998 resultados para Photopontage en gel
El empleo de biomasa como combustible para la generación de bio-energía va en aumento en la actualidad, debido a su impacto medioambiental nulo en cuanto a las emisiones de CO2. Por lo tanto la generación de cenizas de biomasa, residuo de la producción de esta energía, constituye un problema medioambiental con un claro impacto social y económico. Este tipo de ceniza tiene contenidos en óxidos que la hacen atractiva para su empleo como sustituto parcial del cemento Portland, lo cual proporciona una salida eco-eficiente a este residuo, reduciendo al mismo tiempo la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero asociada a la fabricación del cemento. Esta investigación se centra en el desarrollo de nuevos e innovadores materiales base-cemento eco-eficientes que incorporan ceniza de biomasa para su aplicación integral en construcción. Para ello, se emplea una ceniza de biomasa (CB) procedente de un combustor de lecho fluidizado, cuya biomasa de combustión es principalmente restos de corteza de eucalipto, suministrada por el grupo ENCE-Navia (Asturias). El trabajo desarrollado en la presente tesis doctoral, tiene como primera fase la caracterización de esta ceniza y el análisis de viabilidad de su valorización en materiales base-cemento. Dentro de este análisis, se propone la activación de la ceniza CB mediante tratamiento hidrotermal (TH) en diferentes condiciones de medio activante, temperatura y tiempo de proceso, con el objetivo de favorecer la formación de fases hidratadas que potencien la valorización de la ceniza en el campo de los materiales de construcción. Como fase hidratada de interés se obtiene la fase tobermorita (Ca2.25(Si3O7.5(OH)1.5)(H2O)), precursora del gel C-S-H, responsable del desarrollo de resistencias mecánicas en los materiales base-cemento. El proceso de TH se optimiza para la síntesis más eficiente de esta fase. El estudio posterior de las propiedades mecánicas y micro-estructurales de pastas de cemento eco-eficientes que incorporan la ceniza CB y la ceniza tratada hidrotermalmente, CB-TH, confirma una mayor viabilidad de incorporación de la ceniza CB como sustituto parcial del cemento Portland. Como siguiente paso en el desarrollo de estos innovadores materiales base-cemento eco-eficientes se amplía el estudio multi-escalar de los materiales que incorporan CB mediante diferentes ensayos físico-mecánicos y de durabilidad. Los resultados indican que la presencia de la ceniza de biomasa no tiene efectos negativos sobre las propiedades físicas de los morteros eco-eficientes estudiados. Sin embargo, la adición de CB proporciona una mejor durabilidad del material al producir modificaciones de la microestructura que dificultan el transporte de agentes agresivos. Por otro lado, los morteros con un 10 y 20% de sustitución parcial de cemento por la ceniza de biomasa CB (CB-10 y CB-20) presentan una resistencia a compresión de 53.3 y 50.5 MPa a 28 días de curado, respectivamente. Estos morteros son comparables con un cemento Portland tradicional tipo CEM I de clase de resistencia 42.5 R. Por último, y con el fin de proporcionar la apertura de estos nuevos cementos eco-eficientes al mercado en el campo de los materiales de construcción, se estudian propiedades concretas relacionadas con diferentes tipos de aplicaciones. Concretamente se estudian en detalle las propiedades relativas a la aplicación en baldosas de mortero y los resultados indican unas prestaciones del material eco-eficiente con incorporación de CB similares o mejoradas con respecto al cemento Portland. Se analiza también la viabilidad de aplicación estructural de los cementos eco-eficientes desarrollados mediante el estudio de la adherencia al acero, que resulta similar a la del material de referencia. En cuanto a los resultados de extracción y caracterización de la fase acuosa de los poros, en todas las matrices eco-eficientes se obtiene un pH que garantiza la pasivación de la armadura. Sin embargo, el alto contenido en cloruros de dicha fase acuosa sugiere la conveniencia de realizar un análisis más detallado para la aplicación de los nuevos materiales eco-eficientes en hormigón armado. Se comprueba que todas las matrices que incorporan CB en porcentajes entre un 10 y un 90%, se pueden considerar adecuadas como nuevos materiales de construcción más eco-eficientes en aplicaciones con distintos niveles de exigencias mecánicas y sin problemas ambientales asociados con procesos de lixiviación. Con el presente trabajo de investigación se completan los objetivos iniciales de la tesis, con la obtención de nuevos e innovadores materiales base-cemento eco-eficientes que incorporan cenizas de biomasa (CB) con aplicación integral en el campo de la construcción. ABSTRACT The use of biomass as a fuel for the generation of bio-energy is increasing nowadays, due to its zero environmental impact in terms of CO2 emissions. Therefore the generation of biomass ash, a by-product of this energy, is an environmental problem with a clear social and economic impact. This type of ash contains oxides that make it attractive to be used as a partial replacement of Portland cement, providing an eco-efficient solution to this residue, while reducing the emission of greenhouse gases associated with the production of cement. The present research is focused on the development of new and innovative eco-efficient cement-based materials that incorporate biomass ash for their comprehensive application in construction. For this purpose a biomass ash (CB) is used from a fluidized bed forest combustor mainly fed with the bark of eucalyptus trees, provided by the ENCE-Navia (Asturias) group. The work includes in the first stage the characterization of the raw materials and the analysis of viability of their valorization in cement-based materials. Within this analysis, the activation of the ash is proposed by hydrothermal treatment (HT) in different conditions of activation medium, temperature and process duration, aiming an enhanced formation of hydrated phases to improve the ash valorization in the construction materials field. As an interesting hydrated phase, the tobermorite (Ca2.25(Si3O7.5(OH)1.5)(H2O)) is obtained from the process. This phase is considered as a precursor of the gel C-S-H, responsible for the development of mechanical strength in cement-based materials. HT process is optimized for the most efficient synthesis of tobermorite. The analysis of mechanical and microstructural properties of eco-efficient cement pastes incorporating CB ash and hydrothermally treated ash, CB-TH, confirms an improved viability of incorporation of CB ash as a partial replacement for Portland cement in the case. As a next step in the development of these innovative eco-efficient cement-based materials, a multiscale study of the materials that incorporate CB by different physical-mechanical and durability tests is carried out. The results indicate that the presence of biomass ash does not give rise to negative effects on the physical properties of the eco-efficient mortars analyzed. Nevertheless, the addition of CB produces a better durability performance due to microstructural modifications that hinder the transport of aggressive agents through the material. Moreover, mortars with a 10% and 20% of partial substitution of cement by the CB biomass ash (CB-10 and CB-20) show a compressive resistance of 53.3 and 50.5 MPa at 28 days of curing, respectively. These mortars are comparable to an ordinary Portland cement type CEM I with a resistance class of 42.5R. Finally, and in order to provide the opening of these new eco-efficient cement to the market in the field of construction materials, certain properties specifically related to different types of applications are studied. Among these, the properties concerning the application in mortar tiles are analyzed and the results indicate a similar, or even better performance of the eco-efficient mortar that incorporates CB, with respect to Portland cement. The viability of structural application of the developed eco-efficient cement is also performed considering the study of the adhesion to steel, with results similar to those of the reference material. Regarding the results of extraction and analysis of the aqueous phase of the pores, a pH value guaranteeing reinforcement passivation is obtained for all the eco-efficient matrices. However, high chloride content is obtained suggesting the suitability of a more detailed study to evaluate the application of these new eco-efficient materials in reinforced concrete. It is established that all the matrices incorporating CB in percentages between 10 and 90% may be considered adequate as new more eco-efficient construction materials in applications with different levels of mechanical demand and without environmental problems associated to leaching processes. In this research the initial objectives of the thesis are fulfilled by obtaining new and innovative eco-efficient cement-based materials that incorporate biomass ashes (CB) with comprehensive application in the construction field.
We have found that it is possible to use labeled peptide nucleic acid (PNA)-oligomers as probes in pre-gel hybridization experiments, as an alternative for Southern hybridization. In this technique, the PNA probe is hybridized to a denatured DNA sample at low ionic strength and the mixture is loaded directly on to an electrophoresis system for size separation. Ensuing gel electrophoresis separates the single-stranded DNA fragments by length. The neutral backbone of PNA allows for hybridization at low ionic strength and imparts very low mobility to excess PNA. Detection of the bound PNA is possible by direct fluorescence detection with capillary electrophoresis, or the DNA/PNA hybrids can be blotted onto a membrane and detected with standard chemiluminescent techniques. Efficient single bp discrimination was achieved routinely using both capillary and slab-gel electrophoresis.
We report development of a polymer gel with a catalytic activity that can be switched on and off when the solvent composition is changed. The gel consists of two species of monomers. The major component, N-isopropylacrylamide, makes the gel swell and shrink in response to a change in composition of ethanol/water mixtures. The minor component, vinylimidazole, which is capable of catalysis, is copolymerized into the gel network. The reaction rate for catalytic hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl caprylate was small when the gel was swollen. In contrast, when the gel was shrunken, the reaction rate increased 5 times. The activity changes discontinuously as a function of solvent composition, thus the catalysis can be switched on and off by an infinitesimal change in solvent composition. The kinetics of catalysis by the gel in the shrunken state is well described by the Michaelis–Menten formula, indicating that the absorption of the substrate by the hydrophobic environment created by the N-isopropylacrylamide polymer in the shrunken gel is responsible for enhancement of catalytic activity. In the swollen state, the rate vs. active site concentration is linear, indicating that the substrate absorption is not a primary factor determining the kinetics. Catalytic activity of the gel is studied for substrates with various alkyl chain lengths; of those studied the switching effect is most pronounced for p-nitrophenyl caprylate.
Sequence-specific recognition of DNA can be achieved by triple helix-forming oligonucleotides that bind to the major groove of double-helical DNA. These oligonucleotides have been used as sequence-specific DNA ligands for various purposes, including sequence-specific gene regulation in the so-called ‘antigene strategy’. In particular, (G,A)-containing oligonucleotides can form stable triple helices under physiological conditions. However, triplex formation may be in competition with self-association of these oligonucleotides. For biological applications it would be interesting to identify the conditions under which one structure is favoured as compared to the other(s). Here we have directly studied competition between formation of a parallel (G,A) homoduplex and that of a triple helix by a 13 nt (G,A)-containing oligonucleotide. Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis allows simultaneous detection of competition between the two structures, because of their different temperature dependencies and gel electrophoretic mobilities, and characterisation of this competition.
Macronuclei of the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila possess a histone acetyltransferase activity closely associated with transcription-related histone acetylation. Nothing definitive is known concerning the polypeptide composition of this activity in Tetrahymena or any comparable activity from any cellular source. An acetyltransferase activity gel assay was developed which identifies a catalytically active subunit of this enzyme in Tetrahymena. This activity gel assay detects a single polypeptide of 55 kDa (p55) in crude macronuclear extracts, as well as in column-purified fractions, which incorporates [3H]acetate from [3H]acetyl-CoA into core histone substrates polymerized directly into SDS polyacrylamide gels. p55 copurifies precisely with acetyltransferase activity through all chromatographic steps examined, including reverse-phase HPLC. Gel-filtration chromatography of this activity indicates a molecular mass of 220 kDa, suggesting that the native enzyme may consist of four identical subunits of 55 kDa. Furthermore, p55 is tightly associated with di- and greater polynucleosomes and therefore may be defined as a component of histone acetyltransferase type A--i.e., chromatin associated.
Objetivos: evaluar las características de la práctica basada en la evidencia (PBE) en contexto asistencial; su efectividad sobre la sintomatología depresiva; las variables asociadas a la misma; y su eficiencia. Método: estudio retrospectivo sobre una muestra propositiva compuesta por 89 casos diagnosticados de trastorno depresivo mayor (80,9%) o de distimia (19,1%) en la Clínica Universitaria de Psicología de la UCM. Un 78,7% de los casos eran mujeres, y un 48,3% de los casos seguía un tratamiento farmacológico; la duración promedio del problema fue 30,9 meses y la puntuación promedio en el BDI-‐II en el pretratamiento fue 33 puntos. Diversas variables fueron evaluadas para responder a los objetivos. Resultados: los pacientes recibieron un tratamiento individualizado y autocorrectivo basado sobre todo en psicoeducación, reestructuración cognitiva, activación conductual, técnicas de relajación, entrenamiento en solución de problemas y en habilidades sociales, durante unas 18 sesiones semanales. Un 35,96% de los pacientes terminó prematuramente la intervención, estando la adherencia a las técnicas y a las sesiones y el índice de severidad global del SCL-‐90-‐R asociados de modo significativo al abandono. En total, un 80,3% de los pacientes alcanzó un cambio clínicamente significativo de la sintomatología depresiva según el BDI-‐II, y un 86,2% según el BAI. La reducción en las puntuaciones del BDI-‐II se asoció con el entrenamiento en habilidades sociales; además, los pacientes más graves y los diagnosticados a partir del BDI-‐II y el juicio clínico mejoraron más. El tratamiento fue coste – efectivo en relación a la intervención aplicada en Atención Primaria (AP): el coste directo promedio de incrementar un 1% el porcentaje de la muestra que experimentó recuperación en AP fue mayor que el tratamiento psicológico basado en la evidencia en un 34,9% (sólo tratamiento) o en un 11,0% (tratamiento más evaluación) Discusión: se constata para este estudio que los tratamientos aplicados desde la perspectiva de la PBE para la depresión son similares a los tratamientos empíricamente apoyados, especialmente a la terapia cognitiva de Beck, aunque adicionan elementos a partir del juicio del clínico, que en el caso de las técnicas de relajación y la solución de problemas no parecen contribuir a la mejoría. La efectividad de la intervención fue comparable a la hallada en contextos asistenciales o investigadores, con un porcentaje de abandonos elevado, pero consistente con lo hallado en otros centros universitarios. La ausencia de un efecto significativo de la duración de las intervenciones, y la evidencia de que los pacientes que terminan prematuramente el tratamiento se beneficiaron del mismo es consistente con un modelo de “nivel suficiente de funcionamiento” (GEL), según el cual los pacientes continúan en la intervención hasta que han mejorado lo bastante según su criterio. La generalizabilidad de los resultados del estudio es elevada de acuerdo a criterios estandarizados. Entre las limitaciones del estudio están la ausencia de seguimiento a largo plazo; el elevado número de valores perdidos; y la naturaleza archivística del estudio. Conclusiones: este estudio viene a reforzar la evidencia sobre la efectividad de la PBE para los trastornos depresivos. Adicionalmente, la PBE resultó más cara pero más eficiente en cuanto a costes directos que la intervención desarrollada en AP, sin que su efectividad se viera reducida en pacientes más graves o más crónicos. Además, existe aún margen para incrementar su eficiencia y competitividad. A partir de estos resultados, se recomienda prolongar la intervención psicológica hasta la obtención de mejoría; emplear la formulación de casos como un medio para reducir la duración del tratamiento y prescindir de elementos superfluos, enfatizando en cambio el abordaje de la temática interpersonal en la depresión.
Silica-gel supported binam-derived prolinamides are efficient organocatalysts for the direct intramolecular and intermolecular aldol reaction under solvent-free conditions using conventional magnetic stirring. These organocatalysts in combination with benzoic acid showed similar results to those obtained under similar homogeneous reaction conditions using an organocatalyst of related structure. For the intermolecular process, the aldol products were obtained at room temperature and using only 2 equiv of the ketone with high yields, regio-, diastereo- and enantioselectivities. Under these reaction conditions, also the cross aldol reaction between aldehydes is possible. The recovered catalyst can be reused up to nine times providing similar results. More interestingly, these heterogeneous organocatalysts can be used in the intramolecular aldol reaction allowing the synthesis of the Wieland–Miescher and ketone analogues with up to 92% ee, with its reused being possible up to five times without detrimental on the obtained results.
Chitosan gel films were successfully obtained by evaporation cast from chitosan solutions in aqueous acidic solutions of organic acids (lactic and acetic acid) as gel film bandages, with a range of additives that directly influence film morphology and porosity. We show that the structure and composition of a wide range of 128 thin gel films, is correlated to the antimicrobial properties, their biocompatibility and resistance to biodegradation. Infrared spectroscopy and solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to correlate film molecular structure and composition to good antimicrobial properties against 10 of the most prevalent Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria. Chitosan gel films reduce the number of colonies after 24 h of incubation by factors of ∼105–107 CFU/mL, compared with controls. For each of these films, the structure and preparation condition has a direct relationship to antimicrobial activity and effectiveness. These gel film bandages also show excellent stability against biodegradation with lysozyme under physiological conditions (5% weight loss over a period of 1 month, 2% in the first week), allowing use during the entire healing process. These chitosan thin films and subsequent derivatives hold potential as low-cost, dissolvable bandages, or second skin, with antimicrobial properties that prohibit the most relevant intrahospital bacteria that infest burn injuries.
Este artículo se propone analizar la escena del cresmólogo intruso en Aves, revalorizando la comedia aristofánica como fuente de conocimiento histórico. Este análisis se centra en la práctica oracular como una técnica de producción escrita vinculada a la autoridad religiosa. De esta manera, se exploran dos campos de estudios, como la comedia antigua y la adivinación griega, cuyo vínculo no ha sido explorado en profundidad. Para dar cuenta del momento crítico de la institución oracular durante la Guerra del Peloponeso, se reconstruyen perspectivas sobre dicho fenómeno en otras fuentes como Tucídides o Demóstenes. Esto no solo ofrece una mirada «cómica» sobre la adivinación, sino que también permite comprender la práctica oracular como técnica y, en consecuencia, qué elementos de su funcionamiento podían ser manipulados.
Highly swellable polymer films doped with Ag nanoparticle aggregates (poly-SERS films) have been used to record very high signal:noise ratio, reproducible surface-enhanced (resonance) Raman (SER(R)S) spectra of in situ dried ink lines and their constituent dyes using both 633 and 785 nm excitation. These allowed the chemical origins of differences in the SERRS spectra of different inks to be determined. Initial investigation of pure samples of the 10 most common blue dyes showed that the dyes which had very similar chemical structures such as Patent Blue V and Patent Blue VF (which differ only by a single OH group) gave SERRS spectra in which the only indications that the dye structure had been changed were small differences in peak positions or relative intensities of the bands. SERRS studies of 13 gel pen inks were consistent with this observation. In some cases inks from different types of pens could be distinguished even though they were dominated by a single dye such as Victoria Blue B (Zebra Surari) or Victoria Blue BO (Pilot Acroball) because their predominant dye did not appear in other inks. Conversely, identical spectra were also recorded from different types of pens (Pilot G7, Zebra Z-grip) because they all had the same dominant Brilliant Blue G dye. Finally, some of the inks contained mixtures of dyes which could be separated by TLC and removed from the plate before being analysed with the same poly-SERS films. For example, the Pentel EnerGel ink pen was found to give TLC spots corresponding to Erioglaucine and Brilliant Blue G. Overall, this study has shown that the spectral differences between different inks which are based on chemically similar, but nonetheless distinct dyes, are extremely small, so very close matches between SERRS spectra are required for confident identification. Poly-SERS substrates can routinely provide the very stringent reproducibility and sensitivity levels required. This, coupled with the awareness of the reasons underlying the observed differences between similarly coloured inks allows a more confident assessment of the evidential value of inks SERS and should underpin adoption of this approach as a routine method for the forensic examination of inks.
Lanthanum phosphate is one among the lanthanide family of “Rare Earths” following the periodic table of elements. Known under the generic name, Monazite, the rare earth phosphates have melting points above 1900 °C, high thermal phase stability, low thermal conductivity and thermal expansion coefficient similar to some of the high temperature oxides like alumina and zirconia.