927 resultados para Pearl River Mouth basin


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Longitudinal changes in composition, abundance, and distribution of copepods were studied at the transition zone of Paranapanema River-Jurumirim Reservoir (SP, Brazil). The interchange of biotic material between marginal lakes and the river system was also examined. Water samples were obtained from 6 stations along a stretch of 13 km of the Paranapanema River, from an upstream reach with high water velocity up to the river mouth into Jurumirim Reservoir. Two other sites in lateral lakes were also sampled. Nine copepod taxa were identified: 3 calanoids (Argyrodiaptomus furcatus Sars, Notodiaptomus iheringi Wright, and N. conifer Sars) and 6 cyclopoids (Eucyclops Claus, Microcyclops Claus, Mesocyclops longisetus Thiébaud, Thermocyclops decipiens Fischer, T. minutus Lowndes, and Paracyclops Claus). Harpacticoids were also collected. Calanoid and cyclopoid nauplii and copepodids, and harpacticoids were the most abundant organisms. In general, there was a longitudinal decrease in copepod abundance, whereas an increase was detected near the lakes. The abundance of most copepods was inversely correlated with current velocity and suspended solids. Higher abundance was observed in the river main course during the rainy season, during which there is a higher connectivity between the lakes and the main river. This promotes exportation of biologic material from marginal lakes to the river system, a biotic exchange reflecting the importance of marginal lakes to the river community structure.


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The analysis of the physical medium in hydrographic basins requires knowledge of the processes involved and characteristics of variables at different geographic scales. Considering the principle that the micro-basins can be categorized, they are then considered territorial units of ideal work for the analysis of hydrologic conditions. The objective of this work was to compare water resources of four hydrographic basins' with different land use and occupation. Five sampling points along the drainage network of hydrographic basins of first order of magnitude and a sampling point in the river mouth of M1 and M4 micro-basins were established. The water collections occurred at monthly intervals from August, 2006 to August, 2007. Temperature (°C), turbidity (NTU), odor, pH, electric conductivity (μS cm-1), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), total dissolved solids (ppm) and total phosphorous (mg/L) were the variables evaluated in the study. The highest variability of the parameters was found in hydrographic basins M2 and M3. The characterization of the hydrologic conditions of the hydrographic micro-basins indicated that agricultural activities, including cultural practices of anthropic activities affect water resources.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil e Ambiental - FEB


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE


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The Constant Flux: Constant Sedimentation (CF:CS) and Constant Rate of Supply (CRS) of unsupported/excess Pb-210 models have been applied to a Pb-210 data set providing of eighteen sediments profiles sampled at four riverine systems occurring in Brazil, South America: Corumbatai River basin (S1=Site 1, Sao Paulo State), Atibaia River basin (S2=Site 2, Sao Paulo State), Ribeirao dos Bagres basin (S3=Site 3, Sao Paulo State) and Amazon River mouth. (S4=Site 4, Amapa State). These sites were chosen for a comparative evaluation of the performance of the CF:CS and CRS models due to their pronounced differences on the geographical location, geological context, soil composition, biodiversity, climate, rainfall, and water flow regime, among other variable aspects. However, all sediments cores exhibited a common denominator consisting on a database built from the use of the same techniques for acquiring the sediments major chemical composition (SiO2, Al2O3, Na2O, K2O, CaO, MgO, Fe2O3, MnO, P2O5, TiO2 and LOI-Loss on Ignition) and unsupported/excess 210Pb activity data. In terms of sedimentation rates, the performance of the CRS model was better than that of the CF:CS model as it yielded values more compatible with those expected from field evidences. Under the chronological point of view, the CRS model always provided ages within the permitted range of the Pb-210-method in the studied sites, whereas the CF:CS model predicted some values above 150 years. The SiO2 content decreased in accordance with the LOI increase in all cores analyzed and such inverse relationship was also tracked in the SiO2-LOI curves of historical trends. The SiO2-LOI concentration fluctuations in sites S1 and S3 also coincided with some Cu and Cr inputs in the drainage systems. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Die Entwicklung des Nordwestdeutschen Beckens und seiner rezenten Topographie ist geprägt von einer Vielzahl endogener und exogener Prozesse: Tektonik, Vulkanismus, Diapirismus, Eisvorstöße, elsterzeitlichen Rinnen und die Ablagerung von quartären Sedimenten. Mit Hilfe der Quantifizierung von Bodenbewegungspotenzialen wurde für Schleswig-Holstein der Einfluß von Tiefenstrukturen (insbesondere Salzstrukturen und tektonische Störungen) auf die Entwicklung der rezenten Topographie in Schleswig-Holstein untersucht. Dabei wurden folgende Parameter berücksichtigt: (1) Salzstrukturen; (2) Tektonischen Störungen; (3) Oberflächennahe Störungen, die mit einer hohen Wahrscheinlichkeit an der Erdoberfläche ausstreichen; (4) Elsterzeitliche Rinnen (tiefer 100 m); (5) Historische Erdbeben; (6) In Satellitenbildszenen kartierte Lineamente (7) Korrelationskoeffizienten, die zwischen 7 stratigraphischen Horizonten des „Geotektonischen Atlas von NW-Deutschland“ berechnet wurden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass in Schleswig-Holstein großflächig rezente Bodenbewegungs-potenziale auftreten, die auf tektonische Störungen und Salzstrukturen zurückzuführen sind und sich hauptsächlich auf den Bereich des Glückstadt Grabens beschränken. In den 5 Gebieten Sterup, Tellingstedt Nord, Oldensworth Nord, Schwarzenbek und Plön treten die höchsten Bodenbewegungspotenziale auf. Sie dokumentieren rezente Prozesse in diesen Gebieten. In den Gebieten Sterup, Schwarzenbek und Plön sind aktive, an der Erdoberfläche ausstreichende Störungen lokalisiert, deren Auftreten auch durch kartierte Luft- und Satellitenbildlineare belegt wird. Im Gebiet Plön werden die ermittelten Bodenbewegungspotenziale durch eine, sich rezent vergrößernde Senke bei Kleinneudorf bestätigt. Unterhalb der Senke führen, begünstigt durch tektonische Störungen, Lösungsprozesse in tertiären Sedimenten zu Hohlraumbildungen, die das rezente Absacken der Senke verursachen. Für Bereiche höchsten Bodenbewegungspotenzials kann ein Einfluß von Tiefenstrukturen auf die Entwicklung der rezenten Topographie nachgewiesen werden. So beeinflussen oberflächennahe Störungen in dem Gebiet Plön die Entwicklung des Plöner Sees. Im Gebiet Schwarzenbek verursacht ein N-S orientiertes Störungsband ein Abknicken des Elbverlaufs. Weiterhin kann ein Einfluß der Entwicklung der rezenten Topographie durch eine Interaktion zwischen Eisauflast und Salzmobilität in den Gebieten Sterup und Oldensworth nachgewiesen werden. Demnach ist die Ablagerung quartärer Sedimente und somit der Grenzverlauf der Flußgebietseinheiten Eider und Schlei-Trave zwischen den Salzstrukturen Sterup und Meezen beeinflusst durch eine aktive Reaktion beider Salzstrukturen auf Eisauflast. Im Bereich Oldensworth zeigen geologische Schnitte von der Basis Oberkreide bis zur rezenten Topographie, dass die Salzmauern Oldensworth und Hennstedt die Ablagerung quartärer Sedimente aktiv beeinflussten. Weiterhin orientiert sich der Elbverlauf von Hamburg bis zur Mündung an den Randbereichen von Salzstrukturen, die bis in den oberflächennahen Bereich aufgestiegen sind.


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In the late 19th century, F.A. FOREL led investigations of the Rhone River delta area of Lake Geneva that resulted in the dis- covery of a textbook example of a river-fed delta system containing impressive subaquatic channels. Well ahead of the marine counterparts, scientific observations and interpretations of water currents shaping the delta edifice for the first time documented how underflow currents carry cold, suspension-laden waters from the river mouth all the way to the deep basin. These early investigations of the Rhone delta laid the basis for follow-up studies in the 20th and 21th centuries. Sediment coring, water-column measurements, manned submersible diving, seismic reflection profiling and bathymetric sur- veying eventually provided a rich database to unravel the key erosional and depositional processes, further documenting the impact of human-induced changes in the catchment. With the merging of old and new scientific knowledge, today a comprehensive understanding prevails of how a delta changes through time, how its channels are formed, and what potential natural hazards may be related to its evolution. New and efficient bathymetric techniques, paired with novel coring operations, provided a time-series of morphologic evolution showing and quantifying the high dynamics of the delta/channel evolution in an unprecedented temporal and spatial reso- lution. Future investigations will continue to further quantify these dynamic processes and to link the evolution of the subaquatic domain with changes and processes in the catchment and with natural hazards. Its size, easy access, and large variety of states and processes will continue to make the Rhone delta area a perfect ‘laboratory’ in which general processes can be studied that could be upscaled or downscaled to other marine and lacustrine deltas.


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Relatively little is known about the distribution and seasonal movement patterns of shortnose sturgeon Acipenser brevirostrum and Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus occupying rivers in the northern part of their range. During 2006 and 2007, 40 shortnose sturgeon (66-113.4 cm fork length [FL]) and 8 Atlantic sturgeon (76.2-166.2 cm FL) were captured in the Penobscot River, Maine, implanted with acoustic transmitters, and monitored using an array of acoustic receivers in the Penobscot River estuary and Penobscot Bay. Shortnose sturgeon were present year round in the estuary and overwintered from fall (mid-October) to spring (mid-April) in the upper estuary. In early spring, all individuals moved downstream to the middle estuary. Over the course of the summer, many individuals moved upstream to approximately 2 km of the downstream-most dam (46 river kilometers [rkm] from the Penobscot River mouth [rkm 0]) by August. Most aggregated into an overwintering site (rkm 36.5) in mid-to late fall. As many as 50% of the tagged shortnose sturgeon moved into and out of the Penobscot River system during 2007, and 83% were subsequently detected by an acoustic array in the Kennebec River, located 150 km from the Penobscot River estuary. Atlantic sturgeon moved into the estuary from the ocean in the summer and concentrated into a 1.5-km reach. All Atlantic sturgeon moved to the ocean by fall, and two of these were detected in the Kennebec River. Although these behaviors are common for Atlantic sturgeon, regular coastal migrations of shortnose sturgeon have not been documented previously in this region. These results have important implications for future dam removals as well as for rangewide and river-specific shortnose sturgeon management.


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The results of the analysis of samples of the Northern Dvina River's suspended particulate matter obtained by the sedimentation method from large water volumes in the periods of the spring high water and summer low water are presented. By the method of sequential leaching using different reagents, four fractions have been separated: the F1 is the sorbed complex and carbonates, the F2 is the amorphous hydroxides of Fe and Mn, the F3 is the form connected with the organic matter, and the F4 is the residual or silicate-detrital (inert) form. The data have shown that all ten elements determined were grouped with respect to the ratio of the distinguished forms: F4 is the predominant form for Al and Fe (73-88% of all the forms; however, the summer sample contains only 38% of this form of iron, and F2 is the predominant form for this period with 46.6%). As to Mn, the F1, F2, and F4 are nearly equally distributed in the spring high water samples, and only the F3 form is less important (5.4%). In the summer sample, the manganese sorbed complex is predominant (53.5%); for Cu, Ni, Cr, and Co, the inert F4 form is predominant (60-70%) in the sample of the spring suspended matter. The summer low water suspended matter has a lower F4 contribution (25-45%); for Zn, Pb, and Cd, the equal distribution of the forms in the spring samples is typical, while the summer suspended matter differs by the F2 form's predominance (53-61% for Zn and Pb). The main conclusion from the acquired data is that the geochemical mobility of all the studied elements, except for cadmium, in the summer low water suspended matter is higher than in the spring suspended matter. The more intensive biogeochemical processes in August, the high level of organic matter, and the higher contribution of phytoplankton lead to the intensification of the metals' geochemical activity in the Northern Dvina suspended matter in the end of the summer compared to the spring high water period when the physical processes are predominant over the biogeochemical ones due to the high speeds of the freshened waters flow.


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We investigate the redistribution of terrigenous materials in the northeastern (NE) South American continental margin during slowdown events of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). The compilation of stratigraphic data from 108 marine sediment cores collected across the western tropical Atlantic shows an extreme rise in sedimentation rates off the Parnaíba River mouth (about 2°S) during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1, 18-15 ka). Sediment core GeoB16206-1, raised offshore the Parnaíba River mouth, documents relatively constant 143Nd/144Nd values (expressed as epsilonNd(0)) throughout the last 30 ka. Whereas the homogeneous epsilonNd(0) data support the input of fluvial sediments by the Parnaíba River from the same source area directly onshore, the increases in Fe/Ca, Al/Si and Rb/Sr during HS1 indicate a marked intensification of fluvial erosion in the Parnaíba River drainage basin. In contrast, the epsilonNd(0) values from sediment core GeoB16224-1 collected off French Guiana (about 7°N) suggest Amazon-sourced materials within the last 30 ka. We attribute the extremely high volume of terrigenous sediments deposited offshore the Parnaíba River mouth during HS1 to (i) an enhanced precipitation in the catchment region and (ii) a reduced North Brazil Current, which are both associated with a weakened AMOC.