988 resultados para Philippines. Legislature. Philippine Assembly
Vols. 8- called also "University of the Philippines publications: Series A."
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International donors and state bureaucrats in the developing world have promoted decentralization reform as the primary means to achieve equitable, efficient and sustainable natural resource management. Relatively few studies, however, consider the power interests at stake. Why do state agencies decentralize power, what political patterns unfold, and how do outcomes affect the responses of resource users? This paper explores decentralization reform by investigating the political processes behind the Philippine state's decisions to transfer authority over national parks management to local government units. Drawing on a case of devolved management at Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park, Palawan Island, we examine how political motives situated at different institutional scales affect the broader process of decentralization, the structure of management institutions, and overall livelihood security. We demonstrate how power struggles between the Philippine state and City Government of Palawan over the right to manage the national park have impacted the livelihood support offered by community-based conservation. We conclude that decentralization may offer empowering resu
The history of political and economic inequality in forest villages can shape how and why resource use conflicts arise during the evolution of national parks management. In the Philippine uplands, indigenous peoples and migrant settlers co-exist, compete over land and forest resources, and shape how managers preserve forests through national parks. This article examines how migrants have claimed lands and changed production and exchange relations among the indigenous Tagbanua to build on and benefit from otherwise coercive park management on Palawan Island, the Philippines. Migrant control over productive resources has influenced who, within each group, could sustain agriculture in the face of the state's dominant conservation narrative - valorizing migrant paddy rice and criminalizing Tagbanua swiddens. Upon settling, migrant farmers used new political and economic strengths to tap into provincial political networks in order to be hired at a national park. As a result, they were able to steer management to support paddy rice at the expense of swidden cultivation. While state conservation policy shapes how national parks impact upon local resource access and use, older political economic inequalities in forest villages build on such policies to influence how management affects the livelihoods of poor households.
Allozyme and molecular sequence data from the malaria vector Anopheles flavirostris (Ludlow) (Diptera: Culicidae) were analysed from 34 sites throughout the Philippines, including the type locality, to test the hypothesis that this taxon is a single panmictic species. A finer-scaled allozyme study, of mainly Luzon samples, revealed no fixed genetic differences in sympatric sites and only low levels of variation. We obtained data from partial sequences for the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) (483 bp), the third domain (D3) (330 bp) of the 28S ribosomal DNA subunit and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) of mitochondrial DNA (261 bp). No sequence variation was observed for ITS2, only a one base pair difference was observed between Philippine and Indonesian D3 sequences and An. flavirostris sequences were unique, confirming their diagnostic value for this taxon. Sixteen COI haplotypes were identified, giving 25 parsimony informative sites. Neighbour-Joining, Maximum Parsimony, Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of COI sequences for An. flavirostris and outgroup taxa revealed strong branch support for the monophyly of An. flavirostris, thus confirming that Philippine populations of this taxon comprise a single separate species within the Minimus Subgroup of the Funestus Group. Variation in the behaviour of An. flavirostris is likely to be intraspecific rather than interspecific in origin. 2006 The Royal Entomological Society.
Civil society is recognised as comprising complex and multifaceted entities, resilient to and yet responsive to both the state apparatus and global market processes. Civil society in the Philippines, long regarded as one of the most vibrant, diverse and innovative in Asia, has emerged as a significant actor in the field of conflict resolution and peace-building. In thinking about the work of peace, this paper engages with the effectiveness of civil society in mobilising societal awareness for a just and lasting peace in the southern Philippines. Shaped by development paradigms that privilege concepts such as social capital, the paper aims to interrogate how such concepts situated within the developmentsecurity nexus proposed by the Philippine government and funding agencies have influenced conflict-transformation initiatives in Mindanao, Philippines.
This report uses the Duke CGGC Global Value Chain (GVC) framework to examine the role of the Philippines in the global aerospace industry and identify opportunities for the country to upgrade. The Philippines is a newcomer to the growing global aerospace manufacturing industry. Although the country has been host to a major flight controls manufacturer since 1985, the industry really only began to expand within the past five to ten years. During this recent period (2007-2014), the country has rapidly ramped up its aerospace manufacturing exports, reaching US$604 million in 2014 and more than tripling employment. The industry now employs 3,000 full time and 3,000 part time workers. Although still a very small player, accounting for less than 0.15% of the global industry, this incipient growth is promising. Both foreign firms and local suppliers that have established operations in the industry have already achieved some degree of upgrading within a short timeframe. These include expanding the product lines served, obtaining essential process certifications and upgrading beyond basic assembly operations to undertake additional manufacturing processes such as machining as well as initiating procurement and engineering functions in country.
This report uses the Duke CGGC global value chain (GVC) framework to examine the role of the Philippines in the global chemical industry and identify opportunities for the country to upgrade. The Philippine chemicals sector is growing rapidly alongside economic expansion and a revival in manufacturing. By 2013, the chemicals sector as a whole accounted for 6.7% of GDP. Chemicals exports reached US$2.2 billion in 2014, approximately 3.5% of the countrys export basket. The sectors expansion has outpaced both global and regional trade; with a compound annual growth rate of 13% since 2007, three times as fast as global exports, and twice as fast as Asian regional exports. Participation in the export market is based primarily on commodity products in the oleochemicals and petrochemicals sub-sectors. Within these segments, exports are driven by a small number of products, with the top 10 accounting for approximately threequarters of all exports. While the country is a small player in the global chemicals trade, accounting for just 0.2% of exports in 2014, it has generally been successful in carving out a presence in these niche products, and is one of the global leaders in most of its top product categories.
Lorsque les alas naturels se droulent en catastrophes, les rponses des religieux, de lEtat, et dautres acteurs puissants dans une socit rvlent la fois les relations complexes entre ces parties et leur pouvoir dans la production des espaces auxquelles les survivants accdent. La rponse en cas de catastrophe comprend la cration despaces post-catastrophes, tels que des centres dvacuation, des logements de transition et des sites de rinstallation permanente, qui ciblent spcifiquement un sous-ensemble particulier de survivants, et visent les aider survivre, faire face, et se remettre de la catastrophe. Les acteurs puissants dans une socit dirigent les processus de secours, de rcupration et de reconstruction sont des acteurs puissants qui cherchent problmatiser et rendre un problme technique dans des termes quils sont idalement placs pour aborder travers une varit d'interventions. Ce projet de recherche vise rpondre la question: o les survivants d'une catastrophe reconstruisent-ils leurs vies et leurs moyens de subsistance? Il enqute sur un cas spcifique de la migration environnementale dans laquelle des dizaines de milliers d'habitants ont t dplacs de faon permanente et temporaire de leurs rsidences habituelles aprs le typhon Sendong Cagayan de Oro, Philippines en 2011. La recherche est base sur des entretiens avec les acteurs puissants et les survivants, des vidos participatives ralises par des survivants pauvres urbains, et des activits de cartographie. Ltude se fonde sur la thorie fministe, les tudes de migration, les tudes dans la gouvernementalit, la recherche sur les changements de lenvironnement plantaire, et les tudes rgionales afin de situer les diverses expriences de la migration dans un contexte gographique et historique. Cette thse propose une topographie critique dans laquelle les processus et les pratiques de production despaces post-catastrophe sont exposs. Parce que lespace est ncessairement mallable, fluide, et relationnelle en raison de l'volution constante des activits, des conflits, et des expriences qui se droulent dans le paysage, une analyse de l'espace doit tre formule en termes de relations sociales qui se produisent dans et au-del de ses frontires poreuses. En consquence, cette tude explore comment les relations sociales entre les survivants et les acteurs puissants sont lies lexclusion, la gouvernementalit, la mobilit, et la production des espaces, des lieux et des territoires. Il constate que, si les trajectoires de migration de la plupart des survivants ont t confins l'intrieur des limites de la ville, les expriences de ces survivants et leur utilisation des espaces urbains sont trs diffrentes. Ces diffrences peuvent tre expliques par des structures politiques, conomiques, et sociales, et par les diffrences religieuses, conomiques, et de genre. En outre, il fait valoir que les espaces post-catastrophe doivent tre considrs comme des espaces dexclusion o les fiduciaires exercent une rationalit gouvernementale. Cest--dire, les espaces post-catastrophe prtendument inclusives servent marginaliser davantage les populations vulnrables. Ces espaces offrent aussi des occasions pour les acteurs puissants dans la socit philippine d'effectuer des interventions gouvernementales dans lesquelles certaines personnes et les paysages sont simplifies, rendues lisibles, et amliors.
This article studies the house of seclusion established for devout Indian and mestizo laywomen in the town of Pasig in 1740, and the dispute over tribute obligations that affected retreated or pious women. Founded outside of the Royal Patronato, this house of seclusion was extraordinarily attractive as a place for voluntary retreat and as an educational center. The dispute over tribute payments brought to light misgivings and conflicts of interest between the parties involved, while revealing the fundamental problem: the traditionally undefined juridical status of this type of establishment on the Islands. The solution given to the problem (tribute exemption) was to be extended to other similar centers in the Philippines. This article, realized with the use of unpublished documentation from the General Archives of the Indies, contributes therefore to our knowledge of the world of women in the Philippine archipelago; an ambit of great complexity that, as of yet, has been insufficiently studied.
The fisheries sector is vital to the Philippine economy, providing substantial employment and income, contributing export earnings, and meeting local food security and nutrition requirements. To protect coastal and marine habitat and to sustain fisheries, over 1000 marine protected areas (MPAs) have been established, in the Philippines. This paper provides empirical evidence on the variance of net revenues linked with MPA establishment and the possible range of relocation costs for fishing effort displaced by an MPA. A total of 424 households were randomly selected from 18 barangays (villages) adjacent to MPAs in three regions in the Philippines. Results show that incomes decrease significantly for both fulltime and seasonal types of fishers after 1-3 years of MPA establishment. The loss occurring through MPA is higher than expected and at least on the short run (up to 4 years) the spill-over effect does not compensate. This information helped to determine the necessary conditional cash transfers for coastal communities who are highly dependent on coastal and marine resources.