209 resultados para PLGA nanospheres


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Immobilization of biologically important molecules on myriad nano-sized materials has attracted great attention. Through this study, thermophilic esterase enzyme was obtained using recombinant DNA technology and purified applying one-step His-Select HF nickel affinity gel. The synthesis of chitosan was achieved from chitin by deacetylation process and degree of deacetylation was calculated as 89% by elemental analysis. Chitosan nanoparticles were prepared based on the ionic gelation of chitosan with tripolyphosphate anions. The physicochemical properties of the chitosan and chitosan nanoparticles were determined by several methods including SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy), FT-IR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) and DLS (Dynamic Light Scattering). The morphology of chitosan nanoparticles was spherical and the nanospheres’ average diameter was 75.3 nm. The purified recombinant esterase was immobilized efficiently by physical adsorption onto chitosan nanoparticles and effects of various immobilization conditions were investigated in details to develope highly cost-effective esterase as a biocatalyst to be utilized in biotechnological purposes. The optimal conditions of immobilization were determined as follows; 1.0 mg/mL of recombinant esterase was immobilized on 1.5 mg chitosan nanoparticles for 30 min at 60°C, pH 7.0 under 100 rpm stirring speed. Under optimized conditions, immobilized recombinant esterase activity yield was 88.5%. The physicochemical characterization of enzyme immobilized chitosan nanoparticles was analyzed by SEM, FT-IR and AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy).


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Laser-assisted killing of gold nanoparticle targeted macrophages was investigated. Using pressure transient detection, flash photography and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging, we studied the mechanism of single cell damage by vapor bubble formation around gold nanospheres induced by nanosecond laser pulses. The influence of the number of irradiating laser pulses and of particle size and concentration on the threshold for acute cell damage was determined. While the single pulse damage threshold is independent of the particle size, the threshold decreases with increasing particle size when using trains of pulses. The dependence of the cell damage threshold on the nanoparticle concentration during incubation reveals that particle accumulation and distribution inside the cell plays a key role in tissue imaging or cell damaging.


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BACKGROUND: Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) is a potent differentiating agent for cells of the osteoblastic lineage. It has been used in the oral cavity under a variety of indications and with different carriers. However, the optimal carrier for each indication is not known. This study examined a synthetic bioabsorbable carrier for BMP used in osseous defects around dental implants in the canine mandible. METHODS: Twelve canines had their mandibular four premolars and first molar teeth extracted bilaterally. After 5 months, four implants were placed with standardized circumferential defects around the coronal 4 mm of each implant. One-half of the defects received a polylactide/glycolide (PLGA) polymer carrier with or without recombinant human BMP-2 (rhBMP-2), and the other half received a collagen carrier with or without rhBMP-2. Additionally, one-half of the implants were covered with a non-resorbable (expanded polytetrafluoroethylene [ePTFE]) membrane to exclude soft tissues. Animals were sacrificed either 4 or 12 weeks later. Histomorphometric analysis included the percentage of new bone contact with the implant, the area of new bone, and the percentage of defect fill. This article describes results with the PLGA carrier. RESULTS: All implants demonstrated clinical and radiographic success with the amount of new bone formed dependent on the time and presence/absence of rhBMP-2 and presence/absence of a membrane. The percentage of bone-to-implant contact was greater with rhBMP-2, and after 12 weeks of healing, there was approximately one-third of the implant contacting bone in the defect site. After 4 weeks, the presence of a membrane appeared to slow new bone area formation. The percentage of fill in membrane-treated sites with rhBMP-2 rose from 24% fill to 42% after 4 and 12 weeks, respectively. Without rhBMP-2, the percentage of fill was 14% rising to 36% fill, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: After 4 weeks, the rhBMP-2-treated sites had a significantly higher percentage of contact, more new bone area, and higher percentage of defect fill than the sites without rhBMP-2. After 12 weeks, there was no significant difference in sites with or without rhBMP-2 regarding percentage of contact, new bone area, or percentage of defect fill. In regard to these three outcomes, comparing the results with this carrier to the results reported earlier with a collagen carrier in this study, only the area of new bone was significantly different with the collagen carrier resulting in greater bone than the PLGA carrier. Thus, the PLGA carrier for rhBMP-2 significantly stimulated bone formation around dental implants in this model after 1 month but not after 3 months of healing. The use of this growth factor and carrier combination appears to stimulate early bone healing events around the implants but not quite to the same degree as a collagen carrier.


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This study develops an automated analysis tool by combining total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM), an evanescent wave microscopic imaging technique to capture time-sequential images and the corresponding image processing Matlab code to identify movements of single individual particles. The developed code will enable us to examine two dimensional hindered tangential Brownian motion of nanoparticles with a sub-pixel resolution (nanoscale). The measured mean square displacements of nanoparticles are compared with theoretical predictions to estimate particle diameters and fluid viscosity using a nonlinear regression technique. These estimated values will be confirmed by the diameters and viscosities given by manufacturers to validate this analysis tool. Nano-particles used in these experiments are yellow-green polystyrene fluorescent nanospheres (200 nm, 500 nm and 1000 nm in diameter (nominal); 505 nm excitation and 515 nm emission wavelengths). Solutions used in this experiment are de-ionized (DI) water, 10% d-glucose and 10% glycerol. Mean square displacements obtained near the surface shows significant deviation from theoretical predictions which are attributed to DLVO forces in the region but it conforms to theoretical predictions after ~125 nm onwards. The proposed automation analysis tool will be powerfully employed in the bio-application fields needed for examination of single protein (DNA and/or vesicle) tracking, drug delivery, and cyto-toxicity unlike the traditional measurement techniques that require fixing the cells. Furthermore, this tool can be also usefully applied for the microfluidic areas of non-invasive thermometry, particle tracking velocimetry (PTV), and non-invasive viscometry.


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Introduction. Tissue engineering techniques offer a potential means to develop a tissue engineered construct (TEC) for the treatment of tissue and organ deficiencies. However, a lack of adequate vascularization is a limiting factor in the development of most viable engineered tissues. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) could aid in the development of a viable vascular network within TECs. The long-term goals of this research are to develop clinically relevant, appropriately vascularized TECs for use in humans. This project tested the hypothesis that the delivery of VEGF via controlled release from biodegradable microspheres would increase the vascular density and rate of angiogenesis within a model TEC. ^ Materials and methods. Biodegradable VEGF-encapsulated microspheres were manufactured using a novel method entitled the Solid Encapsulation/Single Emulsion/Solvent Extraction technique. Using a PLGA/PEG polymer blend, microspheres were manufactured and characterized in vitro. A model TEC using fibrin was designed for in vivo tissue engineering experimentation. At the appropriate timepoint, the TECs were explanted, and stained and quantified for CD31 using a novel semi-automated thresholding technique. ^ Results. In vitro results show the microspheres could be manufactured, stored, degrade, and release biologically active VEGF. The in vivo investigations revealed that skeletal muscle was the optimal implantation site as compared to dermis. In addition, the TECs containing fibrin with VEGF demonstrated significantly more angiogenesis than the controls. The TECs containing VEGF microspheres displayed a significant increase in vascular density by day 10. Furthermore, TECs containing VEGF microspheres had a significantly increased relative rate of angiogenesis from implantation day 5 to day 10. ^ Conclusions. A novel technique for producing microspheres loaded with biologically active proteins was developed. A defined concentration of microspheres can deliver a quantifiable level of VEGF with known release kinetics. A novel model TEC for in vivo tissue engineering investigations was developed. VEGF and VEGF microspheres stimulate angiogenesis within the model TEC. This investigation determined that biodegradable rhVEGF 165-encapsulated microspheres increased the vascular density and relative rate of angiogenesis within a model TEC. Future applications could include the incorporation of microvascular fragments into the model TEC and the incorporation of specific tissues, such as fat or bone. ^


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A Espectroscopia Raman Intensificada pela Superfície (SERS) é um efeito de intensificação da intensidade Raman de uma molécula adsorvida numa superfície metálica nanoestruturada. Esta característica permite a utilização do SERS na caracterização vibracional de sistemas como junções moleculares (JM) (JM são sistemas constituídos de fios moleculares sintetizados em junções do tipo metal|fiomolecular|metal) e, no entendimento de quais características morfológicas de agregados metálicos mais influenciariam no sinal SERS obtido. Portanto, esta tese apresenta os seguintes objetivos: (a) síntese e caracterização de substratos SERS ativos, nanoesferas (AuNE) e nanobastões (AuNB) de ouro e eletrodo de ouro ativado eletroquimicamente; (b) síntese e caracterização SERS de fios moleculares em JM; (c) estudo do acoplamento plasmônico entre as superfícies metálicas em JM; (d) correlação entre SERS - morfologia de agregados individuais de AuNB. Os fios moleculares estudados foram os da família das oligofeniliminas (OPI) e, no melhor do nosso entendimento, esta foi a primeira vez que fios moleculares desta família foram caracterizados por Raman e SERS. As JM apresentaram um comportamento SERS não esperado. Enquanto para o modo vibracional, v(CS), a intensidade da banda se apresentou constante com o aumento do espaçamento entre as nanoestruturas metálicas (para distâncias de até 5 nm), o modo vibracional, β(CH), teve a intensidade de sua banda aumentada. Este comportamento foi explicado considerando a diferente natureza da interação dos plasmons nas JM, sendo estas interações do tipo, ressonância de plasmon de superfície (LSPR) - dipolo imagem, para ambos os modos. No entanto, para o modo β(CH) existe também uma intensificação extra devido ao aumento da polarizabilidade dos fios moleculares com o aumento do número de unidades. A correlação SERS - morfologia dos agregados de AuNB indicam que, para agregados onde predominam interações ponta a ponta, os espectros SERS apresentavam uma maior intensidade quando comparados com aqueles em que interações lado a lado predominavam. No entanto, este comportamento não foi observado para agregados contendo mais do que cinco nanopartículas onde estes dois tipos de interações ocorrem indicando que deve existir um acoplamento dos plasmons destes dois tipos de interações contribuindo para maiores valores de intensidade SERS.


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Neste trabalho, anticorpos anti-IgGh foram conjugados às nanopartículas de prata (NPAg) para detectar imunoglobulina G humana (IgGh). Um imunoensaio colorimétrico baseado na diminuição da agregação devido ao aumento da repulsão eletrostática após a interação ligante-alvo. A agregação é induzida pela variação da força iônica e uma mudança da coloração da suspensão coloidal de amarelo para vermelho pode ser observada. Na presença de IgGh, a agregação é inibida e a coloração da suspensão coloidal não se altera. As nanopartículas foram obtidas por meio de cinco procedimentos diferentes e caracterizadas por espectroscopia UV-Vis, espalhamento dinâmico de luz, difração de raios-X e microscopia eletrônica. Glicose e borohidreto de sódio foram utilizados como agentes redutores, enquanto CTAB e β-ciclodextrina foram utilizados como estabilizantes. Citrato de sódio foi utilizado como agente redutor e/ou estabilizante. Nanoesferas de carbono foram obtidas por tratamento hidrotérmico de uma solução aquosa de glicose e também foram utilizadas no preparo das nanopartículas. As nanopartículas foram funcionalizadas com ácido mercaptossuccínico e a conjugação ocorreu devido à interação entre grupos aminas e grupos carboxílicos ionizados, presentes no anticorpo e agente de acoplamento, respectivamente. A estabilidade dos conjugados e o efeito da adição de IgGh foram avaliados para todos os sistemas preparados. As nanopartículas de prata preparadas com borohidreto de sódio e citrato de sódio foram selecionadas para serem aplicadas no desenvolvimento do imunoensaio e as condições experimentais foram avaliadas. Em condições ótimas, observou-se uma correlação linear entre a diminuição da agregação do sistema (NPAg-anti-IgGh) e a concentração de IgGh (0 a 200 ng mL-1). O limite de detecção foi estimado em 25 ng mL-1. O método colorimétrico apresentou boa seletividade para a detecção de IgGh. Além disso, foi obtido um resultado satisfatório ao aplicar o método para determinação do fator IX de coagulação. Foi desenvolvido também um método para determinação de ATP baseado na agregação de nanopartículas de ouro. Aptâmeros foram utilizados como elemento de reconhecimento. Em princípio, o método pode ser aplicável à determinação de outros analitos, por meio da substituição do aptâmero utilizado neste trabalho pelo oligonucleotídeo específico para o alvo de interesse.


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Studien undersöker hur kvinnliga karaktärer representeras i relation till skräcktematiken i tv-serien Penny Dreadful (2014-). Syftet har varit att studera huruvida det som är typiska kännetecken för skräck kan kopplas till kvinnlighet, femininitet och feminism (det senare då man kan uppfatta ett genuskritiskt samtal i serien). Med hjälp av psykoanalytiska teorier kring abjektion visar analysen hur det som är skrämmande med kvinnor, är skrämmande på andra sätt än vad som är skrämmande med män. Det som är abjekt med kvinnan definieras ofta utifrån hennes sexualitet och biologiska egenskaper, och skapar därmed en feminin monstrositet och således är helt olik den manliga. Detta har till stor del växt fram genom historiska myter, religioner och konst, som har bidragit till könsspecifika monster utifrån stereotyp femininitet, så som häxor, sirener eller Medusa. Genom att utforska tv-seriens karaktärer med hjälp av semiotiska och psykoanalytiska verktyg avslöjas möjliga tolkningar som visar hur nämnda feminina monster tycks grunda sig i manlig rädsla och kvinnan som hot. Kastrationskomplexet som bidragande faktor och den manliga blicken tycks därför kväsa uttryck för kvinnlig frigörelse i serien, genom att sexualisera, plåga och göra kvinnan abjekt och monstruös i direkt genmäle till dessa. Serien tycks därför trots sin genuskritiska diskurs kontrolleras av en manlig blick och ett skoptofiliskt seende, något som möjligtvis bidrar till att kvinnlighet och femininitet kodas som abjekt, och i värsta fall stigmatiserar den feministiska kvinnan.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-05


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Shell-crosslinked knedel-like nanoparticles (SCKs; knedel is a Polish term for dumplings) were derivatized with gadolinium Shell chelates and studied as robust magnetic-resonance-imaging-active structures with hydrodynamic diameters of 40 +/- 3 nm. SCKs possessing an amphiphilic core-shell morphology were produced from the aqueous assembly of diblock copolymers of poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) and poly(methyl acrylate) (PMA), PAA(52)-b-PMA(128), and subsequent covalent crosslinking by amidation upon reaction with 2,2'-(ethylenedioxy)bis(ethylamine) throughout the shell layer. The properties of these materials, including non-toxicity towards mammalian cells, non-immunogenicity within mice, and capability for polyvalent targeting, make them ideal candidates for utilization within biological systems. The synthesis of SCKs derivatized with Gd-III and designed for potential use as a unique nanometer-scale contrast agent for MRI applications is described herein. Utilization of an amino-functionalized diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid-Gd analogue allowed for direct covalent conjugation throughout the hydrophilic shell layer of the SCKs and served to increase the rotational correlation lifetime of the Gd. In addition, the highly hydrated nature of the shell layer in which the Gd was located allowed for rapid water exchange; thus, the resulting material demonstrated large ionic relaxivities (39 s(-1) mM(-1)) in an applied magnetic field of 0.47 T at 40 degrees C and, as a result of the large loading capacity of the material, also demonstrated high molecular relaxivities (20 000 s(-1) mM(-1)).


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The in vitro and in vivo degradation properties of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) scaffolds produced by two different technologies-therm ally induced phase separation (TIPS), and solvent casting and particulate leaching (SCPL) were compared. Over 6 weeks, in vitro degradation produced changes in SCPL scaffold dimension, mass, internal architecture and mechanical properties. TIPS scaffolds produced far less changes in these parameters providing significant advantages over SCPL. In vivo results were based on a microsurgically created arteriovenous (AV) loop sandwiched between two TIPS scaffolds placed in a polycarbonate chamber under rat groin skin. Histologically, a predominant foreign body giant cell response and reduced vascularity was evident in tissue ingrowth between 2 and 8 weeks in TIPS scaffolds. Tissue death occurred at 8 weeks in the smallest pores. Morphometric comparison of TIPS and SCPL scaffolds indicated slightly better tissue ingrowth but greater loss of scaffold structure in SCPL scaffolds. Although advantageous in vitro, large surface area:volume ratios and varying pore sizes in PLGA TIPS scaffolds mean that effective in vivo (AV loop) utilization will only be achieved if the foreign body response can be significantly reduced so as to allow successful vascularisation, and hence sustained tissue growth, in pores less than 300 mu m. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this study, we investigate the fabrication of 3D porous poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) scaffolds using the thermally-induced phase separation technique. The current study focuses on the selection of alternative solvents for this process using a number of criteria, including predicted solubility. toxicity, removability and processability. Solvents were removed via either vacuum freeze-drying or leaching, depending on their physical properties. The residual solvent was tested using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. A large range of porous, highly interconnected scaffold architectures with tunable pore size and alignment was obtained, including combined macro- and microporous structures and an entirely novel 'porous-fibre' structure. The morphological features of the most promising poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) scaffolds were analysed via scanning electron microscopy and X-ray micro-computed tomography in both two and three dimensions. The Young's moduli of the scaffolds under conditions of temperature, pH and ionic strength similar to those found in the body were tested and were found to be highly dependent on the architectures.


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Although poly(alpha-hydroxy esters), especially the PLGA family of lactic acid/glycolic acid copolymers, have many properties which make them promising materials for tissue engineering, the inherent chemistry of surfaces made from these particular polymers is problematic. In vivo, they promote a strong foreign-body response as a result of nonspecific adsorption and denaturation of serum proteins, which generally results in the formation of a nonfunctional fibrous capsule. Surface modification post-production of the scaffolds is an often-utilized approach to solving this problem, conceptually allowing the formation of a scaffold with mechanical properties defined by the bulk material and molecular-level interactions defined by the modified surface properties. A promising concept is the so-called blank slate: essentially a surface that is rendered resistant to nonspecific protein adsorption but can be readily activated to covalently bind bio-functional molecules such as extracellular matrix proteins, growth factors or polysaccharides. This study focuses on the use of the quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) to follow the layer-by-layer (LbL) electrostatic deposition of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid and chitosan onto PLGA surfaces rendered positively charged by aminolysis, to form a robust, protein-resistant coating. We further show that this surface may be further functionalized via the covalent attachment of collagen IV, which may then be used as a template for the self-assembly of basement membrane components from dilute Matrigel. The response of NIH-3T3 fibroblasts to these surfaces was also followed and shown to closely parallel the results observed in the QCM.


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AIMS To demonstrate the potential use of in vitro poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microparticles in comparison with triamcinolone suspension to aid visualisation of vitreous during anterior and posterior vitrectomy. METHODS PLGA microparticles (diameter 10-60 microm) were fabricated using single and/or double emulsion technique(s) and used untreated or following the surface adsorption of a protein (transglutaminase). Particle size, shape, morphology and surface topography were assessed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and compared with a standard triamcinolone suspension. The efficacy of these microparticles to enhance visualisation of vitreous against the triamcinolone suspension was assessed using an in vitro set-up exploiting porcine vitreous. RESULTS Unmodified PLGA microparticles failed to adequately adhere to porcine vitreous and were readily washed out by irrigation. In contrast, modified transglutaminase-coated PLGA microparticles demonstrated a significant improvement in adhesiveness and were comparable to a triamcinolone suspension in their ability to enhance the visualisation of vitreous. This adhesive behaviour also demonstrated selectivity by not binding to the corneal endothelium. CONCLUSION The use of transglutaminase-modified biodegradable PLGA microparticles represents a novel method of visualising vitreous and aiding vitrectomy. This method may provide a distinct alternative for the visualisation of vitreous whilst eliminating the pharmacological effects of triamcinolone acetonide suspension.


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Particulate delivery systems such as liposomes and polymeric nano- and microparticles are attracting great interest for developing new vaccines. Materials and formulation properties essential for this purpose have been extensively studied, but relatively little is known about the influence of the administration route of such delivery systems on the type and strength of immune response elicited. Thus, the present study aimed at elucidating the influence on the immune response when of immunising mice by different routes, such as the subcutaneous, intradermal, intramuscular, and intralymphatic routes with ovalbumin-loaded liposomes, N-trimethyl chitosan (TMC) nanoparticles, and poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) microparticles, all with and without specifically selected immune-response modifiers. The results showed that the route of administration caused only minor differences in inducing an antibody response of the IgG1 subclass, and any such differences were abolished upon booster immunisation with the various adjuvanted and non-adjuvanted delivery systems. In contrast, the administration route strongly affected both the kinetics and magnitude of the IgG2a response. A single intralymphatic administration of all evaluated delivery systems induced a robust IgG2a response, whereas subcutaneous administration failed to elicit a substantial IgG2a response even after boosting, except with the adjuvanted nanoparticles. The intradermal and intramuscular routes generated intermediate IgG2a titers. The benefit of the intralymphatic administration route for eliciting a Th1-type response was confirmed in terms of IFN-gamma production of isolated and re-stimulated splenocytes from animals previously immunised with adjuvanted and non-adjuvanted liposomes as well as with adjuvanted microparticles. Altogether the results show that the IgG2a associated with Th1-type immune responses are sensitive to the route of administration, whereas IgG1 response associated with Th2-type immune responses were relatively insensitive to the administration route of the particulate delivery systems. The route of administration should therefore be considered when planning and interpreting pre-clinical research or development on vaccine delivery systems.