This article extends earlier research regarding the relationships between senior travelers’ participation in activities while on vacation, their overall satisfaction with their travel experiences, and their psychological well-being. A path model was developed to depict the direct and indirect relationships between these variables by using a sample of senior tourists traveling on North American escorted tour itineraries. Whereas the direct effect accounted for 98% of the relationships between the senior tourists’ levels of participation in activities and their psychological well-being, the indirect effect was negligible. The study concluded that senior tourists’activity levels were significantly related to their psychological well-being, but their satisfaction with the tours was not.
Objective: To determine item, subscale and total score agreement on the Frenchay Activities Index (FAI) between stroke patients and proxies six months after discharge from rehabilitation. Design: Prospective study design. Setting/subjects: Fifty patient-proxy pairs, interviewed separately, in the patient's residence. Main outcome measures: Modified FAI using 13 items. Individual FAI items, subscales and total score agreement as measured by weighted kappa and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC). Results: Excellent agreement was found for the total FAI (ICC 0.87, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.78-0.93), and domestic (ICC 0.85, 95% CI 0.73-0.91) and outdoor (ICC 0.87, 95% CI 0.78-0.95) subscales, with moderate agreement found for the work/leisure subscale (ICC 0.63, 95% CI 0.34-0.78). For the individual FAI items, good, moderate, fair and poor agreement was found for five, three, four and one item, respectively. The best agreement was for objective items of preparing meals, washing-up, washing clothes, shopping and driving. The poorest agreement was for participation in hobbies, social outings and heavy housework. Scoring biases associated with patient or proxy demographic characteristics were found. Female proxies, and those who were spouses, scored patients lower on domestic activities; male patients, and those who were younger, scored themselves higher on outdoor activities and higher patient FIM scores were positively correlated with higher FAI scores. Conclusions: While total and subscale agreement on the FAI was high, individual item agreement varied. Proxy scores should be used with caution due to bias.
Background: Increasingly there is a call from clinicians and researchers for measures that document the impact of aphasia on a person's everyday communication. Do existing assessments of communication disability adequately sample communication activities relevant to our clients? Communication skills and networks change with age. A need exists to determine the everyday communication activities of older people and in particular those with aphasia. Aims: The primary aim of this study was to describe and compare the everyday communication activities of older people with aphasia and healthy older people who are living in the community. A secondary aim was to investigate the content validity of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association Functional Assessment of Communication Skills for Adults (ASHA FACS, 1997) for older Australians. Methods & Procedures: Naturalistic observation was the method of choice for detailing the everyday communication of 15 older people with chronic aphasia following stroke and a matched group of 15 healthy older people who were living in the community. Researchers, in the role of participant observer, took field notes for 8 hours, over three occasions within a week. A total of 240 hours of observation have been coded in terms of communication activity, topic, communication partners, and place of communication. A brief 5-day diary served to check the representativeness of the observational data. After each hour of observation, the researcher checked which ASHA FACS items had been observed. Outcomes & Results: Naturalistic observation provided a rich, rigorous, and systematic methodology for detailing the dynamics and complexities of authentic communication. The most common communication activities for both groups were conversations at home and in social groups. Real-life communication was revealed to serve the dual purposes of transaction and interaction. Results indicate that older people with aphasia engage in similar communication activities to healthy older people although differences were evident in the frequency of communication and in specific activities such as story telling, writing, commenting, and acknowledging. ASHA FACS items were generally relevant to older Australians living in the community. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that communication activity is multifaceted in terms of the type of communication and contextual factors. The observational data describe the effects of aphasia on a person's everyday communication activity and reveal the impact of aphasia on the social functions of communication including sharing information, maintaining and establishing relationships, and telling one's story. Functional communication assessment requires a greater focus on the interactional and uniquely interpersonal aspects of social communication.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the development of four 20 year-old elite hockey players through an in-depth examination of their sporting activities. The theoretical framework of deliberate practice (Ericsson, Krampe, & Tesch-Römer, 1993) and the notion of deliberate play (Côté, 1999) served as the theoretical foundations. Interviews were conducted to provide a longitudinal and detailed account of each participant's involvement in various sporting activities. The interviewer asked questions about the conditions and sporting activities for each year of development. The data obtained were validated through independent interviews conducted with three parents of three different athletes. The results were consistent with Côté's (1999) three stages of development in sport: the sampling (age 6-12), specializing (age 13-15), and investment (age 16+) years.
One of seven poor metabolizers of coumarin found in Thai subjects was previously genotyped as heterozygote for the CYP2A6*4 (whole deletion) and CYP2A6*9. Thus, we aimed to investigate the relationship between the genetic polymorphism in the TATA box of the CYP2A6 gene (CYP2A6*9), expression levels of CYP2A6 mRNA and coumarin 7-hydroxylase activities in human livers. Levels of CYP2A6 mRNA were quantified by real-time quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. The mean expression levels of CYP2A6 mRNA in individuals with CYP2A6*1/*4, CYP2A6*1/*9 and CYP2A6*4/*9 were 58%, 71% and 21% of the individuals genotyped as CYP2A6*1/*1, respectively. The mean in-vitro coumarin 7-hydroxylase activities in subjects carrying CYP2A6*1/*4, CYP2A6*1/*9 and CYP2A6*4/*9 were 41%, 71% and 12%, respectively, compared to those of the subjects judged as wild-type. Vmax values for coumarin 7-hydroxylation in the liver microsomes from human subjects with genotypes of CYP2A6*1/*1, CYP2A6*1/*4, CYP2A6*1/*9 and CYP2A6*4/*9 were 0.58, 0.26, 0.44 and 0.13 nmol/min/nmol total P450, respectively. CYP2A6 protein levels in human liver microsomes with the CYP2A6*4 and the CYP2A6*9 alleles were markedly decreased. These results suggest that the genetic polymorphism in the promoter region of the CYP2A6 gene (CYP2A6*9) reduced the expression levels of CYP2A6 mRNA and protein in human livers, resulting in the decrease of coumarin 7-hydroxylase activities. Individuals judged as CYP2A6*4/*9 were expected to be poor metabolizers, having extremely low activity of CYP2A6.
In the city of Rio de Janeiro, the management agencies of environmental conservation units of the park type have been attempting to meet five primary objectives set by the National System for Conservation Units (NSCU), using participatory management guidelines for these units. Two of these objectives relate to the development of recreation activities that involve contact with nature and ecological tourism. This article presents the analyses and conclusions regarding the implementation of collaborative strategies with businesses to achieve such objectives; it is part of a series of research studies having a broader scope. Case studies were conducted in eight parks by means of dozens of interviews with managers and other interested social actors, as well as by documentary research and direct observation. The results suggest that the ecotourism objective is still far from being reached, and that the collaborative strategies used are not sufficient to compensate for the organizational, material and human limitations that encumber these agencies. It was also concluded for the sample that there lacks a strategic vision on the part of the three branches of government involved in the management of these parks in the sense of viewing ecotourism in the city's conservation units as a powerful means to foster local sustainable development.
In this paper we present a Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) based model, and hybrid solving method for the Scheduling of Maintenance Activities in the Power Transmission Network. The model distinguishes from others not only because of its completeness but also by the way it models and solves the Electric Constraints. Specifically we present a efficient filtering algorithm for the Electrical Constraints. Furthermore, the solving method improves the pure CLP methods efficiency by integrating a type of Local Search technique with CLP. To test the approach we compare the method results with another method using a 24 bus network, which considerers 42 tasks and 24 maintenance periods.
The organotin(IV) compounds [Me2Sn(L)(2)] (1), [Et(2)sn(L)(2)] (2), [(Bu2Sn)-Bu-n(L)(2)] (3), [(n)Oct(2)Sn(L)(2)] (4), [Ph2Sn(L)(2)] (5), and [PhOSnL](6) (6) have been synthesized from the reactions of 1-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-cyclopentanecarboxylic acid (HL) with the corresponding diorganotin(IV) oxide or dichloride. They were characterized by IR and multinuclear NMR spectroscopies, elemental analysis, cyclic voltammetry, and, for 2, 3, 4 and 6, single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. While 1-5 are mononuclear diorganotin (IV) compounds, the X-ray diffraction of 6 discloses a hexameric drumlike structure with a prismatic Sn6O6 core. All these complexes undergo irreversible reductions and were screened for their in vitro antitumor activities toward HL-60, BGC-823, Bel-7402, and KB human cancer cell lines. Within the mononuclear compounds, the most active ones (3, 5) are easiest to reduce (least cathodic reduction potentials), while the least active ones (1, 4) are the most difficult to reduce. Structural rearrangements (i.e., Sn-O bond cleavages and trans-to-cis isomerization) induced by reduction, which eventually can favor the bioactivity, are disclosed by theoretical/electrochemical studies.
CISTI'2015 - 10ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, 17 a 20 de junho de 2015, Águeda, Aveiro, Portugal.
A navegação aérea, enquanto atividade regulada, está sujeita a legislação específica, dependendo o seu exercício de autorização própria atribuída por uma entidade supervisora, que também verifica as tarifas a aplicar. O regulamento (CE) N.º 550/2004 identifica os requisitos comuns para a prestação de serviços de navegação aérea na Europa, dando particular importância à transparência do relato financeiro ao exigir a sua elaboração segundo as normas internacionais de contabilidade e a verificação por uma auditoria independente. Adicionalmente, o Regulamento (EU) N.º 1191/2010, que alterou o Regulamento (CE) N.º 1794/2006, estabelece o regime comum de tarifação de tais serviços, nomeadamente a recuperabilidade de desvios relativos ao volume de tráfego e aos gastos controláveis e não controláveis. Ao nível do enquadramento contabilístico, as atividades reguladas não têm uma norma específica. Existem dois projetos do IASB – um de 2009, que foi suspenso, e um de 2013, relativo à implementação de uma norma transitória que incentive a adoção das normas internacionais por entidades que exerçam atividades reguladas. Existe, ainda, uma norma do FASB não aplicável no espaço europeu. Os R&C de várias entidades evidenciam a existência de diferentes referenciais contabilísticos e que a generalidade dos relatórios de auditoria não tem reservas ou ênfases. Enquanto algumas entidades apenas divulgam os montantes dos desvios, outras entidades consideram que tais montantes se qualificam, reconhecendo-os. Tal facto decorre da inexistência de uma norma internacional que põe em causa a comparabilidade da informação financeira e dificulta o julgamento do auditor quanto à adequação ou não dos procedimentos adotados pela entidade.
Several antineoplastic drugs have been classified as carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) on the basis of epidemiological findings, animal carcinogenicity data, and outcomes of in vitro genotoxicity studies. 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU), which is easily absorbed through the skin, is the most frequently used antineoplastic agent in Portuguese hospitals and therefore may be used as an indicator of surface contamination. The aims of the present investigation were to (1) examine surface contamination by 5-FU and (2) assess the genotoxic risk using cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay in nurses from two Portuguese hospitals. The study consisted of 2 groups: 27 nurses occupationally exposed to cytostatic agents (cases) and 111 unexposed individuals (controls). Peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) were collected in order to measure micronuclei (MN) in both groups. Hospital B showed a higher numerical level of contamination but not significantly different from Hospital A. However; Hospital A presented the highest value of contamination and also a higher proportion of contaminated samples. The mean frequency of MN was significantly higher in exposed workers compared with controls. No significant differences were found among MN levels between the two hospitals. The analysis of confounding factors showed that age is a significant variable in MN frequency occurrence. Data suggest that there is a potential genotoxic damage related to occupational exposure to cytostatic drugs in oncology nurses.
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the business interactions involved in the purchase of services related to marketing activities. We build on the literature about business services classifications and the interaction between clients and providers of business services. An empirical study is conducted by means of a survey questionnaire. Data were collected from a sample of 80 buying firms of services related to marketing activities who agreed to cooperate and represent medium and large Portuguese’s firms. The results show that the buying of services related to marketing activities involves both the client and the provider in the interaction process. This paper contributes to understanding the interaction process of buying services related to marketing activities in terms of the parties involved, product/service exchange, financial and information exchange. Providers of services related to marketing activities can expect stable and preferred relationships if they can offer a good price and quality of service, meet the agreed deadlines and respond quickly to client orders. On the client’s side, the relevance, the characteristics and the wide diversity of services related to marketing activities requires a good understanding and management of the interaction portfolio with providers.
The application of information technologies (specially the Internet, Web 2.0 and social tools) make informal learning more visible. This kind of learning is not linked to an institution or a period of time, but it is important enough to be taken into account. On the one hand, learners should be able to communicate to the institutions they are related to, what skills they possess, whether they were achieved in a formal or informal way. On the other hand the companies and educational institutions need to have a deeper knowledge about the competencies of their staff. The TRAILER project provides a methodology supported by a technological framework to facilitate communication about informal learning between businesses, employees and learners. The paper presents the project and some of the work carried out, an exploratory analysis about how informal learning is considered and the technological framework proposed. Whilst challenges remain in terms of establishing the meaningfulness of technological engagement for employees and businesses, the continuing transformation of the social, technological and educational environment is likely to lead to greater emphasis for the effective exploitation of informal learning.