893 resultados para PIIID corrosion resistance
With increasing applied voltage, three types of anodic coatings, passive film, micro-spark ceramic coating and spark ceramic coating were made by micro-arc oxidization (MAO) technique on AZ91D magnesium alloy in alkali-silicate solution. The structure, composition characteristics and the electrochemical properties of coatings were also studied with SEM, XRD and EIS (electrochemical impedance spectroscopy) technique, respectively. It is found that the electrochemical properties are closely related to the structure and composition characteristics of the anodic coatings. At the same time, the characteristics of the three types of anodic coatings differ significantly, among them, the micro-spark ceramic coating, prepared in the voltage range of 170similar to220V exhibits compact, homogeneous structure and highest corrosion-resistance.
25%Al-Zn alloy coating performs better than hot dip galvanized coating and 55%Al-Zn-Si coating with regard to general seawater corrosion protection. This study deals with the interfacial intermetallic layer's growth, which affects considerably the corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of 25%Al-Zn alloy coatings, by means of three-factor quadratic regressive orthogonal experiments, The regression equation shows that the intermetallic layer thickness decreases rapidly with increasing content of Si added to the Zn-Al alloy bath, increases with rise in bath temperature and prolonging dip time. The most effective factor that determined the thickness of intermetallic layer was the amount of Si added to Zn-Al alloy bath, while the effect of bath temperature and dip time on the thickness of intermetallic layer were not very obvious.
This paper describes the condition of a reinforced concrete balustrade consisting of some 1000 individual beam elements all exposed similarly to the hostile marine environment of the North Sea at Arbroath, Scotland since 1943. A comparison is made of the condition of the original construction with the condition of repairs carried out in 1968 and in 1993. It is shown that the 1943 construction shows very little corrosion-induced cracking and little rust staining even though it does not appear to be of high construction quality. Only a very low percentage of the balustrade beams have been replaced. In contrast the beam installed in 1968 and later in 1993 show very considerable and large concrete cracks directly attributable to the corrosion of the longitudinal reinforcement, even though the concrete is of a higher quality and density. A detailed condition survey and statistics of crack sizes are presented in the paper. It is found that the higher corrosion resistance of the 1943 concrete is generally consistent with the concrete electrical resistivity measurements but the degree of corrosion of the reinforcing bars is inconsistent with chloride penetration measurements. The results are compared with the very few observations available in the literature for ageing concrete structures in marine environments. The results cast doubt on the conventional wisdom that chloride content at the reinforcement correlates well with reinforcement corrosion.
Models and software products have been developed for modelling, simulation and prediction of different correlations in materials science, including 1. the correlation between processing parameters and properties in titanium alloys and ?-titanium aluminides; 2. time–temperature–transformation (TTT) diagrams for titanium alloys; 3. corrosion resistance of titanium alloys; 4. surface hardness and microhardness profile of nitrocarburised layers; 5. fatigue stress life (S–N) diagrams for Ti–6Al–4V alloys. The programs are based on trained artificial neural networks. For each particular case appropriate combination of inputs and outputs is chosen. Very good performances of the models are achieved. Graphical user interfaces (GUI) are created for easy use of the models. In addition interactive text versions are developed. The models designed are combined and integrated in software package that is built up on a modular fashion. The software products are available in versions for different platforms including Windows 95/98/2000/NT, UNIX and Apple Macintosh. Description of the software products is given, to demonstrate that they are convenient and powerful tools for practical applications in solving various problems in materials science. Examples for optimisation of the alloy compositions, processing parameters and working conditions are illustrated. An option for use of the software in materials selection procedure is described.
In this study, two L27 Taguchi experiments were carried out to study the effect of fibre laser welding parameters and their interactions upon the weld bead aspect ratio of nickel–titanium thin foil. The optimum parameters to produce full penetrated weld with the largest aspect ratio and desirable microstructure were successfully obtained by the Taguchi experimental design. The corrosion property of the optimized NiTi weld in Hank’s solution at 37.5 °C was studied and compared with the as-received NiTi. To improve the corrosion properties of the weld, the effect of post-weld-heat-treatments ranging from 573 to 1173 K was investigated. The corrosion properties, surface morphology, microstructure and Ti/Ni ratio of the heat-treated NiTi weld were analysed. It was found that a post-weld heat treatment at 573 K for 1 h provided the best pitting corrosion resistance at the weld zone.
Fibre-Reinforced Plastics (FRPs) have been used in civil aerospace vehicles for decades. The current state-of-the-art in airframe design and manufacture results in approximately half the airframe mass attributable to FRP materials. The continual increase in the use of FRP materials over metallic alloys is attributable to the material's superior specific strength and stiffness, fatigue performance and corrosion resistance. However, the full potential of these materials has yet to be exploited as analysis methods to predict physical failure with equal accuracy and robustness are not yet available. The result is a conservative approach to design, but one that can bring benefit via increased inspection intervals and reduced cost over the vehicle life. The challenge is that the methods used in practice are based on empirical tests and real relationships and drivers are difficult to see in this complex process and so the trade-off decision is challenging and uncertain. The aim of this feasibility study was to scope a viable process which could help develop some rules and relationships based on the fundamental mechanics of composite material and the economics of production and operation, which would enhance understanding of the role and impact of design allowables across the life of a composite structure.
Titanium alloy exhibits an excellent combination of bio-compatibility, corrosion resistance, strength and toughness. The microstructure of an alloy influences the properties. The microstructures depend mainly on alloying elements, method of production, mechanical, and thermal treatments. The relationships between these variables and final properties of the alloy are complex, non-linear in nature, which is the biggest hurdle in developing proper correlations between them by conventional methods. So, we developed artificial neural networks (ANN) models for solving these complex phenomena in titanium alloys.
In the present work, ANN models were used for the analysis and prediction of the correlation between the process parameters, the alloying elements, microstructural features, beta transus temperature and mechanical properties in titanium alloys. Sensitivity analysis of trained neural network models were studied which resulted a better understanding of relationships between inputs and outputs. The model predictions and the analysis are well in agreement with the experimental results. The simulation results show that the average output-prediction error by models are less than 5% of the prediction range in more than 95% of the cases, which is quite acceptable for all metallurgical purposes.
Nas últimas décadas, os sensores de Bragg têm sido frequentemente utilizados em inúmeras aplicações, em resultado das características únicas desta tecnologia. Contudo, a comunidade científica tem feito um esforço contínuo em desenvolver sensores que respondam tanto quanto possível aos requisitos e interesses de cada aplicação em particular. As bioaplicações são um campo de crescente interesse pelos sensores de Bragg, atendendo à heterogeneidade e complexidade dos meios de análise em questão. No âmbito desta dissertação foi realizada uma análise teórica dos princípios de funcionamento das redes de Bragg, focada em redes uniformes e inclinadas. Foi também descrito o processo de produção de redes de Bragg regeneradas. Redes de Bragg uniformes foram aplicadas na caracterização da reacção de polimerização e cura de materiais dentários, nomeadamente resina para base de dentadura, cimentos e gessos. Foi feita uma análise comparativa do desempenho de diferentes tipos de cimentos e gessos. Em relação ao gesso foi ainda avaliada a influência do rácio água/pó nas propriedades do material. Devido à importância que o índice de refracção tem na detecção de substâncias, doenças e controlo de qualidade de produtos, foi desenvolvido um sensor de índice de refracção baseado numa rede de Bragg inclinada. Implementaram-se também sensores para medição simultânea de índice de refracção e deformação, índice de refracção e temperatura e índice de refracção, deformação e temperatura, todos baseados numa única rede inclinada. O último dispositivo foi validado em ambiente laboratorial. Com o propósito de desenvolver um sensor baseado em redes de Bragg para monitorização da deformação óssea, foi avaliada a biocompatibilidade da fibra óptica em cultura de células osteoblásticas, e analisada a integridade física e funcionalidade da rede de Bragg nesse meio. O interesse em aumentar a sensibilidade e alargar a gama de trabalho dos sensores conduziu ao revestimento das fibras ópticas. Atendendo ao potencial índole biológica e biomédica do trabalho, usou-se como material de recobrimento o diamante, dada a excelente resposta em termos de biocompatibilidade, resistência à corrosão, não toxicidade e afinidade para espécies químicas e biológicas. Os filmes foram obtidos por deposição química a partir da fase vapor assistida por filamento quente. Para além de amostras de fibra óptica, foram revestidas redes de Bragg uniformes e regeneradas. Os sensores revestidos com diamante foram caracterizados à deformação e à temperatura.
This Ph.D. research focuses on asymmetric rolling (ASR), as an alternative method for improving mechanical responses of aluminium-magnesium alloy and interstitial free (IF) steel regarding industrial requirements. Aluminium alloys are attractive materials in various industries due to their appropriate properties such as low density and corrosion resistance; however, their low formability has limited their applications. As formability of aluminium alloys can be improved through texture development, part of this dissertation is dedicated to producing the desired crystallographic texture with the ASR process. Two types of ASR (i.e. reverse and continuous asymmetric rolling) were investigated. The impact of shear deformation imposed by ASR processes on developing the desirable texture and consequently on mechanical behaviours was observed. The developed shear texture increased the normal and also planar anisotropy. Texture evolution during plastic deformation as well as induced mechanical behaviour were simulated using the “self-consistent” and Taylor models. Interstitial free (IF) steel was the second material selected in this dissertation. Since IF steel is one of the most often used materials in automotive industries it was chosen to investigate the effect of shear deformation through ASR on its properties. Two types of reverse and continuous asymmetric rolling were carried out to deform IF steel sheets. The results of optical microscopy and atomic force microscopy observations showed no significant difference between the grains’ morphology of asymmetric and conventionally rolled samples, whereas the obtained results of transmission electron microscopy indicated that fine and equiaxed dislocation cells were formed through the asymmetric rolling process. This structure is due to imposed shear deformation during the ASR process. Furthermore, the mechanical behaviour of deformed and annealed sheets was evaluated through uniaxial tensile tests. Results showed that at low thickness reductions (18%) the asymmetric rolled sample presented higher stress than that of the conventionally rolled sheet; while for higher thickness reductions (60%) the trend was reversed. The texture analyses indicated that intense rolling texture components which developed through 60% thickness reduction of conventional rolling cause a relatively higher stress; on the contrary the fine structure resulting from ASR appears to be the source of higher stress observed after pre-deformation of 18%.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica
O aço inoxidável é um material de alta durabilidade e resistência, utilizado nos mais diversos setores comerciais. O conhecimento das suas características e propriedades é essencial para uma escolha mais seletiva e vantajosa. Pretende‐se com este trabalho, estudar as propriedades mecânicas, a resistência ao desgaste e o comportamento, em ambientes mais agressivos de três tipos de aços inoxidáveis duplex, produzidos pela OUTOKUMPU e comercialmente conhecidos pelas designações LDX 2101, SAF 2507 e o SAF 2205. Para tal efeito foram realizados ensaios de Dureza Vickers, antes e após dobragem; ensaios de tracção em duas diferentes situações: seguindo a norma NP EN 10002‐ 1:2006 e após a realização de alguns ciclos de carga e descarga; ensaio de Impacto à temperatura ambiente e após arrefecimento criogénico; ensaio de resistência à corrosão. Também foi feito o estudo de resistência ao desgaste com base na técnica de micro‐abrasão por esfera rotativa e o estudo metalográfico. Foi também objetivo deste trabalho, relacionar o uso dos referidos aços duplex e as consequências que esse uso tem para o meio ambiente, bem como o seu comportamento quando exposto a condições extremas. Para tal, foram colocadas amostras dos referidos aços, em dois tipos de solos com condições de humidade e acidez diferentes analisando o seu estado após imersão em solo com condições controladas durante 272 dias.
A necessidade de utilizar métodos de ligação que melhor satisfaçam as necessidades de projeto tem causado a crescente utilização das juntas adesivas, em detrimento dos métodos tradicionais tais como a soldadura, ligações aparafusadas e rebitadas. A sua utilização em diversas aplicações industriais justifica-se pela redução de peso, redução de concentrações de tensões, isolamento acústico e melhor resistência à corrosão. Contudo, também apresentam desvantagens, como a necessidade de preparação das juntas, a fraca resistência a esforços de arrancamento e a complexidade da previsão da sua resistência. As juntas híbridas são obtidas por combinação de uma técnica tradicional com uma ligação adesiva. As juntas híbridas adesivas-soldadas obtêm-se através da combinação da ligação adesiva com a ligação soldada, sendo a soldadura de resistência por pontos a técnica de soldadura mais usada no fabrico deste tipo de juntas. A sinergia entre ligação adesiva e soldadura por pontos oferece vantagens competitivas em relação às ligações adesivas, tais como superior resistência e rigidez, e maior resistência ao arrancamento e à fadiga. No presente trabalho é apresentado um estudo experimental e numérico de juntas T-peel soldadas, adesivas e híbridas (adesivas-soldadas) solicitadas ao arrancamento. Considerouse o adesivo frágil Araldite® AV138 e os adesivos dúcteis Araldite® 2015 e Sikaforce® 7752 e aderentes de aço (C45E). Foi realizada uma análise dos valores experimentais e efetuada uma comparação destes valores com os resultados obtidos pelo Método de Elementos Finitos (MEF) no software ABAQUS®, que incluiu uma análise de tensões na camada de adesivo e previsão do comportamento das juntas por MDC. Observou-se que, dos três adesivos em estudo, o adesivo Sikaforce® 7752 é o que apresenta o melhor desempenho na ligação de juntas T-peel. A boa concordância entre os resultados experimentais e numéricos permitiu validar a utilização de MDC para previsão da resistência de juntas T-peel adesivas e híbridas. Assim, o presente trabalho representa uma base para posterior aplicação no projeto deste tipo de ligação, com as vantagens decorrentes na redução do tempo de projeto e maior facilidade de otimização.
Tailored ion imprinted polymer materials for the preconcentrative separation of noble metals. This study deals with the synthesis, separation,characterization and analytical application of the noble metals especially palladium and platinum. Platinum group metals(PGM) are currently receiving world wide attention. This group include Palladium(Pt),rhodium(Rh), ruthenium(Ru), iridium(Ir) and osmium(Os).PGM are used as catalysts for a wide variety of hydrogenation, oxidation, isomerization,cyclization,dehydrogenation and dehalogenation reactions.The corrosion resistance of PGM enables them to use in jewellery,electrical and glass industries,extrusion of synthetic fibres,manufacture of laboratory utensils,dental and medical devices. This study clearly establishes selective recovery of platinum from other noble and transition elements.
Cast Ai-Si alloys are widely used in the automotive, aerospace and general engineering industries due to their excellent combination of properties such as good castability, low coefficient of thermal expansion, high strength-to-weight ratio and good corrosion resistance. The present investigation is on the influence of alloying additions on the structure and properties of Ai-7Si-0.3Mg alloy. The primary objective of this present investigation is to study these beneficial effects of calcium on the structure and properties of Ai-7Si-0.3Mg-xFe alloys. The second objective of this work is to study the effects of Mn,Be and Sr addition as Fe neutralizers and also to study the interaction of Mn,Be,Sr and Ca in Ai-7Si-0.3Mg-xFe alloys. In this study the duel beneficial effects of Ca viz;modification and Fe-neutralization, comparison of the effects of Ca and Sr with common Fe neutralizers. The casting have been characterized with respect to their microstructure, %porosity and electrical conductivity, solidification behaviour and mechanical properties. One of the interesting observations in the present work is that a low level of calcium reduces the porosity compared to the untreated alloy. However higher level of calcium addition lead to higher porosity in the casting. An empirical analysis carried out for comparing the results of the present work with those of the other researchers on the effect of increasing iron content on UTS and % elongation of Ai-Si-Mg and Ai-Si-Cu alloys has shown a linear and an inverse first order polynomial relationships respectively.
Fishing Technology Division, Central Institute of Fisheries Technology