819 resultados para Partially protected areas


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Front detection and aggregation techniques were applied to 300m resolution MERIS satellite ocean colour data for the first time, to describe frequently occurring shelf-sea fronts near to the Scottish coast. Medium resolution (1km) thermal and colour data have previously been used to analyse the distribution of surface fronts, though these cannot capture smaller frontal zones or those in close proximity to the coast, particularly where the coastline is convoluted. Seasonal frequent front maps, derived from both chlorophyll and SST data, revealed a number of key frontal zones, a subset of which were based on new insights into the sediment and plankton dynamics provided exclusively by the higher-resolution chlorophyll fronts. The methodology is described for applying colour and thermal front data to the task of identifying zones of ecological importance that could assist the process of defining marine protected areas. Each key frontal zone is analysed to describe its spatial and temporal extent and variability, and possible mechanisms. It is hoped that these tools can provide guidance on the dynamic habitats of marine fauna towards aspects of marine spatial planning and conservation.


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The main aims of the present study, conducted in the framework of the MONIQUA-Egadi Scientific Project, were twofold: first, to make the first step in the development and validation of an ecotoxicological approach for the assessment of marine pollution in coastal environments on the basis of a set of biomarker responses in new sentinel species; and second, to obtain preliminary information on environmental quality in an Italian marine protected area, the Egadi Islands (Sicily). Several cytochrome P450-dependent mixed-function oxidase activities were measured in the following sentinel species: rainbow wrasse Coris julis, gastropod limpet Patella caerulea, and sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus. The results suggest that specimens from the Favignana Harbor may be exposed to P450 inducers, whereas most of the other sites seem to share similar environmental quality. The proposed approach has potential for assessment of environmental quality in marine protected areas.


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The extent to which climate change might diminish the efficacy of protected areas is one of the most pressing conservation questions. Many projections suggest that climate-driven species distribution shifts will leave protected areas impoverished and species inadequately protected while other evidence suggests that intact ecosystems within protected areas will be resilient to change. Here, we tackle this problem empirically. We show how recent changes in distribution of 139 Tanzanian savannah bird species are linked to climate change, protected area status and land degradation. We provide the first evidence of climate-driven range shifts for an African bird community. Our results suggest that the continued maintenance of existing protected areas is an appropriate conservation response to the challenge of climate and environmental change.


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Dissertação de mest., Biologia Marinha (Ecologia e Conservação Marinhas), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2011


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This article outlines the approaches to modeling the distribution of threatened invertebrates using data from atlases, museums and databases. Species Distribution Models (SDMs) are useful for estimating species’ ranges, identifying suitable habitats, and identifying the primary factors affecting species’ distributions. The study tackles the strategies used to obtain SDMs without reliable absence data while exploring their applications for conservation. I examine the conservation status of Copris species and Graellsia isabelae by delimiting their populations and exploring the effectiveness of protected areas. I show that the method of pseudo‐absence selection strongly determines the model obtained, generating different model predictions along the gradient between potential and realized distributions. After assessing the effects of species’ traits and data characteristics on accuracy, I found that species are modeled more accurately when sample sizes are larger, no matter the technique used.


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Tese de doutoramento, Biologia (Biologia Marinha e Aquacultura), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2015


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Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Mar (Biologia Marinha)


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Cette recherche a porté sur quelques enjeux importants liés à la gestion des aires marines protégées (AMP) en Indonésie en examinant comment celles-ci sont en mesure d'adapter leurs politiques afin de mieux répondre à l'évolution des conditions socioéconomiques et écologiques, quels ont été les impacts socioéconomiques de ces aires, et quelles sont les préoccupations environnementales des acteurs locaux dont les moyens de subsistance dépendent des ressources règlementées. Le «livelihoods framework » a servi de guide pour notre analyse des changements socioéconomiques dans la région, tandis que la notion d’« environmentality » d’Agrawal a fourni les bases théoriques pour l'examen de la formation de sujets environnementaux au parc national de Karimunjawa. Cette étude a montré que les changements de politique apportés au plan de la gestion du parc sont un pas dans la bonne direction, mais que les objectifs importants liés sa cogestion n'ont jamais été entièrement réalisés dans la pratique. Les résultats montrent également que d'importants changements socioéconomiques surviennent dans le parc, de nombreux pêcheurs se tournent vers des moyens de subsistance alternatifs, afin de compenser la baisse des prises de poissons. Enfin, cette étude a révélé que d'importants changements positifs dans les préoccupations environnementales sont survenus depuis la modification du zonage du parc, mais que ceux-ci ne se sont pas entièrement traduits en conformité avec les règles et règlements de l'AMP.


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Worldwide marine protected areas (MPAs) have been designated to protect marine resources, including top predators such as seabirds. There is no conclusive information on whether protected areas can improve population trends of seabirds when these are further exploited as tourist attractions, an activity that has increased in past decades. Humboldt Penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) and Magellanic Penguins (S. magellanicus) breed sympatrically on Puñihuil Islets, two small coastal islands off the west coast of Chiloé Island (41° S) in southern Chile that are subject to exploitation for tourism. Our goal was to compare the population size of the mixed colony of Humboldt and Magellanic Penguins before and after protection from unregulated tourism and freely roaming goats in 1997. For this purpose, two censuses were conducted in 2004 and 2008, and the numbers compared with those obtained in 1997 by other authors. The proportion of occupied, unoccupied, and collapsed/flooded burrows changed between years; there were 68% and 34% fewer collapsed burrows in 2004 and 2008, respectively, than in 1997. For the total number of burrows of both species, we counted 48% and 63% more burrows in 2004 and 2008, respectively, than in 1997. We counted 13% more burrows of Humboldt Penguins in 2008 than in 1997, and for Magellanic Penguins, we estimated a 64% increase in burrows in 2008. Presumably, this was as a result of habitat improvement attributable to the exclusion of tourists and the removal of goats from the islets. Although tourist visits to the islets are prohibited, tourism activities around the colonies are prevalent and need to be taken into account to promote appropriate management.


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The Mediterranean is an important eco-region, however, it suffers from the lack of common procedures for the management and monitoring of its protected areas sustainability. The INNOVA project addresses this issue by developing a procedure namely PASEMP as well as tools which can assist Protected Areas Managers and responsible authorities to develop and implement a monitoring strategy for their areas. This handbook is proposed as a flexible tool, or a reference text which should be used in combination with the PASEMP guidelines to identify indicators, but also contains guidance on how to implement and report the monitoring strategy results.


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Understanding how wildlife responds to road and traffic is essential for effective conservation. Yet, not many studies have evaluated how roads influence wildlife in protected areas, particularly within the large iconic African National Parks where tourism is mainly based on sightings from motorized vehicles with the consequent development and intense use of roads. To reduce this knowledge gap, we studied the behavioral response and local spatial distribution of impala Aepyceros melampus along the heterogeneous (with variation in road surface type and traffic intensity) road-network of Kruger National Park (KNP, South Africa). We surveyed different types of roads (paved and unpaved) recording the occurrence of flight responses among sighted impala and describing their local spatial distribution (in relation to the roads). We observed relatively few flight responses (19.5% of 118 observations), suggesting impalas could be partly habituated to vehicles in KNP. In addition, impala local distribution is apparently unaffected by unpaved roads, yet animals seem to avoid the close proximity of paved roads. Overall, our results suggest a negative, albeit small, effect of traffic intensity, and of presence of pavement on roads on the behavior of impala at KNP. Future studies would be necessary to understand how roads influence other species, but our results show that even within a protected area that has been well-visited for a long time, wildlife can still be affected by roads and traffic. This result has ecological (e.g., changes in spatial distribution of fauna) and management implications (e.g., challenges of facilitating wildlife sightings while minimizing disturbance) for protected areas where touristic activities are largely based on driving.


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The White-headed Vulture Trigonoceps occipitalis (WhV) is uncommon and largely restricted to protected areas across its range in sub-Saharan Africa. We used the World Database on Protected Areas to identify protected areas (PAs) likely to contain White-headed Vultures. Vulture occurrence on road transects in Southern, East, and West Africa was adjusted to nests per km2 using data from areas with known numbers of nests and corresponding road transect data. Nest density was used to calculate the number of WhV nests within identified PAs and from there extrapolated to estimate the global population. Across a fragmented range, 400 PAs are estimated to contain 1893 WhV nests. Eastern Africa is estimated to contain 721 nests, Central Africa 548 nests, Southern Africa 468 nests, and West Africa 156 nests. Including immature and nonbreeding birds, and accounting for data deficient PAs, the estimated global population is 5475 - 5493 birds. The identified distribution highlights are alarming: over 78% (n = 313) of identified PAs contain fewer than five nests. A further 17% (n = 68) of PAs contain 5 - 20 nests and 4% (n = 14) of identified PAs are estimated to contain >20 nests. Just 1% (n = 5) of PAs are estimated to contain >40 nests; none is located in West Africa. Whilst ranging behavior of WhVs is currently unknown, 35% of PAs large enough to hold >20 nests are isolated by more than 100 km from other PAs. Spatially discrete and unpredictable mortality events such as poisoning pose major threats to small localized vulture populations and will accelerate ongoing local extinctions. Apart from reducing the threat of poisoning events, conservation actions promoting linkages between protected areas should be pursued. Identifying potential areas for assisted re-establishment via translocation offers the potential to expand the range of this species and alleviate risk.


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O estado do Acre faz fronteiras internacionais com o Peru e a Bolívia e nacionais com os estados do Amazonas e Rondônia. O Acre está localizado nas terras baixas da Amazônia sul‐ocidental, próximo ao sopé dos Andes, dentro de uma região considerada megadiversa da Amazônia brasileira. Apesar disso, a região ainda é pouco conhecida e considerada prioritária para a realização de novos levantamentos biológicos. Com o intuito de contribuir para o conhecimento da avifauna do sudoeste amazônico, este estudo teve como principais objetivos responder as seguintes questões: (a) Quantas e quais são as espécies de aves do estado do Acre? (b) Como as espécies estão distribuídas dentro do estado do Acre? e (c) Qual o estado de conservação das espécies residentes no estado do Acre? A metodologia para responder a estas questões contemplou: (a) uma ampla revisão bibliográfica; (b) dois anos de levantamento em campo, incluindo registros e a coletas de espécimes testemunhos; (c) a confecção do mapa de distribuição de cada táxon (incluindo espécies e subespécies); (d) a distribuição dos táxons pelas três grandes regiões interfluviais do Estado (leste, central e oeste); (e) a identificação de zonas de contato e hibridização, baseada na distribuição dos táxons parapátridos dentro do Estado; (f) o cálculo da distribuição potencial dos táxons dentro do Acre, baseado na extrapolação da área ocupada por cada unidade ecológica (fitofisionomia) onde eles foram registrados; (g) o cálculo da meta de conservação de cada táxon residente no Estado e (h) uma análise de lacunas, baseada na sobreposição dos mapas de distribuição potencial de cada táxon com o das Áreas Protegidas do Estado. A análise de lacuna foi realizada tendo três diferentes cenários como referência: (a) primeiro cenário ‐ levou em consideração todas as Áreas Protegidas; (b) o segundo cenário – levou em consideração apenas as Unidades de Conservação ‐ UCs de Proteção Integral e (c) terceiro cenário – levou em consideração apenas as UCs de Proteção Integral + as de Uso Sustentável (exclusas as Terras Indígenas). A revisão bibliográfica e os levantamentos (históricos e de campo) tiveram início em agosto de 2005 e se estenderam até dezembro de 2007. Após o término da revisão bibliográfica e das expedições em campo, foram compilados 7.141 registros de aves para o todo o estado do Acre. Destes, 4. 623 são de espécimes coletados, dos quais, 2.295 (49,6%) são oriundos de coletas feitas durante a realização deste estudo. Confirmou‐se para o Acre a presença de 655 espécies biológicas, distribuídas em 73 Famílias e 23 Ordens. Como consequência direta deste estudo, cinco novas espécies foram acrescentadas à lista de aves brasileiras. Registrou‐se também, 59 espécies migratórias, das quais, 30 (50,8%) são migrantes neárticas, 11 (18,6%) foram consideradas como migrantes intratropicais e 18 (30,5%) como migrantes austrais. De todas as espécies registradas no Estado, 44 são endêmicas do centro de endemismo Inambari. Dos 556 táxons de aves florestais residentes no Acre, 72,8% (405) distribui‐se nas três sub‐regiões do Estado; 10,0% (56) foi registrado apenas na sub‐região oeste; 5,3% (30) apenas na sub‐região leste e 0,5% (03) apenas na sub‐região central. Ao menos seis pares de táxons irmãos apresentaram padrão de distribuição alopátrida e 15 conjuntos de táxons apresentaram distribuição parapátrida dentro do Estado. Foram identificadas duas zonas de contato secundário (leste/oeste) e duas possíveis zonas de hibridização (leste/oeste) dentro do Estado. As análises de lacunas mostraram que no primeiro cenário, 87,1% dos táxons atingiram 100% da meta de conservação; 12% ficaram em classes de conservação intermediárias, ou seja, em lacuna parcial de proteção e apenas 0,8% ficaram em lacuna total de proteção. No segundo cenário, apenas 0,6% dos táxons atingiram 100% da meta de conservação; 97,6% ficaram em lacuna parcial e 1,8% ficaram em lacuna total de proteção. No terceiro cenário, 73,5% dos táxons atingiram 100% da meta de conservação; 25,5% ficaram em lacuna parcial e apenas 0,8% ficaram em lacuna total de proteção. As principais conclusões obtidas a partir deste estudo foram: (a) que a riqueza avifaunística do estado do Acre é bastante expressiva, porém, o número de espécies detectadas deverá aumentar à medida que novos levantamentos forem realizados; (b) que os rios Purus e Juruá não são as barreiras físicas que determinam o padrão de distribuição da maioria das aves residentes no estado do Acre; (c) que a presença de zonas de contato secundário, não coincidentes com o curso dos dois principais rios do Estado, dá suporte a ideia de que fatores não ligados a uma barreira física devem estar atuando na manutenção do padrão de distribuição atual de alguns táxons de aves residentes no Acre; (d) que o número de espécies “desprotegidas” ou em “lacuna parcial de proteção” entre a avifauna do Acre é muito baixo quando todo o sistema de Áreas Protegidas é levado em consideração, porém este número aumenta com a exclusão das Unidades de Conservação de Uso Sustentável e das Terras Indígenas; (e) que as aves restritas às campinas e campinaranas do oeste do Acre são as únicas que se encontram em lacuna do sistema de áreas protegidas do Acre, indicando a necessidade de se criar uma ou mais Unidades de Conservação para proteger este habitat específico.


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1. The acceptance of reserves as a useful management strategy relies on evidence of their effectiveness in preserving stocks of harvested species and conserving biodiversity. A history of ad hoc decisions in terrestrial and marine protected area planning has meant that many of these areas are contributing inefficiently to conservation goals. The conservation value of existing protected areas should be assessed when planning the placement of additional areas in a reserve network. 2. This study tested (1) the effectiveness of protection for intertidal molluscs of a marine reserve (Bouddi Marine Extension, NSW, Australia) established in 1971, and (2) the contribution of the protected area to the conservation of regional species, assemblages, and habitats. 3. The shell length and population density of one harvested (Cellana tramoserica), and three non-harvested species (Bembicium nanum, Morula marginalba, Nerita atramentosa) of intertidal molluscs were examined in the protected area and two reference locations over two seasons. 4. The heavily collected limpet C. tramoserica was significantly larger in the protected area and was the only species to exhibit a significant difference. No species significantly differed in population density between the protected area and reference locations. 5. Temporally replicated surveys of macro-molluscs at 21 locations over 75km of coastline identified that the existing protected area included 50% of species, two of five assemblage types and 19 of 20 intertidal rocky shore habitats surveyed in the study region. Reservation of a further three rocky reefs would protect a large proportion of species (71%), a representative of each assemblage and all habitat types. 6. Despite originally being selected in the absence of information on regional biodiversity, the protected area is today an effective starting point for expansion to a regional network of intertidal protected areas.


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This study aims to evaluate the potential for impacts of ocean acidification on North Atlantic deep-sea ecosystems in response to IPCC AR5 Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs). Deep-sea biota is likely highly vulnerable to changes in seawater chemistry and sensitive to moderate excursions in pH. Here we show, from seven fully coupled Earth system models, that for three out of four RCPs over 17% of the seafloor area below 500 m depth in the North Atlantic sector will experience pH reductions exceeding −0.2 units by 2100. Increased stratification in response to climate change partially alleviates the impact of ocean acidification on deep benthic environments. We report on major pH reductions over the deep North Atlantic seafloor (depth >500 m) and at important deep-sea features, such as seamounts and canyons. By 2100, and under the high CO2 scenario RCP8.5, pH reductions exceeding −0.2 (−0.3) units are projected in close to 23% (~15%) of North Atlantic deep-sea canyons and ~8% (3%) of seamounts – including seamounts proposed as sites of marine protected areas. The spatial pattern of impacts reflects the depth of the pH perturbation and does not scale linearly with atmospheric CO2 concentration. Impacts may cause negative changes of the same magnitude or exceeding the current target of 10% of preservation of marine biomes set by the convention on biological diversity, implying that ocean acidification may offset benefits from conservation/management strategies relying on the regulation of resource exploitation.