997 resultados para Perussuomalaiset r. p


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Se hace un repaso histórico sobre los Movimientos de Renovación Pedagógica que surge como colectivo de base de profesores de todos los niveles educativos y de diferentes lugares. Se tratan las funciones específicas de estos colectivos y algunas de las actividades que realizan, entre las que destacan las Escuelas de Verano.


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Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att göra en studie av hur människor reagerar känslomässigt på olika typer av musik, vilka musikaliska preferenser de har i olika humör- och känslotillstånd, samt hur människor själva uppfattar sina känslomässiga reaktioner på musik. Jag har använt mig av ett frgeformulär som ligger till grund för den här uppsatsen. Undersökningen gick ut på att se hur respondenterna själva uppfattar sina musikaliska preferenser vid olika känslotillstånd genom att använda adjektiv för att beskriva dem. De fick även lyssna till ett antal lyssningsexempel med olika typer av musik och med hjälp av adjektiv beskriva vilka känslor musiken väcker hos dem. I sin komplexitet tycks människor ändå fungera relativt lika när det gäller vissa saker. Exempelvis känslomässiga reaktioner på musik. Respondenterna som deltog resonerade förvånansvärt lika. Naturligtvis fanns det några få svar som skiljde sig åt markant, men på det stora hela var de överens. Man vill höra musik som man uppfattar stämmer överens med de känslor man har, som hjälper till att bibehålla och/eller rsrka dessa känslor, även de mer negativa. Även vid lyssningsexemplen som de fick lyssna till var respondenterna på det hela taget relativt överens om vilka känslor som framkallades. Det verkar som om vi tänker och reagerar mer lika än vi tror.


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In this work we compare the simple singularities of germs from R-2 to R-p with multiplicity 2 or 3 with the singularities appearing in the set of 2-ruled surfaces. We also study the topological type of all finitely determined singularities by studying generic projections of these singularities in R-3. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: Recent knowledge regarding tissue biology highlights a complex regulation of growth factors in reaction to tissue damage. Platelet Rich Plasma (P.R.P.), containing a natural pool of growth factors, can be obtained in a simple and minimally invasive way and be applied to the lesion site. The aim of this study is to explore this novel approach to treat cartilage degenerative lesions of the knee and tendon chronic lesions( patellar tendon, and achilles tendon). In this study we evaluated if the treatment with PRP injections can reduce pain and increase function in cases of patellar tendinosis (Jumpers Knee), in chronic achilles tendinopathy and in patients with cartilage injuries of the knee. Materials and Methods: 40 patients with cartilage lesion of the knee, 28 male and 12 female with mean age 47 y. (min 18- max 52 years), were treated and prospectively evaluated at a minimum 6 months follow-up; in the same way, 12 patients with achilles tendon lesion (8 male and 4 female) with mean age 44,5 y. (min 32-max 58 years) and 10 patients with “Jumpers Knee” (8 male and 2 female) with mean age 23,2 y. (min 18-max 37 years), were evaluated at 6 months follow up. The procedure involved 3 multiple injections , performed every two weeks. All patients were clinically evaluated at the end of the treatment and at 6 months follow up. IKDC, SF36, EQ-VAS, scores were used for clinical evaluation and patient satisfaction and functional status were also recorded. Results: Statistical analysis showed a significant improvement in the SF36 questionnaire in all parameters evaluated at the end of the therapy and 6 months follow-up in both group(tendinopathies and chondral lesions), and in the EQ VAS and IKDC score (paired T-test, p<0.0005) from basal evaluation to the end of the therapy, and a further improvement was present at 6 months follow-up. Whereas a higher improvement of the sport activity level was achieved in the “Jumpers Knee” group. No complications related to the injections or severe adverse events were observed during the treatment and follow up period. Conclusion: PRP inhibits excess inflammation, apoptosis, and metalloproteinase activity. These interactive pathways may result in the restoration of tendon or cartilage, which can with stand loading with work or sports activity, thereby diminishing pain. PRP may also modulate the microvascular environment or alter efferent or afferent neural receptors. The clinical results are encouraging, indicating that PRP injections may have the potential to increase the tendon and cartilage healing capacity in cases with chronic tendinosis and chondropathy of the knee.


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hoṭ man eś nur in daiṭšn ... nai'i heroizgigebin ʿal-yedê ... Michl Šṭerin