4, 80 µL) e dispersor (acetonitrila, 1300 µL) e seus volumes, pH (3,0), concentração do APDC (1%, m/v), adição de NaCl (0,02 mol L -1 ) e tempo de extração. Para extração de Cu foi aplicado um planejamento fatorial completo 25 para avaliar a influência de cinco variáveis independentes: volume dos solventes dispersor (acetonitrila, 1600 µL) e extrator (CCl4, 60 µL), concentração de DDTC (2%, m/v), pH (3,0) e concentração de NaCl. Após a otimização das condições para Fe, a curva de calibração com adição de analito foi linear entre 0,2 e 2,5 mg L-1 para vinho branco (R2 = 0,9985) e para vinho tinto (R2 = 0,9988). Para Cu, a curva de calibração com adição de analito foi linear entre 0,05 e 1,0 mg L-1 para vinho branco (R2 = 0,9995) e para vinho tinto (R2 = 0,9986). Os limites de quantificação foram de 0,75 e 0,37 mg L-1 para Fe e Cu, respectivamente. A exatidão foi avaliada utilizando ensaio de recuperação, as quais variaram entre 96% e 112%, com desvio padrão relativo inferior a 8%. Os métodos foram aplicados para 5 amostras de vinho branco e 5 amostras de vinho tinto, obtendo-se concentrações entre 1,3 e 5,3 e entre 2,5 e 4,4 mg L-1 para Fe e entre 0,4 e 1,5 e entre 0,9 e 2,5 mg L-1 para Cu, respectivamente. Os métodos desenvolvidos para a extração e pré-concentração de Fe e Cu em vinhos por DLLME e quantificação por UV-Vis mostraram-se adequados, em termos de linearidade, exatidão e precisão.


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Com o aumento da produção do fulereno C60 e sua aplicação comercial é previsível que este composto acabe sendo liberado no ambiente, tornando-se um contaminante. Em razão das suas características físico-químicas e sua capacidade de formar agregados (n-C60) quando em contato com a água, o C60 pode se tornar um carreador de outros contaminantes (como metais e compostos orgânicos), facilitando a sua entrada nos organismos. Neste sentido, a sua toxicidade (tanto de forma isolada como em associação com outros contaminantes) vem sendo avaliada. Sendo assim, a fim de viabilizar os estudos com C60, uma metodologia para preparo de suspensões aquosas foi validada, sendo quantificada por CLAE/UV-Vis. As suspensões foram preparadas sem a adição de solvente de duas formas distintas, com aquecimento (50ºC) e à temperatura ambiente (≈20 ºC), onde se mantiveram sob agitação constante e exposição à luz artificial por até 2 meses. A cada 15 dias a suspensão foi quantificada. Além disso, três métodos distintos de extração e pré-concentração (extração líquido-líquido (ELL), extração em fase sólida (EFS) e micro-extração dispersiva líquido-líquido (MEDLL)) foram validados e comparados quanto a sua eficiência. Coeficientes de correlação ≥ 0,99 foram obtidos para as curvas de calibração. Os LDM e LQM foram de 0,08 e 0,3 ng mL-1 para EFS e ELL, considerando o fator de concentração de 500 vezes, e de 0,8 e 3,0 ng mL-1 para a MEDLL, considerando o fator de concentração de 50 vezes, respectivamente. A precisão (intermediária e repetitividade) variou entre 0,46 e 4,03 (%RSDpi) e entre 0,69 e 3,59 (%RSDr), enquanto que a exatidão ficou entre 72,3 e 85,6% para ELL, 86,1 e 115,5% para a EFS e 87,9 e 111,4% para MEDLL. Com base nestes parâmetros relativos a análise de suspensões aquosas de C60, a EFS foi considerada o método mais eficiente. O aquecimento se mostrou relevante no tamanho dos agregados, que foram significativamente maiores na suspensão sem aquecimento, porém o tempo de preparo da suspensão não influenciou na concentração final da suspensão. Portanto, recomenda-se o preparo das suspensões aquosas de C60 sem aquecimento por um período de agitação de 30-45 dias.


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Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido e validado um método analítico para a determinação de Fe total em amostras de água com diferentes salinidades empregando a microextração líquido-líquido dispersiva (DLLME), seguido de determinação espectrofotométrica na região do ultravioleta-visível. Nas extrações por DLLME, o Fe foi complexado com pirrolidina ditiocarbamato de amônio (APDC) e extraído após a injeção de uma mistura composta de 1,2-diclorobenzeno (solvente extrator) e etanol (solvente dispersor). Os fatores que influenciam a eficiência de extração (tipo e volume de solvente extrator e dispersor, concentração de APDC e tempo de extração) e subsequente determinação espectrofotométrica foram otimizados. Após otimização das condições, a curva de calibração foi linear entre 0,02 e 2,0 mg L-1 (r 2 = 0,9998) e os limites de detecção e quantificação do método foram de 6,1 e 18,3 µg L-1 , respectivamente. O fator de pré-concentração foi de 3,3. A exatidão foi avaliada em termos de recuperação, com variação entre 90 e 102% e desvio padrão relativo (RSD) inferiores a 12%. A exatidão do método também foi avaliada utilizando um material de referência certificado (SRM 1643e, Elementos Traço em Água), o qual apresentou concordância de 104% e RSD de 5%. O método foi aplicado para amostras de água com diferentes salinidades, como água mineral, estuarina e de alto mar. Além disso, o método proposto apresentou concordância da ordem de 95%, quando comparado com o método 1,10-fenantrolina para a determinação de Fe total.


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The main objective of the present thesis consists on the development of an analytical preconcentration technology for the concomitant extraction and concentration of human pollution tracers from wastewater streams. Due to the outstanding tunable properties of ionic liquids (ILs), aqueous biphasic systems (ABS) composed of ILs can provide higher and more selective extraction efficiencies for a wide range of compounds, being thus a promising alternative to the volatile and hazardous organic solvents (VOCs) typically used. For that purpose, IL-based ABS were employed and adequately characterized as an one-step extraction and concentration technique. The applicability of IL-based ABS was verified by their potential to completely extract and concentrate two representative pharmaceutical pollution tracers, namely caffeine (CAF) and carbamazepine (CBZ), from wastewaters. The low concentration of these persistent pollutants (usually found in μg·dm-3 and ng·dm-3 levels, respectively) by conventional analytical equipment does not permit a proper detection and quantification without a previous concentration step. Preconcentration methods commonly applied are costly, timeconsuming, with irregular recoveries and make use of VOCs. In this work, the ABS composed of the IL tetrabutylammonium chloride ([N4444]Cl) and the salt potassium citrate (K3[C6H5O7]) was investigated while demonstrating to be able to completely extract and concentrate CAF and CBZ, in a single-step, overcoming thus the detection limit of the applied analytical equipment. Finally, the hydrotropic effect responsible for the ability of IL-based ABS to extract and concentrate a wide variety of compounds was also investigated. It was shown that the IL rules the hydrotropic mechanism in the solubility of CAF in aqueous solutions, with an increase in solubility up to 4-fold. Moreover, the proper selection of the IL enables the design of the system that leads to a more enhanced solubility of a given solute in the IL-rich phase, while allowing a better extraction and concentration. IL-based ABS are a promising and more versatile technique, and are straightforwardly envisaged as selective extraction and concentration routes of target micropollutants from wastewater matrices.


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Aiming to introduce a multiresidue analysis for the trace detection of pesticide residues belonging to organophosphorus and triazine classes from olive oil samples, a new sample preparation methodology comprising the use of a dual layer of “tailor-made” molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) SPE for the simultaneous extraction of both pesticides in a single procedure has been attempted. This work has focused on the implementation of a dual MIP-layer SPE procedure (DL-MISPE) encompassing the use of two MIP layers as specific sorbents. In order to achieve higher recovery rates, the amount of MIP layers has been optimized as well as the influence of MIP packaging order. The optimized DL-MISPE approach has been used in the preconcentration of spiked organic olive oil samples with concentrations of dimethoate and terbuthylazine similar to the maximum residue limits and further quantification by HPLC. High recovery rates for dimethoate (95%) and terbuthylazine (94%) have been achieved with good accuracy and precision. Overall, this work constitutes the first attempt on the development of a dual pesticide residue methodology for the trace analysis of pesticide residues based on molecular imprinting technology. Thus, DL-MISPE constitutes a reliable, robust, and sensitive sample preparation methodology that enables preconcentration of the target pesticides in complex olive oil samples, even at levels similar to the maximum residue limits enforced by the legislation.


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2-Aminothiazole covalently attached to a silica gel surface was prepared in order to obtain an adsorbent for Hg(II) ions having the following characteristics: good sorption capacity, chemical stability under conditions of use, and, especially, high selectivity. The accumulation voltammetry of mercury(II) was investigated at a carbon paste electrode chemically modified with silica gel functionalized with 2-aminothiazole (SIAMT-CPE). The repetitive cyclic voltammogram of mercury(II) solution in the potential range -0.2 to + 0.6 V versus Ag/AgCl (0.02 mol L-1 KNO3; V = 20 mV s(-1)) show two peaks one at about 0.1 V and other at 0.205 V. The anodic wave peak at 0.205 V is well defined and does not change during the cycles and it was therefore further investigated for analytical purposes using differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry in differents supporting electrolytes. The mercury response was evaluated with respect to pH, electrode composition, preconcentration time, mercury concentration, cleaning solution, possible interferences and other variables. The precision for six determinations (n = 6) of 0.02 and 0.20 mg L-1 Hg(II) was 4.1 and 3.5% (relative standard deviation), respectively. The detection limit was estimated as 0.10 mu g L-1 mercury(II) by means of 3:1 current-to-noise ratio in connection with the optimization of the various parameters involved and using the highest-possible analyser sensitivity. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Agricultural crops can be damaged by funguses, insects, worms and other organisms that cause diseases and decrease the yield of production. The effect of these damaging agents can be reduced using pesticides. Among them, triazole compounds are effective substances against fungus; for example, Oidium. Nevertheless, it has been detected that the residues of these fungicides in foods as well as in derivate products can affect the health of the consumers. Therefore, the European Union has established several regulations fixing the maximum residue of pesticide levels in a wide range of foods trying to assure the consumer safety. Hence, it is very important to develop adequate methods to determine these pesticide compounds. In most cases, gas or liquid chromatographic (GC, LC) separations are used in the analysis of the samples. But firstly, it is necessary to use proper sample treatments in order to preconcentrate and isolate the target analytes. To reach this aim, microextraction techniques are very effective tools; because allow to do both preconcentration and extraction of the analytes in one simple step that considerably reduces the source of errors. With these objectives, two remarkable techniques have been widely used during the last years: solid phase microextraction (SPME) and liquid phase microextraction (LPME) with its different options. Both techniques that avoid the use or reduce the amount of toxic solvents are convenient coupled to chromatographic equipments providing good quantitative results in a wide number of matrices and compounds. In this work simple and reliable methods have been developed using SPME and ultrasound assisted emulsification microextraction (USAEME) coupled to GC or LC for triazole fungicides determination. The proposed methods allow confidently determine triazole concentrations of μg L‐1 order in different fruit samples. Chemometric tools have been used to accomplish successful determinations. Firstly, in the selection and optimization of the variables involved in the microextraction processes; and secondly, to overcome the problems related to the overlapping peaks. Different fractional factorial designs have been used for the screening of the experimental variables; and central composite designs have been carried out to get the best experimental conditions. Trying to solve the overlapping peak problems multivariate calibration methods have been used. Parallel Factor Analysis 2 (PARAFAC2), Multivariate Curve Resolution (MCR) and Parallel Factor Analysis with Linear Dependencies (PARALIND) have been proposed, the adequate algorithms have been used according to data characteristics, and the results have been compared. Because its occurrence in Basque Country and its relevance in the production of cider and txakoli regional wines the grape and apple samples were selected. These crops are often treated with triazole compounds trying to solve the problems caused by the funguses. The peel and pulp from grape and apple, their juices and some commercial products such as musts, juice and cider have been analysed showing the adequacy of the developed methods for the triazole determination in this kind of fruit samples.


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Mercury is not an essential element for plant or animal life and it is a potential environmental toxic because of its tendency to form covalent bonds with organic molecules and the high stability of the Hg-C bond. Reports estimate a total mercury concentration in natural waters ranging from 0.2 to 100 ng L-1. Due to this fact, highly sensitive methods are required for direct determination of such extremely low levels. In this work, a rapid and simple method was developed for separation and preconcentration of mercury by flow injection solid phase extraction coupled with on-line chemical vapour generation electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. The system is based on chelating retention of the analyte onto the mini column filled with a mesoporous silica functionalized with 1,5 bis (di-2-pyridyl) methylene thiocarbohydrazide. The main aim of this work was to develop a precise and accurate method for the determination of the Hg. Under the optima conditions and 120 s preconcentration time, the detection limit obtained was 0.009 μg L-1, with RSDs 3.7 % for 0.2 μg L-1, 4.8 % for 1 μg L-1 and enrichment factor 4, Furthermore, the method proposed has permitted the determination of Hg with a reduction in the analysis time, the sample throughput was about 18 h-1, low consumption of reagents and sample volume. The method was applied to the determination of Hg in sea water and river water. For the quality control of the analytical performance and the validation of the newly developed method, the analysis of two certified samples, TMDA 54.4 Fortified Lake, and LGC6187 River sediment was addressed. The results showed good agreement with the certified values.


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A preconcentration method based on the use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as sorbent material is proposed for the determination of Cd(II) in river water. The solid phase extraction was performed in batch mode and the determination of the analyte in the solid phase was easily carried out by introducing a slurry of the yeast (0.0625 g / 2.5 mL) directly into the ICP OES. A limit of detection of 0.11 µg L-1 and a sample throughput in the range of 4 - 54 sample h-1 were obtained. Determinations of cadmium in a certified sample and in real river water samples were in excellent agreement with the expected values.


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The use of capillary electrophoresis (CE) has been restricted to applications having high sample concentrations because of its low sensitivity caused by small injection volumes and, when ultraviolet (UV) detection is used, the short optical path length. Sensitivity in CE can be improved by using more sensitive detection systems, or by preconcentration techniques which are based on chromatographic and/or electrophoretic principles. One of the promising strategies to improve sensitivity is solid phase extraction (SPE). Solid Phase Extraction utilizes high sample volumes and a variety of complex matrixes to facilitate trace detection. To increase the specificity of the SPE a selective solid phase must be chosen. Immunosorbents, which are a combination of an antibody and a solid support, have proven to be an excellent option because of high selectivity of the antibody. This thesis is an exploratory study of the application of immunosorbent-SPE combined with CE for trace concentration of benzodiazepines. This research describes the immobilization and performance evaluation of an immunosorbent prepared by immobilizing a benzodiazepine-specific antibody on aminopropyl silica. The binding capacity of the immunosorbent, measured as µg of benzodiazepine/ gram of immunosorbent, was 39 ± 10. The long term stability of the prepared immunosorbent has been improved by capping the remaining aminopropyl groups by reaction with acetic anhydride. The capped immunosorbent retained its binding capacity after several uses.


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Sampling and preconcentration techniques play a critical role in headspace analysis in analytical chemistry. My dissertation presents a novel sampling design, capillary microextraction of volatiles (CMV), that improves the preconcentration of volatiles and semivolatiles in a headspace with high throughput, near quantitative analysis, high recovery and unambiguous identification of compounds when coupled to mass spectrometry. The CMV devices use sol-gel polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) coated microglass fibers as the sampling/preconcentration sorbent when these fibers are stacked into open-ended capillary tubes. The design allows for dynamic headspace sampling by connecting the device to a hand-held vacuum pump. The inexpensive device can be fitted into a thermal desorption probe for thermal desorption of the extracted volatile compounds into a gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS). The performance of the CMV devices was compared with two other existing preconcentration techniques, solid phase microextraction (SPME) and planar solid phase microextraction (PSPME). Compared to SPME fibers, the CMV devices have an improved surface area and phase volume of 5000 times and 80 times, respectively. One (1) minute dynamic CMV air sampling resulted in similar performance as a 30 min static extraction using a SPME fiber. The PSPME devices have been fashioned to easily interface with ion mobility spectrometers (IMS) for explosives or drugs detection. The CMV devices are shown to offer dynamic sampling and can now be coupled to COTS GC-MS instruments. Several compound classes representing explosives have been analyzed with minimum breakthrough even after a 60 min. sampling time. The extracted volatile compounds were retained in the CMV devices when preserved in aluminum foils after sampling. Finally, the CMV sampling device were used for several different headspace profiling applications which involved sampling a shipping facility, six illicit drugs, seven military explosives and eighteen different bacteria strains. Successful detection of the target analytes at ng levels of the target signature volatile compounds in these applications suggests that the CMV devices can provide high throughput qualitative and quantitative analysis with high recovery and unambiguous identification of analytes.


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O atenolol é um fármaco β-bloqueador normalmente encontrado em águas residuais devido à incapacidade que os processos convencionais de tratamento destas águas têm em removê-lo. Neste trabalho foram utilizados microcosmos de leitos construídos de macrófitas de fluxo sub-superficial utilizando uma matriz de argila expandida (LECA) e plantados com Phragmites australis para avaliar a sua capacidade em remover atenolol das águas residuais. Para a detecção e quantificação do atenolol em soluções aquosas (águas e efluentes) desenvolveu-se e optimizou-se uma metodologia analítica usando separação cromatográfica por HPLC e detecção espectrofotométrica por diode array (HPLC-DAD) ou por ultravioleta visível (HPLC-UV-Vis). Desenvolveu-se também um procedimento de limpeza e concentração de amostra por extracção em fase sólida (SPE), o qual foi utilizado sempre que as concentrações do analito se encontraram abaixo dos limites de quantificação do equipamento. A utilização desta metodologia de HPLC, combinada com uma eficaz pré-concentração por SPE, resultou num método analítico com um limite de quantificação muito reduzido (9 ngmL-1) e elevada reprodutibilidade (RSD<4%). A eficiência de remoção de atenolol pelos sistemas de macrófitas estudados foi de 93% após um tempo de retenção de 4 dias. Foram testados leitos só com LECA e com LECA e plantas para remoção do atenolol. Nos leitos só com LECA, a cinética de remoção foi caracterizada por um rápido passo inicial (uma remoção de aproximadamente 75% após apenas 24 h), o qual é frequentemente atribuído à adsorção na matriz de LECA. A remoção de atenolol nos leitos de LECA continuou a aumentar de forma constante até ao final do ensaio (8 dias), sendo, contudo cerca de 5-10% mais baixo do que o valor observado nos leitos das plantas após os 4 primeiros dias. Para o tempo de retenção de 4 dias a maioria do atenolol é removido pela matriz de LECA, porém um acréscimo de cerca de 12-14% relativamente à eficiência de remoção global pode ser atribuído às plantas (Phragmites australis), o que está de acordo com trabalhos anteriormente publicados. Apesar de ser necessário realizar mais testes utilizando sistemas em larga escala, de modo a conseguir avaliar totalmente o comportamento do atenolol num sistema de leitos construídos de macrófitas, o presente estudo apresenta a possibilidade de aplicar este tipo de sistemas, relativamente baratos, no tratamento de águas residuais contaminadas com atenolol. ABSTRACT: Atenolol is a β-blocker drug commonly found in wastewaters due to the inability of the conventional wastewater treatment processes to remove it. ln this study, subsurface flow constructed wetland microscosm systems have been established with a matrix of light expanded clay aggregates (LECA) and planted with Phragmites australis in order to evaluate their ability to remove atenolol from wastewater. For the detection and quantification of atenolol in aqueous solutions (water and wastewater), an adequate analytical methodology was developed and optimized using chromatographic separation by HPLC and diode array (DAD) or UV-Vis spectrophotometric detection. A sample clean-up and preconcentration procedure by solid phase extraction (SPE) was also developed for use whenever the concentration levels of the analyte were below the instrument's limit of quantification. Combined with an efficient SPE concentration step, the use of HPLC yielded an analytical method for atenolol quantification with very low LOQ (9 ngmL-1) and high reproducibility (RSD< 4%). Overall atenolol removal efficiency of 93% was achieved after a retention time of only 4 days with the microcosm systems planted with Phragmites australis. The removal kinetics was characterized by an initial fast step (removal of about 75% after just 24h) which is mainly attributable to adsorption on the LECA matrix. Atenolol removal in LECA beds continues to increase in a steady pace up to the end of the assay (8 days) being nevertheless about 5-l 0% lower than those observed in the planted beds after the first 4 days. For the retention time of 4 days most of the atenolol is removed by the LECA matrix but an additional 12-14% to the overall removal efficiency can be attributed to the Phragmites plants, which comes in agreement with other published reports. Despite the fact that further tests using larger­ scale systems are required to fully evaluate the atenolol behavior in a constructed wetland system, this study points out to the possible application of these low-cost wastewater systems to treat atenolol contaminated wastewater.


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A ocorrência e destino de fármacos no ambiente aquático tem vindo a ser reconhecido como um problema emergente em química ambiental. Alguns compostos são resistentes à degradação nas estações de tratamento de águas residuais, ETARs, enquanto que outros, ainda que sofram degradação parcial, continuam a ser lançados nos meios aquáticos em quantidades apreciáveis. O Ibuprofeno, IB, um dos anti­ inflamatórios mais consumidos por todo o mundo, é um dos fármacos mais detectados no meio hídrico. Apesar dos sistemas de tratamento convencionais utilizados nas ETARs removerem até 90% do IB das águas residuais, é frequente o efluente descarregado conter ainda quantidades significativas deste poluente. A presença destes compostos no ambiente deve ser avaliada dado que possuem actividade biológica, mesmo a baixas concentrações. Os processos avançados de oxidação com peróxido de hidrogénio, na presença de catalisadores heterogéneos, permitem melhorar significativamente a remoção deste tipo de compostos em águas. Assim, foi objectivo deste trabalho o estudo da utilização de peróxido de hidrogénio como agente oxidante na remoção de IB em soluções aquosas, na presença de complexo de acetilacetonato de Ni (II) disperso em PDMS ou encapsulado em zeólitos NaY. Para o doseamento do fármaco em solução foi necessário desenvolver um método analítico consistindo de separação cromatográfica por HPLC e detecção e quantificação por UV-Vis. Não houve necessidade de recorrer a um passo de pré­ concentração de amostras por extracção em fase sólida (SPE) devido ao facto das concentrações de IB medidas ao longo do trabalho se terem sempre encontrado acima do LOQ (811 g L-1) do método analítico por injecção directa. Deste estudo pode concluir-se que o catalisador que apresentou melhor actividade catalítica e consequentemente maior remoção do IB em solução, foi o complexo de acetilacetonato de Ni (II), disperso em PDMS. Foi avaliada a influência, na conversão do IB, de diferentes parâmetros como a concentração inicial de peróxido de hidrogénio adicionada, quantidade de catalisador utilizada na mistura reaccional e temperatura. Os resultados permitiram concluir que os aumentos destes parâmetros conduzem a um aumento da actividade catalítica da reacção. A estabilidade catalítica do acetilacetonato de Ni (II)/PDMS, foi avaliada em ensaios consecutivos com a mesma amostra e nas mesmas condições, tendo-se observado que, após 8 utilizações, o catalisador perde ligeiramente a actividade (cerca de 11% do seu valor inicial). ABSTRACT: The presence and fate of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment is an emergent issue in environmental chemistry. Some compounds are poorly removed in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) while others, in spite of being partially removed, are still present in the WWTPs effluents and discharged in the receiving water bodies. Ibuprofen, IB, a non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug, is one of the most used and also one of the most frequently detected pharmaceutical contaminants in aquifers worldwide. Its removal by conventional wastewater treatment processes used in most WWTPs is usually high (up to 90% of incoming IB may be removed), but duet the high loads present in the influents, still significant amounts of IB usually leave the WWTPs in the treated effluents. The presence of these compounds in the environment must be evaluated considering that they may have some biological activity even at low concentrations. Advanced oxidation processes using hydrogen peroxide, in the presence of heterogeneous catalysts, provide a significantly improved removal of this type of substances from waters. Therefore, it was the aim of this work to study the use of hydrogen peroxide as an oxidizing agent in the removal of IB from aqueous solutions, in the presence of the catalyst nickel (II) acetylacetonate dispersed in PDMS or encapsulated in the NaY zeolite. For the quantification of the pharmaceutical in aqueous solution it was necessary to develop an analytical methodology based in chromatographic separation by HPLC and with UV-Vis detection and quantification. There was no need for a pre­concentration step of the samples by solid phase extraction (SPE) as the IB concentrations measured were always above the limit of quantification (811 bL1 of) the analytical method. The results from this study have shown that the catalyst which presented the best catalytic activity and the highest IB removal in solution was nickel (II) acetylacetonate dispersed in PDMS.