649 resultados para Paleogene
The Pacific plate has undergone a substantial northward displacement during the late Mesozoic and the Cainozoic. Here we give additional documentation for such motion based on palaeomagnetic measurements of a sequence of sedimentary and basalt samples collected from middle Oligocene to Aptian sections of Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) site 289 (Andrews, 1975; 00° 29.92'S, 158° 30.69'E) drilled on the Ontong Java Plateau.
A middle Eocene to lower Oligocene sedimentary sequence was drilled at Site 841 in the Tonga forearc region during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135. A 56-m-thick sequence of volcanic sandstone, spanning from Cores 135-841B-4IR to -47R (549.1 to 605 mbsf), unconformably overlies rhyolitic volcanic basement. The middle Eocene planktonic foraminifer assemblages (P Zone?), which occur in association with larger benthic foraminifers, include spinose species of Acarinina, Morozovella, and Truncorotaloides, but their abundance is low. Late Eocene and early Oligocene faunas are abundant and show the highest diversity of the Paleogene sequence drilled at this site. They have been assigned to Zones P15-16 and P18, respectively. The Eocene/Oligocene boundary was not recognized because of a hiatus in which Zone P17 (37.2-36.6 Ma) was missing. Another hiatus is recorded in the interval between the middle and late Eocene, spanning at least 1.8 Ma. Paleogene assemblages of Site 841 contain equal numbers of warm- and cool-water species, an attribute of the warm middle-latitude Paleogene fauna of the Atlantic Ocean. In particular, common to high abundances of cool-water taxa, such as Globorotaloides, Catapsydrax, Tenuitella, and small globigerinids, may be related to the opening of a shallow seaway south of Tasmania permitting the influx of cool Indian Ocean waters into the South Pacific before the late Eocene (approximately 37 Ma).
Distribution, size, mineral, and chemical compositions of ferromanganese micronodules (FMMNs) and chemical composition of host sediments were examined in a series of red clay samples with ages from Eocene to the present at Ocean Drilling Program Leg 199, Site 1216, south of the Molokai Fracture Zone in the Central Pacific Basin. The number of FMMNs changed drastically throughout the 40-m-long red clay intervals. FMMNs are abundant in the upper 9 m of core, decrease between 9 and 25 meters below seafloor (mbsf) with depth, and are very rare from 30 to 40 mbsf. Chemical composition of FMMNs showed high Mn/Fe ratios and Ni and Cu contents and a distinct positive Ce anomaly because of the existence of buserite. This suggests that FMMNs in the red clay from 25 mbsf to the top of the cored interval were deposited continuously in an oxic diagenetic bottom environment. The red clay below 30 mbsf with higher Mn contents contains few FMMNs but abundant tiny Mn particles within brown silicates coated by Fe (oxy-hydro)oxides. This indicates that the mode of manganese deposition changed between 25 and 30 mbsf.
Except for a few discontinuous fragments of the Late Cretaceous/Early Cenozoic climate history and depositional environment, the paleoenvironmental evolution of the pre-Neogene central Arctic Ocean was virtually unknown prior to the IODP Expedition 302 (Arctic Ocean Coring Expedition - ACEX) drilling campaign on Lomonosov Ridge in 2004. Here we present detailed organic carbon (OC) records from the entire ca. 200 m thick Paleogene OC-rich section of the ACEX drill sites. These records indicate euxinic "Black Sea-type" conditions favorable for the preservation of labile aquatic (marine algae-type) OC occur throughout the upper part of the early Eocene and the middle Eocene, explained by salinity stratification due to freshwater discharge. The superimposed short-term ("Milankovitch-type") variability in amount and composition of OC is related to changes in primary production and terrigenous input. Prominent early Eocene events of algae-type OC preservation coincide with global d13C events such as the PETM and Elmo events. The Elmo d13C Event has been identified in the Arctic Ocean for the first time.
Cool tropical sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are reported for warm Paleogene greenhouse climates based on the d18O of planktonic foraminiferal tests. These results are difficult to reconcile with models of greenhouse gas-forced climate. It has been suggested that this "cool tropics paradox" arises from postdepositional alteration of foraminiferal calcite, yielding erroneously high d18O values. Recrystallization of foraminiferal tests is cryptic and difficult to quantify, and the compilation of robust d18O records from moderately altered material remains challenging. Scanning electron microscopy of planktonic foraminiferal chamber-wall cross sections reveals that the basal area of muricae, pustular outgrowths on the chamber walls of species belonging to the genus Morozovella, contain no mural pores and may be less susceptible to postdepositional alteration. We analyzed the d18O in muricae bases of morozovellids from the central Pacific (Ocean Drilling Program Site 865) by ion microprobe using 10 ?m pits with an analytical reproducibility of ±0.34 per mil (2 standard deviations). In situ measurements of d18O in these domains yield consistently lower values than those published for conventional multispecimen analyses. Assuming that the original d18O is largely preserved in the basal areas of muricae, this new d18O record indicates Early Paleogene (~49-56 Ma) tropical SSTs in the central Pacific were 4°-8°C higher than inferred from the previously published d18O record and that SSTs reached at least ~33°C during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum. This study demonstrates the utility of ion microprobe analysis for generating more reliable paleoclimate records from moderately altered foraminiferal tests preserved in deep-sea sediments.
El objetivo principal de la presente tesis es la búsqueda de nuevos registros palinológicos para las formaciones del Grupo Salta, especialmente para aquellas que cuentan con poco o ningún registro de palinomorfos, tales como las Formaciones La Yesera, Las Curtiembres, Yacoraite y Olmedo. Los resultados palinológicos permitieron evaluar algunos aspectos geológicos como las relaciones estratigráficas, edad y ambientes de depósito. El muestreo se centró principalmente en el período comprendido entre el Neocomiano y Daniano, correspondiente a los subgrupos con mayor escasez de datos (Pirgua y Balbuena). 157 muestras palinológicas de la Cuenca del Grupo Salta y áreas relacionadas se trataron en laboratorio, 31 resultaron fértiles. Se brindan los primeros registros palinológicos de la Formación La Yesera (localidad valle de Pucará) que consisten en 35 especies. Las inferencias aleoambientales obtenidas a partir de la palinoflora apoyan las conclusiones que provienen de los datos sedimentológicos: presencia de un lago perenne al momento de la depositación del Miembro Brealito y sequías estacionales cuando se acumuló el Miembro Don Bartolo. La palinoflora indica un clima subtropical con presencia de cierta aridez. A partir de los rangos estratigráficos de algunas especies y de las dataciones radimétricas del Basalto de Isonza, se estima una edad entre el Albiano y el Cenomaniano. Para la Formación Las Curtiembres (Miembro Morales) se describen 19 especies provenientes de la quebrada de Palo Seco, que constituyen la primer asociación palinológica registrada. El predominio de Ephedraceae y Cheirolepidiaceae, junto a la escasa representación de pteridofitas, sugieren condiciones ambientales de aridez a semiaridez, en coincidencia con la sedimentología que indica que la sección superior del Miembro Morales es transicional con las capas rojas de la parte superior de la Formación Las Curtiembres. La asociación palinológica contiene representantes de amplia distribución espacial y temporal. Es relevante la presencia de Peninsulapollis gillii que indica una edad no mayor al Campaniano para la asociación estudiada. Sólo una muestra de la Formación Yacoraite en la localidad de Tres Cruces fue productiva en cuanto al contenido de palinomorfos. La asociación consta solamente de los géneros Leiosphaeridia y Pediastrum que se asocian a condiciones de agua dulce o mixtas. Para la Formación Olmedo se registran 34 especies de palinomorfos y 39 especies para la Formación Tunal (localidades de Garabatal y El Chorro respectivamente). Ambas formaciones comparten un 49 % de taxa. El marcado predominio de algas clorococales indica condiciones lacustres y un ambiente palustre se infiere por la presencia de Pandaniidites texus y Mtchedlishvilia saltenia. El elevado porcentaje de Verrustephanoporites simplex indica que la selva de ulmáceas, era la unidad fitogeográfica más ampliamente distribuida, comparable con la actual Selva de Transición de la Provincia de Yungas. La coincidencia de facies y contenido palinológico indicarían similares condiciones ambientales para las Formaciones Olmedo y Tunal. Mtchedlishvilia saltenia permiten circunscribir las Formaciones al Daniano. Los cambios climáticos acontecidos durante el desarrollo de la Cuenca del Grupo Salta quedaron evidenciados en la palinoflora. Durante el Cretácico Tardío, habrían prevalecido condiciones de aridez y a partir del Maastrichtiano, el clima se torna más húmedo. Las asociaciones del Daniano se caracterizan por una palinoflora de clima subtropical húmedo. Entre el Paleoceno Superior y hasta el Eoceno Inferior, continúa el registro de la flora de clima subtropical pero con una leve disminución en la humedad. Las especies Peninsulapollis gillii, Rhoipites sp. A, Rousea patagonica, Spinitricolpites jennerclarkei, Verrustephanoporites simplex y Azolla sp., pasan el límite Cretácio-Paleógeno registrándose en sedimentos pre- y post-danianos. Se requieren mayores estudios de detalle en aquellos niveles donde está contenido el límite para esclarecer los posibles cambios vegetacionales que hayan ocurrido.
Deep sea drilling on four seamounts in the Emperor Seamount chain revealed that Paleogene shallow-water carbonate sediments of the "bryozoan-algal" facies crown the basalt edifices. According to the biofacies model of Schlanger and Konishi (1966, 1975), this bryozoan- algal assemblage suggests that the seamounts formed in cooler, more northerly waters than those presently occupied by the island of Hawaii; i.e., the paleolatitudes of formation were greater than 20 °N. Moving southward toward the youngest member of the seamount chain, a facies gradient indicative of warmer waters was observed. This gradient is interpreted as a reflection of a northward shift in isotherms during the time span in which the seamounts were progressively formed (Savin et al., 1975). On all seamounts, sedimentation at the drilling sites occurred in a high-energy environment with water depths of approximately 20 meters. Early-stage carbonate diagenesis began in the phreatic zone in the presence of meteoric water, but proceeded after subsidence of the seamounts into intermediate sea waters, where the bulk, stable isotopic composition was determined. The subsidence into intermediate waters was rapid, and permitted establishment of an isotopic equilibrium which, like the facies gradient, reflects the northward shift in isotherms during the Paleogene. Calcite and zeolite cements comprise the later-stage diagenesis, and originated from solutions arising from the hydrolysis of the underlying basalt. In conclusion, the results of this study of the shallow-water carbonate sediments are not inconsistent with a paleolatitude of formation for Suiko Seamount (Site 433) of 26.9 ±3.5 °N, as determined by paleomagnetic measurements (Kono, 1980).
Oxygen isotopic compositions of the tests of planktonic foraminifera from several Deep Sea Drilling Project sites provide a general picture of low-latitude marine temperatures from Maastrichtian time to the present. Bottom temperatures determined from the isotopic compositions of benthonic foraminifera are interpreted as being indicative of high-latitude surface temperatures. Prior to the beginning of middle Miocene time, high- and low-latitude temperatures changed in parallel fashion. Following an apparently small and short-lived drop in temperature near the Tertiary-Cretaceous boundary, temperatures remained warm and relatively constant through Paleocene and early and middle Eocene time; bottom temperatures then were on the order of 12°C. A sharp temperature drop in late Eocene time was followed by a more gradual lowering of temperature, culminating in a late Oligocene high-latitude temperature minimum of about 4°C. A temperature rise through early Miocene time was followed in middle Miocene time by a sudden divergence of high- and low-latitude temperatures: high-latitude temperatures dropped dramatically, perhaps corresponding to the onset of major glaciation in Antarctica, but low-latitude temperatures remained constant or perhaps increased. This uncoupling of high-and low-latitude temperatures is postulated to be related to the establishment of a circum-Antarctic circulation similar to that of today. A further drop in high-latitude temperatures in late Pliocene time probably signaled the onset of a major increase in polar glaciation, including extensive sea-ice formation. Early Miocene, small-amplitude (1 per mil) sympathetic fluctuations in isotopic compositions of planktonic and benthonic foraminifera have been identified. These have a period of several hundred thousand years. Superimposed upon these are much more rapid and smaller fluctuations (0.2 to 0.5 per mil) with a period of about 80000 to 90000 yr. This is similar to the period observed for Pleistocene isotopic temperature fluctuations. In low latitudes, much smaller vertical temperature gradients seem to have existed during Maastrichtian and Paleogene time than exist at present. The absence of a sharply defined thermocline during early Tertiary time is also suggested.
Eight Cenozoic radiolarian zones were recognized in samples from two holes at Site 603, drilled on the lower continental rise off North America during Leg 93 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Paleocene to early Eocene radiolarian zones (Bekoma bidartensis, Buryella clinata, and Phormocyrtis striata striata zones) and early to late Miocene radiolarian zones (Calocycletta costata, Dorcadospyris alata, Diartus petterssoni, and Didymocyrtis antepenultima zones) were recognized in sediments from Holes 603 and 603B. In addition, a new Paleocene Bekoma campechensis radiolarian Zone is defined by the interval between the first morphotypic appearance of B. campechensis and the B. campechensis-B. bidartensis evolutionary transition. This zone is immediately below the B. bidartensis Zone of Foreman (1973), and has previously been discussed as a Paleocene "unnamed zone" by other investigators. A hiatus between Neogene and Paleogene sequences was also recognized in the radiolarian faunas.
A detailed paleomagnetic study was carried out on biosiliceous and calcareous sediments drilled on Maud Rise, Antarctica, during ODP Leg 113. High-quality APC sections were retrieved in the upper 220 m of Holes 689B and 690B. Average deposition rates range from 3 to 15 m/m.y. A close (25 cm) paleomagnetic sample spacing provided a medium-resolution magnetostratigraphic sequence for the Paleogene and Neogene. Paleomagnetic samples were demagnetized stepwise by alternating fields, and characteristic remanent magnetization directions were derived from detailed vector and difference vector component analysis. A magnetochronologic framework has been established for the first time for the Southern Ocean sedimentary sequences spanning Paleocene to Oligocene and middle Miocene to early Pliocene times. Biosiliceous and calcareous microfossil stratigraphies were used to constrain magnetostratigraphic age assignments. Although average sedimentation rates were rather low, nearly complete sections of the geomagnetic polarity time scale (e.g., Chrons C5 and C5A) could be correlated with the inferred polarity pattern. Miocene and Pliocene records are marked by a high number of hiatuses mainly identified by diatom biostratigraphy. Good paleomagnetic correlation between the two holes is afforded in particular in the middle to upper Miocene. Oligocene magnetostratigraphy reveals a high-quality paleomagnetic record with a mostly complete Oligocene section in Hole 689B at ~5 m/m.y. deposition rate. Hole 690B exhibits higher deposition rates (7-12 m/m.y.), although two hiatuses are present. Early and late Eocene sedimentary sequences could be analyzed in both holes, but in Hole 689B middle Eocene chrons were disrupted by hiatuses and only incomplete polarity intervals C21 and C24 were encountered. Highest resolution (14 m/m.y.) was achieved in Hole 690B in a complete early Eocene and late Paleocene sequence from Chrons C23 to C26, with a number of short polarity intervals detected within Chrons C24 and C25.