1000 resultados para PESCA MARITIMA


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Se presenta la primera de tres partes que forman la monografía: Carpintería de Ribera. Esta primera parte es un relato básicamente gráfico, compuesto de dibujos grabados y láminas de acuarela, en el que se describen las distintas secuencias de la construcción de la embarcación de 5,50 metros de eslora construida de madera, en el astillero de los hermanos Iridoy de Hondarribia.


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Bibliografia al final del art??culo


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A partir del buidatge exhaustiu dels fulls de subhasta del peix i de les fitxes tècniques de les embarcacions de la Confraria del Port de Llançà, es fa una anàlisi cronològica qualitativa i quantitativa dels darrers vint anys de pesca. La flota, inicialment constituïda per barques d'arrossegament i de pesca artesanal (palangre petit i tresmail), ha anat evolucionant, i ha quedat bàsicament constituïda actualment pel ròssec i el palangre de fons, que ha substituit progressivament la pesca artesanal. Les pesqueries, notablement multiespecífiques els primers anys, van donar pas, bàsicament amb la incorporació del radar, a una pesca molt més selectiva, dominada essencialment per la captura de lluç entre els anys 1980 i 1985. La progressiva incorporació del palangre de fons fa que a partir del 1986 es tendeixi novament cap a una captura més multiespecífica, perd amb canvis qualitatius importants en la composició d'espècies capturades en relació amb els primers anys


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En aquest article s'analitza l'impacte biològic de cadascuna de les modalitats de pesca recreativa (pesca des d'una embarcació, pesca des de les roques, marisqueig i pesca submarina) sobre les espècies costaneres del cap de Creus i es determina les característiques socioeconòmiques d'aquesta activitat d'esbarjo


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Comentari del llibre de Fernando Collantes Gutiérrez, 'El declive demográfico de la montaña española (1850-2000) : ¿Un drama rural?', publicat l'any 2004 pel Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación


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Després de les dues crisis de la fi de segle passat -la fil·loxera i la competencia dels cereals ultramarins-, el procés de canvi de l' agricultura gironina es va accelerar, però el seu procés real de modernització no es va produir fins als anys seixanta, amb el final del model agrari lligat a l'autoconsum. A la mecanització del camp va seguir la del món de la pesca, especialitzada i concentrada en uns quants ports -els millor dotats i els mes ben comunicats- i convertida en una dedicació menys arriscada i mes regular, pero també menys sàvia


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This first record of vivipary in the Amaranthaceae is reported for the foredune plant Alternanthera littoralis var. maritima (July 2008, northern coast of Brazil). Vivipary is the precocious and uninterrupted growth of the seedlings while still attached to the maternal body. We propose a hypothesis for the viviparous germination of this species based on field observations. Our record adds new perspectives to the reproductive biology of the Amaranthaceae.


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O mar foi o primeiro meio de comunicação usado entre pessoas muito distantes. Através dele os povos se visitaram mutuamente, possibilitando a troca de experiências, com o consequente progresso da humanidade. Ele sempre atraiu o homem, ávido na busca de conhecimentos, conquistas, aventuras, comércio, enfim , uma gama de propósitos quase tão extensos como sua própria imensidão. A necessidade de conseguir seu domínio absoluto se faz sentir desde as épocas mais remotas, pois seus 35 milhões de quilômetros quadrados representam 71% de nosso planeta.


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A pesca artesanal, assim como a agricultura, constitui um objeto de estudo complexo, sendo influenciada por determinantes ambientais, culturais, sócio-econômicas e técnico-produtivas. A combinação destes determinantes com as variáveis tempo e espaço, produz, para cada localidade, uma diversidade de formas através das quais os pescadores artesanais buscam interagir com a natureza e extrair dela seu sustento. Estas constatações motivaram uma dissertação de mestrado, realizada em uma tradicional comunidade pesqueira do estuário da Lagoa dos Patos, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, e cujos principais resultados buscaremos apresentar neste artigo. A utilização de uma abordagem sistêmica, através de uma adaptação conceitual e metodológica das teorias de evolução e diferenciação dos sistemas agrários, permitiu identificar a variabilidade existente nesta comunidade, em termos de tipos de pescadores e sistemas de produção na pesca, por eles praticados. Foi possível, partindo de categorias utilizadas pelos próprios pescadores, identificar cinco diferentes tipos, que interagem, através de relações de trabalho ou em função da estrutura de capital da qual dispõe, na implementação de três sistemas de produção na pesca distintos. Ao assumir esta variabilidade interna ao grupo social, a pesquisa pode revelar a dinâmica de diferenciação social proporcionada pelo impacto desigual de fatores como as políticas sociais e as políticas públicas voltadas ao fomento da produção, em inter-relação com a eficiência técnica e econômica dos diferentes sistemas de produção na pesca.


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Knowledge of the environmental factors influence on the spatial-temporal variation of fishes is important to fisheries management and conservation. Thus, the aim of this work was to analyze the influence of the abiotical factors on the spatial-temporal distribution of Paralonchurus brasiliensis (Pisces, Sciaenidae) caught by-catch with the shrimp fishing of Ubatuba and Caraguatatuba regions, north coast of São Paulo State. The fishes were captured every month from January to December 2002. Samples were collected by otter trawl at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35m depths. The temperatures (surface and bottom), salinities (surface and bottom), sediment features and organic matters were verified for each depth. During all period of the study 12.642 specimens of P. brasiliensis were captured at Ubatuba and 17.166 at Caraguatatuba, which totalized the biomass of 267 for the first and 339kg for the other region. The females outnumbered males in fish population. The greatest values of biomass and number of individuals were registered at the summer and autumn seasons, while the lowest values were observed at the winter and spring seasons. The greatest abundances were found from 15 to 25m depth. In this study, it was verified that P. brasiliensis is a coastal waters associate species. The spatialtemporal distribution of P. brasiliensis is affected by intrusion of SACW and depth for the coastal region and by depth and sediment in sheltered areas such as Caraguatatuba


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The species Dasyatis marianae inhabits coastal areas associated with coral reefs, considered endemic to the northeast of Brazil, occurring from the State of Maranhão to the south of Bahia. Specimens of this species are commonly sighted by divers and fishermen in the area of Maracajaú reefs, a complex reef that is part of the Environmental Protection Area of Coral Reefs (EPACR), which was developed in this study about the ecology and biology of the D. marianae, in order to characterize aspects of population structure in the area of the reef complex of Parracho de Maracajaú. We analyzed 120 specimens caught by artisanal fishing site of the size, weight, sex, stage of maturity and stomach contents. Most subjects were adult males (1.7:1) and was more abundant for rays with lengths between 25 and 29cm of LD, where females reach larger sizes, a feature common to other rays. The largest specimens were captured in the area of seagrass, which is preferred for the species. The distribution of species in the area showed an ontogenetic and sexual segregation, where the youthful occur near the beach, which is a likely area for nursery and growth of the adult females prevail in the seagrass, which apparently has a high prey availability, and Adult males are more distant, a higher proportion occurring in outlying areas, suggesting a habit more exploratory than the females. The evaluation of the reproductive system indicated 3 reproductive cycles per year, one young per pregnancy, and showed that the mature males were smaller than females. The cubs of D. marianae size at birth 12 to 15cm LD. As for diet, the species was characterized as carnivorous crustacean specialist. The performance of visual censuses in different localities allowed to evaluate the density of D. marianae in different environments of the complex. The species occurs in greater numbers in seagrass, environment very important for the conservation of the species. 100 individuals of D. marianae marked in reef complex area enrolled in a recapture rate of 3%. Some behavioral aspects were evaluated, as diurnal pattern of activity, interaction with cleaning and fish Pomacanthus paru followers as Lutjanus analis and Carangoides bartholomaei. Overall, much of the information obtained should be used for management of the species


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The marine turtles biological characteristics and the impact they have been suffering in consequence of human activities have caused in the last decades the decrease of populations to unsustainable levels. All four of the species described in this paper are registered as endangered in a list by IUCN: Caretta caretta, Lepidochelys olivacea, Chelonia mydas, Dermochelys coriacea. The main causes of such impact include several fishing activities, mostly the surface longline. This paper discusses the monitoring of two foreigner longline fleet along the North East Brazilian coast between October of 2004 and September of 2005. Both operated in the West South Atlantic, one using the Chinese technique and the other the American. The American method s target species is the swordfish (Xiphias gladius), and it is characterized by using squid as bait, J 9/0 offset 5º hook, light sticks and night soaking. It also operates in shallower waters than the Chinese method. The source of information about the efforts and the catches came from onboard observers and were used to calculate the catching rate of turtles over 1000 hooks (CPUE). The American equipment caught more turtles (CPUE = 0,059; N= 103), mainly D. coriacea, while the Chinese longline caught mainly the L. olivacea and presented a CPUE= 0,018 (N= 89). The hooks were most frequently found attached to the mouth of C. caretta, C. mydas, and L. olivacea. The D. coriacea were most frequently caught by hooks externally attached to different parts of their body. There was no significant difference between the hook type catching and most turtles were still alive when released. The results suggest a greater potential of turtle catching by the American method. Besides the statistic tests have showed less interaction between the Chinese equipment and marine turtles, the catches of this fishing technique could have been underestimated due to miscommunication between the onboard observer and the vessel s crew plus the retrieve of the longline during night time