1000 resultados para PFU, erba sintetica
Piston core M77/2-024-5 was retrieved during the M77/2 cruise of Research Vessel Meteor in December 2008. Total organic carbon concentrations were determined using a Carlo Erba Element Analyzer (NA1500). Prior to analysis carbon bound to carbonate minerals was removed by leaching the sediment with 1 M HCl. Bulk nitrogen isotope ratios were determined using a Carlo Erba Element Analyzer (NA1500) coupled to a DeltaPlusXL isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Major and trace metals were analyzed after microwave-assisted (CEM MARS-5) acid digestion (HCl, HNO3 and HF) by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (aluminum, titanium and iron) (Teledyne Leeman Prodigy) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (molybdenum and uranium) (THERMO X-Series 2).
Total organic carbon, amino compounds, and carbohydrates were measured in pore waters and sediments of Pliocene to Pleistocene age from Sites 723 and 724 (ODP Leg 117) to evaluate (1) relationships between organic matter in the sediment and in the pore water, (2) the imprint of lithological variations on the abundance and contribution of organic substances, (3) degradation of amino compounds and carbohydrates with time and/or depth, and (4) the dependence of the ammonia concentration in the pore water on the degradation of amino compounds in the sediment. Total organic carbon concentrations (TOC) of the investigated sediment samples range from 0.9% to 8.7%, and total nitrogen concentrations (TN) from 0.1% to 0.5%. Up to 4.9% of the TOC is contributed by hydrolyzable amino acids (THAA) which are present in amounts between 1.1 and 21.3 µmol/g dry sediment and decrease strongly downhole. Hydrolyzable carbohydrates (THCHO) were found in concentrations from 1.3 to 6.6 ?mol/g sediment constituting between 0.1% and 2.0% of the TOC. Differences between the distribution patterns of monomers in Sites 723 and 724 indicate higher terrigenous influence for Site 724 and, furthermore, enhanced input of organic matter that is relatively resistant to microbial degradation. Lithologically distinct facies close to the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary yield different organic matter compositions. Laminated horizons seem to correspond with enhanced amounts of biogenic siliceous material and minor microbiological degradation. Total amounts of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in pore waters vary between 11 and 131 mg/L. Concentrations of DOC as well as of dissolved amino compounds and carbohydrates appear to be related to microbial activity and/or associated redox zones and not so much to the abundance of organic matter in the sediments. Distributions of amino acids and monosaccharides in pore waters show a general enrichment in relatively stable components in comparison to those of the sediments. Nevertheless, the same trend appears between amino acids present in the sediments from Sites 723 and 724 as well as between amino acids in pore waters from these two sites, indicating a direct relation between the dissolved and the sedimentary organic fractions. Different ammonia concentrations in the pore waters of Sites 723 and 724 seem to be related to enhanced release of ammonia from degradation of amino compounds in Site 723.
On- and off-mound sediment cores from Propeller Mound (Hovland Mound province, Porcupine Seabight) were analysed to understand better the evolution of a carbonate mound. The evaluation of benthic foraminiferal assemblages from the off-mound position helps to determine the changes of the environmental controls on Propeller Mound in glacial and interglacial times. Two different assemblages describe the Holocene and Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 2 and late MIS 3 (~31 kyr BP). The different assemblages are related to changes in oceanographic conditions, surface productivity and the waxing and waning of the British Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) during the last glacial stages. The interglacial assemblage is related to a higher supply of organic material and stronger current intensities in water depth of recent coral growth. During the last glaciation the benthic faunas showed high abundances of cassidulinid species, implying cold bottom waters and a reduced availability of organic matter. High sedimentation rates and the domination of Elphidium excavatum point to shelf erosion related to sea-level lowering (~50 m) and the progradation of the BIIS onto the shelf. A different assemblage described for the on-mound core is dominated by Discanomalina coronata, Gavelinopsis translucens, Planulina ariminensis, Cibicides lobatulus and to a lower degree by Hyrrokkin sarcophaga. These species are only found or show significantly higher relative abundances in on-mound samples and their maximum contribution in the lower part of the record indicates a higher coral growth density on Propeller Mound in an earlier period. They are less abundant during the Holocene, however. This dataset portrays the boundary conditions of the habitable range for the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa, which dominates the deep-water reefal ecosystem on the upper flanks of Propeller Mound. The growth of this ecosystem occurs during interglacial and interstadial periods, whereas a retreat of corals is documented in the absence of glacial sediments on-mound. Glacial conditions with cold intermediate waters, a weak current regime and high sedimentation rates provide an unfavourable environmental setting for Lophelia corals to grow. A Late Pleistocene decrease is observed in the mound growth for Propeller Mound, which might face its complete burial in the future, as it already happened to the buried mounds of the Magellan Mound province further north.
We report the results of downhole stable isotopic (d13Corg [organic carbon] and d15N) and elemental measurements (total organic carbon [TOC], total nitrogen [TN], and carbon/nitrogen [C/N]) of sedimentary organic matter (SOM) along with stable isotopic measurements (d18O and d13C) of left-coiling Neogloboquadrina pachyderma planktonic foraminifers from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1166. TOC and TN measurements indicate a large change from organic-rich preglacial sediments with primary organic matter to organic-poor early glacial and glacial sediments, with mainly recycled organic matter. Results of the stable isotopic measurements of SOM show a range of values that are typical of both marine and terrestrial organic matter, probably reflecting a mixture of the two. However, C/N values are mostly high (>15), suggesting greater input and/or preservation of terrestrial organic matter. Foraminifers are only present in glacial/glaciomarine sediments of latest Pliocene to Pleistocene age at Site 1166 (lithostratigraphic Unit I). The majority of this unit has d13Corg and TOC values that are similar to those of glacial sediments recovered at Site 1167 (lithostratigraphic Unit II) on the slope and may have the same source(s). Although the low resolution of the N. pachyderma (s.) d18O and d13C data set precludes any specific paleoclimatic interpretation, downcore variations in foraminifer d18O and d13C values of 0.5 per mil to 1 per mil amplitude may indicate glacial-interglacial changes in ice volume/temperature in the Prydz Bay region.
Sediments were sampled and oxygen profiles of the water column were determined in the Indian Ocean off west and south Indonesia in order to obtain information on the production, transformation, and accumulation of organic matter (OM). The stable carbon isotope composition (d13Corg) in combination with C/N ratios depicts the almost exclusively marine origin of sedimentary organic matter in the entire study area. Maximum concentrations of organic carbon (Corg) and nitrogen (N) of 3.0% and 0.31%, respectively, were observed in the northern Mentawai Basin and in the Savu and Lombok basins. Minimum d15N values of 3.7 per mil were measured in the northern Mentawai Basin, whereas they varied around 5.4 per mil at stations outside this region. Minimum bottom water oxygen concentrations of 1.1 mL L**1, corresponding to an oxygen saturation of 16.1%, indicate reduced ventilation of bottom water in the northern Mentawai Basin. This low bottom water oxygen reduces organic matter decomposition, which is demonstrated by the almost unaltered isotopic composition of nitrogen during early diagenesis. Maximum Corg accumulation rates (CARs) were measured in the Lombok (10.4 g C m**-2 yr**-1) and northern Mentawai basins (5.2 g C m**-2 yr**-1). Upwelling-induced high productivity is responsible for the high CAR off East Java, Lombok, and Savu Basins, while a better OM preservation caused by reduced ventilation contributes to the high CAR observed in the northern Mentawai Basin. The interplay between primary production, remineralisation, and organic carbon burial determines the regional heterogeneity. CAR in the Indian Ocean upwelling region off Indonesia is lower than in the Peru and Chile upwellings, but in the same order of magnitude as in the Arabian Sea, the Benguela, and Gulf of California upwellings, and corresponds to 0.1-7.1% of the global ocean carbon burial. This demonstrates the relevance of the Indian Ocean margin off Indonesia for the global OM burial.