998 resultados para Phosphate group
Protein structure and function can be regulated by no specific interactions, such as ionic interactions in the presence of salts. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) shows remarkable structural stability and high fluorescence; its stability can be directly related to its fluorescence output, among other characteristics. GFP is stable under increasing temperatures, and its thermal denaturation is highly reproducible. The aim of this study was to evaluate the thermal stability of GFP in the presence of different salts at several concentrations and exposed to constant temperatures, in a range of 70-95 degrees C. Thermal stability was expressed in decimal reduction time. It was observed that the D-values obtained were higher in the presence of citrate and phosphate, when compared with that obtained in their absence, indicating that these salts stabilized the protein against thermal denaturation. (C) 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 27: 269-272, 2011
A 2(3-1) factorial experimental design was used to evaluate the performance of a perforated rotating disc contactor to extract alpha-toxin from the fermented broth of Clostridium perfringens Type A by aqueous two-phase system of polyethylene glycol-phosphate salts. The influence of three independent variables, specifically the dispersed phase flowrate, the continuous phase flowrate and the disc rotational speed, was investigated on the hold up, the mass transfer coefficient, the separation efficiency and the purification factor, taken as the response variables. The optimum dispersed phase flowrate was 3.0 mL/min for all these responses. Besides, maximum values of hold up (0.80), separation efficiency (0. 10) and purification factor (2.4) were obtained at this flowrate using the lowest disc rotational speed (35 rpm), while the optimum mass transfer coefficient (0. 165 h(-1)) was achieved at the highest agitation level (140 rpm). The results of this study demonstrated that the dispersed phase flowrate strongly influenced the performance of PRDC, in that both the mass transfer coefficient and hold up increased with this parameter. (c) 2007 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: Purification of a-toxin produced by Clostridium perfringens type A in aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) was studied with a full two-level factorial design on two factors (concentrations of 8000 g mol(-1) PEG and phosphate salt at pH 8.0), to estimate the influence of these factors on the purification results. RESULTS: The partition coefficient (K), purification factor (PF) and activity yield (Y) were strongly influenced by the PEG and phosphate concentrations. Raising the levels of the two factors increased these responses. The highest purification factor (5.7) was obtained with PEG and phosphate concentrations of 17.5% and 15%, respectively. CONCLUSION: These results support the proposal that polymer excluded volume and hydrophobic interactions are the factors that drive the alpha-toxin in PEG/phosphate aqueous two-phase systems. (c) 2008 Society of Chemical Industry
Phenothiazines (PTZ) are drugs widely used in the treatment of schizophrenia. Trifluoperazine, a piperazinic PTZ derivative, has been described as inhibitor of the mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT). We reported previously the antioxidant activity of thioridazine at relatively low concentrations associated to the inhibition of the MPT (Brit. J. Pharmacol., 2002;136:136-142). In this study, it was investigated the induction of MPT by PTZ derivatives at concentrations higher than 10 mu M focusing on the molecular mechanism involved. PTZ promoted a dose-response mitochondrial swelling accompanied by mitochondrial transmembrane potential dissipation and calcium release, being thioridazine the most potent derivative. PTZ-induced MPT was partially inhibited by CsA or Mg(2+) and completely abolished by the abstraction of calcium. The oxidation of reduced thiol group of mitochondrial membrane proteins by PTZ was upstream the VIP opening and it was not sufficient to promote the opening of PTP that only occurred when calcium was present in the mitochondrial matrix. EPR experiments using DMPO as spin trapping excluded the participation of reactive oxygen species on the PTZ-induced MPT. Since 117 give rise to cation radicals chemically by the action of peroxidases and cyanide inhibited the PTZ-induced swelling, we propose that VIZ bury in the inner mitochondrial membrane and the chemically generated 117 cation radicals modify specific thiol groups that in the presence of Ca(2+) result in MPT associated to cytochrome c release. These findings contribute for the understanding of mechanisms of MET induction and may have implications for the cell death induced by PTZ. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The expression of ABO(H) blood group antigens causes deletion of cells that generate self-specific antibodies to these antigens but this deletion limits adaptive immunity toward pathogens bearing cognate blood group antigens. To explore potential defense mechanisms against such pathogens, given these limitations in adaptive immunity, we screened for innate proteins that could recognize human blood group antigens. Here we report that two innate immune lectins, galectin-4 (Gal-4) and Gal-8, which are expressed in the intestinal tract, recognize and kill human blood group antigen-expressing Escherichia coli while failing to alter the viability of other E. coli strains or other Gram-negative or Gram-positive organisms both in vitro and in vivo. The killing activity of both Gal-4 and Gal-8 is mediated by their C-terminal domains, occurs rapidly and independently of complement and is accompanied by disruption of membrane integrity. These results demonstrate that innate defense lectins can provide immunity against pathogens that express blood group-like antigens on their surface.
Suramin is a polysulphonated napthylurea antiprotozoal and anthelminitic drug, which also presents inhibitory activity against a broad range of enzymes. Here we evaluate the effect of suramin on the hydrolytic and biological activities of secreted human group IIA phospholipase A(2) (hsPLA(2)GIIA). The hsPLA(2)GIIA was expressed in E. coli, and refolded from inclusion bodies. The hydrolytic activity of the recombinant enzyme was measured using mixed dioleoylphosphatidylcholine/dioleoylphosphatidylglycerol (DOPC/DOPG) liposomes. The activation of macrophage cell line RAW 264.7 by hsPLA(2) GIIA was monitored by NO release, and bactericidal activity against Micrococcus luteus was evaluated by colony counting and by flow cytometry using the fluorescent probe Sytox Green. The hydrolytic activity of the hsPLA(2) GIIA was inhibited by a concentration of 100 nM suramin and the activation of macrophages by hsPLA(2) GIIA was abolished at protein/suramin molar ratios where the hydrolytic activity of the enzyme was inhibited. In contrast, both the bactericidal activity of hsPLA(2) GIIA against Micrococcus luteus and permeabilization of the bacterial inner membrane were unaffected by suramin concentrations up to 50 mu M. These results demonstrate that suramin selectively inhibits the activity of the hsPLA(2) GIIA against macrophages, whilst leaving the anti-bacterial function unchanged.
Environmental issues due to increases in emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases are driving the development of clean energy delivery technologies such as fuel cells. Low temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) use hydrogen as a fuel and their only emission is water. While significant advances have been made in recent years, a major limitation of the current technology is the cost and materials limitations of the proton conduction membrane. The proton exchange membrane performs three critical functions in the PEMFC membrane electrode assembly (MEA): (i) conduction of protons with minimal resistance from the anode (where they are generated from hydrogen) to the cathode (where they combine with oxygen and electrons, from the external circuit or load), (ii) providing electrical insulation between the anode and cathode to prevent shorting, and (iii) providing a gas impermeable barrier to prevent mixing of the fuel (hydrogen) and oxidant. The PFSA (perfluorosulphonic acid) family of membranes is currently the best developed proton conduction membrane commercially available, but these materials are limited to operation below 100oC (typically 80oC, or lower) due to the thermochemical limitations of this polymer. For both mobile and stationary applications, fuel cell companies require more durable, cost effective membrane technologies capable of delivering enhanced performance at higher temperatures (typically 120oC, or higher. This is driving research into a wide range of novel organic and inorganic materials with the potential to be good proton conductors and form coherent membranes. There are several research efforts recently reported in the literature employing inorganic nanomaterials. These include functionalised silica phosphates [1,2], fullerene [3] titania phosphates [4], zirconium pyrophosphate [5]. This work addresses the functionalisation of titania particles with phosphoric acid. Proton conductivity measurements are given together with structural properties.
Current findings related to the history of Australian newspapers.
Current findings, news and announcements related to the history of Australian newspapers.
Current findings, news and announcements related to the history of Australian newspapers.
Group of people outside the Sub Inspector Office during visit of former South Vietnamese vice president Nguyen Cao Ky to Brisbane, Australia in January 1967.
Group of marchers during Mayday procession 1966 Brisbane, Australia including children and dog. The group is passing Pearl Assurance House in Queen Street, Brisbane. Marchers have flags and banners relating to anti war and anti nuclear tests.
In the usual formulation of quantum mechanics, groups of automorphisms of quantum states have ray representations by unitary and antiunitary operators on complex Hilbert space, in accordance with Wigner's theorem. In the phase-space formulation, they have real, true unitary representations in the space of square-integrable functions on phase space. Each such phase-space representation is a Weyl–Wigner product of the corresponding Hilbert space representation with its contragredient, and these can be recovered by 'factorizing' the Weyl–Wigner product. However, not every real, unitary representation on phase space corresponds to a group of automorphisms, so not every such representation is in the form of a Weyl–Wigner product and can be factorized. The conditions under which this is possible are examined. Examples are presented.
This paper reports the experiences and perceptions of student group projects of three cohorts of undergraduates: a 3rd year capstone course in professional communication (N = 54), a 3rd year elective in chemical engineering (N = 29), and a core 2nd-year course in chemical engineering (N = 74).
Megan Henderson and Gay Walkington in Wattle Dance Group, Christmas 1968. The Wattle Dance Group met every Saturday in the Trades Hall, Brisbane, Australia. They held an concert at the end of each year. Janet Henderson was the mainstay and taught along with a few others. Jean Leary was the pianist. She took over from Eva Bacon.