229 resultados para Piers.


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In recent years a great number of high speed railway bridges have been constructed within the Spanish borders. Due to the demanding high speed trains route's geometrical requirements, bridges frequently show remarkable lengths. This fact is the main reason why railway bridges are overall longer than roadway bridges. In the same line, it is also worth highlighting the importance of high speed trains braking forces compared to vehicles. While vehicles braking forces can be tackled easily, the railway braking forces demand the existence of a fixed-point. It is generally located at abutments where the no-displacements requirement can be more easily achieved. In some other cases the fixed-point is placed in one of the interior columns. As a consequence of these bridges' length and the need of a fixed-point, temperature, creep and shrinkage strains lead to fairly significant deck displacements, which become greater with the distance to the fixed-point. These displacements need to be accommodated by the piers and bearings deformation. Regular elastomeric bearings are not able to allow such displacements and therefore are not suitable for this task. For this reason, the use of sliding PTFE POT bearings has been an extensive practice mainly because they permit sliding with low friction. This is not the only reason of the extensive use of these bearings to high-speed railways bridges. The value of the vertical loads at each bent is significantly higher than in roadway bridges. This is so mainly because the live loads due to trains traffic are much greater than vehicles. Thus, gravel rails foundation represents a non-negligible permanent load at all. All this together increases the value of vertical loads to be withstood. This high vertical load demand discards the use of conventional bearings for excessive compressions. The PTFE POT bearings' higher technology allows to accommodate this level of compression thanks to their design. The previously explained high-speed railway bridge configuration leads to a key fact regarding longitudinal horizontal loads (such as breaking forces) which is the transmission of these loads entirely to the fixed-point alone. Piers do not receive these longitudinal horizontal loads since PTFE POT bearings displayed are longitudinally free-sliding. This means that longitudinal horizontal actions on top of piers will not be forces but imposed displacements. This feature leads to the need to approach these piers design in a different manner that when piers are elastically linked to superstructure, which is the case of elastomeric bearings. In response to the previous, the main goal of this Thesis is to present a Design Method for columns displaying either longitudinally fixed POT bearings or longitudinally free PTFE POT bearings within bridges with fixed-point deck configuration, applicable to railway and road vehicles bridges. The method was developed with the intention to account for all major parameters that play a role in these columns behavior. The long process that has finally led to the method's formulation is rooted in the understanding of these column's behavior. All the assumptions made to elaborate the formulations contained in this method have been made in benefit of conservatives results. The singularity of the analysis of columns with this configuration is due to a combination of different aspects. One of the first steps of this work was to study they of these design aspects and understand the role each plays in the column's response. Among these aspects, special attention was dedicated to the column's own creep due to permanent actions such us rheological deck displacements, and also to the longitudinally guided PTFE POT bearings implications in the design of the column. The result of this study is the Design Method presented in this Thesis, that allows to work out a compliant vertical reinforcement distribution along the column. The design of horizontal reinforcement due to shear forces is not addressed in this Thesis. The method's formulations are meant to be applicable to the greatest number of cases, leaving to the engineer judgement many of the different parameters values. In this regard, this method is a helpful tool for a wide range of cases. The widespread use of European standards in the more recent years, in particular the so-called Eurocodes, has been one of the reasons why this Thesis has been developed in accordance with Eurocodes. Same trend has been followed for the bearings design implications, which are covered by the rather recent European code EN-1337. One of the most relevant aspects that this work has taken from the Eurocodes is the non-linear calculations security format. The biaxial bending simplified approach that shows the Design Method presented in this work also lies on Eurocodes recommendations. The columns under analysis are governed by a set of dimensionless parameters that are presented in this work. The identification of these parameters is a helpful for design purposes for two columns with identical dimensionless parameters may be designed together. The first group of these parameters have to do with the cross-sectional behavior, represented in the bending-curvature diagrams. A second group of parameters define the columns response. Thanks to this identification of the governing dimensionless parameters, it has been possible what has been named as Dimensionless Design Curves, which basically allows to obtain in a reduced time a preliminary vertical reinforcement column distribution. These curves are of little use nowadays, firstly because each family of curves refer to specific values of many different parameters and secondly because the use of computers allows for extremely quick and accurate calculations.


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The San Pedro Bridge has six spans and is 750 m (2460 ft) long, 88 m (290 ft) high, 12 m (39 ft) wide, and curved with a radius of 700 m (2300 ft). It was built in 1993 using the cantilever method. Its super - structure is a prestressed concrete box girder with main spans of 150 m (490 ft). In 2008 and 2009, the width of the platform was enlarged to 23 m (75 ft) using five movable sets of scaffolding. The bridge remained open to traffic during construction. The original platform was widened 6 m (20 ft) on each side by connecting a new lightweight concrete cantilever to the original upper slab. These cantilevers were supported by steelstruts. The tie into the upper slab was made with new transverse post-tensioned tendons. The original superstructure was strengthened to resist the additional dead load of the expansion and live loads of the extra traffic. An additional new central web and a composite concrete-steel section were constructed and connected to the concrete box and central web using vertical high-strength post-tensioning bars. Also, external post-tensioning cables were implemented. It was also necessary to strengthen the connection of the original concrete box section to the piers. Detailed calculations were performed to evaluate the load distribution transmitted to the piers by the webs and by the original inclined concrete walls of the box girder. Finally, a detailed second-order-analysis of the complete structure was made to guarantee the resistance of the piers compared with actual loads


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El presente trabajo de investigación se ocupa del estudio de las vibraciones verticales inducidas por vórtices (VIV) en aquellos puentes que, por sus características geométricas y propiedades dinámicas, muestran cierta sensibilidad este tipo de fenómeno aeroelástico. El objeto principal es el análisis del mecanismo de interacción viento-estructura sobre secciones no fuseladas de geometría simple, con objeto de realizar una adecuada caracterización del problema y poder abordar posteriormente el análisis de otras secciones de geometría más compleja, representativas de los principales elementos estructurales de los puentes, como arcos, tableros, torres y pilas. Este aspecto es fundamental durante la fase de diseño del puente, donde deberán tenerse en cuenta también una serie de detalles que pueden influir significativamente su sensibilidad ante problemas aerodinámicos, como la morfología y dimensiones principales de la sección transversal del tablero, la disposición de barreras de seguridad y barreras cortaviento, o las riostras que unen diferentes elementos estructurales. La configuración de dos elementos en tándem o la construcción de un puente en las inmediaciones de otro existente son otros aspectos a considerar respecto a la sensibilidad frente a efectos aeroelásticos. El estudio se ha llevado a cabo principalmente mediante la implementación de simulaciones numéricas que reproducen la interacción entre la corriente de aire y secciones representativas de modelos estructurales, a partir de un código CFD basado en el método de las partículas de vórtices (VPM), siguiendo por tanto un esquema Lagrangiano. Los resultados han sido validados con datos experimentales existentes, valores procedentes de ensayos en túnel de viento y registros reales a partir de diferentes casos de estudio: Alconétar (2006), Niterói (1980), Trans- Tokyo Bay (1995) y Volgogrado (2010). Finalmente, se propone un modelo semi-empírico para la estimación del rango de velocidades críticas y amplitudes de oscilación basado en la utilización de las derivadas de flameo de Scanlan, y la densidad espectral de las fuerzas aerodinámicas en el dominio de la frecuencia. The present research work concerns the study of vertical vortex-induced vibrations (VIV) in bridges which show certain sensitivity to this type of aeroelastic phenomenon. It focuses on the analysis of the wind-structure interaction mechanism on bluff sections, with the objective of making a good characterisation of the problem and subsequently addressing the analysis of sections with a complex geometry, which are representative of the bridge structural elements, such as arches, decks, towers and piers. This issue is of relative importance during the bridge design phase, since minor details of the aforementioned elements can significantly influence its sensitivity to aerodynamic problems. The shape and main dimensions of the deck cross section, the addition of safety barriers and windshields, the presence of braces to enhance the structure mechanical properties, the utilisation of cross sections in tandem arrangement, or the erection of a new bridge in the vicinity of another existing one are some of the aspects to be considered regarding the sensitivity to the aeroelastic effects. The study has been carried out mainly through the implementation of numerical simulations that reproduces the interaction between the airflow and the representative cross section of a structural bridge model, by the use of a CFD code based on the vortex particle method (VPM), thus following a Lagrangian scheme. The results have been validated with existing experimental data, values from wind tunnel tests and full scale observations from the different case studies: Alconétar (2006), Niterói (1980), Trans-Tokyo Bay (1995) and Volgograd (2010). Finally, a new semi-empirical model is proposed for the estimation of the critical wind velocity ranges and oscillation amplitudes based on the use of the Scanlan’s flutter derivatives and the power spectral density of aerodynamic force time history in the frequency domain.


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Es conocido que las dimensiones de los puentes de ferrocarril han ido cambiando debido a las estrictas condiciones de trazado impuestas en las líneas de alta velocidad. Además, la creciente preocupación de la sociedad por cuidar y proteger el medio ambiente, reflejado en la correspondiente normativa, ha generado nuevos condicionantes en el diseño de estas infraestructuras. En concreto, se ha limitado el movimiento de grandes volúmenes de terreno particularmente en los espacios protegidos. Por estas razones, hoy en día se proyectan y construyen puentes de ferrocarril más altos y más largos en todo el mundo. En España se han construido varios viaductos de pilas altas para líneas de alta velocidad. Ejemplos de estas infraestructuras son el Viaducto O’Eixo y el Viaducto de Barbantiño, situados en la línea de alta velocidad Madrid-Galicia, Estos viaductos altos se caracterizan por tener una mayor flexibilidad lateral y una frecuencia fundamental de oscilación baja, de hasta 0.2 Hz. La respuesta dinámica de este tipo de estructura puede aumentar como consecuencia de la aproximación entre la frecuencias propias de la misma y las de excitación debidas al paso del tren y a la acción del viento. Por lo tanto, estas estructuras pueden presentar problemas a la hora de cumplir con las limitaciones impuestas en las normas de diseño de puentes de ferrocarril, y otras, para garantizar la seguridad del tráfico y el confort de los viajeros. La respuesta dinámica lateral de viaductos de pilas altas no ha sido suficientemente estudiada en la literatura científica. Se pueden intuir varios de los motivos para explicar esta carencia. El primero es la relativamente reciente aparición de este tipo de viaductos asociados al desarrollo de la alta velocidad. Por otro lado, se hace necesario, para estudiar este tema, construir nuevos modelos numéricos adecuados para el estudio de la interacción dinámica lateral del puente y del tren. La interacción entre el puente y un tren viajando sobre él es un problema dinámico no lineal, dependiente del tiempo y de acoplamiento entre los dos subsistemas que intervienen (vehículo y puente). Los dos subsistemas, que pueden ser modelados como estructuras elásticas, interaccionan el uno con el otro a través de las fuerzas de contacto, que tiene una marcada naturaleza no lineal por el rozamiento entre rueda y carril, y por la geometría de los perfiles de estos dos elementos en contacto. En esta tesis, se desarrolla la formulación completa de un modelo no lineal de interacción tren-vía-puente-viento que reproduce adecuadamente las fuerzas laterales de contacto rueda-carril, fuerzas que van a tener una gran influencia en los índices de seguridad del tráfico. Este modelo se ha validado a partir de casos resueltos en la literatura científica, y de medidas experimentales tomadas en eventos dinámicos ocurridos en los viaductos de Arroyo de Valle y Arroyo de las Piedras. Puentes altos que han estado monitorizados en servicio durante dos años. En los estudios realizados en este trabajo, se cuantifican, empleando el modelo construido, los niveles de seguridad del tráfico y de confort de los pasajeros de trenes ligeros de alta velocidad, como el tren articulado AVE S-100, que viajan sobre viaductos altos sometidos, o no, a fuertes vientos laterales racheados. Finalmente, se ha obtenido el grado de mejora de la seguridad del tráfico y del confort de los viajeros, cuando se emplean pantallas anti-viento en el tablero y amortiguadores de masa sintonizados en la cabeza de las pilas de un viaducto alto. Resultando, el uso simultaneo de estos dos dispositivos (pantallas y amortiguadores de masa), en puentes altos de líneas de alta velocidad, una opción a considerar en la construcción de estas estructuras para elevar significativamente el nivel de servicio de las mismas. It is known that dimensions of railway bridges have been changing due to the strict high-speed lines layout parameters. Moreover, the growing concern of society to take care of and protect the environment, reflected in the corresponding regulations, has created new environment requirements for the design of these infrastructures. Particularly, the mentioned regulations do not allow designers to move far from terrain to build these railway lines. Due to all these reasons, longer and higher railway bridges are being designed and built around the world. In Spain, several high pier railway viaducts have been built for high speed lines. Barbantiño Viaduct and Eixo Viaduct, belonging to the Madrid-Galicia high speed line, are examples of this kind of structures. These high viaducts have great lateral flexibility and a low fundamental vibration frequency of down to 0.2 Hz. The dynamic response of high speed railway bridges may increase because of the approximation between the natural viaduct frequencies and the excitation ones due to the train travel and the wind action. Therefore, this bridge response could not satisfy the serviceability limits states, for traffic safety and for passenger comfort, considered by the design standards of high speed bridges. It is difficult to find papers in the scientific literature about the lateral response of high-speed trains travel over long viaducts with high piers. Several reasons could explain this issue. On one hand, the construction of this kind of viaduct is relatively recent and it is associated to the development of the high speed railway. On the other hand, in order to study the dynamic lateral interaction between the train and the high bridge, it is necessary to build new numerical and complex models. The interaction between the bridge-track subsystem and the vehicle subsystem travelling over the bridge is a coupling, nonlinear and time dependent problem. Both subsystems, train and bridge, which can be modelled as elastic structures, interact each other through the contact forces. These forces have a strong nonlinear nature due to the friction and the geometry of rail and wheel profiles. In this thesis, the full formulation of a train-track-bridge-wind nonlinear interaction model is developed. This model can reproduce properly the lateral contact wheel-rail forces, which have a great influence on traffic safety indices. The validation of the model built has been reached through interaction solved cases found in the scientific literature and experimental measures taken in dynamic events which happened at Arroyo de las Piedras and Arroyo del Valle Viaducts. These high bridges have been controlled during two years of service by means of structural health monitoring. In the studies carried out for this thesis, the levels of traffic safety and passenger comfort are quantified using the interaction model built, in the cases of high speed and light trains, as AVE S-100, travelling over high pier bridges and with or without lateral turbulent winds acting. Finally, the improvement rate of the traffic safety and passenger comfort has been obtained, when wind barriers are used at the bridge deck and tuned mass dampers are installed at the pier heads of a high viaduct. The installation of both devices, wind barriers and tuned mass damper, at the same time, turned out to be a good option to be considered in the design of high pier railway viaducts, to improve significantly the serviceability level of this kind of structures.


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Las pilas de los puentes son elementos habitualmente verticales que, generalmente, se encuentran sometidos a un estado de flexión compuesta. Su altura significativa en muchas ocasiones y la gran resistencia de los materiales constituyentes de estos elementos – hormigón y acero – hace que se encuentren pilas de cierta esbeltez en la que los problemas de inestabilidad asociados al cálculo en segundo orden debido a la no linealidad geométrica deben ser considerados. Además, la mayoría de las pilas de nuestros puentes y viaductos están hechas de hormigón armado por lo que se debe considerar la fisuración del hormigón en las zonas en que esté traccionado. Es decir, el estudio del pandeo de pilas esbeltas de puentes requiere también la consideración de un cálculo en segundo orden mecánico, y no solo geométrico. Por otra parte, una pila de un viaducto no es un elemento que pueda considerarse como aislado; al contrario, su conexión con el tablero hace que aparezca una interacción entre la propia pila y aquél que, en cierta medida, supone una cierta coacción al movimiento de la propia cabeza de pila. Esto hace que el estudio de la inestabilidad de una pila esbelta de un puente no puede ser resuelto con la “teoría del pandeo de la pieza aislada”. Se plantea, entonces, la cuestión de intentar definir un procedimiento que permita abordar el problema complicado del pandeo de pilas esbeltas de puentes pero empleando herramientas de cálculo no tan complejas como las que resuelven “el pandeo global de una estructura multibarra, teniendo en cuenta todas las no linealidades, incluidas las de las coacciones”. Es decir, se trata de encontrar un procedimiento, que resulta ser iterativo, que resuelva el problema planteado de forma aproximada, pero suficientemente ajustada al resultado real, pero empleando programas “convencionales” de cálculo que sean capaces de : - por una parte, en la estructura completa: o calcular en régimen elástico lineal una estructura plana o espacial multibarra compleja; - por otra, en un modelo de una sola barra aislada: o considerar las no linealidades geométricas y mecánicas a nivel tensodeformacional, o considerar la no linealidad producida por la fisuración del hormigón, o considerar una coacción “elástica” en el extremo de la pieza. El objeto de este trabajo es precisamente la definición de ese procedimiento iterativo aproximado, la justificación de su validez, mediante su aplicación a diversos casos paramétricos, y la presentación de sus condicionantes y limitaciones. Además, para conseguir estos objetivos se han elaborado unos ábacos de nueva creación que permiten estimar la reducción de rigidez que supone la fisuración del hormigón en secciones huecas monocajón de hormigón armado. También se han creado unos novedosos diagramas de interacción axil-flector válidos para este tipo de secciones en flexión biaxial. Por último, hay que reseñar que otro de los objetivos de este trabajo – que, además, le da título - era cuantificar el valor de la coacción que existe en la cabeza de una pila debido a que el tablero transmite las cargas de una pila al resto de los integrantes de la subestructura y ésta, por tanto, colabora a reducir los movimientos de la cabeza de pila en cuestión. Es decir, la cabeza de una pila no está exenta lo cual mejora su comportamiento frente al pandeo. El régimen de trabajo de esta coacción es claramente no lineal, ya que la rigidez de las pilas depende de su grado de fisuración. Además, también influye cómo las afecta la no linealidad geométrica que, para la misma carga, aumenta la flexión de segundo orden de cada pila. En este documento se define cuánto vale esta coacción, cómo hay que calcularla y se comprueba su ajuste a los resultados obtenidos en el l modelo no lineal completo. The piers of the bridges are vertical elements where axial loads and bending moments are to be considered. They are often high and also the strength of the materials they are made of (concrete and steel) is also high. This means that slender piers are very common and, so, the instabilities produced by the second order effects due to the geometrical non linear effects are to be considered. In addition to this, the piers are usually made of reinforced concrete and, so, the effects of the cracking of the concrete should also be evaluated. That is, the analysis of the instabilities of te piers of a bridge should consider both the mechanical and the geometrical non linearities. Additionally, the pier of a bridge is not a single element, but just the opposite; the connection of the pier to the deck of the bridge means that the movements of the top of the pier are reduced compared to the situation of having a free end at the top of the pier. The connection between the pier and the deck is the reason why the instability of the pier cannot be analysed using “the buckling of a compressed single element method”. So, the question of defining an approximate method for analysing the buckling of the slender piers of a bridge but using a software less complex than what it is needed for analysing the “ global buckling of a multibeam structure considering all t”, is arisen. Then, the goal should be trying to find a procedure for analysing the said complex problem of the buckling of the slender piers of a bridge using a simplified method. This method could be an iterative (step by step) procedure, being accurate enough, using “normal” software having the following capabilities: - Related to the calculation of the global structure o Ability for calculating a multibesam strucutre using elastic analysis. - Related to the calculation of a single beam strcuture:: o Ability for taking into account the geometrical and mechanical () non linearities o Ability for taking into account the cracking of the concrete. o Ability for using partial stiff constraints (elastic springs) at the end of the elements One of the objectives of this document is just defining this simplified methodology, justifying the accuracy of the proposed procedure by using it on some different bridges and presenting the exclusions and limitations of the propose method. In addition to this, some new charts have been created for calculating the reduction of the stiffness of hollow cross sections made of reinforced concrete. Also, new charts for calculating the reinforcing of hollow cross sections under biaxial bending moments are also included in the document. Finally, it is to be said that another aim of the document – as it is stated on the title on the document – is defining the value of the constraint on the top of the pier because of the connection of the pier to the deck .. and to the other piers. That is, the top of the pier is not a free end of a beam and so the buckling resistance of the pier is significantly improved. This constraint is a non-elastic constraint because the stiffness of each pier depends on the level of cracking. Additionally, the geometrical non linearity is to be considered as there is an amplification of the bending moments due to the increasing of the movements of the top of the pier. This document is defining how this constraints is to be calculated; also the accuracy of the calculations is evaluated comparing the final results with the results of the complete non linear calculations


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Agrobacterium tumefaciens transfers a piece of its Ti plasmid DNA (transferred DNA or T-DNA) into plant cells during crown gall tumorigenesis. A. tumefaciens can transfer its T-DNA to a wide variety of hosts, including both dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous plants. We show that the host range of A. tumefaciens can be extended to include Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Additionally, we demonstrate that while T-DNA transfer into S. cerevisiae is very similar to T-DNA transfer into plants, the requirements are not entirely conserved. The Ti plasmid-encoded vir genes of A. tumefaciens that are required for T-DNA transfer into plants are also required for T-DNA transfer into S. cerevisiae, as is vir gene induction. However, mutations in the chromosomal virulence genes of A. tumefaciens involved in attachment to plant cells have no effect on the efficiency of T-DNA transfer into S. cerevisiae. We also demonstrate that transformation efficiency is improved 500-fold by the addition of yeast telomeric sequences within the T-DNA sequence.


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El cáncer es la segunda causa de muerte en niños y adolescentes. No obstante, las tasas de supervivencia son actualmente elevadas. Ante esta realidad, ha aumentado el interés por conocer los factores psicológicos asociados al ajuste psicológico a largo plazo y en la situación de recidiva del cáncer infanto-juvenil. Debido a la escasez de estudios sobre estos factores en el contexto brasileño, el objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar el grado de ajuste psicológico de niños/adolescentes brasileños aquejados de cáncer (en recaída y supervivientes) y sus cuidadores, con relación a un grupo control de niños/adolescentes sin historia de cáncer y sus familiares. Adicionalmente, se buscó analizar la asociación entre medidas de psicopatología y variables sociodemográficas, médicas, clima familiar y apoyo social recibido por los cuidadores. Las muestras se distribuyeron en tres grupos: el grupo 1 tenía 31 niños/adolescentes con recaída de cáncer y 32 padres/cuidadores; el grupo 2 estaba compuesto por 78 niños/adolescentes supervivientes y 75 padres/cuidadores; y el grupo 3 estaba formado por 71 niños/adolescentes sin historia conocida de cáncer y 76 padres/cuidadores. Los instrumentos de medida aplicados a los niños/adolescentes fueron las escalas BASC - autoinforme, RCMAS y la Escala de Autoconcepto Piers-Harris. En los padres/cuidadores se aplicaron las escalas BASC – informe de los padres, los inventarios Beck de ansiedad y depresión (BAI y BDI), el cuestionario SCL-90, el Cuestionario de Apoyo Social de Norbeck y la Escala de Clima Social en la Familia. Se analizaron los datos a partir de ANCOVAS, ANOVAS, pruebas de Kruskal-Wallis y correlaciones de Pearson y Spearman...


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Use of evidence-based practice is becoming more expected and necessary for mental health practitioners. This allows for proof, accountability, and rigorous standards to be upheld, facilitates healthcare reimbursement, and provides a wider range of services to more clients. Appropriate monitoring and outcome measurement is essential to determine the effectiveness of a given intervention. An organization providing group social skills interventions for children 7-18 years was analyzed to facilitate the best plan for evaluating treatment effectiveness. Measurable goals and objectives consistent with the organizations mission and values were developed. Appropriate social skills measurement tools were identified. Strengths and weaknesses of each measure were compared, and existing literature was reviewed to ensure cohesion between this evaluation and current standards in literature. Parent report, self report, and teacher report on Piers-Harris II, BASC-2, and Skills Improvement System Rating Scales were determined to be the most relevant measures of social skills development. A timeline for administration and plan for how to implement measurement and use data was suggested as well as considerations for future research.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Map of New York City, south of 46th St. : showing new arrangement of docks, piers, and water frontage, also soundings and former high water line .... It was published by Matthew Dripps in 1877. Scale [1:7,200]. Covers southern portion of Manhattan. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 18N NAD83 projection. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as streets (with block numbers), railroads, drainage, selected public buildings (police stations, churches, theaters, schools, hotels, industries, etc.), wharves, parks, city wards, the former high water line, and more. Includes text: Key to r.r. routes, sub post offices, police stations, and street directory; and inset: New York in 1778. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Map of Seattle : 1913, drawn originally from official records in office of city engineer and revised by L. Missigman. It was published by Seattle Pioneer Pocket Guide in 1913. Scale [ca. 1:35,700]. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Washington State Plane North Coordinate System HARN NAD83 (in Feet) (Fipszone 4601). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, railroads, drainage, docks, piers, city boundaries, and more. Includes inset: Rainer Beach. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Seattle. It was published by Kroll Map Co. in 1920. Issued by the Seattle Chamber of Commerce. Scale [ca. 1:36,000]. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Washington State Plane North Coordinate System HARN NAD83 (in Feet) (Fipszone 4601). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, railroads, ferry routes, drainage, selected industry locations (e.g. mills, factories, mines, etc.), city boundaries, parks, cemeteries, docks, piers, and more. Includes index. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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Long-term changes in the beach fauna at Duck, North Carolina, were investigated. Twenty-one stations located on three transects on the oceanside and twenty-four stations located on three transects on the sound side were sampled seasonally from November 1980 to July 1981. The data collected in this study were compared to a previous study conducted in 1976 (Matta, 1977) to investigate the potential effects of the construction of the CERC Field Research Facility pier on the adjacent beaches. No effects on the benthic fauna were found. Changes observed in the benthic macrofauna on the ocean beaches were well within the range attributable to the natural variation of an open coast system. The ocean beach macrofauna was observed to form a single community migrating on an off the beach with the seasons. On the sound beaches, changes were detected in the benthic macrofauna; however, these were attributed to a salinity increase during the 1981 sampling year. (Author).


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"September 1976."


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"September 1976."