988 resultados para Pleas of the crown.


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Key cases in Australia and Canada dealing with litigation undertaken by members of the stolen generations - considers vicarious liability, non-delegable duties and duty of care - while plaintiffs in leading Canadian cases were successful under at least one of their heads of claim, there were inconsistencies - Crown's liability for the Aboriginal residential school experience is unresolved - key Australian decisions where plaintiffs' claims against the Crown for vicarious liability and breaches of duty of care were rejected.


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To examine the uptake of religious rituals of the Greek Orthodox Church by relatives of patients in critical condition in Greece and to explore their symbolic representations and spiritual meanings.
Patients and their relatives want to be treated with respect and be supported for their beliefs, practices, customs and rituals. However nurses may not be ready to meet the spiritual needs of relatives of patients, while the health-related religious beliefs, practices and rituals of the Greek Orthodox Christian denomination have not been explored.
This study was part of a large study encompassing 19 interviews with 25 informants, relatives of patients in intensive care units of three large hospitals in Athens, Greece, between 2000 and 2005. In this paper data were derived from personal accounts of religious rituals given by six participants.
Relatives used a series of religious rituals, namely blessed oil and holy water, use of relics of saints, holy icons, offering names for pleas and pilgrimage.
Through the rituals, relatives experience a sense of connectedness with the divine and use the sacred powers to promote healing of their patients.
Implications for nursing management
Nurse managers should recognize, respect and facilitate the expression of spirituality through the practice of religious rituals by patients and their relatives.


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A jabuticabeira (Myrciaria spp.) é uma fruteira originada do centro-Sul do Brasil e apresenta tipos diferentes. É uma árvore de tamanho médio, com tendência a formar copa com grande número de ramos desde pouco acima do solo. Uma característica considerada como limitante para a cultura comercial dessa frutífera é o grande período juvenil, aconselhando-se então produzir bons porta-enxertos de pés-francos e enxertar as variedades desejadas, ou ainda por outros processos vegetativos. Objetivando-se avaliar a influência da temperatura na germinação de sementes de três clones de jabuticabeira, realizou-se um experimento em condições de laboratório. Observou-se que há influência da temperatura na porcentagem de germinação, sendo que, nas mais baixas temperaturas (15ºC e 20ºC), foi verificada uma maior porcentagem de germinação para os três clones em estudo. Quando do uso da temperatura de 35ºC, dois clones tiveram apenas 8% de germinação, enquanto, para o outro, foi verificado 35%. Estes dados mostram a possibilidade de ocorrência de variabilidade entre clones de jabuticabeira.


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Soil acidity is one of the most important factors limiting agricultural production in the tropics. For this reason, the objective of this research work was to evaluate the effects of soil liming on the performance of carambola (Averrhoa carambola) trees. The experiment took place at the Citrus Experimental Station in Bebedouro, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The soil was a Typic Haplustox (V = 26% at the 0- to 20-cm layer) between August 1999 and July 2003. The following doses of limestone were employed: 0, 1.85, 3.71, 5.56, and 7.41 t ha(-1). During 40 months after the experiment was set up, soil chemical attributes were periodically examined. For a period of 2 years, the trees had their leaves analyzed for micro-and macronutrients; their trunk diameter, height, and crown volume measured; and the production of fruits determined. Liming improved in evaluated chemical attributes of the soil: pH, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), BS, V, and hydrogen and aluminium (H + At) from the upper 60 cm of soil when the samples were taken from both the line and between the lines of plants. In the leaves, the levels of Ca and Mg also increased. The highest fruit yields were observed when soil base saturations reached 45% on the lines and 50% between the lines, as well as when foliar levels of 8.0 g of Ca and 4.7 a of Mg per kilogram of leaves were attained.


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The objective was to study the phenology of Caryocar brasiliense Camb. (Caryocaraceae), a type of fruit of the Brazilian cerrado, in three areas (cerrado, pasture and in the campus of the Federal University of Minas Gerais) of the municipality of Montes Claros, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, during 3 years. The plants of C brasiliense presented linear growth with about 50 cm of height and 35 cm of crown width per year. Soils with loamy texture, dystrophic, rich in aluminum and with low pH favor the production of this species. C. brasiliense produced higher quantity of flowers in the middle third, followed by the apical and basal parts of the crown, while the fruit production was higher in the basal third, followed by the middle and apical parts of the canopy of this species. C brasiliense bloomed during the dry period and produced fruits in the rainy season. Its fruits presented about 6, 8 and 6 cm of width, length and height, respectively, and 160 g of gross weight. The extrativism without control has strong impact on the propagation of C brasiliense because only about 7.96 and 10.65% of plants up to 1.0 m height and 59.58 and 44.73% higher than 3.0 m (reproductive phase) was observed in the cerrado and pasture, respectively. This indicates that fruit collectors, practically, remove all fruits of this tree and thus they reduce, considerably, the propagation of C. brasiliense in the cerrado areas of Brazil. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Wood gasification technologies to convert the biomass into fuel gas stand out. on the other hand, producing electrical energy from stationary engine is widely spread, and its application in rural communities where the electrical network doesn't exist is very required. The recovery of exhaust gases (engine) is a possibility that makes the system attractive when compared with the same components used to obtain individual heat such as electric power. This paper presents an energetic alternative to adapt a fixed bed gasifier with a compact cogeneration system in order to cover electrical and thermal demands in a rural area and showing an energy solution for small social communities using renewable fuels. Therefore, an energetic and economical analysis from a cogeneration system producing electric energy, hot and cold water, using wooden gas as fuel from a small-sized gasifier was calculated. The energy balance that includes the energy efficiency (electric generation as well as hot and cold water system; performance coefficient and the heat exchanger, among other items), was calculated. Considering the annual interest rates and the amortization periods, the costs of production of electrical energy, hot and cold water were calculated, taking into account the investment, the operation and the maintenance cost of the equipments. Crown Copyright (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Daily ultrasound examinations were conducted from Days 10 to 60 (ovulation = Day 0) of pregnancy to monitor the conceptus in jennies (n = 12). The embryonic vesicle was first detected on Day 11.5 +/- 0.9 (mean +/- SD; range 10 to 13d) and was mobile until movement ceased (fixation) on Day 15.5 +/- 1.4 (range, 13 to 18d). The vesicle was spherical from Days 10 to 18 (mean growth rate, 3.2 mm/d), non spherical (irregular) with a reduced growth rate (0.5 mm/d) from Days 19 to 29, and then grew at a moderate rate (1.6 mm/d) up to Day 46. on average, detection of the embryo proper (consistently located on the ventral aspect of the yolk sac) and embryonic heartbeat were Days 20.7 +/- 1.2 and 23.5 +/- 1.3, respectively. Formation of the allantoic sac was first detected on Day 24.4 +/- 1.7 and was complete on Day 36.8 +/- 1.6. Descent of the fetus (and formation of the umbilical cord) began on Day 37.9 +/- 1.7 and was complete on Day 44.1 +/- 2.1. Crown-ramp length averaged 3.7, 15.4, 22.7, 37.5 and 59.6 mm on Days 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60, respectively. In general, morphologic features and dates of occurrence were similar to those reported previously in the mare. (C) 1998 by Elsevier B.V.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of the present study was to determine the influence of the type of trauma on the pulp vitality and the time elapsed until seeking dental care in children aged 0-3 years seen at the Baby Clinic of the Aracatuba Dental School, UNESP. A total of 1813 records were analyzed. Two hundred and three patients, corresponding to 302 traumatized teeth, were assessed clinically and radiographically. Hard-tissue injuries were the most frequent (52%), with a predominance of enamel crown fractures (41.4%), followed by concussions (12.6%) and intrusions (11.6%). Clinical and radiographic examination revealed that 72% of the traumatized teeth maintained pulp vitality. In the case of supporting-tissue lesions, 51.1% of the patients sought care within 1-15 days after injury, while in the case of hard-tissue injuries, 52.7% sought care only after 16 days. The results showed that supporting-tissue injuries had a significant influence on the faster seeking of dental care.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate two root canal filling techniques used in teeth that had their apical foramen disrupted and compare the apical infiltration with an ideal clinical situation. Twenty-seven freshly extracted single-rooted teeth were selected and radiographed to confirm the existence of a single and straight root canal. The crowns were removed at a mean distance of 11 mm from the apex. The teeth had the root canals instrumented and were randomly assigned to 3 groups (n=9): ND group-root canals were filled using the lateral compaction technique and no disruption was performed; DRF group-the apical constriction was disrupted by advancing a #40 K-file 1 mm beyond the original working length, the canals were reinstrumented to create an apical ledge at 1 mm from the apical foramen and were obturated with a master gutta-percha cone with same size as the last file used for reinstrumentation; DF group - the teeth had the apical constriction disrupted and the canals were obturated with a master gutta-percha cone that fit at 1 mm from the apex. The teeth were submitted to dye leakage test with Rhodamine B for 7 days, using vaccum on the initial 5 min. The teeth were sectioned longitudinally and the leakage was measured in a linear fashion from apex to crown. There was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) between the groups that had the apical foramen disrupted (DF, DRF), but significant difference was found between the disrupted groups and the non-disrupted one (p<0.01). In conclusion, none of the evaluated techniques was able to prevent apical infiltration, so working length so the working length determination has to be established and maintained carefully.


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Cysts are considered as nonneoplastic benign lesions that, when present for a long period of time, can cause some discomfort, especially related to the treatment form. Among the types of cysts of the maxilla, the dentigerous cyst (DC) presents substances between the dental follicle and the crown of the tooth with high potential for resorption, and the odontogenic keratocyst tumor (OKT) characterizes for its noticed rapid growth pattern and the possibility to develop carcinomas in the lesion wall. The DC is the most common type among the developing odontogenic cystic lesions, while the OKT represents 10% of these lesions. The prevalence of the OKT found in the current study was superior to the DC, opposing data of the evaluated literature, as well as the predominance in relation to the age group. Dentigerous cyst cases were found mostly in younger individuals, whereas the OKT was observed mainly in individuals between the third and fourth decades of life. This fact reflects the fragility of these features while establishing the presumptive diagnosis and insinuates the strong relation with a probable genetic predisposition. In relation to sex and race, the findings in this article were similar to those found in the literature, highlighting the possibility of a hormonal involvement. However, the anatomopathologic examination remains essential to define the main diagnosis of the lesions observed by means of imaging examinations, providing for safer diagnoses to plan the treatment.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of this study was to assess the presence and the degree of expression of the molar tubercle according to sex, dentition and hemi-arches. Study casts of 126 patients were assessed, and those were under orthodontic treatment at the University of Franca, UNIFRAN; they were from both sexs, from 4 to 13 years old. The upper second primary molars and the upper first permanent molars, from both sides, were evaluated regarding the presence and the degree of expression of the molar tubercle. For an association study, the qui-square test was utilized. The concordance about the presence or absence of the molar tubercle according to dentition, hemi-arch and sex, was estimated by the Kappa Statistics. There was a sexual dimorphism concerning the presence/absence of the molar tubercle (p=0.009), however there was no significant association between the degree of expression of the tubercle and the sex (p=0.791). The molar tubercle was more frequently observed in the male sex, in upper second primary molars and in the form of depression. There was a significant and "moderate" concordance between the left and right sides in primary dentition (k=0.596), there was a "good" concordance in permanent dentition (k=0.708) and a "weak" and significant concordance between the presence of the molar tubercle and dentition (k=0.207).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)