215 resultados para Phospho-inositides
This data set contains measurements of inorganic phosphorus in samples of soil solution collected in 2003 from the main experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below) that have been aggregated to seasonal values. In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. Glass suction plates with a diameter of 12 cm, 1 cm thickness and a pore size of 1-1.6 µm (UMS GmbH, Munich, Germany) were installed in April 2002 in depths of 10, 20, 30 and 60 cm to collect soil solution. Manual soil matric potential measurements were used to regulate the vacuum system. Manual soil matric potential measurements were used to regulate the vacuum system. The sampling bottles were continuously evacuated to a negative pressure between 50 and 350 mbar, such that the suction pressure was about 50 mbar above the actual soil water tension. Thus, only the soil leachate was collected. Cumulative soil solution was sampled biweekly and analyzed for dissolved inorganic P (PO4P). Here volume-weighted mean values are provided as aggregated seasonal values (spring = March to May, summer = June to August, fall = September to November, winter = December to February) for 2003 in spring, fall, and winter. To calculate these values, the sampled volume of soil solution is used as weight for P concentrations of the respective sampling date. Inorganic phosphorus concentrations in the soil solution were measured photometrically with a continuous flow analyzer (CFA SAN++, Skalar [Breda, The Netherlands]). Ammonium molybdate catalyzed by antimony tartrate reacts in an acidic medium with phosphate and forms a phospho-molybdic acid complex. Ascorbic acid reduces this complex to an intensely blue-colored complex. As the molybdic complex forms under strongly acidic conditions, we could not exclude the hydrolysis of labile organic P compounds in our samples. Furthermore, the molybdate reaction is not sensitive for condensed phosphates. The detection limits of both TDP and PO4P were 0.02 mg P l-1 (CFA, Skalar).
This data set contains measurements of inorganic phosphorus in samples of soil solution collected in 2005 from the main experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below) that have been aggregated to seasonal values. In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. Glass suction plates with a diameter of 12 cm, 1 cm thickness and a pore size of 1-1.6 µm (UMS GmbH, Munich, Germany) were installed in April 2002 in depths of 10, 20, 30 and 60 cm to collect soil solution. Manual soil matric potential measurements were used to regulate the vacuum system. Manual soil matric potential measurements were used to regulate the vacuum system. The sampling bottles were continuously evacuated to a negative pressure between 50 and 350 mbar, such that the suction pressure was about 50 mbar above the actual soil water tension. Thus, only the soil leachate was collected. Cumulative soil solution was sampled biweekly and analyzed for dissolved inorganic P (PO4P). Here volume-weighted mean values are provided as aggregated seasonal values (spring = March to May, summer = June to August, fall = September to November, winter = December to February) for 2005 in spring, and winter. To calculate these values, the sampled volume of soil solution is used as weight for P concentrations of the respective sampling date. Inorganic phosphorus concentrations in the soil solution were measured photometrically with a continuous flow analyzer (CFA Autoanalyzer [Bran&Luebbe, Norderstedt, Germany]). Ammonium molybdate catalyzed by antimony tartrate reacts in an acidic medium with phosphate and forms a phospho-molybdic acid complex. Ascorbic acid reduces this complex to an intensely blue-colored complex. As the molybdic complex forms under strongly acidic conditions, we could not exclude the hydrolysis of labile organic P compounds in our samples. Furthermore, the molybdate reaction is not sensitive for condensed phosphates. The detection limits of both TDP and PO4P were 0.04 mg P l-1 (Autoanalyzer, Bran&Luebbe).
This data set contains measurements of dissolved phosphorus (total dissolved nitrogen: TDP, dissolved inorganic phosphorus: PO4P and dissolved organic phosphorus: DOP) in samples of soil water collected in 2002 from the main experiment plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. Glass suction plates with a diameter of 12 cm, 1 cm thickness and a pore size of 1-1.6 µm (UMS GmbH, Munich, Germany) were installed in April 2002 in depths of 10, 20, 30 and 60 cm to collect soil solution. Manual soil matric potential measurements were used to regulate the vacuum system. The sampling bottles were continuously evacuated to a negative pressure between 50 and 350 mbar, such that the suction pressure was about 50 mbar above the actual soil water tension. Thus, only the soil leachate was collected. Cumulative soil solution was sampled bi-weekly, in 2002 at the 23.10.2002; 05.11.2002; 20.11.2002; 05.12.2002; and 28.12.2002, and analyzed for dissolved inorganic P (PO4P) and total dissolved phosphorus (TDP). Inorganic phosphorus concentrations in the soil solution were measured photometrically with a continuous flow analyzer (CFA SAN++, Skalar [Breda, The Netherlands]). Ammonium molybdate catalyzed by antimony tartrate reacts in an acidic medium with phosphate and forms a phospho-molybdic acid complex. Ascorbic acid reduces this complex to an intensely blue-colored complex. Total dissolved P in soil solution was analyzed by irradiation with UV and oxidation with K2S2O8 followed by reaction with ammonium molybdate (Skalar catnr. 503-553w/r). As the molybdic complex forms under strongly acidic conditions, we could not exclude the hydrolysis of labile organic P compounds in our samples. Furthermore, the molybdate reaction is not sensitive for condensed phosphates. The detection limits of both TDP and PO4P were 0.02 mg P l-1 (CFA, Skalar). Dissolved organic P (DOP) in soil solution was calculated as the difference between TDP and PO4P. In a low number of samples, TDP was equal to or smaller than PO4P; in these cases, DOP was assumed to be zero.
Las plantas son organismos sésiles que han desarrollado la capacidad para detectar variaciones sutiles en su ambiente y producir respuestas adaptativas mediante rutas de señalización. Los estímulos causados por el estrés biótico y abiótico son numerosos y dependiendo del tiempo de exposición y su intensidad, pueden reducir la tasa de crecimiento de las plantas y la producción. Los cambios en la concentración del calcio citosólico libre constituyen una de las primeras reacciones intracelulares a las situaciones de estrés abiótico. En esta situación, el calcio actúa como segundo mensajero y las variaciones en su concentración son descodificadas por proteínas de unión a calcio. Las más conocidas son las manos-EF y los dominios C2. Los dominios C2 han sido descritos como dominios de unión a lípidos dependientes de calcio. Estos dominios se consideran proteínas periféricas solubles en agua que se asocian de manera reversible a los lípidos de la membrana mediante una o dos regiones funcionales: el sitio de unión a calcio y el sitio polibásico. A pesar de que se conoce la estructura molecular de algunos dominios C2, se desconocen aspectos relacionados como las reglas que dirigen su forma de interaccionar con los diferentes fosfolípidos y proteínas, la posición que ocupan en la bicapa lipídica y su papel en la transmisión de señales. En esta tesis se ha estudiado una proteína de Arabidopsis thaliana (At3g17980) representativa de una nueva familia de proteínas con dominios C2, que consiste únicamente de un dominio C2. Esta proteína, llamada AtC2.1, ha sido clonada en el vector pETM11, expresada en E. coli y purificada a homogeneidad en dos pasos cromatográficos. Se obtuvieron cristales de AtC2.1 de buena calidad mediante técnicas de difusión de vapor. La proteína fue co-cristalizada con calcio, fosfocolina (POC) y el fosfolípido 1,2-dihexanoil-sn-glicero-3-fosfo-L-serina (PSF). Se recogieron ocho conjuntos de datos de difracción de rayos X empleando radiación sincrotrón. Los cristales difractaron hasta 1.6 Å de resolución. Siete de ellos pertenecían al grupo ortorrómbico P212121, con las dimensiones de la celdilla unidad a = 35.3, b = 88.9, c = 110.6 Å, y un cristal pertenecía al grupo espacial monoclínico C2, con a = 124.84, b = 35.27, c = 92.32 Å y = 121.70º. La estructura se resolvió mediante la técnica MR-SAD utilizando el cinc como dispersor anómalo. La estructura cristalina mostró que la molécula forma un dímero en el que cada protómero se pliega como un dominio C2 típico, con la topología tipo II y presenta una inserción de 43 aminoácidos que la diferencia de los dominios C2 conocidos. El mapa de densidad electrónica mostró dos átomos de calcio por protómero. Se resolvieron las estructuras de AtC2.1 en complejo con POC o PSF. En ambos complejos, el análisis cristalográfico detectó máximos de densidad electrónica en la región correspondiente al sitio polibásico formado por las hebras 2, 3 5 y el lazo 3. Éstos se interpretaron correctamente como dos moléculas de POC y un átomo de cinc, en un complejo, y como la cabeza polar del PSF en el otro. AtC2.1 define un sitio de interacción con lípidos dependiente de cinc. En conclusión, en este trabajo se presenta la estructura tridimensional de AtC2.1, miembro representativo de una familia de proteínas de Arabidopsis thaliana, identificadas como proteínas que interaccionan con los receptores de ABA. Estas proteínas están constituidas únicamente por un dominio C2. El análisis conjunto de los datos biofísicos y cristalográficos muestra que AtC2.1 es un sensor de calcio que une lípidos usando dos sitios funcionales. Estos datos sugieren un mecanismo de inserción en membrana dependiente de calcio que trae consigo la disociación de la estructura dimérica y, por consiguiente, un cambio en las propiedades de superficie de la molécula. Este mecanismo proporciona las bases del reconocimiento y transporte de los receptores de ABA y/o otras moléculas a la membrana celular. Plants are sessile organisms that have developed the capacity to detect slight variations of their environment. They are able to perceive biotic and abiotic stress signals and to transduce them by signaling pathways in order to trigger adaptative responses. Stress factors are numerous and, depending on their exposition time and their concentration, can reduce plant growth rate, limiting the productivity of crop plants. Changes in the cytosolic free calcium concentration are observed as one of the earliest intracellular reactions to abiotic stress signals. Calcium plays a key role as a second messenger, and calcium concentration signatures, called calcium signals, are decodified by calcium binding proteins. The main calcium binding structures are the EF-hand motif and the C2 domains. C2 domain is a calcium dependent lipid-binding domain of approximately 130 amino acids. C2 domain displays two functional regions: the Ca-binding region and the polybasic cluster. Both of them can interact with the membrane phospholipids. Despite the number of C2 domain 3D structures currently available, questions about how they interact with the different target phospholipids, their precise spatial position in the lipid bilayer, interactions with other proteins and their role in transmitting signals downstream, have not yet been explored. In this work we have studied an uncharacterized protein from Arabidopsis thaliana (At3g17980) consisting of only a single C2 domain, as member of a new protein C2-domain family. This protein called AtC2.1 was cloned into the pETM11 vector and expressed in E. coli, allowing the purification to homogeneity in two chromatographic steps. Good quality diffracting crystals were obtained using vapor-diffusion techniques. Crystals were co-crystalized with calcium; phosphocholine (POC) and/or the phospholipid 1,2-dihexanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine (PSF). Eight data set were collected with synchrotron radiation. Crystals diffracted up to 1.6 Å resolution and seven of them belong to the orthorhombic space group P212121, with unit-cell parameters a = 35.3, b = 88.9, c = 110.6 Å. Another crystal was monoclinic, space group C2, with a = 124.84, b = 35.27, c = 92.32 Å and = 121.70º. The structural model was solved by MR-SAD using Zn2+ as anomalous scatterer. The crystal structure shows that the molecule is a dimer. Each monomer was folded as a canonical C2 domain with the topology II with a 43 residues insertion. The electron density map reveals two calcium ions per molecule. Structures of AtC2.1, complexed with POC and PSF, have been solved. Well-defined extra electron densities were found, in both complexes, within the concave surface formed by strands 2, 3, 5 and loop 3 of AtC2.1. These densities were clearly explained by the presence of the two POC molecules, one zinc atom and head groups of PSF, occupying the cavity of the polybasic site. AtC2.1 defines a new metal dependent lipid-binding site into the polybasic site. In conclusion, in this thesis it is presented the molecular structure of AtC2.1, a representative member of a family of Arabidopsis thaliana C2 domain proteins, of unknown function, but identified as a molecular interacting unit of the ABA receptors. The joint analyses of the biophysical and crystallographic data show that AtC2.1 is a calcium sensor that binds lipids in two sites and suggest a model of calcium-dependent membrane insertion mechanism that will involve either dimer dissociation or a strong rearrangement of the dimeric structure. This mechanism may be the basis for the recognition and delivery of ABA receptors or other protein molecules to cell membranes.
Phosphorylation of Ser-627 is both necessary and sufficient for full activity of the expressed 35-kDa catalytic domain of myosin I heavy chain kinase (MIHCK). Ser-627 lies in the variable loop between highly conserved residues DFG and APE at a position at which a phosphorylated Ser/Thr also occurs in many other Ser/Thr protein kinases. The variable loop of MIHCK contains two other hydroxyamino acids: Thr-631, which is conserved in almost all Ser/Thr kinases, and Thr-632, which is not conserved. We determined the effects on the kinase activity of the expressed catalytic domain of mutating Ser-627, Thr-631, and Thr-632 individually to Ala, Asp, and Glu. The S627A mutant was substantially less active than wild type (wt), with a lower kcat and higher Km for both peptide substrate and ATP, but was more active than unphosphorylated wt. The S627D and S627E mutants were also less active than phosphorylated wt, i.e., acidic amino acids cannot substitute for phospho-Ser-627. The activity of the T631A mutant was as low as that of the S627A mutant, whereas the T632A mutant was as active as phosphorylated wt, indicating that highly conserved Thr-631, although not phosphorylated, is essential for catalytic activity. Asp and Glu substitutions for Thr-631 and Thr-632 were inhibitory to various degrees. Molecular modeling indicated that Thr-631 can hydrogen bond with conserved residue Asp-591 in the catalytic loop and that similar interactions are possible for other kinases whose activities also are regulated by phosphorylation in the variable loop. Thus, this conserved Thr residue may be essential for the activities of other Ser/Thr protein kinases as well as for the activity of MIHCK.
The MEK1 (MAP kinase/ERK kinase)/ERK (extracellular-signal-responsive kinase) pathway has been implicated in cell growth and differentiation [Seger, R. & Krebs, E. G. (1995) FASEB J. 9, 726–735]. Here we show that the MEK/ERK pathway is activated during focal cerebral ischemia and may play a role in inducing damage. Treatment of mice 30 min before ischemia with the MEK1-specific inhibitor PD98059 [Alessi, D. R., Cuenda, A., Cohen, P., Dudley, D. T. & Saltiel, A. R. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 27489–27494] reduces focal infarct volume at 22 hr after ischemia by 55% after transient occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. This is accompanied by a reduction in phospho-ERK1/2 immunohistochemical staining. MEK1 inhibition also results in reduced brain damage 72 hr after ischemia, with focal infarct volume reduced by 36%. This study indicates that the MEK1/ERK pathway contributes to brain injury during focal cerebral ischemia and that PD98059, a MEK1-specific antagonist, is a potent neuroprotective agent.
A pleiotropic cytokine, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα), regulates the expression of multiple macrophage gene products and thus contributes a key role in host defense. In this study, we have investigated the specificity and mechanism of activation of members of the c-Jun-NH2-terminal kinase/stress-activated protein kinase (JNK/SAPK) subfamily of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) in mouse macrophages in response to stimulation with TNFα. Exposure of macrophages to TNFα stimulated a preferential increase in catalytic activity of the p46 JNK/SAPK isoform compared with the p54 JNK/SAPK isoform as determined by: (i) separation of p46 and p54 JNK/SAPKs by anion exchange liquid chromatography and (ii) selective immunodepletion of the p46 JNK/SAPK from macrophage lysates. To investigate the level of regulation of p46 JNK/SAPK activation, we determined the ability of MKK4/SEK1/JNKK, an upstream regulator of JNK/SAPKs, to phosphorylate recombinant kinase-inactive p46 and p54 JNK/SAPKs. Endogenous MKK4 was able to transphosphorylate both isoforms. In addition, both the p46 and p54 JNK/SAPK isoforms were phosphorylated on their TPY motif in response to TNFα stimulation as reflected by immunoblotting with a phospho-specific antibody that recognizes both kinases. Collectively, these results suggest that the level of control of p46 JNK/SAPK activation is distal not only to MKK4 but also to the p54 JNK/SAPK. Preferential isoform activation within the JNK/SAPK subfamily of MAPKs may be an important mechanism through which TNFα regulates macrophage phenotypic heterogeneity and differentiation.
Engagement of the mast cell high-affinity receptor for immunoglobulin E (IgE), FcɛRI, induces tyrosine phosphorylation of Syk, a non-receptor tyrosine kinase, that has been demonstrated as critical for degranulation. Herein we describe a synthetic compound, ER-27319, as a potent and selective inhibitor of antigen or anti-IgE-mediated degranulation of rodent and human mast cells. ER-27319 affected neither Lyn kinase activity nor the antigen-induced phosphorylation of the FcɛRI but did effectively inhibit the tyrosine phosphorylation of Syk and thus its activity. As a consequence, tyrosine phosphorylation of phospholipase C-γ1, generation of inositol phosphates, release of arachidonic acid, and secretion of histamine and tumor necrosis factor α were also inhibited. ER-27319 did not inhibit the anti-CD3-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of phospholipase C-γ1 in Jurkat T cells, demonstrating a specificity for Syk-induced signals. In contrast the tyrosine phosphorylation and activation of Syk, induced by in vitro incubation with the phosphorylated immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) of FcɛRI γ subunit or by antigen activation of RBL-2H3 cells, was specifically inhibited by ER-27319. However, when ER-27319 was added to immunoprecipitated Syk, derived from activated cells, no effect was seen on Syk activity. ER-27319 did not inhibit the tyrosine phosphorylation of Syk induced by activation in the presence of Igβ ITAM or the anti-IgM-induced phosphorylation of Syk in human peripheral B cells. Therefore, ER-27319 selectively interferes with the FcɛRI γ phospho-ITAM activation of Syk in vitro and in intact cells. These results confirm the importance of Syk in FcɛRI-mediated responses in mast cells and demonstrate the mast cell selectivity and therapeutic potential of ER-27319 in the treatment of allergic disease.
Enhanced activity of receptor tyrosine kinases such as the PDGF β-receptor and EGF receptor has been implicated as a contributing factor in the development of malignant and nonmalignant proliferative diseases such as cancer and atherosclerosis. Several epidemiological studies suggest that green tea may prevent the development of cancer and atherosclerosis. One of the major constituents of green tea is the polyphenol epigallocathechin-3 gallate (EGCG). In an attempt to offer a possible explanation for the anti-cancer and anti-atherosclerotic activity of EGCG, we examined the effect of EGCG on the PDGF-BB–, EGF-, angiotensin II-, and FCS-induced activation of the 44 kDa and 42 kDa mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase isoforms (p44mapk/p42mapk) in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) from rat aorta. VSMCs were treated with EGCG (1–100 μM) for 24 h and stimulated with the above mentioned agonists for different time periods. Stimulation of the p44mapk/p42mapk was detected by the enhanced Western blotting method using phospho-specific MAP kinase antibodies that recognized the Tyr204-phosphorylated (active) isoforms. Treatment of VSMCs with 10 and 50 μM EGCG resulted in an 80% and a complete inhibition of the PDGF-BB–induced activation of MAP kinase isoforms, respectively. In striking contrast, EGCG (1–100 μM) did not influence MAP kinase activation by EGF, angiotensin II, and FCS. Similarly, the maximal effect of PDGF-BB on the c-fos and egr-1 mRNA expression as well as on intracellular free Ca2+ concentration was completely inhibited in EGCG-treated VSMCs, whereas the effect of EGF was not affected. Quantification of the immunoprecipitated tyrosine-phosphorylated PDGF-Rβ, phosphatidylinositol 3′-kinase, and phospholipase C-γ1 by the enhanced Western blotting method revealed that EGCG treatment effectively inhibits tyrosine phosphorylation of these kinases in VSMCs. Furthermore, we show that spheroid formation of human glioblastoma cells (A172) and colony formation of sis-transfected NIH 3T3 cells in semisolid agar are completely inhibited by 20–50 μM EGCG. Our findings demonstrate that EGCG is a selective inhibitor of the tyrosine phosphorylation of PDGF-Rβ and its downstream signaling pathway. The present findings may partly explain the anti-cancer and anti-atherosclerotic activity of green tea.
Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), the first enzyme in polyamine biosynthesis, is highly regulated by many trophic stimuli, and changes in its levels and organization correlate with cytoskeletal changes in normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK). NHEK ODC exhibits a filamentous perinuclear/nuclear localization that becomes more diffuse under conditions that alter actin architecture. We have thus asked whether ODC colocalizes with a component of the NHEK cytoskeleton. Confocal immunofluorescence showed that ODC distribution in NHEK was primarily perinuclear; upon disruption of the actin cytoskeleton with cytochalasin D, ODC distribution was diffuse. The ODC distribution in untreated NHEK overlapped with that of keratin in the perinuclear but not cytoplasmic area; after treatment with cytochalasin D, overlap between staining for ODC and for keratin was extensive. No significant overlap with actin and minimal overlap with tubulin filament systems were observed. Subcellular fractionation by sequential homogenizations and centrifugations of NHEK lysates or detergent and salt extractions of NHEK in situ revealed that ODC protein and activity were detectable in both soluble and insoluble fractions, with mechanical disruption causing additional solubilization of ODC activity (three- to sevenfold above controls). Fractionation and ODC immunoprecipitation from [32P]orthophosphate-labeled NHEK lysates showed that a phosphorylated form of ODC was present in the insoluble fractions. Taken together, these data suggest that two pools of ODC exist in NHEK. The first is the previously described soluble pool, and the second is enriched in phospho-ODC and associated with insoluble cellular material that by immunohistochemistry appears to be organized in conjunction with the keratin cytoskeleton.
Two-component regulatory systems require highly specific interactions between histidine kinase (transmitter) and response regulator (receiver) proteins. We have developed a novel genetic strategy that is based on tightly regulated synthesis of a given protein to identify domains and residues of an interacting protein that are critical for interactions between them. Using a reporter strain synthesizing the nonpartner kinase VanS under tight arabinose control and carrying a promoter-lacZ fusion activated by phospho-PhoB, we isolated altered recognition (AR) mutants of PhoB showing enhanced activation (phosphorylation) by VanS as arabinose-dependent Lac+ mutants. Changes in the PhoBAR mutants cluster in a “patch” near the proposed helix 4 of PhoB based on the CheY crystal structure (a homolog of the PhoB receiver domain) providing further evidence that helix 4 lies in the kinase-regulator interface. Based on the CheY structure, one mutant has an additional change in a region that may propagate a conformational change to helix 4. The overall genetic strategy described here may also be useful for studying interactions of other components of the vancomycin resistance and Pi signal transduction pathways, other two-component regulatory systems, and other interacting proteins. Conditionally replicative oriRR6Kγ attP “genome targeting” suicide plasmids carrying mutagenized phoB coding regions were integrated into the chromosome of a reporter strain to create mutant libraries; plasmids encoding mutant PhoB proteins were subsequently retrieved by P1-Int-Xis cloning. Finally, the use of similar genome targeting plasmids and P1-Int-Xis cloning should be generally useful for constructing genomic libraries from a wide array of organisms.
G-substrate, an endogenous substrate for cGMP-dependent protein kinase, exists almost exclusively in cerebellar Purkinje cells, where it is possibly involved in the induction of long-term depression. A G-substrate cDNA was identified by screening expressed sequence tag databases from a human brain library. The deduced amino acid sequence of human G-substrate contained two putative phosphorylation sites (Thr-68 and Thr-119) with amino acid sequences [KPRRKDT(p)PALH] that were identical to those reported for rabbit G-substrate. G-substrate mRNA was expressed almost exclusively in the cerebellum as a single transcript. The human G-substrate gene was mapped to human chromosome 7p15 by radiation hybrid panel analysis. In vitro translation products of the cDNA showed an apparent molecular mass of 24 kDa on SDS/PAGE which was close to that of purified rabbit G-substrate (23 kDa). Bacterially expressed human G-substrate is a heat-stable and acid-soluble protein that cross-reacts with antibodies raised against rabbit G-substrate. Recombinant human G-substrate was phosphorylated efficiently by cGMP-dependent protein kinase exclusively at Thr residues, and it was recognized by antibodies specific for rabbit phospho-G-substrate. The amino acid sequences surrounding the sites of phosphorylation in G-substrate are related to those around Thr-34 and Thr-35 of the dopamine- and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein DARPP-32 and inhibitor-1, respectively, two potent inhibitors of protein phosphatase 1. However, purified G-substrate phosphorylated by cGMP-dependent protein kinase inhibited protein phosphatase 2A more effectively than protein phosphatase 1, suggesting a distinct role as a protein phosphatase inhibitor.
An emerging theme in transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) signalling is the association of the Smad proteins with diverse groups of transcriptional regulatory proteins. Several Smad cofactors have been identified to date but the diversity of TGF-β effects on gene transcription suggests that interactions with other co-regulators must occur. In these studies we addressed the possible interaction of Smad proteins with the myocyte enhancer-binding factor 2 (MEF2) transcriptional regulators. Our studies indicate that Smad2 and 4 (Smad2/4) complexes cooperate with MEF2 regulatory proteins in a GAL4-based one-hybrid reporter gene assay. We have also observed in vivo interactions between Smad2 and MEF2A using co-immunoprecipitation assays. This interaction is confirmed by glutathione S-transferase pull-down analysis. Immunofluorescence studies in C2C12 myotubes show that Smad2 and MEF2A co-localise in the nucleus of multinuclear myotubes during differentiation. Interestingly, phospho-acceptor site mutations of MEF2 that render it unresponsive to p38 MAP kinase signalling abrogate the cooperativity with the Smads suggesting that p38 MAP Kinase-catalysed phosphorylation of MEF2 is a prerequisite for the Smad–MEF2 interaction. Thus, the association between Smad2 and MEF2A may subserve a physical link between TGF-β signalling and a diverse array of genes controlled by the MEF2 cis element.
Regulation of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) by protein inhibitors and targeting subunits has been previously studied through the use of recombinant protein expressed in Escherichia coli. This preparation is limited by several key differences in its properties compared with native PP1. In the present study, we have analyzed recombinant PP1 expressed in Sf9 insect cells using baculovirus. Sf9 PP1 exhibited properties identical to those of native PP1, with respect to regulation by metals, inhibitor proteins, and targeting subunits, and failure to dephosphorylate a phosphotyrosine-containing substrate or phospho-DARPP-32 (Dopamine and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein, Mr 32,000). Mutations at Y272 in the β12/β13 loop resulted in a loss of activity and reduced the sensitivity to thiophospho-DARPP-32 and inhibitor-2. Mutations of Y272 also increased the relative activity toward a phosphotyrosine-containing substrate or phospho-DARPP-32. Mutation of acidic groove residues caused no change in sensitivity to thiophospho-DARPP-32 or inhibitor-2, but one mutant (E252A:D253A:E256R) exhibited an increased Km for phosphorylase a. Several PP1/PP2A chimeras were prepared in which C-terminal sequences of PP2A were substituted into PP1. Replacement of residues 274–330 of PP1 with the corresponding region of PP2A resulted in a large loss of sensitivity to thiophospho-DARPP-32 and inhibitor-2, and also resulted in a loss of interaction with the targeting subunits, spinophilin and PP1 nuclear targeting subunit (PNUTS). More limited alterations in residues in β12, β13, and β14 strands highlighted a key role for M290 and C291 in the interaction of PP1 with thiophospho-DARPP-32, but not inhibitor-2.