932 resultados para P19 embryonal carcinoma cells


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采用细胞同步技术和微管吸吮技术,从细胞周期的角度研究不同细胞周期肝癌细胞(hepatocellular carcinoma cells,HCC)与脐静脉内皮细胞(HUVEC)的粘附力学特性。结果表明,未同步化肝癌细胞各周期时相的细胞百分比为:G0/G1期,53.51;G2/M期,11.01;S期,35.48。采用胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷、秋水仙碱顺序阻断和胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷双阻断后释放培养的方法可分别获得G1期和S期的肝癌细胞,其平均同步率分别为69.02和96.50。G1期肝癌细胞与人脐静脉内皮细胞的粘附力比S期相应值明显降低(P<0.01),与未同步化肝癌细胞组比较也得到同样结果,而S期与未同步化肝癌细胞组的粘附力值无明显差别。肝癌细胞与脐静脉内皮细胞的粘附力随着附时间的变化而变化,在30-60min内迅速增长,60min之后维持在较稳定的水平,即300×10~-10N左右。提示:在肝癌细胞与内皮细胞的粘附过程中,S期细胞可能起的作用更大;肝癌细胞和内皮细胞上粘附分子表达呈现时间效应,从而体现出粘附和去粘附的行为特征。


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Jerdonitin is a P-II class snake venom metalloproteinase comprising metalloproteinase and disintegrin domains. In this study, we established a high-level expression system in Pichia pastoris and developed a purification strategy for the recombinant Jerdonitin. This recombinant Jerdonitin degraded fibrinogen at a level of activity comparable with its wild type. The effects of recombinant Jerdonitin on inhibiting ADP-induced human platelet aggregation were in a dose-dependent manner with an IC50 of 248 nM. In addition, we reported here that Jerdonitin can significantly inhibit the growth of several cell lines, including human liver cancer cells (Bel7402), human leukemia cells (K562) and human gastric carcinoma cells (BGC823). This study offers recombinant Jerdonitin that will be valuable for further functional and structural studies of Jerdonitin. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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齐墩果酸(OA)是一个分布广泛、含量丰富的天然三萜化合物,常以皂苷元的形式广泛存在于植物中,具有多种重要生物活性。但是OA许多活性较弱,且生物利用度低,限制了其在临床上的应用。一是OA水溶性差;二是抗癌活性仍与临床应用的抗癌药物相差比较大。 真菌在微生物转化中具有种类多、培养条件比较简单等特点,为了寻找到具有转化OA能力的菌株,采取一步发酵的方法,在18株实验室保藏真菌菌株中筛选到5株目的菌株,TLC分析显示有转化效果。 随后采用二步发酵的方法作为复筛,验证5株菌株转化能力,波谱分析结果表明5株菌株对OA确实有转化作用。 选择5株菌种中代号1F-2 2菌株作为放大实验菌株,分离转化产物,得到OA衍生物108(相对分子量414m/z)和1010(相对分子量340 m/z),分离出的产物用于活性检测。寻找到产物108的RP-HPLC分离条件,质谱得出二者相对分子质量。 为验证OA转化产物抗肿瘤活性,首次研究了OA对卵巢癌细胞株IGROV1和人乳腺癌细胞株MDA-MB-231作用,通过细胞增殖抑制实验、用MTT法检测细胞活性,结果表明齐墩果酸可降低卵巢癌细胞株IGROV1和乳腺癌细胞MDA-MB-231细胞增殖能力并呈剂量依赖性,对肿瘤细胞株的半数有效抑制浓度化IC50 分别为36.58μg/mL和38.8μg/mL (P<0.01)。OA能抑制肿瘤细胞活性,并且OA对卵巢癌细胞株IGROV1抑制活性高于乳腺癌细胞MDA-MB-231。 在此基础上,转化产物108和1010对卵巢癌细胞株IGROV1和人乳腺癌细胞株MDA-MB-231的抑制作用也进行研究,MTT实验结果表明,转化产物对两株癌细胞也有抑制活性(P<0.01)。 总之,本文工作为进一步开展齐墩果酸类化合物结构改造和抗肿瘤活性的研究奠定了基础。 Oleanolic acid (OA) is a triterpenoid widely distributed in the nature which possesses various important bioactivities. OA also serves as aglycon of many natural saponins. However, the relatively weak activities and poor bioavailability hinder its clinical use. Firstly, poor water-solubility results in worse bioavailability. Secondly, compared with clinical antitumor drug, the antitumor effect of OA has a great difference, it is worse. Many fungi have ability to transform nature products into a variety of derivatives, and transformation conditions of fungi are simple. Attempt to obtain fungi strains able to biotransform OA, we carried out the following experiments: To investigate the biotransformation 0f OA by strains supplied firstly, we used one-step fermentation method to screen the aimed strains from 18 fungus strains stored in our laboratory. On the basis of the initial screening experiments, we found 5 aimed strains. The TLC results showed that the 5 fungi strains could transform OA into other components derivatives. Then we used two-step fermentation method as secondly screening. We repeated the five strains to do the experiments, analytical data of the results proved the transformation indeed. In the followed experiments work, we chose 1F-2 2 strain as large-scale transformation fungus from the aimed fungi. We got two biotransformation products of OA by 1F-2 2, and named those derivatives 108 and 1010. We found RP-HPLC separation conditions of product 108. The two products were characterized by ESI-MS. To verify the anti-tumor activity of biotransformation products of OA, we studied the inhibition effect of oleanolic acid on the ovarian carcinomas IGROV1 and breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 firstly. With an assay based on a tetrazolium dye (MTT), the effects of various concentrations of oleanolic acid on ovarian carcinomas IGROV1 and breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 were studied. MTT method was used to measure the tumor cells viability. Compared with the control group, oleanolic acid can significantly inhibit the viability of the ovarian carcinoma cells IGROV1 and MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cell line (P<0.01), IC50 values were 36.58μg/mL or 38.8μg/mL. Oleanolic acid can inhibit the malignant tumor cells viability, and inhibitory activity of OA to ovarian carcinomas IGROV1 was higher than to breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231. On this basis, we studied the anti-tumor activity of the two derivatives of OA [called 108 (414 m/z) and 1010(340 m/z)]. It came to the conclusion that the two derivatives also showed potent inhibitory effect on the growth of these tumor cells(P<0.01). Therefore, the results of studies will benefit the further investigating on the relationships of structures and antitumor activities of OA.


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In order to investigate the effect of carbon ion irradiation on apoptosis and Bax/Bcl-2 expression inhuman tongue carcinoma cells, exponentially growing human tongue carcinoma cells (Tb) cultured in vitro were irradiated with 0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 or 4.0 Gy of 12C6+ ions respectively. Survival rate of irradiated cells at various doses were measured by MTT assay. The nucleus changes of apoptosis and necrosis of cells stained by Hochest/PI were observed through fluorescence microscope. The cell cycle changes were detected by flow cytometry (FCM). The expressions of Bax and Bcl-2 were detected by Western blot analysis. The results show that the viability of Tb cells decreases gradually with increment of irradiation doses of carbon ions. The proportions of apoptosis cells in the irradiated groups are significantly higher than those in the control group. There is a positive correlation between irradiation doses and retardation strength in G2 /M phase at 24 h after irradiation (P<0.05). And the expressions of Bax and bcl-2 are significantly up-regulated and down-regulated respectively by 12C6+ ion irradiation. It can be concluded from above that cell apoptosis induced by heavy ion with high-LET may be mediated through the Bax/Bcl-2 expression pathway. 探讨重离子辐照对人舌鳞癌Tb细胞的凋亡及Bax/Bcl-2蛋白表达的影响。采用0、0.5、1.0、2.0、4.0 Gy重离子束辐照人舌鳞癌 Tb 细胞,应用 MTT 法检测细胞存活,流式细胞技术检测细胞周期变化,Hoechst33258/PI 复染法观察 Tb 细胞凋亡形态,并采用 Western-blot 法检测 Bax/Bcl-2 蛋白表达情况。结果发现,Tb细胞经12C6+离子束辐照后存活率显著下降,呈剂量依赖性的生长抑制;Tb细胞呈现蓝色荧光浓集成团的凋亡形态,且凋亡比例随辐照剂量增加;G2/M 期细胞百分数随照射剂量增加而增加(P<0.05) 。Western-blot结果显示 Bax 蛋白表达水平随辐照剂量逐渐上升,但在 4 Gy 组其表达不再增高,Bcl-2 蛋白在 1.0、2.0、4.0 Gy组随剂量增大呈下降趋势。以上结果提示重离子束辐照对 Tb 细胞有抑制作用,Bax/Bcl-2 蛋白表达是重离子治癌的机制之一。


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Aim: To determine whether the number of non-rejoining G2-chromatid breaks can predict the radiosensitivity of human cell lines. Methods: Cell lines of human ovary carcinoma cells (HO8910), human hepatoma cells (HepG2) and liver cells (L02) were irradiated with a range of doses and assessed both of cell survival and non-rejoining G2-chromatid breaks at 24 h after irradiation. Cell survival was documented by a colony assay. Non-rejoining G2-chromatid breaks were measured by counting the number of non-rejoining G2 chromatid breaks at 24 h after irradiation, detected by the prematurely chromosome condensed (PCC) technique. Results: A linear-quadratic survival curve was observed in three cell lines, and HepG2 was the most sensitive to gamma-radiation. A dose-dependent linear increase was observed in radiation-induced non-rejoining G2-PCC breaks measured at 24 h after irradiation in all cell lines, and HepG2 was the most susceptible to induction of non-rejoining G2-PCC breaks. A close correlation was found between the clonogenic radiosensitivity and the radiation-induced non-rejoining G2-PCC breaks (r=0.923). Furthermore, survival-aberration correlations for two or more than two doses lever were also significant. Conclusion: The number of non-rejoining G2 PCC breaks holds considerable promise for predicting the radiosensitivity of normal and tumor cells when two or more than two doses lever is tested.


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为了探索一氧化氮(nitric oxide,NO)作为重离子治癌的辐射增敏剂的相关机理和应用前景,本课题采用NO与12C6+离子束(或X射线)辐照协同作用人肝癌细胞(SMMC-7721细胞和HepG2细胞),研究了NO与辐照相结合对两种细胞的生物学效应影响,为重离子治癌中放射增敏剂的临床应用提供一定的理论基础和实验依据。现得出结论如下: 1. 重离子辐射与X射线辐射相比,能够更有效地杀死肿瘤细胞。 2. NO能够增加肿瘤细胞的辐射敏感性。 3 NO的放射增敏效果在一定浓度范围内存在浓度效应关系。 4 NO对不同细胞系的辐射增敏作用效果并不完全相同


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目的:研究肿瘤抑制子BRCA1在人乳腺癌细胞辐射抗性中的作用,并探讨其作用机制。材料和方法:利用实时细胞分析系统检测辐射对细胞存活的影响;流式细胞术检测辐射对细胞周期分布的影响;RT-PCR检测辐射导致的BRCA1、Bax和Bcl-2在 mRNA水平变化;Western blot方法检测辐射诱导的蛋白表达水平的变化; In-cell western定量检测辐射引起的蛋白表达水平的变化; AO/EB染色法检测辐射导致的细胞死亡情况。结果:第一,分别用1Gy和4Gy x射线和碳离子束辐照人乳腺癌细胞MCF-7,研究MCF-7对不同LET射线的辐射敏感性差异。结果显示,x射线组1Gy辐射导致细胞存活显著下降,4Gy辐射对细胞存活影响不明显;而碳离子束辐射对细胞生长无抑制作用。与x射线组比较,碳离子辐射诱导了更低的亚“G1”期细胞百分数和更显著的G2期阻滞现象。同时碳离子束辐射诱导BRCA1磷酸化水平和p21表达上调,Bax表达下调。以上结果表明MCF-7对辐射的耐受性与凋亡功能相关,而BRCA1 Ser-1524磷酸化作用可能参与细胞周期和凋亡的信号调控。第二,研究BRCA1在咖啡因诱导的辐射增敏效应中作用。当2mM咖啡因联合4Gy的x射线或碳离子束辐射处理MCF-7细胞后,观察到细胞存活显著下降,辐射诱导的G2期阻滞被废除,BRCA1和p21蛋白表达被抑制,而p53表达水平无明显变化。结果表明咖啡因诱导的MCF-7细胞的辐射增敏作用可能与G2期阻滞被废除相关,BRCA1可能参与该过程的信号调节。第三, 利用BRCA1功能正常的MCF-7细胞和BRCA1功能缺失的HCC1937细胞进一步研究BRCA1对细胞辐射敏感性的影响。辐射显著抑制了HCC1937细胞存活,但对MCF-7细胞存活无明显影响。与HCC1937细胞相比,辐射诱导MCF-7细胞发生显著的G2期阻滞。辐射诱导HCC1937细胞发生晚期凋亡,而MCF-7细胞则多发生早期凋亡,且MCF-7细胞凋亡数明显少于HCC1937细胞。RT-PCR检测结果显示,辐射增强了MCF-7细胞中BRCA1的mRNA 水平,抑制了Bax的mRNA 水平,对Bcl-2的影响不明显;而HCC1937细胞中Bax的mRNA表达水平则被增强。同时辐射诱导MCF-7细胞中BRCA1和p21蛋白表达增强,Bax表达下降,Bcl-2水平略有增高。而HCC1937细胞Bax表达水平增强,但p21和Bcl-2的表达水平则检测不到。这些结果表明,正常的BRCA1功能对Bcl-2的转录表达是必须的,BRCA1通过上调p21水平,下调Bax/Bcl-2影响细胞的辐射敏感性。结论: BRCA1在人乳腺癌细胞的辐射抗性发生中发挥重要作用,BRCA1通过上调p21水平诱导G2期阻滞,下调Bax/Bcl-2抑制凋亡信号,使得细胞对辐射诱导的凋亡产生抗性,最终导致细胞对辐射产生耐受性


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A polymeric gene carrier was developed to deliver vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) small interfering RNA (siRNA) for prostate cancer cells in a target-specific manner. Prostate cancer-binding peptide (PCP) was conjugated with polyethylenimine (PEI) via a poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) linker (PEI-PEG-PCP). The PEI-PEG-PCP conjugate could effectively condense siRNA to form stable polyelectrolyte complexes (polyplexes) with an average diameter of approximately 150 nm in an aqueous solution. VEGF siRNA/PEI-PEG-PCP polyplexes exhibited significantly higher VEGF inhibition efficiency than PCP-unmodified polycationic carriers (PEI-PEG or PEI) in human prostate carcinoma cells (PC-3 cells). The enhanced gene silencing activity of VEGF siRNA/PEI-PEG-PCP was maintained even under serum conditions, owing to the steric stabilization of the polyplexes with hydrophilic PEG grafts. Confocal microscopic studies revealed that the siRNA/PEI-PEG-PCP polyplexes were delivered into PC-3 cells in a PCP ligand-specific manner.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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The interaction of laser-generated tandem microbubble (maximum diameter of about 50  μm) with single (rat mammary carcinoma) cells is investigated in a 25-μm liquid layer. Antiphase and coupled oscillation of the tandem microbubble leads to the formation of alternating, directional microjets (with max microstreaming velocity of 10  m/s) and vortices (max vorticity of 350 000  s{-1}) in opposite directions. Localized and directional membrane poration (200 nm to 2  μm in pore size) can be produced by the tandem microbubble in an orientation and proximity-dependent manner, which is absent from a single oscillating microbubble of comparable size and at the same stand-off distance.


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INTRODUCTION: Proteins that undergo receptor-mediated endocytosis are subject to lysosomal degradation, requiring radioiodination methods that minimize loss of radioactivity from tumor cells after this process occurs. To accomplish this, we developed the residualizing radioiodination agent N(ϵ)-(3-[(*)I]iodobenzoyl)-Lys(5)-N(α)-maleimido-Gly(1)-D-GEEEK (Mal-D-GEEEK-[(*)I]IB), which enhanced tumor uptake but also increased kidney activity and necessitates generation of sulfhydryl moieties on the protein. The purpose of the current study was to synthesize and evaluate a new D-amino acid based agent that might avoid these potential problems. METHODS: N(α)-(3-iodobenzoyl)-(5-succinimidyloxycarbonyl)-D-EEEG (NHS-IB-D-EEEG), which contains 3 D-glutamates to provide negative charge and a N-hydroxysuccinimide function to permit conjugation to unmodified proteins, and the corresponding tin precursor were produced by solid phase peptide synthesis and subsequent conjugation with appropriate reagents. Radioiodination of the anti-HER2 antibody trastuzumab using NHS-IB-D-EEEG and Mal-D-GEEEK-IB was compared. Paired-label internalization assays on BT474 breast carcinoma cells and biodistribution studies in athymic mice bearing BT474M1 xenografts were performed to evaluate the two radioiodinated D-peptide trastuzumab conjugates. RESULTS: NHS-[(131)I]IB-D-EEEG was produced in 53.8%±13.4% and conjugated to trastuzumab in 39.5%±7.6% yield. Paired-label internalization assays with trastuzumab-NHS-[(131)I]IB-D-EEEG and trastuzumab-Mal-D-GEEEK-[(125)I]IB demonstrated similar intracellular trapping for both conjugates at 1h ((131)I, 84.4%±6.1%; (125)I, 88.6%±5.2%) through 24h ((131)I, 60.7%±6.8%; (125)I, 64.9%±6.9%). In the biodistribution experiment, tumor uptake peaked at 48 h (trastuzumab-NHS-[(131)I]IB-D-EEEG, 29.8%±3.6%ID/g; trastuzumab-Mal-D-GEEEK-[(125)I]IB, 45.3%±5.3%ID/g) and was significantly higher for (125)I at all time points. In general, normal tissue levels were lower for trastuzumab-NHS-[(131)I]IB-D-EEEG, with the differences being greatest in kidneys ((131)I, 2.2%±0.4%ID/g; (125)I, 16.9%±2.8%ID/g at 144 h). CONCLUSION: NHS-[(131)I]IB-D-EEEG warrants further evaluation as a residualizing radioiodination agent for labeling internalizing antibodies/fragments, particularly for applications where excessive renal accumulation could be problematic.


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The transcription factor Ets-1 is implicated in various physiological processes and invasive pathologies. We identified a novel variant of ets-1, ets-1Delta(III-VI), resulting from the alternative splicing of exons III to VI. This variant encodes a 27 kDa isoform, named Ets-1 p27. Ets-1 p27 lacks the threonine-38 residue, the Pointed domain and the transactivation domain, all of which are required for the transactivation of Ets-1 target genes. Both inhibitory domains surrounding the DNA-binding domain are conserved, suggesting that Ets-1 p27, like the full-length Ets-1 p51 isoform, is autoinhibited for DNA binding. We showed that Ets-1 p27 binds DNA in the same way as Ets-1 p51 does and that it acts both at a transcriptional and a subcellular localization level, thereby constituting a dual-acting dominant negative of Ets-1 p51. Ets-1 p27 blocks Ets-1 p51-mediated transactivation of target genes and induces the translocation of Ets-1 p51 from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Furthermore, Ets-1 p27 overexpression represses the tumor properties of MDA-MB-231 mammary carcinoma cells in correlation with the known implication of Ets-1 in various cellular mechanisms. Thus the dual-acting dominant-negative function of Ets-1 p27 gives to the Ets-1 p27/Ets-1 p51 ratio a determining effect on cell fate.


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Purpose: Cathepsin S is a cysteine protease that promotes the invasion of tumor and endothelial cells during cancer progression. Here we investigated the potential to target cathepsin S using an antagonistic antibody, Fsn0503, to block these tumorigenic effects.
Experimental Design: A panel of monoclonal antibodies was raised to human cathepsin S. The effects of a selected antibody were subsequently determined using invasion and proteolysis assays. Endothelial cell tube formation and aorta sprouting assays were done to examine antiangiogenic effects. In vivo effects were also evaluated using HCT116 xenograft studies.
Results: A selected cathepsin S antibody, Fsn0503, significantly blocked invasion of a range of tumor cell lines, most significantly HCT116 colorectal carcinoma cells, through inhibition of extracellular cathepsin S–mediated proteolysis. We subsequently found enhanced expression of cathepsin S in colorectal adenocarcinoma biopsies when compared with normal colon tissue. Moreover, Fsn0503 blocked endothelial cell capillary tube formation and aortic microvascular sprouting. We further showed that administration of Fsn0503 resulted in inhibition of tumor growth and neovascularization of HCT116 xenograft tumors.
Conclusions: These results show that blocking the invasive and proangiogenic effects of cathepsin S with antibody inhibitors may have therapeutic utility upon further preclinical and clinical evaluation.


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Osteopontin is a secreted, integrin-binding and phosphorylated acidic glycoprotein, which has an important role in tumour progression. We have shown that Wnt, Ets, AP-1, c-jun and beta-catenin/Lef-1/Tcf-1 stimulates OPN transcription in rat mammary carcinoma cells by binding to a specific promoter sequence. However, co-repressors of OPN have not been identified. In this study, we have used the bacterial two-hybrid system to isolate cDNA-encoding proteins that bind to OPN and modulate its role in malignant transformation. Using this approach we isolated interferon-induced transmembrane protein 3 gene (IFITM3) as a potential protein partner. We show that IFITM3 and OPN interact in vitro and in vivo and that IFITM3 reduces osteopontin (OPN) mRNA expression, possibly by affecting OPN mRNA stability. Stable transfection of IFITM3 inhibits OPN, which mediates anchorage-independent growth, cell adhesion and cell invasion. Northern blot analysis revealed an inverse mRNA expression pattern of IFITM3 and OPN in human mammary cell lines. Inhibition of IFITM3 by antisense RNA promoted OPN protein expression, enhanced cell invasion by parental benign non-invasive Rama 37 cells, indicating that the two proteins interact functionally as well. We also identified an IFITM3 DNA-binding domain, which interacts with OPN, deletion of which abolished its inhibitive effect on OPN. This work has shown for the first time that IFITM3 physically interacts with OPN and reduces OPN mRNA expression, which mediates cell adhesion, cell invasion, colony formation in soft agar and metastasis in a rat model system. Oncogene (2010) 29, 752-762; doi: 10.1038/onc.2009.379; published online 9 November 2009


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Cell and tissue patterning in plant embryo development is well documented. Moreover, it has recently been shown that successful embryogenesis is reliant on programmed cell death (PCD). The cytoskeleton governs cell morphogenesis. However, surprisingly little is known about the role of the cytoskeleton in plant embryogenesis and associated PCD. We have used the gymnosperm, Picea abies , somatic embryogenesis model system to address this question. Formation of the apical-basal embryonic pattern in P. abies proceeds through the establishment of three major cell types: the meristematic cells of the embryonal mass on one pole and the terminally differentiated suspensor cells on the other, separated by the embryonal tube cells. The organisation of microtubules and F-actin changes successively from the embryonal mass towards the distal end of the embryo suspensor. The microtubule arrays appear normal in the embryonal mass cells, but the microtubule network is partially disorganised in the embryonal tube cells and the microtubules disrupted in the suspensor cells. In the same embryos, the microtubule-associated protein, MAP-65, is bound only to organised microtubules. In contrast, in a developmentally arrested cell line, which is incapable of normal embryonic pattern formation, MAP-65 does not bind the cortical microtubules and we suggest that this is a criterion for proembryogenic masses (PEMs) to passage into early embryogeny. In embryos, the organisation of F-actin gradually changes from a fine network in the embryonal mass cells to thick cables in the suspensor cells in which the microtubule network is completely degraded. F-actin de-polymerisation drugs abolish normal embryonic pattern formation and associated PCD in the suspensor, strongly suggesting that the actin network is vital in this PCD pathway.