980 resultados para PROBING DARK ENERGY


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In this work we show the results obtained applying a Unified Dark Matter (UDM) model with a fast transition to a set of cosmological data. Two different functions to model the transition are tested, and the feasibility of both models is explored using CMB shift data from Planck [1], Galaxy Clustering data from [2] and [3], and Union2.1 SNe Ia [4]. These new models are also statistically compared with the ACDM and quiessence models using Bayes factor through evidence. Bayesian inference does not discard the UDM models in favor of ACDM.


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High-resolution time resolved transmittivity measurements on horizontally aligned free-standing multi-walled carbon nanotubes reveal a different electronic transient behavior from that of graphite. This difference is ascribed to the presence of discrete energy states in the multishell carbon nanotube electronic structure. Probe polarization dependence suggests that the optical transitions involve definite selection rules. The origin of these states is discussed and a rate equation model is proposed to rationalize our findings. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Under identical preparation conditions, Au/GaN Schottky contacts were prepared on two kinds of GaN epilayers with significantly different background electron concentrations and mobility as well as yellow emission intensities. Current-voltage (I-V) and variable-frequency capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics show that the Schottky contacts on the GaN epilayer with a higher background carrier concentration and strong yellow emission exhibit anomalous reverse-bias I-V and C-V characteristics. This is attributed to the presence of deep level centers. Theoretical simulation of the low-frequency C-V curves leads to a determination of the density and energy level position of the deep centers. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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We review recent progress in the determination of the subsaturation density behavior of the nuclear symmetry energy from heavy-ion collisions as well as the theoretical progress in probing the high density behavior of the symmetry energy in heavy-ion reactions induced by high energy radioactive beams. We further discuss the implications of these results for the nuclear effective interactions and the neutron skin thickness of heavy nuclei.


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Probing in-medium nucleon-nucleon (NN) cross section sigma(1)(NN)(alpha) in heavy ion collisions has been investigated by means of the isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamics (IQMD) with the isospin- and momentum- dependent interaction (IMDI(tau)). It is found that there are the very obvious medium effect and the sensitive isospin- dependence of nuclear stopping R on the in-medium NN cross section sigma(1)(NN)(alpha) in the nuclear reactions induced by halo-neutron projectile and the same-mass stable projectile. However, R induced by the neutron-halo projectile is obviously lower than that induced by the corresponding stable projectile. In particular, there is a very obvious dependence of R on the medium effect of sigma(1)(NN)(alpha) in the whole beam energy region for the above two kinds of projectiles. Therefore, the comparison between the results of R's in the reactions induced by the neutron-halo projectile and the corresponding same-mass stable projectile is a more favourable probe for extracting the information of sigma(1)(NN)(alpha) because of adding a new judgement.


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In terms of the isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamics model (IQMD), important isospin effect in the halo-neutron nucleus induced reaction mechanism is. investigated, and consequently, the symmetrical potential form is extracted in the intermediate energy heavy ion collision. Because the interactive potential and in-medium nucleon-nucleon (N-N) cross section in the IQMD model sensitively depend on the density distribution of the colliding system, this type of study is much more based on the extended density distribution with a looser inner nuclear structure of the halo-neutron nucleus. Such a density distribution includes averaged characteristics of the isospin effect of the reaction mechanism and the looser inner nuclear structure. In order to understand clearly the isospin effect of the halo-neutron nucleus induced reaction mechanism, the effects caused by the neutron-halo nucleus and by the stable nucleus with the same mass are compared under the same condition of the incident channel. It is found that in the concerned beam energy region, the ratio of the emitted neutrons and protons and the ratio of the isospin fractionations in the neutron-halo nucleus case are considerably larger than those in the stable nucleus case. Therefore, the information of the symmetry potential in the heavy ion collision can be extracted through such a procedure.


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We propose an approach to integrate the theory, simulations, and experiments in protein-folding kinetics. This is realized by measuring the mean and high-order moments of the first-passage time and its associated distribution. The full kinetics is revealed in the current theoretical framework through these measurements. In the experiments, information about the statistical properties of first-passage times can be obtained from the kinetic folding trajectories of single molecule experiments ( for example, fluorescence). Theoretical/simulation and experimental approaches can be directly related. We study in particular the temperature-varying kinetics to probe the underlying structure of the folding energy landscape. At high temperatures, exponential kinetics is observed; there are multiple parallel kinetic paths leading to the native state. At intermediate temperatures, nonexponential kinetics appears, revealing the nature of the distribution of local traps on the landscape and, as a result, discrete kinetic paths emerge. At very low temperatures, exponential kinetics is again observed; the dynamics on the underlying landscape is dominated by a single barrier.


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Measurements on the dissociative recombination (DR) of protonated acrylonitrile, CH2CHCNH+, have been performed at the heavy ion storage ring CRYRING located in the Manne Siegbahn Laboratory in Stockholm, Sweden. It has been found that at~2meV relative kinetic energy about 50% of the DR events involve only ruptures of X–H bonds (where X=C or N)while the rest leads to the production of a pair of fragments each containing two heavy atoms (alongside H and/or H2). The absolute DR cross section has been investigated for relative kinetic energies ranging from ~1 meV to 1 eV. The thermal rate coefficient has been determined to follow the expression k(T) = 1.78 × 10-6 (T/300)-0.80 cm3 s-1 for electron temperatures ranging from ~10 to 1000 K. Gas-phase models of the nitrile chemistry in the dark molecular cloud TMC-1 have been run and results are compared with observations. Also, implications of the present results for the nitrile chemistry of Titan’s upper atmosphere are discussed.


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Optical beams with null central intensity have potential applications in the field of atom optics. The spatial and temporal evolution of a central shadow dark hollow Gaussian (DHG) relativistic laser pulse propagating in a plasma is studied in this article for first principles. A nonlinear Schrodinger-type equation is obtained for the beam spot profile and then solved numerically to investigate the pulse propagation characteristics. As series of numerical simulations are employed to trace the profile of the focused and compressed DHG laser pulse as it propagates through the plasma. The theoretical and simulation results predict that higher-order DHG pulses show smaller divergence as they propagate and, thus, lead to enhanced energy transport. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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While investigations using covert food manipulations tend to suggest that individuals are poor at adjusting for previous energy intake, in the real world adults rarely consume foods of which they are ill-informed. This study investigated the impact in fully complicit consumers of consuming commercially available dark chocolate, milk chocolate, sweet biscuits and fruit bars on subsequent appetite. Using a repeated measures design, participants received four small portions (4 × 10-11 g) of either dark chocolate, milk chocolate, sweet biscuits, fruit bars or no food throughout five separate study days (counterbalanced in order), and test meal intake, hunger, liking and acceptability were measured. Participants consumed significantly less at lunch following dark chocolate, milk chocolate and sweet biscuits compared to no food (smallest t(19) = 2.47, p = 0.02), demonstrating very good energy compensation (269-334%). No effects were found for fruit bars (t(19) = 1.76, p = 0.09), in evening meal intakes (F(4,72) = 0.62, p = 0.65) or in total intake (lunch + evening meal + food portions) (F(4,72) = 0.40, p = 0.69). No differences between conditions were found in measures of hunger (largest F(4,76) = 1.26, p = 0.29), but fruit bars were significantly less familiar than all other foods (smallest t(19) = 3.14, p = 0.01). These findings demonstrate good compensation over the short term for small portions of familiar foods in complicit consumers. Findings are most plausibly explained as a result of participant awareness and cognitions, although the nature of these cognitions cannot be discerned from this study. These findings however, also suggest that covert manipulations may have limited transfer to real world scenarios.


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This work examines the conformational ensemble involved in β-hairpin folding by means of advanced molecular dynamics simulations and dimensionality reduction. A fully atomistic description of the protein and the surrounding solvent molecules is used, and this complex energy landscape is sampled by means of parallel tempering metadynamics simulations. The ensemble of configurations explored is analyzed using the recently proposed sketch-map algorithm. Further simulations allow us to probe how mutations affect the structures adopted by this protein. We find that many of the configurations adopted by a mutant are the same as those adopted by the wild-type protein. Furthermore, certain mutations destabilize secondary-structure-containing configurations by preventing the formation of hydrogen bonds or by promoting the formation of new intramolecular contacts. Our analysis demonstrates that machine-learning techniques can be used to study the energy landscapes of complex molecules and that the visualizations that are generated in this way provide a natural basis for examining how the stabilities of particular configurations of the molecule are affected by factors such as temperature or structural mutations.


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Purpose: Amorphous drug-polymer solid dispersions have been found to result in improved drug dissolution rates when compared to their crystalline counterparts. However, when the drug exists in the amorphous form it will possess a higher Gibb’s free energy than its associated crystalline state and can recrystallize. Drug-polymer phase diagrams constructed through the application of the Flory Huggins (F-H) theory contain a wealth of information regarding thermodynamic and kinetic stability of the amorphous drug-polymer system. This study was aimed to evaluate the effects of various experimental conditions on the solubility and miscibility detections of drug-polymer binary system. Methods: Felodipine (FD)-Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) K15 (PVPK15) and FD-Polyvinylpyrrolidone/vinyl acetate (PVP/VA64) were the selected systems for this research. Physical mixtures with different drug loadings were mixed and ball milled. These samples were then processed using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and measurements of melting point (Tend) and glass transition (Tg) were detected using heating rates of 0.5, 1.0 and 5.0°C/min. Results: The melting point depression data was then used to calculate the F-H interaction parameter (χ) and extrapolated to lower temperatures to complete the liquid–solid transition curves. The theoretical binodal and spinodal curves were also constructed which were used to identify regions within the phase diagram. The effects of polymer selection, DSC heating rate, time above parent polymer Tg and polymer molecular weight were investigated by identifying amorphous drug miscibility limits at pharmaceutically relevant temperatures. Conclusion: The potential implications of these findings when applied to a non-ambient processing method such as Hot Melt Extrusion (HME) are also discussed.


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Double photoionization accompanied by loss of n C atoms (n=0, 2, 4, 6) was investigated by merging beams of Xe@C60+ ions and synchrotron radiation and measuring the yields of product ions. The giant 4d dipole resonance of the caged Xe atom has a prominent signature in the cross section for these product channels, which together account for 6.2 ± 1.4 of the total Xe 4d oscillator strength of 10. Compared to that for a free Xe atom, the oscillator strength is redistributed in photon energy due to multipath interference of outgoing Xe 4d photoelectron waves that may be transmitted or reflected by the spherical C60+ molecular cage, yielding so-called confinement resonances. The data are compared with an earlier measurement and with theoretical predictions for this single-molecule photoelectron interferometer system. Relativistic R-matrix calculations for the Xe atom in a spherical potential shell representing the fullerene cage show the sensitivity of the interference pattern to the molecular geometry. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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Femtosecond time-resolved techniques with KETOF (kinetic energy time-of-flight) detection in a molecular beam are developed for studies of the vectorial dynamics of transition states. Application to the dissociation reaction of IHgI is presented. For this system, the complex [I---Hg---I](++)* is unstable and, through the symmetric and asymmetric stretch motions, yields different product fragments: [I---Hg---I](++)* -> HgI(X^2/sigma^+) + I(^2P_3/2) [or I*(^2P_l/2)] (1a); [I---Hg---I](++)* -> Hg(^1S_0) + I(^2P_3/2) + I(^2P_3/2) [or I* (^2P_1/2)] (1 b). These two channels, (1a) and (1b), lead to different kinetic energy distributions in the products. It is shown that the motion of the wave packet in the transition-state region can be observed by MPI mass detection; the transient time ranges from 120 to 300 fs depending on the available energy. With polarized pulses, the vectorial properties (transition moments alignment relative to recoil direction) are studied for fragment separations on the femtosecond time scale. The results indicate the nature of the structure (symmetry properties) and the correlation to final products. For 311-nm excitation, no evidence of crossing between the I and I* potentials is found at the internuclear separations studied. (Results for 287-nm excitation are also presented.) Molecular dynamics simulations and studies by laser-induced fluorescence support these findings.