191 resultados para Poliéster insaturado termofixo


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O buriti (Mauritia flexuosa L.) é um fruto rico em carotenoides, ácidos graxos e compostos fenólicos com grande potencial de industrialização. Entretanto, sua vida útil reduzida dificulta a comercialização e um maior aproveitamento. Dessa forma, tecnologias de processamento podem ser empregadas para que haja maior utilização e expansão do buriti. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar polpa de buriti congelada, liofilizada e atomizada, quantificando os compostos bioativos (carotenoides e ácidos graxos), a composição centesimal e mineral, além de avaliar a estabilidade química e funcional da polpa submetida a esses tratamentos ao longo do tempo de armazenamento. Polpas de buriti oriunda da Comunidade Boa Vista, zona rural do município de Arinos, MG, foram submetidas a três processamentos: congelamento (eleito como controle), liofilização e atomização (com adição de maltodextrina como coadjuvante de tecnologia). Após o processamento, as polpas foram acondicionadas em embalagens laminadas compostas por poliéster, alumínio e polietileno (25 x 25 cm), com capacidade para 100 g cada, e armazenadas a -23 °C para o congelamento e a temperatura ambiente para as polpas desidratadas. As análises físicas, químicas, nutricionais e funcionais foram realizadas logo após o processamento, para caracterização das polpas e nos períodos: 1, 14, 28, 42 e 56 dias, para avaliação da estabilidade. O delineamento experimental empregado constituiu-se de dois fatores (processamento e período) e a interação entre eles. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente por meio da Análise de Variância Univariada (ANOVA) com nível de significância de 5 %. Constatou-se que durante a estocagem a polpa liofilizada apresentou maior brilho, menor opacidade, valores inferiores para o pH, menor variação da atividade de água e maior acidez titulável. Esses parâmetros são importantes indicadores de qualidade da polpa durante a sua estocagem, visto que dificultam o desenvolvimento microbiano. A adição da maltodextrina no processo de atomização acarretou maiores teores de sólidos solúveis em relação aos demais tratamentos. Os resultados demonstraram que, ao longo do armazenamento, a liofilização contribuiu para a melhor preservação dos carotenoides totais. A quantificação dos carotenoides e dos ácidos graxos na polpa congelada demonstrou que houve melhor preservação de carotenoides do tipo alfa e beta caroteno, dos ácidos graxos oleico, indicando maior valor nutricional para a alimentação humana. Apesar dos resultados satisfatórios para a polpa congelada, durante o tempo analisado a polpa congelada apresentou maiores perdas em relação à polpa liofilizada. Para a classe dos compostos fenólicos, a liofilização apresentou melhores resultados ao longo da estocagem. O uso de baixas temperaturas foi mais efetivo para a preservação dos compostos bioativos analisados. Portanto, pode-se concluir que o emprego da liofilização é a alternativa mais adequada entre as avaliadas, para o aproveitamento da polpa de buriti na indústria de alimentos, uma vez que esse tratamento preservou todos os constituintes avaliados durante a estocagem.


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Neste trabalho são apresentados processos de microfabricação de estruturas contendo microcanais e sistemas de manipulação hidrodinâmica e eletroosmótica de fluídos. Foram desenvolvidos processos de microfabricação utilizando toner sobre poliéster, toner sobre vidro, toner como resiste, além de métodos alternativos de perfuração de lâminas e selagem de microestruturas em vidro, desenvolvimento de microestruturas para eletroforese capilar e espectrometria de massas com ionização por eletronebulização. A caracterização dos materiais e processos permitiu uma ampla visão das potencialidades e alternativas dos processos de microfabricação, tendo sido demonstrado que os dispositivos produzidos em toner-poliéster são quimicamente resistentes às substâncias tipicamente utilizadas em eletroforese capilar. Neste trabalho, um detector condutométrico sem contato foi implementado em microestruturas de toner-poliéster e a separação eletroforética de alguns metais alcalinos é demonstrada. A microestrutura foi projetada no formato padrão em cruz, tendo o canal de separação 22 mm de comprimento, 12 µm de profundidade e largura típica. A cela condutométrica foi construída sobre o canal de separação utilizando-se fita adesiva de cobre (1 mm de largura) como eletrodos. O sinal aplicado na cela foi de 530 kHz e 10 Vpp . A separação de K+, Na+ e Li+ na concentração de 100 µmol L-1 foi efetuada em torno de 0,8 min, utilizando-se 1 kV como potencial de separação. Foram desenvolvidos microchips para análise por espectrometria de massas com introdução de amostra por eletronebulização, sendo determinado cluster do íon cloreto em concentração de 1 mmol L+. Também solução com 1 mmol/L de glucosamina em água/metanol 1: 1 (v/v), sob corrente de 100 nA gerou sinal estável e livre de descarga corona. Utilizando detecção amperométrica, obteve-se eletroferogramas mostrando a separação de iodeto (10 mmol L-1) e ascorbato (40 mmol L-1) em potencial de separação de 4,0 kV (800 V cm-1 potencial de detecção de 0,9 V (vs. Ag/AgCI), injeção com 1,0 kV/1°s, tampão borato de sódio 10 mmol L+ com CTAH 0,2 mmol L-1, pH 9,2. Obteve-se eficiência de 1,6.104 pratos/m e foi possível obter limites de detecção de 500 nmol L-1 (135 amol) e 1,8 µmol L-1 (486 amol) para iodeto e ascorbato, respectivamente. O processo de fabricação utilizando toner como material estrutural para microchips em vidro foi bem estabelecido, assim como os modos de detecção fotométrico e condutométrico foram demonstrados. Foram obtidos eletroferogramas par detecção condutométrica sem contato de solução 200 µmol L-1 de K+, Na+ e U+, em tampão histidina/ácido lático 30 mmol L-1 9:1 (v/v) água:metanol, injeção eletrocinética de 2,0 kV/5,0 s, potencial de separação de 1 kV, 530 kHz de frequência e tensão de 2,0 Vpp. Também foi implementado um sistema de detecção fotométrico para microchip operando em 660 nm, tendo sido utilizado para a detecção de azul de metileno 1,0 mmol L-1 em tampão de corrida de barato de sódio 20 mmol L-1 (pH 9,2), com o detector posicionado a 40 mm do ponto de injeção e com injeção eletrocinética a 2,0 kV por 12 s com picos bem resolvidos em menos de 1 min.


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En el siguiente trabajo se realiza la impregnación de diferentes sustratos poliméricos con agentes biocidas y con un colorante textil, comúnmente empleados en los procesos de acabados textiles. En este estudio se realiza la selección del colorante Disperse Red 167 (DR167), mediante la comparación de solubilidad en CO2 supercrítico (scCO2) entre varios colorantes dispersos. Los agentes biocidas seleccionados han sido; esencia de clavo (eugenol) y aceite esencial de orégano. Se ha realizado la impregnación de diferentes sustratos poliméricos; poliéster (PES), polipropileno (PP), y algodón (CO), en diferentes condiciones. En total se realizaron impregnaciones utilizando diez concentraciones relativas del DR167. El objetivo principal es determinar las condiciones óptimas de procesado para cada sustrato. Para determinar el rendimiento de la tintura en scCO2 se han representado los diagramas cromáticos de las muestras tintadas en diferentes condiciones. Las muestras de PES son las que presentan mayor rendimiento de color, sabiendo que esta es la única fibra que presenta afinidad con el DR167. Para determinar el efecto de inhibición de las bacterias se han realizado ensayos de actividad antimicrobiana y actividad fungicida. Puede indicarse que sí se observó cierta actividad inhibitoria frente algunos microorganismos, como Staphylococcus aureus, mientras que no se observó una actividad inhibitoria importante frente a otros como Pseudomonas aeruginosa.


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En el ámbito de acústica de la edificación es común el uso de materiales fibrosos como materiales absorbentes acústicos. Uno de estos materiales cada vez más utilizado es la lana de poliéster. Un problema que presenta el chip virgen de poliéster es que se obtiene del petróleo, cuyo precio no hace más que incrementarse en los últimos años. En este trabajo se presenta una lana de poliéster alternativa, obtenida mediante el tratamiento del PET, a través del conveniente ciclo de reciclado de botellas de plástico. Se comparan valores del coeficiente de absorción; en incidencia normal y en cámara reverberante de los materiales elaborados a partir de chip virgen y de las nuevas lanas obtenidas del PET. Además, se propone un modelo empírico de comportamiento acústico de estas nuevas lanas. Los resultados obtenidos han sido favorables, la fibra virgen ya ha sido sustituida por fibra reciclada en su proceso de fabricación.


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This work aims to study and investigate the use of a hybrid composite polymer formed with blanket aramid (Kevlar 29) fiber blanket flax fiber and particulate dry endocarp of coconut (Cocos nucifera Linn), using as matrix an epoxy resin based thermoset for use in areas of protective equipment. Besides such material is used an aluminum plate, joined to the composite by means of glue based on epoxy and araldite commercial. The manufacturing process adopted was manual lamination (Hand Lay Up) to manufacture the hybrid composite. After the composite is prepared, an aluminum plate is subjected to pressure and glued to cure the adhesive. Layers of veil will also be used to separate the particulate from the linen blanket layer without disturbing the alignment of the fibers of the blankets. To characterize the mechanical and physical behavior was manufactured a plate of 800 x 600 mm of the hybrid composite, which were removed specimens for tests of water absorption to saturation; density; impact test (Charpy) and two test specimens for ballistic testing 220 mm x 200 mm to make a comparative study between the dry state and saturated water absorption and thus see the ballistic performance of these two conditions. The test was applied to make a comparative study of fracture in these two conditions, caused by penetrating ballistic missile (38 and 380). To test the impact (Charpy) will analyze the absorbed energy, fracture appearance and lateral contraction, also in dry condition and saturation of absorbed water, thereby analyzing situations where the impact load is relevant, such as bumps and shocks produced by stone, metal or wooden bars among others. The proposed configuration, along with the tests, has the purpose, application in the fields of equipment against ballistic impact, such as helmets; bullet proof vests; shields; protective packaging and other items to be identified in this research.


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This work aims to manufacture and characterize a hybrid plastic composite with the matrix isophthalic polyester resin base and having as reinforcing glass fiber and the dry endocarp of coconut (Coco nucifera Linn) in the form of particles as filler. The composite was made industrially in Tecniplas Industry and Trade LTDA. in the form of plate, and was manufactured process made by the manual lamination (Hand Lay Up). From the plate they were prepared test specimens for testing density, water absorption, uniaxial traction in dry and wet states, and testing of bending, as well as studies on the behavior of the generated fractures, macroscopic and microscopic, in mechanical tests through. All tests were performed in order to find the most viable applications the hybrid composite manufactured. The tensile and bending tests were analyzed last tensile properties, elasticity and deformation module. After the studies, it is observed that the percentage moisture absorbed was 3.03%. The presence of moisture in the tensile test meant a decrease of 19.77% from last stand, and 5.26% in the elastic modulus. For bending tests gave an average value of 69.13 MPa flexural strength. The results show the application of hybrid composite studied in lightweight structures, indoors, which require low / medium performance traction demands, and which involve flexural requests.


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A type of macro drainage solution widely used in urban areas with predomi-nance of closed catchments (basins without outlet) is the implementation of detention and infiltration reservoirs (DIR). This type of solution has the main function of storing surface runoff and to promote soil infiltration and, consequently, aquifer recharge. The practice is to avoid floods in the drainage basin low-lying areas. The catchment waterproofing reduces the distributed groundwater recharge in urban areas, as is the case of Natal city, RN. However, the advantage of DIR is to concentrate the runoff and to promote aquifer recharge to an amount that can surpass the distributed natu-ral recharge. In this paper, we proposed studying a small urban drainage catchment, named Experimental Mirassol Watershed (EMW) in Natal, RN, whose outlet is a DIR. The rainfall-runoff transformation processes, water accumulation in DIR and the pro-cess of infiltration and percolation in the soil profile until the free aquifer were mod-eled and, from rainfall event observations, water levels in DIR and free aquifer water level measurements, and also, parameter values determination, it is was enabled to calibrate and modeling these combined processes. The mathematical modeling was carried out from two numerical models. We used the rainfall-runoff model developed by RIGHETTO (2014), and besides, we developed a one-dimensional model to simu-late the soil infiltration, percolation, redistribution soil water and groundwater in a combined system to the reservoir water balance. Continuous simulation was run over a period of eighteen months in time intervals of one minute. The drainage basin was discretized in blocks units as well as street reaches and the soil profile in vertical cells of 2 cm deep to a total depth of 30 m. The generated hydrographs were transformed into inlet volumes to the DIR and then, it was carried out water balance in these time intervals, considering infiltration and percolation of water in the soil profile. As a re-sult, we get to evaluate the storage water process in DIR as well as the infiltration of water, redistribution into the soil and the groundwater aquifer recharge, in continuous temporal simulation. We found that the DIR has good performance to storage excess water drainage and to contribute to the local aquifer recharge process (Aquifer Dunas / Barreiras).


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The feasibility of using the corn cob to obtain a polymer matrix composite was studied. To obtain the bran, corncob passed the drying process in a solar dryer, and was subsequently triturated in forage and to obtain the different particle sizes, by sieving. Three different grain sizes were used: fine particles (FP) size between 0,10 and 2mm; sized particles (PM) with sizes between 2,10 and 3,35 mm; large particles (PG) sizes between 3,45 and 4,10 mm. Using 20% of residue relative to the resin, the test samples were constructed for characterization of the composite, taking into account thermal and mechanical parameters. The main advantage of the proposed composite is that it has a low density, below the relative resin, about 1.06 kg / m³ for the PG. The composite showed a mechanical behavior less than of the resin to the grain sizes and for all formulations studied. Showed better results for the bending, reaching 25.3 MPa for the PG. The composite also showed be feasible for thermal applications, with thermal conductivity less than 0.21 W / m, ranking as insulation. In terms of homogeneity of the mixture, the most viable grain size is the PF, which also showed improved aesthetics and better processability. This composite can be used to make structures that do not require significant mechanical strength, such as tables, chairs, planks, and solar and wind prototypes, such as ovens and cookers and turbines blades.


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The feasibility of using the corn cob to obtain a polymer matrix composite was studied. To obtain the bran, corncob passed the drying process in a solar dryer, and was subsequently triturated in forage and to obtain the different particle sizes, by sieving. Three different grain sizes were used: fine particles (FP) size between 0,10 and 2mm; sized particles (PM) with sizes between 2,10 and 3,35 mm; large particles (PG) sizes between 3,45 and 4,10 mm. Using 20% of residue relative to the resin, the test samples were constructed for characterization of the composite, taking into account thermal and mechanical parameters. The main advantage of the proposed composite is that it has a low density, below the relative resin, about 1.06 kg / m³ for the PG. The composite showed a mechanical behavior less than of the resin to the grain sizes and for all formulations studied. Showed better results for the bending, reaching 25.3 MPa for the PG. The composite also showed be feasible for thermal applications, with thermal conductivity less than 0.21 W / m, ranking as insulation. In terms of homogeneity of the mixture, the most viable grain size is the PF, which also showed improved aesthetics and better processability. This composite can be used to make structures that do not require significant mechanical strength, such as tables, chairs, planks, and solar and wind prototypes, such as ovens and cookers and turbines blades.


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Composite materials arise from the need for lighter materials and with bigger mechanical and thermal resistance. The difficulties of discard, recycling or reuse are currently environmental concerns and, therefore, they are study object of much researches. In this perspective the feasibility of using loofahs (Luffa Cylindrica) for obtainment of a polymeric matrix composite was studied. Six formulations, with 4, 5 and 6 treated layers and untreated, were tested. The loofahs were treated in boiling water to remove lignins, waxes and impurities present in the fibers. After that, they were dried in a direct exposure solar dryer. For the characterization of the composite, thermal (thermal conductivity, thermal capacity, thermal diffusivity and thermal resistivity), mechanical (tensile and bending resistance) and physicochemical (SEM, XRD, density, absorption and degradation) properties were determined. The proposed composite has as advantage the low fiber density, which is around 0.66 g/cm³ (almost half of the polyester resin matrix), resulting in an average composite density of around 1.17g/cm³, 6.0 % lower in relation to the matrix. The treatment carried out in the loofahs increased the mechanical strength of the composite and decreased the humidity absorption. The composite showed lower mechanical behavior than the matrix for all the formulations. The composite also demonstrated itself to be feasible for thermal applications, with a value of thermal conductivity of less than 0.159 W/m.K, ranking it as a good thermal insulator. For all formulations/settings a low adherence between fibers and matrix occurred, with the presence of cracks, showing the fragility due to low impregnation of the fiber by the matrix. This composite can be used to manufacture structures that do not require significant mechanical strength, such as solar prototypes, as ovens and stoves.


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Composite materials arise from the need for lighter materials and with bigger mechanical and thermal resistance. The difficulties of discard, recycling or reuse are currently environmental concerns and, therefore, they are study object of much researches. In this perspective the feasibility of using loofahs (Luffa Cylindrica) for obtainment of a polymeric matrix composite was studied. Six formulations, with 4, 5 and 6 treated layers and untreated, were tested. The loofahs were treated in boiling water to remove lignins, waxes and impurities present in the fibers. After that, they were dried in a direct exposure solar dryer. For the characterization of the composite, thermal (thermal conductivity, thermal capacity, thermal diffusivity and thermal resistivity), mechanical (tensile and bending resistance) and physicochemical (SEM, XRD, density, absorption and degradation) properties were determined. The proposed composite has as advantage the low fiber density, which is around 0.66 g/cm³ (almost half of the polyester resin matrix), resulting in an average composite density of around 1.17g/cm³, 6.0 % lower in relation to the matrix. The treatment carried out in the loofahs increased the mechanical strength of the composite and decreased the humidity absorption. The composite showed lower mechanical behavior than the matrix for all the formulations. The composite also demonstrated itself to be feasible for thermal applications, with a value of thermal conductivity of less than 0.159 W/m.K, ranking it as a good thermal insulator. For all formulations/settings a low adherence between fibers and matrix occurred, with the presence of cracks, showing the fragility due to low impregnation of the fiber by the matrix. This composite can be used to manufacture structures that do not require significant mechanical strength, such as solar prototypes, as ovens and stoves.


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The demand for environmental comfort in construction systems within the insulation and thermal comfort, plus the advent of new laws regulating the minimum requirements of comfort, disposal of solid industrial waste, construction waste, the requirements of consumers by adopting construction methods "cleaner", encouraged the development of this work. Aims technologically characterize the composite proposed in three types of samples (10%, 30% and 50% of thermoset plastic industrial waste) and raw materials: gypsum waste, cement and plastic thermosetting industrial waste in order to produce the composite with properties of thermal insulation: conductivity, thermal diffusivity, specific heat and resistivity. The physical, structural and morphological properties of the raw materials were investigated by thermogravimetry analysis (TG / DSC), X-ray diffraction (DRX), X-ray fluorescence (FXR) and scanning electron microscopy (MEV). Obtaining mechanical properties through the compression strength test. The analysis results indicate characteristics suitable for cement matrix composite production with the addition of thermosetting plastic industrial waste and gypsum waste, with potential application of these materials in composites with properties of thermal insulation. Finally, assessing what proportion showed up with better performance. Considering the analysis and testing carried out.


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The demand for environmental comfort in construction systems within the insulation and thermal comfort, plus the advent of new laws regulating the minimum requirements of comfort, disposal of solid industrial waste, construction waste, the requirements of consumers by adopting construction methods "cleaner", encouraged the development of this work. Aims technologically characterize the composite proposed in three types of samples (10%, 30% and 50% of thermoset plastic industrial waste) and raw materials: gypsum waste, cement and plastic thermosetting industrial waste in order to produce the composite with properties of thermal insulation: conductivity, thermal diffusivity, specific heat and resistivity. The physical, structural and morphological properties of the raw materials were investigated by thermogravimetry analysis (TG / DSC), X-ray diffraction (DRX), X-ray fluorescence (FXR) and scanning electron microscopy (MEV). Obtaining mechanical properties through the compression strength test. The analysis results indicate characteristics suitable for cement matrix composite production with the addition of thermosetting plastic industrial waste and gypsum waste, with potential application of these materials in composites with properties of thermal insulation. Finally, assessing what proportion showed up with better performance. Considering the analysis and testing carried out.


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Objective: To evaluate in vitro the surface roughness and bacterial adhesion of nanoparticle composites, after being subjected to different finishing and polishing systems. Materials and Methods: 66 specimens were prepared, and 30 with Filtek Z350 XT (3M ESPE, USA) and 30 with the resin IPS Empress Direct (Ivoclar Vivadent, USA), divided into 6 groups (n = 10 ). Six specimens were prepared for analysis in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) .Each kind of resin was subjected to finishing and polishing systems: Sof-Lex Pop-On discs (3M ESPE, USA) and AstropolTM system (Ivoclar Vivadent , USA), featuring the experimental group. The control group did not undergo any kind of finishing and polishing technique. The average roughness (Ra) in both groups was measured using a roughness in the setting of 0.25 mm (cut off) and surface images obtained with photomicrographs taken with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) magnified 500 times. Bacterial adherence was evaluated by determining the absorbance (OD) of the suspension of adhered cells by spectrophotometer at 570 nm. The results were submitted for analyzed with 2-way ANOVA at α=.05 and Tukey multiple comparison tests. Results: Statistically significant differences were found between the groups in terms of roughness and bacterial adhesion. Filtek Z350 XT for resin were no differences between the tested finishing and polishing systems, where the system of lowest surface roughness was the Sof-Lex Pop-On. To the resin IPS Empress Direct, the finishing and polishing system Astropol, had lower results of surface roughness. As for bacterial adhesion, the lowest optical density value for Filtek Z350 XT was for the group that used the finishing and polishing system Sof-Lex Pop-On and the resin IPS Empress Direct the group that used the Astropol system. In addition, there was a positive correlation between surface roughness and bacterial adhesion on polished surfaces (r = 0.612) Conclusions: surface roughness and bacterial adhesion are closely related. The finishing and polishing Sof-Lex Pop-On system is more suitable for nanoparticulate Filtek Z350 XT and the finishing and polishing system Astropol for resin nanohíbrida IPS Empress Direct.


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O cetoprofeno (ácido 2-(3-benzoilfenil) propiónico) é um anti-inflamatório não esteroidal (AINE) utilizado no tratamento de uma grande variedade de doenças inflamatórias agudas e crónicas incluindo a artrite reumatoide, osteoartrite e espondilite anquilosante. A sua administração oral prolongada está associada a diversas reações gastrointestinais, tais como irritações e ulcerações. Neste contexto, é importante desenvolver sistemas alternati-vos, nomeadamente sistemas de libertação controlada para administração oral, transdér-mica ou intradérmica. Este trabalho tem como objetivo testar a possibilidade de utilização de dispersões aquosas de poliuretano (PUDs) como material de suporte para a produção de sistemas de liberta-ção controlada de cetoprofeno. Numa primeira etapa, foram sintetizadas PUDs de base poliéster (policaprolactona, PCL) e poliéter (polipropileno-glicol, PPG) utilizando o méto-do de pré-polímero modificado. As dispersões obtidas foram caracterizadas em termos de pH, viscosidade, teor de sólidos e tamanho de partícula. Numa segunda etapa, foi testada a incorporação do cetoprofeno nas PDUs produzidas utilizando duas estratégias para incre-mentar a sua solubilidade em água: (i) utilização de um co-solvente (acetona, DMSO e HYD) e (ii) utilização de um surfactante não iónico (Tween 80). A incorporação foi testada para teores de 5% e 10% (razão fármaco/polímero, m/m). Os filmes produzidos pelo méto-do da evaporação do solvente foram avaliados quanto à sua homogeneidade e caracteriza-dos por FTIR e DSC. Numa terceira fase realizaram-se estudos de libertação em tampão de fosfato salino (PBS) de pH 7.5 tendo como objetivo avaliar a viabilidade de desenvolvimen-to de diferentes tipologias de dispositivos dependendo de um compromisso entre as pro-priedades dos filmes e o comportamento de libertação. Os resultados obtidos podem ajudar na seleção do material de base mais adequado para um determinado fim. Adicionalmente, e mais importante, comprovou-se a viabilidade de utilizar PUDs como material base para o desenvolvimento de sistemas de libertação con-trolada, utilizando como exemplo o cetoprofeno. A avaliação da toxicidade e da atividade anti-inflamatória dos filmes produzidos foi considerada estando em curso neste momento no grupo do Professor Armando Cunha Júnior.