954 resultados para PLATEAU


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In this manuscript, we present rock magnetic results of samples recovered during Leg 183. The Leg 183 cores were recovered from six drill sites and display variable rock magnetic properties. The differences in the rock magnetic properties are a function of mineralogy and alteration. Cretaceous subaerial basalt samples with titanomagnetite exhibit a strong Verwey transition in the vicinity of 110 K and have frequency-dependent susceptibility curves that resemble those of synthetic (titano) magnetites. These results are in good agreement with the thermomagnetic characteristics where titanomagnetites with Curie temperatures of ~580°C were identified. The hysteresis ratios suggest that the bulk magnetic grain size is in the psuedo-single-domain boundary. These subaerial basalts experienced high-temperature oxidation and maintained reliable paleomagnetic records. In contrast, the 34-Ma submarine pillow basalts do not show the Verwey transition during the low-temperature experiments. Thermomagnetic analysis shows that the remanent magnetization in this group is mainly carried by a thermally unstable mineral titanomaghemite. The frequency-dependent relationships are opposite of those from the first group and show little sign of titanomagnetite characteristics. Rocks from the third group are oxidized titanomagnetites and have multiple magnetic phases. They have irreversible thermaomagnetic curves and hysteresis ratios clustering toward the multidomain region (with higher Hcr/Hc ratios). The combined investigation suggests that variations in magnetic properties correlate with changes in lithology, which results in differences in the abundance and size of magnetic minerals. The rock magnetic data on Leg 183 samples clearly indicate that titanomagnetite is the dominant mineral and the primary remanence carrier in subaerial basalt. The generally good magnetic stability and other properties exhibited by titanomagnetite-bearing rocks support the inference that the ChRM isolated from the Cretaceous sites were acquired during the Cretaceous Normal Superchron. The stable inclinations identified from these samples are therefore useful for future tectonic studies.


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Radiocarbon measurements on core tops from the Ontong-Java plateau confirm a previous finding by Berger and Killingley [1982] that at any given water depth, cores taken on the equator have higher accumulation rates and younger core top ages than their off-equator counterparts. Further, these new results fortify the conclusion by Broecker et al. [1991] that the increase in core top radiocarbon age with water depth rules out homogeneous dissolution within the pore waters as the dominant mechanism. Either most of the dissolution must occur prior to burial or it must occur during the first pass through the respiration-CO2-rich upper pore waters after which the calcite grains become armored against further dissolution. A puzzling aspect of this new data set is that despite the sizable difference in accumulation rate, the extent of dissolution as measured by either the CaCO3 content or the ratio of CaCO3 in the >150-µm size fraction to that in the < 63-µm fraction is no different off than on the equator. In order to reconcile the results of this study with those obtained by Hales and Emerson [1996] using in situ electrodes, it is necessary to call upon calcite armoring.


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The Carnian to Norian sediments, as much as 600 m in total thickness, recovered from ODP Sites 759 and 760 on the Wombat Plateau, are generally represented by fluvial-dominated deltaic successions. In general, the Carnian to Norian sandstones are quartzose. The average ratio of monocrystalline quartz grains, total feldspar grains, and total lithic fragments (i.e., Qm:F:Lt ratio) is 71:22:7. This indicates that they were derived mainly from the transitional continental and cratonic interior provenance terranes, such as the Pilbara Precambrian block to the south of the Wombat Plateau. The upper Carnian sediments, however, are characterized by more feldspathic sandstone petrofacies. They typically contain some volcanic rock fragments with trachytic texture and indicate the onset of the incipient rift-related tectonic movement, such as uplift and subsequent abrupt basin subsidence, together with volcanism in the Gondwana continental block. Mixed siliciclastic and carbonate cycles are typically intercalated in the prodelta to delta front deposits that developed mainly in a lagoon-like, restricted marine environment. The restricted marine environment developed during transgressions as the outflow of shallow water was restricted by depositional barriers. Around the barriers and/or delta lobes, carbonate shoals/banks were probably developed and the allochemical components of the neritic limestones may have been transported into the restricted marine environment by overwash processes and/or storm waves. Siliciclastic detritus, on the other hand, was mainly derived accompanied by delta progradation dominated by fluvial processes in the restricted marine environment. Therefore, we interpret the mixed siliciclastic and carbonate cycles in the deltaic successions to be a result of transgression-regression cycles in a deltaic system during the Late Triassic.


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ODP Leg 119 drilled 11 sites on the Kerguelen Plateau (southern Indian Ocean) and Prydz Bay (East Antarctica). Upper Pliocene through Quaternary sediments were recovered at Site 736 on the northern Kerguelen Plateau; calcareous nannofossils occurred in only a few samples. Over 700 m of middle Eocene through Quaternary sediments was cored at Site 737 on the northern Kerguelen Plateau, and calcareous nannofossils are abundant in the middle Eocene through the middle Miocene sediments. Nearly 500 m of sediments ranging from the lower Turanian to the Quaternary was recovered at Site 738 on the southern Kerguelen Plateau; calcareous nannofossils are abundant from the Miocene downward. Calcareous nannofossils are also abundant in the upper Eocene through Miocene section from Site 744 on the southern Kerguelen Plateau. Except for Core 119-746A-13H, the Neogene sequences drilled at deep-water Sites 745 and 746 off the southern Kerguelen Plateau are devoid of calcareous nannofossils. Occurrences of calcareous nannofossils were generally rare and sporadic at Sites 739 and 742 in Prydz Bay and suggest that the diamictite sequences recovered is as old as middle Eocene-early Oligocene age. Other sites drilled in Prydz Bay (Sites 740, 741, and 743) did not yield calcareous nannofossils. Species diversity of calcareous nannofossils was low (about a dozen) in the southern Indian Ocean in the Late Cretaceous. High-latitude nanno floral characteristics are apparent after the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary extinctions. Cold climatic conditions limited Oligocene calcareous nannofossil assemblages to fewer than a dozen species, and extinctions of species generally were not compensated by originations of new species. Only a few species of calcareous nannofossils were found in the Miocene sequences, in which Coccolithuspelagicus and one or two species of Reticulofenestra exhibit extreme (0%-100%) fluctuations in assemblage dominance, and these fluctuations may reflect rapid fluctuations in the surface-water temperatures. Further deterioration of climate in the late Neogene essentially excluded calcareous nannoplankton from the Southern Ocean. Significantly warmer water conditions during part of the early-middle Pleistocene were inferred by a few lower-middle Pleistocene calcareous nannofossil species found on the Kerguelen Plateau. The calcareous nannofossil zonation of Roth (1978 doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.44.134.1978) can be applied to the Upper Cretaceous section recovered at Site 738, and the zonation of Okada and Bukry (1980 doi:10.1016/0377-8398(80)90016-X) can be applied without much difficulty to the Paleocene to middle Eocene sequences from the Kerguelen Plateau. However, some conventional upper Paleogene markers are not useful for southern high latitudes, whereas a few nonconventional species events are useful for subdividing the upper Paleogene sequences. The latter species events include the first occurrence (FO) of Reticulofenestra reticulata, the FO and last occurrence (LO) of Reticulofenestra oamaruensis, the LO of Isthmolithus recurvus, and the LO of Chiasmolithus altus. As the Neogene sequences from the southern Indian Ocean contain only a few long-ranging, cold-water species, or are devoid of coccoliths, calcareous nannofossil zonations remain virtually unworkable for the Neogene in the high-latitude southern Indian Ocean as in other sectors of the Southern Ocean.


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Lavas from several major bathymetric highs in the eastern Indian Ocean that are likely to have formed as Early to Middle Cretaceous manifestations of the Kerguelen hotspot are predominantly tholeiitic; so too are glass shards from Eocene to Paleocene volcanic ash layers on Broken Ridge, which are believed to have come from eruptions on the Ninetyeast Ridge. The early dominance of tholeiitic compositions contrasts with the more recent intraplate, alkalic volcanism of the Kerguelen Archipelago. Isotopic and incompatible-element ratios of the plateau lavas are distinct from those of Indian mid-ocean ridge basalts; their Nd, Sr, 207Pb/204Pb and 2078b/204Pb isotopic ratios overlap with but cover a much wider range than measured for more recent oceanic products of the Kerguelen hotspot (including the Ninetyeast Ridge) or, indeed, oceanic lavas from any other hotspot in the world. Samples from the Naturaliste Plateau and ODP Site 738 on the southern tip of the Kerguelen Plateau are particularly noteworthy, with e-Nd(T) = -13 to -7, (87Sr/86Sr)T=0.7090 to 0.7130 and high 207Pb/204Pb relative to 206Pb/204Pb. In addition, the low-e-Nd(T) Naturaliste Plateau samples are elevated in SiO2 (>54 wt%). In contrast to "DUPAL" oceanic islands such as the Kerguelen Archipelago, Pitcairn and Tristan da Cunha, the plateau lavas with extreme isotopic characteristics also have relative depletions in Nb and Ta (e.g., Th/Ta, La Nb > primitive mantle values); the lowest e-Nd(T) and highest Th/Ta and La Nb values occur at sites located closest to rifted continental margins. Accepting a Kerguelen plume origin for the plateau lavas, these characteristics probably reflect the shallow-level incorporation of continental lithosphere in either the head of the early Kerguelen plume or in plume-derived magmas, and suggest that the influence of such material diminished after the period of plateau construction. Contamination of asthenosphere with the type of material affecting Naturaliste Plateau and Site 738 magmatism appears unlikely to be the cause of low-206Pb/204Pb Indian mid-ocean ridge basalts. Finally, because isotopic data for the plateaus do not cluster or form converging arrays in isotope-ratio plots, they provide no evidence for either a quickly evolving, positive ?Nd, relatively high-206Pb/204Pb plume composition, or a plume source dominated by mantle with e-Nd of -3 to ~0.


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Triassic (Carnian-Rhaetian) continental margin sediments from the Wombat Plateau off northwest Australia (Sites 759, 760, 761, and 764) contain mainly detrital organic matter of terrestrial higher plant origin. Although deposited in a nearshore deltaic environment, little liptinitic material was preserved. The dominant vitrinites and inertinites are hydrogen-lean, and the small quantities of extractable bitumen contain w-alkanes and bacterial hopanoid hydrocarbons as the most dominant single gas-chromatography-amenable compounds. Lower Cretaceous sediments on the central Exmouth Plateau (Sites 762 and 763) farther south in general have an organic matter composition similar to that in the Wombat Plateau sediments with the exception of a smaller particle size of vitrinites and inertinites, indicating more distal transport and probably deposition in deeper water. Nevertheless, organic matter preservation is slightly better than in the Triassic sediments. Long-chain fatty acids, as well as aliphatic ketones and alcohols, are common constituents in the Lower Cretaceous sediments in addition to n-alkanes and hopanoid hydrocarbons. Thin, black shale layers at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary, although present at several sites (Sites 762 and 763 on the Exmouth Plateau, Site 765 in the Argo Abyssal Plain, and Site 766 on the continental margin of the Gascoyne Abyssal Plain), are particularly enriched in organic matter only at Site 763 (up to 26%). These organic-matter-rich layers contain mainly bituminite of probable fecal-pellet origin. Considering the high organic carbon content, the moderate hydrogen indices of 350-450 milligrams of hydrocarbon-type material per gram of Corg, the maceral composition, and the low sedimentation rates in the middle Cretaceous, we suggest that these black shales were accumulated in an area of oxygen-depleted bottom-water mass (oceanwide reduced circulation?) underlying an oxygen-rich water column (in which most of the primary biomass other than fecal pellets is destroyed) and a zone of relatively high bioproductivity. Differences in organic matter accumulation at the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary at different sites off northwest Australia are ascribed to regional variations in primary bioproductivity.


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We present paleomagnetic data from basaltic pillow and lava flows drilled at four Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 192 sites through the Early Cretaceous (~120 Ma) Ontong Java Plateau (OJP). Altogether 270 samples (out of 331) yielded well-defined characteristic remanent magnetization components all of which have negative inclinations, i.e. normal polarity. Dividing data into inclination groups we obtain 5, 7, 14 and 15 independent inclination estimates for the four sites. Statistical analysis suggests that paleosecular variation has been sufficiently sampled and site-mean inclinations therefore represent time-averaged fields. Of particular importance is the finding that all four site-mean inclinations are statistically indistinguishable, strongly supporting indirect seismic observation from the flat-lying sediments blanketing the OJP that the studied basalts have suffered little or no tectonic disturbance since their emplacement. Moreover, the corresponding paleomagnetic paleolatitudes agree excellently with paleomagnetic data from a previous ODP site (Site 807) drilled into the northern portion of the OJP. Two important conclusions can be drawn based on the presented dataset: (i) the Leg 192 combined mean inclination (Inc.=-41.4°, N=41, kappa= 66.0, alpha95 =2.6°) is inconsistent with the Early Cretaceous part of the Pacific apparent polar wander path, indicating that previous paleomagnetic poles derived mainly from seamount magnetic anomaly modeling must be used with care; (ii) the Leg 192 paleomagnetic paleolatitude for the central OJP is ~20° north of the paleogeographic location calculated from Pacific hotspot tracks assuming the hotspots have remained fixed. The difference between paleomagnetic and hotspot calculated paleolatitudes cannot be explained by true polar wander estimates derived from other lithospheric plates and our results are therefore consistent with and extend recent paleomagnetic studies of younger hotspot features in the northern Pacific Ocean that suggest Late Cretaceous to Eocene motion of Pacific hotspots.


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Ocean Drilling Program Leg 120 recovered basement samples that consisted of zeolite-facies metabasalts at Sites 747, 749, and 750 on the Kerguelen Plateau. These basalts were metamorphosed in the low to intermediate zones of the zeolite facies, as indicated by the presence of diagnostic zeolites and the absence of chlorite, epidote, prehnite, pumpellyite, and wairakite. Chabazite, natrolite, thompsonite, mesolite, stilbite, huelandite, and smectites occur as amygduloidal fillings in basalts from Holes 747C and 750B, whereas only stilbite, laumontite, and pure and mixed-layered smectites were identified in amygduloidal basalts from Hole 749C. In the lower sections of Hole 749C, only laumontite and mixed-layered smectites coexist. Based on calculations with published experimental phase equilibria, the absence of wairakite in basalts from Hole 749C and of laumontite in basalts from Holes 747C and 750B suggests that metamorphic temperatures did not exceed approximately 225° and 120°C, respectively. The presence of well-developed zeolite mineral assemblages and the absence of carbonate and clay mineral assemblages restricts XCO2 in the fluid to approximately <=0.0075. Low- to intermediate-zone zeolite-facies mineral assemblages in basalts from the Kerguelen Plateau can be accounted for by metamorphism in an active geothermal area such as present-day Iceland.


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Cores from Leg 122, Sites 759, 760, 761, and 764, were sampled at intervals of one sample per 1.5-m section in the Upper Triassic sequences. Spores, pollen, acritarchs, freshwater algae, and dinoflagellate cysts were studied to establish a palynostratigraphic framework for the Late Triassic. The palynological sequence is interpreted in terms of Australian spore-pollen zones: the Carman Samaropollenites speciosus Zone, the Norian Minutosaccus crenulatus Zone, and the Rhaetian Ashmoripollis reducta Zone. The Samaropollenites speciosus Zone-Minutosaccus crenulatus Zone boundary is marked by the change of pollen abundance and has a gradual character. Therefore, a transitional uppermost Carnian to Norian Samaropollenites speciosus/Minutosaccus crenulatus Zone is used. Age-determining dinoflagellate cysts are present in the Norian and Rhaetian sediments.


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An almost complete Upper Cretaceous sedimentary sequence recently recovered on the Kerguelen Plateau (southern Indian Ocean) during ODP Leg 183 was analysed for planktonic foraminifera in order to refine and integrate the zonal schemes previously proposed for the Southern Ocean area. Detailed biostratigraphic analysis carried out on holes 1135A, 1136A and 1138A (poleward of 50°S palaeolatitude during Late Cretaceous time) has allowed recognition of low and mid-high latitude bioevents, useful for correlation across latitudes, in addition to known Austral bioevents. The low latitude biozonation can be applied to Turonian sediments, because of the occurrence of Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica, which marks the boundary between Whiteinella archaeocretacea and Helvetoglobotruncana helvetica zones. The base of the Whiteinella archeocretacea Zone falls within the uppermost Cenomanian-Turonian black shale level in Hole 1138A. The stratigraphic interval from upper Turonian to uppermost Santonian can be resolved using bioevents recognized in the mid-high latitude sections. They are, in stratigraphic order: the last occurrence of Falsotruncana maslakovae in the Coniacian, the first occurrence of Heterohelix papula at the Coniacian/Santonian boundary, the extinction of the marginotruncanids in the late Santonian, and the first occurrence of Globigerinelloides impensus in the latest (?) Santonian. The remainder of the Late Cretaceous fits rather well in the Austral zonal scheme, except that Globigerinelloides impensus exhibits a stratigraphic range in agreement with its record at the mid-high latitude sections and extends further downwards than previously recorded at southern sites. Therefore, despite the poor recovery in certain intervals and the presence of several hiatuses of local and regional importance as revealed by correlation among holes, a more detailed zonal scheme has been obtained (mainly for the less resolved Turonian-Santonian interval). Remarks on some species often overlooked in literature are also provided.


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Early to middle Miocene radiolarian assemblages were examined at three sites (747, 748, and 751) that were cored during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 120 south of the present polar frontal zone on the Kerguelen Plateau (Indian sector of the Southern Ocean). The radiolarian biostratigraphic study relies on a radiolarian zonation recently developed on Leg 113 materials in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean, which is correlated with the geomagnetic time scale. New radiolarian biostratigraphic data also considering the established geomagnetic polarity record were used to improve and emend the age calibration of some lower Miocene radiolarian zones and a redefined middle Miocene radiolarian zonation is proposed. Based on these results, a revised age assignment of the lower Miocene sections drilled at Leg 113 Sites 689 and 690 is proposed.


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On the Cape Verde Plateau, Neogene deposits are composed of major pelagic and hemipelagic sediments. These sediments show climatic sequences composed of two lithologic terms that differ in their siliciclastic and carbonate contents. Several turbiditic and contouritic sequences are interbedded in these deposits. Turbidite sequences are fine grained and thin bedded with a very low frequency (about 12 sequences during the Neogene). They are composed of quartz-rich siliciclastic or volcaniclastic sediments. Quartz-rich turbidites originated from the Senegalese margin. Their slightly higher frequency during the early Pliocene indicates that the stronger turbidity currents, and probably the most abundant continental inputs, occur at that period. Volcaniclastic turbidites are only present in the early Miocene (about 17 Ma) and the early Pleistocene (1 Ma). They have flown from adjacent Cape Verde Islands and reflect two episodes of high volcanic activity in this area. Contourite sequences, composed of biogenic sandy silts, represent less than 5% of the sediment pile and seem to have been mainly deposited during the late Pleistocene. These different sequences show clay mineral variations throughout Neogene time. Kaolinite is predominant in the Miocene and lower Pliocene deposits; this mineral decreases thereafter, with an increased trend of illite in the uppermost Pliocene and Pleistocene sediments, suggesting a change in sediment sources on the Saharan continent at about 2.6 Ma.


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A moderate-resolution isotope stratigraphy (with an average of one sample per 17,500 yr.) derived from the benthic foraminifer Uvigerina (or Cibicides), the planktonic foraminifer Globigerina bulloides, and calcareous nannofossil concentrates is presented for the entire Quaternary (and latest Pliocene) section of mid-upper bathyal calcareous oozes from DSDP Site 593, western Challenger Plateau, south Tasman Sea. Superimposed on a trend of gradually increasing average delta18O values through the Pleistocene, reflecting the progressive buildup of polar ice sheets, is a record of highfrequency but generally low amplitude (0.5-1?) isotope fluctuations in the early Quaternary (1.9-1.0 m.y.), followed by a greatly increased intensity (1.5-2.0 ?) of glacial-interglacial fluctuations during the late Quaternary (< 1.0 m.y.). The standard late Quaternary isotope stages 1 to 24 are mainly resolvable. Significant excursions in both delta18O and delta13C values at various times during the Quaternary are suggested to be due to periodic, fundamental changes in ocean circulation properties over the plateau. For example, intensified upwelling of Antarctic Intermediate Waters during several glacial periods is indicated by the convergence of benthic and planktonic foraminiferal delta18O data, and productivity variations may account for certain delta13C spikes in the record. With increasingly higher resolution analysis this core will provide a useful Quaternary isotope reference section for southern temperate waters in the southwest Pacific, centered on New Zealand.


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Miocene deep-sea sediments from ODP Site 744 (Kerguelen Plateau, southern Indian Ocean) contain abundant and diverse planktonic foraminiferal assemblages. Their analysis led to the identification of the interval between 17.0 and 14.2 Ma as a time of mid-Miocene warmth, which is investigated here in detail. This investigation includes reconstruction of trends in foraminiferal faunal composition and diversity through time, as well as in morphology and coiling direction within Globorotalia praescitula and Globorotalia zealandica plexi. These two large-globorotaliid plexi constitute the most characteristic component of the mid-Miocene foraminiferal faunas at ODP Site 744. Selected benthic (Cibicidoides sp.) and planktonic foraminifera were also analyzed for delta18O and delta13C ratios. Distinctive planktonic assemblages were the basis for identification of three foraminiferal biofacies between 17.0 and 14.2 Ma. The most prominent faunal changes took place between Biofacies 2 and 3 (15.5-15.0 Ma). Six of 11 macroperforate planktonic foraminifera from the >150-µm size fraction occur principally within Biofacies 3. Three other taxa are present throughout the interval analyzed. Moreover, both aforementioned globorotaliid plexi exhibit an increase in morphological diversity between Biofacies 2 and 3. Within the same interval, the G. zealandica plexus shows a switch from random coiling (50% sinistral) to clearly sinistral-dominated coiling. The faunal changes recognized are interpreted as the result of foraminiferal immigrations (increase in faunal diversity) and evolutionary trends (increase in morphological variability and change in coiling mode among the globorotaliid plexi). The stable isotopic results allow paleoenvironmental interpretation of these faunal changes. According to the delta18O values, no significant change in sea-surface temperature occurred between 17.0 and 14.2 Ma. However, the same data suggest an increase in ecological distance between various niches, which is expressed by a rising delta18O gradient recorded between various planktonic taxa upward within the section. This trend suggests niche-space availability as a likely factor responsible for the faunal changes recognized. Changes in the shape and depth of the thermocline, as well as in seasonality and eutrophication are considered as possible causes. Among these an increase in seasonality appears to have been responsible for the increase in species and morphological diversities between 15.5 and 15.0 Ma. The proposed scenario suggests that changes in seasonality may be an important factor driving faunal migrations and evolution. Variable seasonality may also affect the oxygen isotopic record of planktonic foraminiferal taxa.