979 resultados para Pineapple -- Diseases and pests


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Estudi de la Cydia pomonella (L.), corc de les pomes i de les peres que és una plaga molt important en tot l’àmbit estatal i del control que cal fer-ne per tal d’evitar la pèrdua total o parcial de la collita


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Estudi de la fase asexual del fong deuteromicet Stemphylium vesicarium causant de l’estemfilosi de la perera


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Estudi sobre el treball realitzat durant els anys 2005 i 2006 en més de 300 ha de presseguers de l'Alt i el Baix Empordà que contempla aspectes biològics de C. capitata, la metodologia de seguiment i control utilitzada durant els dos anys, avaluacions realitzades a camp així com l’anàlisi de les dades obtingudes


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La Necrosi Apical Bruna (BAN, brown apical necrosis, segons les sigles en anglès) Es va detectar per primer cop l’any 1997 a Extremadura degut a la severa caiguda de fruits. Avui dia la malaltia és present a quasi totes les zones productores de la mediterrània. Els símptomes difereixen dels provocats per Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis i Gnomonia leptsostyla.. S’observa que els fruits afectats presenten una taca bruna a la zona apical i necrosi dels teixits interiors. El grup de Patologia Vegetal de la Universitat de Girona participa i dirigeix la tasca sobre l’etiologia de la BAN dins la xarxa europea d’investigació en bacteris patògens de fruiters ,COST873. Hi ha una certa controvèrsia en la definició dels símptomes i agents causals. Tots els grups coincideixen en afirmar que es tracta d’una malaltia complexa amb diferents organismes implicats


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L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és relacionar el nivell d’estemfiliosi en plantacions comercials de perera, a caiguda de fulla, amb la DPP o dosi potencial de pseudotecis de Pleospora allii (fase sexual del patogen Stemphylium vesicarium). També es pretén determinar aspectes relacionats amb la biologia del fong P. allii, com la dinàmica de producció de pseudotecis en el temps i l’efecte de la temperatura en aquesta formació. El coneixement del DPP en plantacions de pera i la predicció del desenvolupament inicial de la malaltia poden permetre perfeccionar els programes de control de l’estemfiliosi, reduint-ne el cost i l’impacte ambiental


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L’objectiu del treball és per una banda determinar la dinàmica d’esporulació i emissió de conidis de Stemphylium vesicarium en finques comercials de perera, i per altra banda determinar la viabilitat de la capacitat infectiva i germinativa d’aquests conidis al llarg del temps segons diferents condicions ambientals


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One of the major aims of the research presented in this thesis was to assist managers of native vegetation communities in southeastern Australia in understanding the dynamics of P. cinnamomi with an important ecological species, Xanthorrhoea australis. It trialed the use of phosphite in large-scale field applications to establish the usefulness of this management option for the first time on Victorian flora. This thesis describes the process of disease development within mature X. Australia plants. For the first time it was shown that within X. australis plants, secondary disease symptoms are related to the percentage of stem that has been infested by the disease. It was evident that after initial invasion the pathogen moves via root xylem and throughout the plant within vascular to the stem, especially within the desmium. The research shows that the pathogen could not be isolated consistently even though it was considered to be responsible for disease symptoms. Trials of a control fungicide (Foli-R-fos 200) shows that protection occurs in many susceptible plants when 2 and 6g a.i./L phosphite is applied. Phytotoxicity occurred in native plants at Anglesea and within controlled environment trials when using ≥ 6g a.i./L. It will be shown that 2g a.i./L phosphite controls disease in sprayed plots within heathlands at Anglesea and a recently burnt coastal woodland community at Wilson’s Promontory. The proportion of healthy X. australis plants treated with phosphite was significantly higher than the proportion in control plots without phosphite. The research shows that phosphite was recovered from leaves of three species treated with Foli-R-fos 200 in the field. For the first time it has been shown that seed germination was reduced in two species when high concentrations of phosphite were applied. The first documentation of the effect that phosphite has on soil properties showed that nitrogen and oxidised organic carbon were the only parameters to alter significantly. This thesis provides answers to some important questions, answers that can now be used by managers in formulating better policies and actions at an operational level. There has been a dire need in Victoria to address many issues regarding P. cinnamomi and this thesis provides relevant and informative approaches to disease control, and a better understanding of the disease progress.


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Cyclaneusma minus is a plant pathogen that has financial impacts on the forestry industry. This study characterised the genetic variation in Australian and New Zealand isolates of Cyclaneusma minus using both molecular and morphological techniques and developed a PCR detection test for the presence of Cyclaneusma minus in tree plantations.


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The host-pathogen interaction study between Arabidopsis thaliana and Plasmodiophora brassicae was conducted at cellular and molecular level for a better understanding of the pathogen. Gene expression studies conducted therin at the early time points during the infection process of P. brassicae discovered new information on the components of compatibility.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Entomologia Agrícola) - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Genética e Melhoramento de Plantas) - FCAV


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA