198 resultados para POLYAMIDE


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Nanofiltration (NF) is a pressure-driven membrane process, intermediate between reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration. Commercially available polymeric membranes have been used in a wide range of applications, such as drinking, process industry and waste water treatment. For all the applications requiring high stability and harsh washing procedures inorganic membranes are preferred due to their high chemical inertia. Typically, γ – Al2O3 as well as TiO2 and ZrO2 selective layers are used; the latter show higher chemical stability in a wide range of pH and temperatures. In this work the experimental characterization of two different type of membrane has been performed in order to investigate permeation properties, separation performance and efficiency with aqueous solutions containing strong inorganic electrolytes. The influence of salt concentration and feed pH as well as the role of concentration polarization and electrolyte type on the membrane behavior are investigated. Experimentation was performed testing a multi–layer structured NF membrane in α-Al2O3, TiO2 and ZrO2, and a polymeric membrane, in polyamide supported on polysulfone, with binary aqueous solutions containing NaCl, Na2SO4 or CaCl2; the effect of salt composition and pH in the feed side was studied both on flux and salt rejection. All the NF experimental data available for the two membranes were used to evaluate the volumetric membrane charge (X) corresponding to each operative conditions investigated, through the Donnan Steric Pore Model and Dielectric Exclusion (DSPM&DE). The results obtained allow to understand which are the main phenomena at the basis of the different behaviors observed.


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Zur geometrischen Vermessung und Beschreibung von Einschlüssen in natürlichen sowie im Labor geschaffenen Eispartikeln wurde ein neuartiger Versuchaufbau an der Tomographie-Endstation der Material Science Beam Line an der Swiss Light Source (SLS, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Schweiz) entwickelt. Dieser besteht aus einer Plexiglas-Tasse und einem doppelwandigen Kaptonfolien-Käfig, der wiederum auf die Düse eines CryojetXL (Oxford Instruments) montiert wurde. Abgesehen von dem hohen Maß an Flexibilit¨at bez¨uglich der Installation erlaubt es dieser Aufbau, die Temperatur des Experiments mit einer Genauigkeit von ± 1 K über einen Bereich von 271 K bis 220 K zu regeln. In den hier beschriebenen Experimenten wurde eine räumliche Auflösung von 1.4 µm erzielt.


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The present research project focuses its attention on the study of structure-property relations in polymers from renewable sources (bio-based polymers) such as polymers microbially produced, i.e. polyhydrohyalkanoates (PHAs) or chemically synthesized using monomers from renewable sources, i.e. polyammide 11 (PA11). By means of a broad spectrum of experimental techniques, the influence of different modifications on bio-based polymers such as blending with other components, copolymerization with different co-monomers and introduction of branching to yield complex architectures have been investigated. The present work on PHAs focused on the study of the dependence of polymer properties on both the fermentation process conditions (e.g. bacterial strain and carbon substrate used) and the method adopted to recover PHAs from cells. Furthermore, a solvent-free method using an enzyme and chemicals in an aqueous medium, was developed in order to recover PHAs from cells. Such a method allowed to recover PHA granules in their amorphous state, i.e. in native form useful for specific applications (e.g. paper coating). In addition, a commercial PHA was used as polymeric matrix to develop biodegradable and bio-based composites for food packaging applications. Biodegradable, non-toxic, food contact plasticizers and low cost, widely available lignocellulosic fibers (wheat straw fibers) were incorporated in such a polymeric matrix, in order to decrease PHA brittleness and the polymer cost, respectively. As concerns the study of polyamide 11, both the rheological and the solid-state behavior of PA11 star samples with different arm number and length was studied. Introduction of arms in a polymer molecule allows to modulate melt viscosity behavior which is advantageous for industrial applications. Also, several important solid-state properties, in particular mechanical properties, are affected by the presence of branching. Given the importance of using ‘green’ synthetic strategies in polymer chemistry, novel poly(-amino esters), synthesized via enzymatic-catalyzed polymerization, have also been investigated in this work.


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This PhD thesis focused on nanomaterial (NM) engineering for occupational health and safety, in the frame of the EU project “Safe Nano Worker Exposure Scenarios (SANOWORK)”. Following a safety by design approach, surface engineering (surface coating, purification process, colloidal force control, wet milling, film coating deposition and granulation) were proposed as risk remediation strategies (RRS) to decrease toxicity and emission potential of NMs within real processing lines. In the first case investigated, the PlasmaChem ZrO2 manufacturing, the colloidal force control applied to the washing of synthesis rector, allowed to reduce ZrO2 contamination in wastewater, performing an efficient recycling procedure of ZrO2 recovered. Furthermore, ZrO2 NM was investigated in the ceramic process owned by CNR-ISTEC and GEA-Niro; the spray drying and freeze drying techniques were employed decreasing NM emissivity, but maintaining a reactive surface in dried NM. Considering the handling operation of nanofibers (NFs) obtained through Elmarco electrospinning procedure, the film coating deposition was applied on polyamide non-woven to avoid free fiber release. For TiO2 NF the wet milling was applied to reduce and homogenize the aspect ratio, leading to a significant mitigation of fiber toxicity. In the Colorobbia spray coating line, Ag and TiO2 nanosols, employed to transfer respectively antibacterial or depolluting properties to different substrates, were investigated. Ag was subjected to surface coating and purification, decreasing NM toxicity. TiO2 was modified by surface coating, spray drying and blending with colloidal SiO2, improving its technological performance. In the extrusion of polymeric matrix charged with carbon nanotube (CNTs) owned by Leitat, the CNTs used as filler were granulated by spray drying and freeze spray drying techniques, allowing to reduce their exposure potential. Engineered NMs tested by biologists were further investigated in relevant biological conditions, to improve the knowledge of structure/toxicity mechanisms and obtain new insights for the design of safest NMs.


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Da eine flexible Fertigung im Bereich von Losgrößen zwischen 1-1000 Stück in vielen Wirtschaftszweigen vermehrt an Bedeutung gewinnt, steigt das Interesse an Verfahren wie dem Selektiven Lasersintern. Dennoch sollen die Eigenschaften von in Serie eingesetzten Werkstoffen erreicht werden. Aufgrund der bestehenden werkstofflichen Restriktionen auf Polyamid 12 wird aktuell an der Verarbeitung anderer teilkristalliner Thermoplaste geforscht. In diesem Beitrag werden die sich in der Markteinführung befindlichen Werkstoffe vorgestellt und basierend auf der Verarbeitung weiterer Thermoplaste die bestehende Modellvorstellung zum Lasersintern erweitert.


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Da eine flexible Fertigung im Bereich von Losgrößen zwischen 1-1000 Stück in vielen Wirtschaftszweigen vermehrt an Bedeutung gewinnt, steigt das Interesse an Verfahren wie dem Selektiven Lasersintern. Dennoch sollen die Eigenschaften von in Serie eingesetzten Werkstoffen erreicht werden. Aufgrund der bestehenden werkstofflichen Restriktionen auf Polyamid 12 wird aktuell an der Verarbeitung anderer teilkristalliner Thermoplaste geforscht. In diesem Beitrag werden die sich in der Markteinführung befindlichen Werkstoffe vorgestellt und basierend auf der Verarbeitung weiterer Thermoplaste die bestehende Modellvorstellung zum Lasersintern erweitert.


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Das selektive Maskensintern von Kunststoffen ermöglicht die flächige Belichtung des Bauraums, wodurch sich konstante, von der zu belichtenden Geometrie/Fläche unabhängige Zykluszeiten pro Schicht ergeben. Durch den Einsatz eines, über dem Bauraum platzierten, Infrarotstrahlerfeldes wird eine Modifikation des verarbeiteten Polyamid 12-Pulvers mit einem Absorber, hier Flammruß, notwendig. Bisher konnte gezeigt werden, dass Prototypen sowie wärmeleitfähige Kunststoffbauteile hergestellt werden können. Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags sollen die mechanischen Eigenschaften von SMS-Bauteilen betrachtet werden. Die Beeinflussung der mechanischen Kennwerte, durch variierende Materialeigenschaften sowie unterschiedliche Prozessparameter, werden ebenso wie die Richtungs-, Temperatur- und Belastungsartabhängigkeit, bei konstanten Material- und Prozessparametern, untersucht. Zur Charakterisierung des Bauteilversagens wurden Methoden wie die Lichtmikroskopie und Rasterelektronenmikroskopie eingesetzt und Bruchmechanismen abgeleitet.


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Ein auf Basis von Prozessdaten kalibriertes Viskositätsmodell wird vorgeschlagen und zur Vorhersage der Viskosität einer Polyamid 12 (PA12) Kunststoffschmelze als Funktion von Zeit, Temperatur und Schergeschwindigkeit angewandt. Im ersten Schritt wurde das Viskositätsmodell aus experimentellen Daten abgeleitet. Es beruht hauptsächlich auf dem drei-parametrigen Ansatz von Carreau, wobei zwei zusätzliche Verschiebungsfaktoren eingesetzt werden. Die Temperaturabhängigkeit der Viskosität wird mithilfe des Verschiebungsfaktors aT von Arrhenius berücksichtigt. Ein weiterer Verschiebungsfaktor aSC (Structural Change) wird eingeführt, der die Strukturänderung von PA12 als Folge der Prozessbedingungen beim Lasersintern beschreibt. Beobachtet wurde die Strukturänderung in Form einer signifikanten Viskositätserhöhung. Es wurde geschlussfolgert, dass diese Viskositätserhöhung auf einen Molmassenaufbau zurückzuführen ist und als Nachkondensation verstanden werden kann. Abhängig von den Zeit- und Temperaturbedingungen wurde festgestellt, dass die Viskosität als Folge des Molmassenaufbaus exponentiell gegen eine irreversible Grenze strebt. Die Geschwindigkeit dieser Nachkondensation ist zeit- und temperaturabhängig. Es wird angenommen, dass die Pulverbetttemperatur einen Molmassenaufbau verursacht und es damit zur Kettenverlängerung kommt. Dieser fortschreitende Prozess der zunehmenden Kettenlängen setzt molekulare Beweglichkeit herab und unterbindet die weitere Nachkondensation. Der Verschiebungsfaktor aSC drückt diese physikalisch-chemische Modellvorstellung aus und beinhaltet zwei zusätzliche Parameter. Der Parameter aSC,UL entspricht der oberen Viskositätsgrenze, wohingegen k0 die Strukturänderungsrate angibt. Es wurde weiterhin festgestellt, dass es folglich nützlich ist zwischen einer Fließaktivierungsenergie und einer Strukturänderungsaktivierungsenergie für die Berechnung von aT und aSC zu unterscheiden. Die Optimierung der Modellparameter erfolgte mithilfe eines genetischen Algorithmus. Zwischen berechneten und gemessenen Viskositäten wurde eine gute Übereinstimmung gefunden, so dass das Viskositätsmodell in der Lage ist die Viskosität einer PA12 Kunststoffschmelze als Folge eines kombinierten Lasersinter Zeit- und Temperatureinflusses vorherzusagen. Das Modell wurde im zweiten Schritt angewandt, um die Viskosität während des Lasersinter-Prozesses in Abhängigkeit von der Energiedichte zu berechnen. Hierzu wurden Prozessdaten, wie Schmelzetemperatur und Belichtungszeit benutzt, die mithilfe einer High-Speed Thermografiekamera on-line gemessen wurden. Abschließend wurde der Einfluss der Strukturänderung auf das Viskositätsniveau im Prozess aufgezeigt.


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Nucleus pulposus (NP) regeneration by the application of injectable cell-embedded hydrogels is an appealing approach for tissue engineering. We investigated a thermo-reversible hydrogel (TR-HG), based on a modified polysaccharide with a thermo-reversible polyamide [poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), pNIPAM], which is made to behave as a liquid at room temperature and hardens at > 32 °C. In order to test the hydrogel, a papain-induced bovine caudal disc degeneration model (PDDM), creating a cavity in the NP, was employed. Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) or autologous bovine NP cells (bNPCs) were seeded in TR-HG; hMSCs were additionally preconditioned with rhGDF-5 for 7 days. Then, TR-HG was reversed to a fluid and the cell suspension injected into the PDDM and kept under static loading for 7 days. Experimental design was: (D1) fresh disc control + PBS injection; (D2) PDDM + PBS injection; (D3) PDDM + TR-HG (material control); (D4) PDDM + TR-HG + bNPCs; (D5) PDDM + TR-HG + hMSCs. Magnetic resonance imaging performed before and after loading, on days 9 and 16, allowed imaging of the hydrogel-filled PDDM and assessment of disc height and volume changes. In gel-injected discs the NP region showed a major drop in volume and disc height during culture under static load. The RT–PCR results of injected hMSCs showed significant upregulation of ACAN, COL2A1, VCAN and SOX9 during culture in the disc cavity, whereas the gene expression profile of NP cells remained unchanged. The cell viability of injected cells (NPCs or hMSCs) was maintained at over 86% in 3D culture and dropped to ~72% after organ culture. Our results underline the need for load-bearing hydrogels that are also cyto-compatible.


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Friedreich's ataxia is caused by the expansion of the GAA•TTC trinucleotide repeat sequence located in intron 1 of the frataxin gene. The long GAA•TTC repeats are known to form several non-B DNA structures including hairpins, triplexes, parallel DNA and sticky DNA. Therefore it is believed that alternative DNA structures play a role in the loss of mRNA transcript and functional frataxin protein in FRDA patients. We wanted to further elucidate the characteristics for formation and stability of sticky DNA by evaluating the structure in a plasmid based system in vitro and in vivo in Escherichia coli. The negative supercoil density of plasmids harboring different lengths of GAA•TTC repeats, as well as either one or two repeat tracts were studied in E. coli to determine if plasmids containing two long tracts (≥60 repeats) in a direct repeat orientation would have a different topological effect in vivo compared to plasmids that harbored only one GAA•TTC tract or two tracts of < 60 repeats. The experiments revealed that, in fact, sticky DNA forming plasmids had a lower average negative supercoil density (-σ) compared to all other control plasmids used that had the potential to form other non-B DNA structures such as triplexes or Z-DNA. Also, the requirements for in vitro dissociation and reconstitution of the DNA•DNA associated region of sticky DNA were evaluated. Results conclude that the two repeat tracts associate in the presence of negative supercoiling and MgCl 2 or MnCl2 in a time and concentration-dependent manner. Interaction of the repeat sequences was not observed in the absence of negative supercoiling and/or MgCl2 or in the presence of other monovalent or divalent cations, indicating that supercoiling and quite specific cations are needed for the association of sticky DNA. These are the first experiments studying a more specific role of supercoiling and cation influence on this DNA conformation. To support our model of the topological effects of sticky DNA in plasmids, changes in sticky DNA band migration was measured with reference to the linear DNA after treatment with increasing concentrations of ethidium bromide (EtBr). The presence of independent negative supercoil domains was confirmed by this method and found to be segregated by the DNA-DNA associated region. Sequence-specific polyamide molecules were used to test the effect of binding of the ligands to the GAA•TTC repeats on the inhibition of sticky DNA. The destabilization of the sticky DNA conformation in vitro through this binding of the polyamides demonstrated the first conceptual therapeutic approach for the treatment of FRDA at the DNA molecular level. ^ Thus, examining the properties of sticky DNA formed by these long repeat tracts is important in the elucidation of the possible role of sticky DNA in Friedreich's ataxia. ^


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Para determinar el poder antioxidante y conservante del aceite esencial de tomillo mendocino (Acantholippia seriphioides) en hamburguesas funcionales, conservadas a 4 ± 0.5 °C, se elaboraron medallones utilizando: 83 % carne vacuna 5 % grasa vacuna 5 % salvado de avena 5 % texturizado de soja 2 % sustituto graso 0.08 g NaCl/kg aceite esencial de tomillo (AET) 106 ufc/g Se estudió: • tipo de envasado: bolsas de poliamidapolietileno; atmósfera modificada: 70 % N 2 y 30 % CO2, y vacío; • tiempo de almacenamiento: 0, 1, 2, 3 y 4 semanas; • dosis de tomillo: 0 y 150 mg AET/kg Los datos se analizaron de acuerdo con un arreglo factorial 2 (tipo de envasado) x 5 (tiempos de almacenamiento) x 2 (dosis de AET) en un diseño de parcelas subdivididas, con 4 repeticiones. Se evaluaron TBA, pH, NBV, color, olor y carga microbiana. Las tres primeras variables se estudiaron mediante el ANOVA. Para color y olor se recurrió a un análisis sensorial descriptivo. La carga microbiana se representó gráficamente. El AET disminuyó el TBA, independientemente del tipo de envasado utilizado. El pH disminuyó en el tiempo siguiendo un modelo polinomial de 2° grado. El NBV resultó significativo para: envasamiento al vacío y 0 mg/kg AET. El AET mantiene los atributos sensoriales durante las dos primeras semanas pero no disminuye la carga microbiana. Conclusión: el AET tiene efecto antioxidante pero no conservante en hamburguesas funcionales de carne vacuna bajo las condiciones del ensayo.


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Tungsten disulphide nanotubes (INT-WS2) have been successfully dispersed in a bio-based polyamide matrix (nylon 11) by conventional melt processing. The effect of INT-WS2 content on the morphology, thermal stability, crystallization behaviour and dynamic mechanical properties is investigated. The results indicate that these inorganic nanotubes can be efficiently incorporated into the bio-based polymer matrix without the need for modifiers or surfactants. Additionally, it is found that the non-isothermal crystallization behaviour of nylon 11/INT-WS2 depends on both the cooling rate and INT-WS2 concentration. In particular, crystallization kinetics results demonstrate that the nucleating activity of INTs plays a dominant role in accelerating the crystallization of nylon 11. This fact leads to the appearance of the more-disordered phase at higher temperature. More significantly, it was shown that these INT-WS2 nanocomposites can facilitate a good processability and cost efficiency, and will be of interest for many eco-friendly and medical applications.


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Linked polyamides bind in the minor groove of double-stranded DNA in a partially sequence-specific manner. This report analyzes the theoretical limits of DNA sequence discrimination by linked polyamides composed of two to four different types of heterocyclic rings, determining (i) the optimal choice of base-binding specificity for each ring and (ii) the optimal design for a polyamide composed of these rings to target a given DNA sequence and designed to maximize the fraction of the total polyamide binding to the specified target sequence relative to all other sequences. The results show that, fortuitously, polyamides composed of pyrrole, a naturally occurring G-excluding element, and imidazole, a rationally designed G-favoring element, have features similar to the theoretical optimum design for polyamides composed of two different rings. The results also show that, in polyamides composed of two or three types of heterocyclic rings, choosing a nonspecific “placeholder” ring, which binds equally strongly to each of the four bases, along with one or two base-specific rings will often enhance sequence specificity over a polyamide composed entirely of base-specific rings.


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Small molecules that specifically bind with high affinity to any designated DNA sequence in the human genome would be useful tools in molecular biology and potentially in human medicine. Simple rules have been developed to rationally alter the sequence specificity of minor groove-binding polyamides containing N-methylimidazole and N-methylpyrrole amino acids. Crescent-shaped polyamides bind as antiparallel dimers with each polyamide making specific contacts with each strand on the floor of the minor groove. Cyclic polyamides have now been synthesized that bind designated DNA sequences at subnanomolar concentrations.


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We studied an in vitro model of continuous venous-venous haemofiltration (CVVH), into which levofloxacin 100 mg was infused, to determine levofloxacin adsorption and to determine the effect of filter material and point of dilution (pre- or post-filter) on sieving coefficient. Mean (standard deviation; S.D.) adsorption was 18.7 (5.3) mg for the polyamide filter and 40.2 (2.0) mg for the polyacrylonitrile (PAN) filter (P < 0.001). Post-dilution resulted in a minor, but statistically significant, decrease in sieving coefficient (pre-dilution 0.96 (S.D. 0.10), post-dilution 0.88 (S.D. 0.11) with the PAN filter. These data indicate that the variability in published values for levofloxacin sieving coefficient are not due to variation in point of dilution or membrane type (PAN or polyamide). Significant adsorption of levofloxacin onto PAN filters occurs. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. and the International Society of Chemotherapy. All rights reserved.