972 resultados para Perforación intestinal
Eimeria carmelinoi n.sp., is described in the teiid lizard Kentropyx calcarata Spix, 1825 from north Brazil. Oocysts subspherical to spherical, averaging 21.25 x 20.15 µm. Oocyst wall smooth, colourless and devoid of striae or micropyle. No polar body or conspicuous oocystic residuum, but frequently a small number of fine granules in Brownian movement. Sporocysts, averaging 10.1 x 9 µm, are without a Stieda body. Endogenous stages characteristic of the genus: intra-cytoplasmic, within the epithelial cells of the ileum and above the host cell nucleus. A re-description is given of a parasite previously described as Eimeria cnemidophori, in the teiid lizard Cnemidophorus lemniscatus lemniscatus. A study of the endogenous stages in the ileum necessitates renaming this coccidian as Acroeimeria cnemidophori (Carini, 1941) nov.comb., and suggests that Acroeimeria pintoi Lainson & Paperna, 1999 in the teiid Ameiva ameiva is a synonym of A. cnemidophori. A further intestinal coccidian, Acroeimeria paraensis n.sp. is described in C. l. lemniscatus, frequently as a mixed infection with A. cnemidophori. Mature oocysts, averaging 24.4 x 21.8 µm, have a single-layered, smooth, colourless wall with no micropyle or striae. No polar body, but the frequent presence of a small number of fine granules exhibiting Brownian movements. Sporocysts 9 x 8, without a Stieda body. Endogenous stages epicytoplasmic, characteristic of the genus, in the upper ileum. The importance of a study of the endogenous stages of eimeriid coccidia is discussed.
Disposem d’evidència sobre la influència negativa del tabac en la malaltia de Crohn i el seu efecte positiu en la Colitis ulcerosa. Per altra banda, no s’ha avaluat una potencial interacció entre el tabaquisme i la resposta a determinats fàrmacs. En el present treball hem avaluat l’eficàcia de les tiopurines en la malaltia inflamatòria intestinal corticodepenent, en relació a l’existència d’hàbit tabàquic a l’inici del tractament i la seva influència en el seguiment dels pacients amb resposta inicial al fàrmac, valorant la necessitat de teràpies de rescat o de tractament quirúrgic durant la seva evolució segons l’hàbit tabàquic.
Whereas interactions between the TCRalpha beta and self MHC:peptide complexes are clearly required for positive selection of mature CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells during intrathymic development, the role of self or foreign ligands in maintaining the peripheral T cell repertoire is still controversial. In this report we have utilized keratin 14-beta2-microglobulin (K14-beta2m)-transgenic mice expressing beta2m-associated ligands exclusively on thymic cortical epithelial cells to address the possible influence of TCR:ligand interactions in peripheral CD8(+) T cell homeostasis. Our data indicate that CD8(+) T cells in peripheral lymphoid tissues are present in normal numbers in the absence of self MHC class I:peptide ligands. Surprisingly, however, steady state homeostasis of CD8(+) T cells in the intestinal epithelium is severely affected by the absence of beta2m-associated ligands. Indeed TCRalpha beta(+) IEL subsets expressing CD8alpha beta or CD8alpha alpha are both dramatically reduced in K14-beta2m mice, suggesting that the development, survival or expansion of CD8(+) IEL depends upon interaction of the TCR with MHC class I:peptide or other beta2m-associated ligands elsewhere than on thymic cortical epithelium. Collectively, our data reveal an unexpected difference in the regulation of CD8(+) T cell homeostasis by beta2m-associated ligands in the intestine as compared to peripheral lymphoid organs.
Els pacients amb crisis suboclusives recurrents o amb símptomes digestius que impideixen mantenir el seu pes normal, en absència d´una causa estructural que justifique els símptomes, poden estar afectes d´un trastorn de la motilitat del budell prim. La manometría gastrointestinal es la tècnica d´ elecció per l´ estudi de la motilidad del tracte gastrointestinal i en aquests pacients pot mostrar patrons aberrants que justifiquin els símptomes. No obstant, la manometría gastrointestinal és una tècnica específica però poc sensible. L´objetiu general d´aquest treball es determinar la resposta motora intestinal a una sobrecàrrega de quimo. Per a això s´estudiarà un grup de subjectes sans i es mesurarà l´ activitat motora del budell prim mitjançant manometría durant la infusió contínua de una solució de nutrients solos o espesats amb un compost no absobible.
Human schistosomiasis develops extensive and dense fibrosis in portal space, together with congested new blood vessels. This study demonstrates that Calomys callosus infected with Schistosoma mansoni also develops fibrovascular lesions, which are found in intestinal subserosa. Animals were percutaneously infected with 70 cercariae and necropsied at 42, 45, 55, 80, 90 and 160 days after infection. Intestinal sections were stained for brightfield, polarization microscopy, confocal laser scanning, transmission and scanning electron microscopies. Immunohistological analysis was also performed and some nodules were aseptically collected for cell culture. Numerous intestinal nodules, appearing from 55 up to 160 days after infection, were localized at the interface between external muscular layer and intestinal serosa, consisting of fibrovascular tissue forming a shell about central granuloma(s). Intranodular new vessels were derived from the vasculature of the external vascular layer and were positive for laminin, chondroitin-sulfate, smooth muscle alpha-actin and FVIII-RA. Fibroblastic cells and extracellular matrix components (collagens I, III and VI, fibronectin and tenascin) comprised the stroma. Intermixed with the fibroblasts and vessels there were variable number of eosinophils, macrophages and haemorrhagic foci. In conclusion, the nodules constitute an excellent and accessible model to study fibrogenesis and angiogenesis, dependent on S. mansoni eggs. The fibrogenic activity is fibroblastic and not myofibroblastic-dependent. The angiogenesis is so prominent that causes haemorrhagic ascites.
Shigella, a Gram-negative invasive enteropathogenic bacterium responsible for bacillary dysentery, causes the rupture, invasion, and inflammatory destruction of the human colonic mucosa. We explored the mechanisms of protection mediated by Shigella LPS-specific secretory IgA (SIgA), the major mucosal Ab induced upon natural infection. Bacteria, SIgA, or SIgA-S. flexneri immune complexes were administered into rabbit ligated intestinal loops containing a Peyer's patch. After 8 h, localizations of bacteria, SIgA, and SIgA-S. flexneri immune complexes were examined by immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy imaging. We found that anti-Shigella LPS SIgA, mainly via immune exclusion, prevented Shigella-induced inflammation responsible for the destruction of the intestinal barrier. Besides this luminal trapping, a small proportion of SIgA-S. flexneri immune complexes were shown to enter the rabbit Peyer's patch and were internalized by dendritic cells of the subepithelial dome region. Local inflammatory status was analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR using newly designed primers for rabbit pro- and anti-inflammatory mediator genes. In Peyer's patches exposed to immune complexes, limited up-regulation of the expression of proinflammatory genes, including TNF-alpha, IL-6, Cox-2, and IFN-gamma, was observed, consistent with preserved morphology. In contrast, in Peyer's patches exposed to Shigella alone, high expression of the same mediators was measured, indicating that neutralizing SIgA dampens the proinflammatory properties of Shigella. These results show that in the form of immune complexes, SIgA guarantees both immune exclusion and neutralization of translocated bacteria, thus preserving the intestinal barrier integrity by preventing bacterial-induced inflammation. These findings add to the multiple facets of the noninflammatory properties of SIgA.
We have described previously a transcription-dependent induction of glycogen resynthesis by the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) or noradrenaline (NA) in astrocytes, which is mediated by cAMP. Because it has been postulated that the cAMP-mediated regulation of energy balance in hepatocytes and adipocytes is channeled at least in part through the CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP) family of transcription factors, we tested the hypothesis that C/EBP isoforms could be expressed in mouse cortical astrocytes and that their level of expression could be regulated by VIP, by the VIP-related neuropeptide pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP), or by NA. We report in this study that in these cells, C/EBP beta and C/EBP delta are induced by VIP, PACAP, or NA via the cAMP second-messenger pathway. Induction of C/EBP beta and -delta mRNA by VIP occurs in the presence of a protein synthesis inhibitor. Thus, c/ebp beta and c/ebp delta behave as cAMP-inducible immediate-early genes in astrocytes. Moreover, transfection of astrocytes with expression vectors selectively producing the transcriptionally active form of C/EBP beta, termed liver-enriched transcriptional activator protein, or C/EBP delta enhance the glycogen resynthesis elicited by NA, whereas an expression vector producing the transcriptionally inactive form of C/EBP beta, termed liver-enriched transcriptional inhibitory protein, reduces this resynthesis. These results support the idea that C/EBP beta and -delta regulate gene expression of energy metabolism-related enzymes in astrocytes.
From May to August 1999, we evaluated 401 patients from a pediatric hospital of Havana City. One group was composed of 113 patients with diarrhea admitted to the Gastroenterology ward and a second consisted of 288 patients without diarrhea, admitted for other reasons, and hospitalized within the same time period. Three stool samples were collected from each child and were examined using three parasitological techniques. When we compared the frequency of parasite species between both groups, we found Cryptosporidium spp. and Cyclospora cayetanensis, only in the group of children with diarrhea (P < 0.01). However, no significant differences were found in the occurrence of the other intestinal parasites (P > 0.05). In addition, in those children infected with Cryptosporidium, the diarrhea had a more prolonged duration (P < 0.01), while those infected with Cyclospora, the abdominal cramps or pain, and acute diarrhea were more frequently detected (P < 0.01). Our results showed that emerging intestinal coccidia are pathogens strongly associated in this group of children with diarrhea.
Almost all known human specific parasites have been found in ancient feces. A review of the paleoparasitological helminth and intestinal protozoa findings available in the literature is presented. We also report the new paleoparasitologic findings from the examination performed in samples collected in New and Old World archaeological sites. New finds of ancylostomid, Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura, Enterobius vermicularis, Trichostrongylus spp., Diphyllobothrium latum, Hymenolepis nana and Acantocephalan eggs are reported. According to the findings, it is probable that A. lumbricoides was originally a human parasite. Human ancylostomids, A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura, found in the New World in pre-Columbian times, have not been introduced into the Americas by land via Beringia. These parasites could not supported the cold climate of the region. Nomadic prehistoric humans that have crossed the Bering Land Bridge from Asia to the Americas in the last glaciation, probably during generations, would have lost these parasites, which life cycles need warm temperatures in the soil to be transmitted from host to host. Alternative routes are discussed for human parasite introduction into the Americas.
The bacteria of the Bacteroides fragilis group are considered important clinical pathogens and they are the most common anaerobes isolated from human endogenous infections. In this study, the susceptibility patterns to antibiotics and metals of 114 species of the B. fragilis group isolated from children with and without diarrhea were determined. Susceptibility was assayed by using an agar dilution method with Wilkins-Chalgren agar. All B. fragilis strains were resistant to lead and nickel, but susceptible to metronidazole and imipenem. beta-lactamase production was detected by using biological and nitrocefin methods, respectively, in 50% and 90.6% of the isolates of children with diarrhea and in 60% and 90% of the isolates of children without diarrhea. Our results show an increase of antibiotics and metals resistance in this microbial group, and a periodic evaluation of the antimicrobial susceptibility is needed. In Brazil, the contamination for antibiotics or metal ions is often observed, and it is suggested an increase the antimicrobial resistance surveillance of this microbial group, mainly those isolated from children's diarrhea.
It is increasingly recognised that the burden of infectious intestinal diseases (IID) in a population is an important indicator of food safety. This report has examined four bacterial infections that frequently cause IID on the island of Ireland (IOI). Over the decade covered by this report, levels of Salmonella have declined substantially while levels of Campylobacter remain a real problem for Food Safety professionals on the IOI. Although much less common, the verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli O157 (VTEC O157) and Listeria infections present an on-going challenge because of their severity and associated long-term sequelae. Northern Ireland (NI) has a higher reported crude incidence rate of three of the included pathogens (Salmonella, Campylobacter and Listeria) than the Republic of Ireland (ROI), while VTEC 0157 was the exception. This may reflect differences in health seeking behaviour and reporting between the two jurisdictions and/or actual differences in incidence rates.
Infectious intestinal disease is a disease of the digestive system caused by infectious agents. Most infectious intestinal disease (IID) is self-limiting, requiring no clinical intervention, but it causes a substantial burden to the population through healthcare usage and absenteeism. Understanding the magnitude, distribution and demographic factors associated with IID is key to its mitigation. The cases and outbreaks of human disease detected via surveillance represent but a small proportion of the true burden of disease in the population, and special studies are needed periodically in order to be able to extrapolate true population experience from what is reported via surveillance. One way to identify the true extent of IID is to estimate illness in the community, and not just at the point where the individual has made contact with the health services.
Quantitative parameters of intestinal helminth species and their potential relations to host characteristics in a population of capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) from Venezuela are reported for the first time. The intestines of 40 capybaras were collected during the 1992-annual harvest at Hato El Cedral. Six helminth species were found: 2 cestodes (Monoecocestus macrobursatum, M. hagmanni), 2 nematodes (Viannella hydrochoeri, Protozoophaga obesa), and 2 trematodes (Hippocrepis hippocrepis, Taxorchis schistocotyle). This is the first report for M. macrobursatum in Venezuela. Helminth abundance did not differ between sexes or age classes. Although patterns of distribution for all helminth species were overdispersed, the high prevalence found for all species (over 70%) and the high abundance observed for nematodes made it difficult to assess the effect that these helminths may produce on capybaras. Nevertheless, the negative associations found between the body condition of capybaras and helminth intensity for M. macrobursatum and V. hydrochoeri, might be pointing out potential host population regulatory role for these parasites which require further research.
We report the result of an examination for blood and intestinal protozoa in 12 specimens of the red squirrel Sciurus spadiceus (Rodentia: Sciuridae) from Birroque, municipality of Plácido de Castro, state of Acre, Brazil. No parasites were detected in thin, Giemsa-stained blood films of the animals, but culture of the blood of three in Difco B45 medium blood-agar slants gave rise to isolates of epimastigotes. Inoculation of one isolate into laboratory mice resulted in the appearance of Trypanosoma cruzi-like trypomastigotes in their peripheral blood, and the other two isolates gave rise to transient infections with a T. lewisi-like parasite in inoculated mice and hamsters. The failure of the latter parasite to develop in the triatomine bug Rhodnius robustus suggests that it is probably not T. rangeli. This appears to be the first record of a T. lewisi-like trypanosome in neotropical squirrels. Oocysts of an Eimeria sp., were detected in the faeces of 10 animals (83.3%). The parasite develops in the epithelial cells of the intestine, where it may cause severe damage and sometimes results in death of the animal. No oocysts were detected in bile.
The association between worm infections and bacterial diseases has only recently been emphasized. This study examined the effect of experimental Angiostrongylus costaricensis infection on endogenous intestinal flora of Swiss Webster mice. Eight mice aging six weeks were selected for this experiment. Four were infected with A. costaricensis and the other four were used as controls. Twenty eight days after the worm infection, all mice in both groups were sacrificed and samples of the contents of the ileum and colon were obtained and cultured for aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. In the mice infected with A. costaricensis there was a significant increase in the number of bacteria of the endogenous intestinal flora, accompanied by a decrease in the number of Peptostreptococcus spp. This alteration in the intestinal flora of mice infected by the nematode may help to understand some bacterial infections described in humans.